How does an 'anchor baby' legally anchor his illegal alien parents ?

Since there is no such thing as an anchor baby, only citizenship, the citizen has the right to stay in America. The government has no right to deport such a citizen because the parents are illegal.
IF the child is actually a U.S. citizen.....then he has the right to stay.....but his mother does NOT.....she should be deported but should/would she just leave her baby behind...?

To respond to your initial question of the OP, the seemingly obvious response is the non-citizen parent(s) have no "anchor right" whatsoever. To respond to your second question of deportation of the non-citizen parent(s), one would need to possess the wisdom of Solomon.

Figuratively, taking a sword to an innocent child to return half to its parents homeland and inter the other in the US to satisfy the irrational is out of the question. The child in question has birthright citizenship, so it boils down to one of three options that I see as logical, but their may be others that are better. I really don't know! This is a tough one for the son of a legal immigrant who gave up her Australian citizenship in 1952 to become a naturalized citizen.

1. The citizen child remains in the US and the non-citizen parent(s) are deported when their case is adjudicated.
2. The citizen child remains with the parent(s) in the US being granted temporary legal alien status to also remain with the child with a path to citizenship for the parent(s).
3. The citizen child remain with the parent(s) in the US until the child reaches majority when the child can lawfully make his/her decision to stay in the US when the parents are deported or the child renounce their US citizenship and return to their parent(s) native country OR if the parent(s) obtain permanent resident alien status or US citizenship has been obtained, all can remain in the US.

deporting a child with his illegal parents should not be considered a bad thing.....the parents can then attempt to enter legally or the child can be raised with his parents and come to the U.S. when he is old enough....

letting them all stay is just short-circuiting the law...

Deporting a minor child with birthright citizenship with his parents is denying the child his Constitutional rights to due process provisions under Amendment V and possibly Amendment XIV under various circumstances. So that is not a legal option for infants or young children. I considered your solution and rejected it as unlawful under that rascally Constitution.
Did you type this or not?
How exactly is that going to win over the "hearts and minds" of the Hispanic voters when you propose turning their children into orphans?
Legal citizen Hispanics would not have their children turned into orphans, only illegals who would be deported would.

In other words you have no grasp whatsoever of how the Hispanic community views the extremist rightwing hatred towards them.

I live in and around a huge amount of Hispanic's and they agree with not wanting illegals here.

Anecdotes are not credible.

Then you should stop using them.

Ironic coming from the person who just used them.

Big difference when telling the truth, but you are the one believing the lies of the media and the left.
Americans Of Hispanic Descent Speaking Out Against Illegal Immigration : Diggers Realm
"How does an 'anchor baby' legally anchor his illegal alien parents ?"

It doesn't.

That's why there's no such thing as an 'anchor baby,' as persons born in the United States are citizens of the United States, no other designation is applicable or appropriate.
In other words you have no grasp whatsoever of how the Hispanic community views the extremist rightwing hatred towards them.

I live in and around a huge amount of Hispanic's and they agree with not wanting illegals here.

Anecdotes are not credible.

Then you should stop using them.

Ironic coming from the person who just used them.

Big difference when telling the truth, but you are the one believing the lies of the media and the left.
Americans Of Hispanic Descent Speaking Out Against Illegal Immigration : Diggers Realm

Obviously, Dung_Te doesn't know many Hispanics personally..........:smoke:.
In other words you have no grasp whatsoever of how the Hispanic community views the extremist rightwing hatred towards them.

I live in and around a huge amount of Hispanic's and they agree with not wanting illegals here.

Anecdotes are not credible.

Then you should stop using them.

Ironic coming from the person who just used them.

Big difference when telling the truth, but you are the one believing the lies of the media and the left.
Americans Of Hispanic Descent Speaking Out Against Illegal Immigration : Diggers Realm

Ironic that the person who imagines that anecdotes are credible also believes the same thing about blogs full of disinformation too.
I live in and around a huge amount of Hispanic's and they agree with not wanting illegals here.

Anecdotes are not credible.

Then you should stop using them.

Ironic coming from the person who just used them.

Big difference when telling the truth, but you are the one believing the lies of the media and the left.
Americans Of Hispanic Descent Speaking Out Against Illegal Immigration : Diggers Realm

Ironic that the person who imagines that anecdotes are credible also believes the same thing about blogs full of disinformation too.

Believe what you want.
It does not make it correct.
"How does an 'anchor baby' legally anchor his illegal alien parents ?"

It doesn't.

That's why there's no such thing as an 'anchor baby,' as persons born in the United States are citizens of the United States, no other designation is applicable or appropriate.

Your problem is, is that you dwell on what is, rather then what could and should be, under the 14th amendment. You lack vision as to what is good for America.
Anecdotes are not credible.

Then you should stop using them.

Ironic coming from the person who just used them.

Big difference when telling the truth, but you are the one believing the lies of the media and the left.
Americans Of Hispanic Descent Speaking Out Against Illegal Immigration : Diggers Realm

Ironic that the person who imagines that anecdotes are credible also believes the same thing about blogs full of disinformation too.

Believe what you want.
It does not make it correct.

Even more irony from the gullible person who believes disinformation to be "correct".
Then you should stop using them.

Ironic coming from the person who just used them.

Big difference when telling the truth, but you are the one believing the lies of the media and the left.
Americans Of Hispanic Descent Speaking Out Against Illegal Immigration : Diggers Realm

Ironic that the person who imagines that anecdotes are credible also believes the same thing about blogs full of disinformation too.

Believe what you want.
It does not make it correct.

Even more irony from the gullible person who believes disinformation to be "correct".

...The only fail is when you use terms like "locust plagues" to refer to Hispanics you are guaranteeing the failure of any GOP candidate to win the Whitehouse in 2016.

Merely using the phrase 'plague of Locusts' to describe waves of Illegal Aliens - their ethnicity is immaterial.

Actually, it's a great phrase, and metaphorically and entirely applicable, in this context.

Exposing your bigotry by using demeaning terminology is what is costing you elections.
I'm not a Republican.

Merely an American who has had a bellyful of excuse-making and advocacy on behalf of Illegal Aliens and their Anchor Babies.

And who is utilizing demeaning terminology as a mechanism for expressing extreme contempt and disdain for those invaders.

If they want us to speak well of them, they can stay on their own side of the goddamned border, and we will be nice to them again.
So as it turns out, about one ninth of Mexico's population is here. Not one fourth.

HUGE difference.

Not all illegal immigrants are from Mexico.

Merely 'most' of them.

Close enough for Gubmint work...

And once again you proudly display your ignorance.
Are not most of the 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens now present upon US soil, from Mexico?

Not the trend du jour, regarding the most recent arrivals, but the entire scope of the 12,000,000.

Feel free to prove otherwise.

Until then, you'll forgive me if I laugh at your silly allegations of 'ignorance'.
And who is utilizing demeaning terminology as a mechanism for expressing extreme contempt and disdain for those invaders.

The person you see in your mirror.
Oh, absolutely... guilty as charged... I use demeaning terminology directed against Illegal Aliens, as a measure of my contempt and disdain for them.

I will "make nice" about them again, once they return to their own side of the border.

Next slide, please.
And who is utilizing demeaning terminology as a mechanism for expressing extreme contempt and disdain for those invaders.

The person you see in your mirror.
Oh, absolutely... guilty as charged... I use demeaning terminology directed against Illegal Aliens, as a measure of my contempt and disdain for them.

I will "make nice" about them again, once they return to their own side of the border.

Next slide, please.

Thank you for admitting to being a bigot.
Anecdotes are not credible.

Then you should stop using them.

Ironic coming from the person who just used them.

Big difference when telling the truth, but you are the one believing the lies of the media and the left.
Americans Of Hispanic Descent Speaking Out Against Illegal Immigration : Diggers Realm

Ironic that the person who imagines that anecdotes are credible also believes the same thing about blogs full of disinformation too.

Believe what you want.
It does not make it correct.

Nor does citing biased BS from 5 years ago. I live in the Phoenix area now and I know that Diggers Realm was/is a clarion for the fascist faithful. You know, the Papers Please pushing, Sheriff Joe worshipping, psycho fascist, rabid racist, Tea Partying types infesting the region. You may as well read the National Inquirer for valid and trustworthy reporting!

If that offends thee, I'm sorry, for sure...really, really!
Then you should stop using them.

Ironic coming from the person who just used them.

Big difference when telling the truth, but you are the one believing the lies of the media and the left.
Americans Of Hispanic Descent Speaking Out Against Illegal Immigration : Diggers Realm

Ironic that the person who imagines that anecdotes are credible also believes the same thing about blogs full of disinformation too.

Believe what you want.
It does not make it correct.

Nor does citing biased BS from 5 years ago. I live in the Phoenix area now and I know that Diggers Realm was/is a clarion for the fascist faithful. You know, the Papers Please pushing, Sheriff Joe worshipping, psycho fascist, rabid racist, Tea Partying types infesting the region. You may as well read the National Inquirer for valid and trustworthy reporting!

If that offends thee, I'm sorry, for sure...really, really!

You are the one in denial.
The voters love Joe and that is why he has been continually re-elected for over 20 years.
Go away 'FakeJake'. And dwell in the your 'unexpected virtue of ignorance'. You probably liked the movie, 'Birdman', which sucks like you.
Trolling with no content by you reveals the hollowness of your nativist agenda. The illegals are home; they will not be rounded up. Your way is the no way.
Go away 'FakeJake'. And dwell in the your 'unexpected virtue of ignorance'. You probably liked the movie, 'Birdman', which sucks like you.
Trolling with no content by you reveals the hollowness of your nativist agenda. The illegals are home; they will not be rounded up. Your way is the no way.

You started the name calling in this thread and you accuse me of trolling? Now I know how Trump feels......
Go away 'FakeJake'. And dwell in the your 'unexpected virtue of ignorance'. You probably liked the movie, 'Birdman', which sucks like you.
Trolling with no content by you reveals the hollowness of your nativist agenda. The illegals are home; they will not be rounded up. Your way is the no way.

You started the name calling in this thread and you accuse me of trolling? Now I know how Trump feels......
:blahblah:You accuse me of what you did? You are a troll, you are a nativist, and like most of your ilk, you whine when you get dished with what you handed out. Live it, learn it, love it, because that is going to our relationship on the Board for the rest of your time here.

There is no such thing as an anchor baby.

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