How does anything improve without the profit incentive...

So the best examples you can come up with are a couple millenia old? How fail is that?

Just some.

And they prove "ALL" wrong. ALL advancements were not created as a part of a profit motive.

I already explained how the guy who thought of making clothing out of animal fur "profitted" from his idea. He got to screw more females and produce more offspring. Is that not a form of profit? of course it is.

And I already explained earlier that if the OP is considering "profit" an all inclusive word meaning "any possible gain whatsoever," then this thread is simple mental masturbation.
So the best examples you can come up with are a couple millenia old? How fail is that?

Just some.

And they prove "ALL" wrong. ALL advancements were not created as a part of a profit motive.

I already explained how the guy who thought of making clothing out of animal fur "profitted" from his idea. He got to screw more females and produce more offspring. Is that not a form of profit? of course it is.

Nope his children lived no matter how much fucking he did or didn't do.

BTW it may have been a chick huh
Profit | Define Profit at

prof·it [prof-it] Show IPA



Often, profits.


pecuniary gain resulting from the employment of capital in any transaction. Compare gross profit, net profit.


the ratio of such pecuniary gain to the amount of capital invested.


returns, proceeds, or revenue, as from property or investments.


the monetary surplus left to a producer or employer after deducting wages, rent, cost of raw materials, etc.: The company works on a small margin of profit.


advantage; benefit; gain.

verb (used without object)


to gain an advantage or benefit: He profited greatly from his schooling.


to make a profit.


to take advantage: to profit from the weaknesses of others.


to be of service or benefit.


to make progress.

Wow, you can copy/paste from the dictionary. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

can you find a way to profit from that skill?
So the best examples you can come up with are a couple millenia old? How fail is that?

Just some.

And they prove "ALL" wrong. ALL advancements were not created as a part of a profit motive.

I already explained how the guy who thought of making clothing out of animal fur "profitted" from his idea. He got to screw more females and produce more offspring. Is that not a form of profit? of course it is.

Also - profiting from your idea doesn't automatically make profit your motive for creating it.
Profit | Define Profit at

prof·it [prof-it] Show IPA



Often, profits.


pecuniary gain resulting from the employment of capital in any transaction. Compare gross profit, net profit.


the ratio of such pecuniary gain to the amount of capital invested.


returns, proceeds, or revenue, as from property or investments.


the monetary surplus left to a producer or employer after deducting wages, rent, cost of raw materials, etc.: The company works on a small margin of profit.


advantage; benefit; gain.

verb (used without object)


to gain an advantage or benefit: He profited greatly from his schooling.


to make a profit.


to take advantage: to profit from the weaknesses of others.


to be of service or benefit.


to make progress.

Wow, you can copy/paste from the dictionary. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

can you find a way to profit from that skill?

DEAR fucking idiot,

you don't get to redefine the word.

fuck you very much
For many years during the 1980s and most of the 2000s many products and services made profits for their stock holders and owners.
Then came high speed Internet, eBay and Amazon Feedback and many companies that had lost the incentive to innovate got it back REAL FAST.
So no, the profit motive, in MANY cases, does not motivate product improvements, the LOSS of profit does.

You missed the point.
Without profit from other ventures, investors wouldn't start a company without the opportunity to make a profit on their investment.

After the company no longer makes a profit, they don't have the money to make product improvements!

Do you believe half the nonsense you post?
A company without foreseeable competition and no public feedback will forge on with it's profit without doling out undue funds to improve its product.

Those days are pretty much gone, and only very recently so, due to the advances in communicating.
In fact, a lot of smaller companies simply want to be bought up.
Penicillin's founder in medicine took no money. Guess that's a pretty major freakin' advancement with no profit motive.

Penicillin wasnt founded. It was discovered. And there were several scientists involved. And shockingly all of them had jobs and earned an income.

Hence "in medicine."

Having a job and sustaining your life is not the same thing as a profit incentive.

A profit incentive would be if they stood to gain millions by their discovery.

They DID stand to gain millions.

They declined. Their motive was different.

Founder in medicine makes no sense. Is English not your native language?
Profit is anything gained that is measurable. There have been many many enterprises that went broke but were still done for a profit motive.
Pretending that having and keeping a job is not motivated by profit is absurd.
Just some.

And they prove "ALL" wrong. ALL advancements were not created as a part of a profit motive.

I already explained how the guy who thought of making clothing out of animal fur "profitted" from his idea. He got to screw more females and produce more offspring. Is that not a form of profit? of course it is.

Nope his children lived no matter how much fucking he did or didn't do.

BTW it may have been a chick huh

OMG, he "profitted" by becoming a more powerful member of the tribe. Yeah, it could have been a female and she would have attracted the strongest and smartest males to her animal skin bed and would have profitted by getting more food, shelter, etc.
Just some.

And they prove "ALL" wrong. ALL advancements were not created as a part of a profit motive.

I already explained how the guy who thought of making clothing out of animal fur "profitted" from his idea. He got to screw more females and produce more offspring. Is that not a form of profit? of course it is.

Also - profiting from your idea doesn't automatically make profit your motive for creating it.

No but usually it's the case.
What hangup do you have admitting people generally do things for profit? I mean, that is the case overwhelmingly. The number of counter examples is absurdly small and trivial.
Oh yeah, the left considers money and its pursuit somehow evil. Like medieval priests did.
Penicillin wasnt founded. It was discovered. And there were several scientists involved. And shockingly all of them had jobs and earned an income.

Hence "in medicine."

Having a job and sustaining your life is not the same thing as a profit incentive.

A profit incentive would be if they stood to gain millions by their discovery.

They DID stand to gain millions.

They declined. Their motive was different.

Founder in medicine makes no sense. Is English not your native language?
Profit is anything gained that is measurable. There have been many many enterprises that went broke but were still done for a profit motive.
Pretending that having and keeping a job is not motivated by profit is absurd.

Calling survival incentive the same as profit incentive is psychobabble.
I already explained how the guy who thought of making clothing out of animal fur "profitted" from his idea. He got to screw more females and produce more offspring. Is that not a form of profit? of course it is.

Also - profiting from your idea doesn't automatically make profit your motive for creating it.

No but usually it's the case.
What hangup do you have admitting people generally do things for profit? I mean, that is the case overwhelmingly. The number of counter examples is absurdly small and trivial.
Oh yeah, the left considers money and its pursuit somehow evil. Like medieval priests did.

So we're shifting from all to usually?

Sweet, what do I win?
Profit has a definition.

you have to accept FACTS or you are worthless to this country
Jonas Edward Salk (October 28, 1914 – June 23, 1995) was an American medical researcher and virologist. He discovered and developed the first successful inactivated polio vaccine. He was born in New York City to Jewish parents. Although they had little formal education, his parents were determined to see their children succeed. While attending New York University School of Medicine, Salk stood out from his peers not just because of his academic prowess, but because he went into medical research instead of becoming a practicing physician.

Until 1955, when the Salk vaccine was introduced, polio was considered the most frightening public health problem of the post-war United States. Annual epidemics were increasingly devastating. The 1952 epidemic was the worst outbreak in the nation's history. Of nearly 58,000 cases reported that year, 3,145 people died and 21,269 were left with mild to disabling paralysis,[1] with most of its victims being children. The "public reaction was to a plague," said historian Bill O'Neal.[2] "Citizens of urban areas were to be terrified every summer when this frightful visitor returned." According to a 2009 PBS documentary, "Apart from the atomic bomb, America's greatest fear was polio."[3] As a result, scientists were in a frantic race to find a way to prevent or cure the disease. U.S. president Franklin D. Roosevelt was the world's most recognized victim of the disease and founded the organization, the March of Dimes Foundation, that would fund the development of a vaccine.

In 1947, Salk accepted an appointment to the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. In 1948, he undertook a project funded by the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis to determine the number of different types of polio virus. Salk saw an opportunity to extend this project towards developing a vaccine against polio, and, together with the skilled research team he assembled, devoted himself to this work for the next seven years. The field trial set up to test the Salk vaccine was, according to O'Neill, "the most elaborate program of its kind in history, involving 20,000 physicians and public health officers, 64,000 school personnel, and 220,000 volunteers." Over 1,800,000 school children took part in the trial.[4] When news of the vaccine's success was made public on April 12, 1955, Salk was hailed as a "miracle worker," and the day "almost became a national holiday." His sole focus had been to develop a safe and effective vaccine as rapidly as possible, with no interest in personal profit. When he was asked in a televised interview who owned the patent to the vaccine, Salk replied: "There is no patent. Could you patent the sun?"[5]

Taken from: Jonas Salk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Not everyone is motivated by profit; only Callous Conservatives believe profit is the be-all and end-all reason for living.
Profit | Define Profit at

prof·it [prof-it] Show IPA



Often, profits.


pecuniary gain resulting from the employment of capital in any transaction. Compare gross profit, net profit.


the ratio of such pecuniary gain to the amount of capital invested.


returns, proceeds, or revenue, as from property or investments.


the monetary surplus left to a producer or employer after deducting wages, rent, cost of raw materials, etc.: The company works on a small margin of profit.


advantage; benefit; gain.

verb (used without object)


to gain an advantage or benefit: He profited greatly from his schooling.


to make a profit.


to take advantage: to profit from the weaknesses of others.


to be of service or benefit.


to make progress.

Wow, you can copy/paste from the dictionary. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

can you find a way to profit from that skill?

DEAR fucking idiot,

you don't get to redefine the word.

fuck you very much

Dear fucking moron.

your definition is correct and by posting it you made complete nonsense out of all of your previous posts on this topic.

and, no thanks, I am not interested in fucking you very much, I have better taste.
they have the corporate mindset.

they actually believe the wealthy are better people because they have money
Wow, you can copy/paste from the dictionary. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

can you find a way to profit from that skill?

DEAR fucking idiot,

you don't get to redefine the word.

fuck you very much

Dear fucking moron.

your definition is correct and by posting it you made complete nonsense out of all of your previous posts on this topic.

and, no thanks, I am not interested in fucking you very much, I have better taste.

No your an idiot seeking to define words so you can back your fucking lies.

fuck you very much

your lies don't fly
If the polio vaccine founder was motivated by profit, he'd have patented it.

If the discoverer of penicillin use in medicine was motivated by profit, he'd have patented it.

both declined, citing ethics.
Profit has a definition.

you have to accept FACTS or you are worthless to this country

profit has a definition in accounting, in tax law, and in a much more general sense. The definition you posted covers all definitions.

You look really stupid by trying to ignore some of the definitions.
Profit has a definition.

you have to accept FACTS or you are worthless to this country

profit has a definition in accounting, in tax law, and in a much more general sense. The definition you posted covers all definitions.

You look really stupid by trying to ignore some of the definitions.

If the thread is to be assumed as using the all inclusive use of the term "profit," then it's worthless.
If the polio vaccine founder was motivated by profit, he'd have patented it.

If the discoverer of penicillin use in medicine was motivated by profit, he'd have patented it.

both declined, citing ethics.

Is recognition by the medical community and humanity in general not a form of profit?

Did Salk not profit by the fact that his name will forever be remembered?

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