How does Trump plan on winning a general election by appealing to only 35% of white people?

Why you worried about it? If you ain't for Trump then you are automatically against America and making it great again so go vote for Shillary.

Okay, well, that's my limit. I'll be back later, when my allergy to ignorant, redneck simpletons has calmed down.
Triple the amount of my posts and I have more rep points than you do gee I wonder why..such a whining little elitist bitch.

About what I would expect from a halfwit fanboy with all the intellectual depth of Kim Kardashian: "People must like me, because I have rep points . . . and Donald Trump will make me a WINNER!"

You need to learn to contain your jealousy of anyone with three whole digits in their IQ, the same way your hero, Tiny Hands, needs to learn to contain his jealousy of anyone who doesn't need to be a billionaire just to get laid.
Okay, well, that's my limit. I'll be back later, when my allergy to ignorant, redneck simpletons has calmed down.

Awww, you've got the vapors? Lie down poor dear on this fainting couch.

Maybe you Trumpette fucktards could club together and buy a dictionary, because this whole "lots of different words that mean different things" concept seems to be a real issue for you.

Not surprising, since HE seems to have a vocabulary with fewer than fifty words in it, too.
About what I would expect from a halfwit fanboy with all the intellectual depth of Kim Kardashian: "People must like me, because I have rep points . . . and Donald Trump will make me a WINNER!"

You need to learn to contain your jealousy of anyone with three whole digits in their IQ, the same way your hero, Tiny Hands, needs to learn to contain his jealousy of anyone who doesn't need to be a billionaire just to get laid.

Bingo. Morons need to figure out the difference between getting reactions and having substance.
Only 29% of voters are registered Republicans. Trump has the support of 35% of Republicans, and positive condemnation from pretty much everyone else. That calculates to 10% of American voters.

Of course, Trump was never in it to win it. He remains nothing more than a liberal Trojan Horse.

Let's just take a look back to 2012, the primaries we've had so far, and look at Romney.

Iowa, Romney got 25% (Trump 24%)
New Hampshire 39% (Trump 35%)
South Carolina 28% (Trump 32%)
Nevada 49% (Trump 46%)
Oklahoma 28% (Trump 28%)
Tennessee 28% (Trump 38%)
Georgia 26% (Trump 38%)
Massachusetts 72% (Trump 49%) Romney former governor
Vermont 39% (Trump 32%)

So Trump is right there with Romney, except TRUMP won more primaries and there has been greater turnout. I read one primary, Trump won with more votes than the TOTAL turnout in to that same primary in 2012.

Now, before you say "but Romney lost", Romney did not win as many primaries as Trump has, he didn't get the record breaking voter turnouts that Trump has, his "rallies" look like Hillary's not Trump's, and he didn't have an iota of enthusiasm behind his campaign...not even a drop.

And with all those negatives, he only lost by 4.9%.
only 35%, yeah sure. and the joke has been President for eight years and they now have two more running for that party. what is the word people picked for Hillary when they were asked to come up one ? I think it was Dishonest. so the jokes are still on us
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Why you worried about it? If you ain't for Trump then you are automatically against America and making it great again so go vote for Shillary.

Okay, well, that's my limit. I'll be back later, when my allergy to ignorant, redneck simpletons has calmed down.
Triple the amount of my posts and I have more rep points than you do gee I wonder why..such a whining little elitist bitch.

About what I would expect from a halfwit fanboy with all the intellectual depth of Kim Kardashian: "People must like me, because I have rep points . . . and Donald Trump will make me a WINNER!"

You need to learn to contain your jealousy of anyone with three whole digits in their IQ, the same way your hero, Tiny Hands, needs to learn to contain his jealousy of anyone who doesn't need to be a billionaire just to get laid.
Talk about being my....tsk tsk. It will be OK once Rubio and Cruz lose the world won't stop turning dear you will survive...:)
Okay, well, that's my limit. I'll be back later, when my allergy to ignorant, redneck simpletons has calmed down.

Awww, you've got the vapors? Lie down poor dear on this fainting couch.

Maybe you Trumpette fucktards could club together and buy a dictionary, because this whole "lots of different words that mean different things" concept seems to be a real issue for you.

Not surprising, since HE seems to have a vocabulary with fewer than fifty words in it, too.

Maybe you elitist douchebags should focus more substance and less on personal attacks.

But all you have is personal attacks.

Post some substance of STFU.

All you can do is attempt to belittle people because your substandard cognitive abilities are incapable of stringing together a valid argument if your worthless life depended on it.

Feel free to prove me wrong. Show me how you can make an argument, and back it up WITHOUT resorting to insult.

I'm 99% sure you are incapable of making a reasoned argument, but the sun even shines on a dogs ass from time to time, so it's not outside of the realm of possibility.
Only 29% of voters are registered Republicans. Trump has the support of 35% of Republicans, and positive condemnation from pretty much everyone else. That calculates to 10% of American voters.

Of course, Trump was never in it to win it. He remains nothing more than a liberal Trojan Horse.

Let's just take a look back to 2012, the primaries we've had so far, and look at Romney.

Iowa, Romney got 25% (Trump 24%)
New Hampshire 39% (Trump 35%)
South Carolina 28% (Trump 32%)
Nevada 49% (Trump 46%)
Oklahoma 28% (Trump 28%)
Tennessee 28% (Trump 38%)
Georgia 26% (Trump 38%)
Massachusetts 72% (Trump 49%) Romney former governor
Vermont 39% (Trump 32%)

So Trump is right there with Romney, except TRUMP won more primaries and there has been greater turnout. I read one primary, Trump won with more votes than the TOTAL turnout in to that same primary in 2012.

Now, before you say "but Romney lost", Romney did not win as many primaries as Trump has, he didn't get the record breaking voter turnouts that Trump has, his "rallies" look like Hillary's not Trump's, and he didn't have an iota of enthusiasm behind his campaign...not even a drop.

And with all those negatives, he only lost by 4.9%.

Once again....Only 29% of registered voters are Republicans, and Trump only has support from 35% of them, which calculates out to about 10% of Americans who support Trump. The rest are so adamantly anti-Trump that they will not vote for him.

Why is basic math so hard for you to grasp?
Only 29% of voters are registered Republicans. Trump has the support of 35% of Republicans, and positive condemnation from pretty much everyone else. That calculates to 10% of American voters.

Of course, Trump was never in it to win it. He remains nothing more than a liberal Trojan Horse.

Let's just take a look back to 2012, the primaries we've had so far, and look at Romney.

Iowa, Romney got 25% (Trump 24%)
New Hampshire 39% (Trump 35%)
South Carolina 28% (Trump 32%)
Nevada 49% (Trump 46%)
Oklahoma 28% (Trump 28%)
Tennessee 28% (Trump 38%)
Georgia 26% (Trump 38%)
Massachusetts 72% (Trump 49%) Romney former governor
Vermont 39% (Trump 32%)

So Trump is right there with Romney, except TRUMP won more primaries and there has been greater turnout. I read one primary, Trump won with more votes than the TOTAL turnout in to that same primary in 2012.

Now, before you say "but Romney lost", Romney did not win as many primaries as Trump has, he didn't get the record breaking voter turnouts that Trump has, his "rallies" look like Hillary's not Trump's, and he didn't have an iota of enthusiasm behind his campaign...not even a drop.

And with all those negatives, he only lost by 4.9%.

Once again....Only 29% of registered voters are Republicans, and Trump only has support from 35% of them, which calculates out to about 10% of Americans who support Trump. The rest are so adamantly anti-Trump that they will not vote for him.

Why is basic math so hard for you to grasp?

Because your "math" is entirely fallacy not based in reality, nor rooted in the historical model presented.

If your "math" was accurate, we could plug in Romney's identical results and produce the same conclusions.

Romney had roughly 35% of Republican support, only 29% of Americans are Republicans, so the same 10% of the population supported him. There was a massive "Anyone-but-Romney" sentiment in 2012 as well.

YET, 47.5% of the population VOTED for him in the general election.

Romney could have held his rallies in a utility closet. IN fact, he had to come out and proclaim that he was the inevitable nominee....AND the RNC changed the primary process to build in a structural advantage for the next Romney, to keep it from happening again.

Romney was running against an incumbent with incredible black voter turnout.

Trump has HUGE rallies. Primary voter turnout is massive...record breaking. Do you not think voter turnout in the 2012 primaries, when Obamacare could have been easily repealed, should have been higher that 2016? But instead, in many of Trumps primaries, his personal vote tallies are higher that the ENTIRE TURNOUT in 2012. Trump has the enthusiasm, Trump has the momentum, and Trump is the only one who can win.

So, your "math" is ridiculous.

And no other Republican candidate, at this point, can win the General Election. Period.
Because your "math" is entirely fallacy not based in reality, nor rooted in the historical model presented.

:lol: It's simple math. It's 35% of 29% which comes out to be 10% of the whole. Grab your own calculator if you don't believe me. :lol:
Because your "math" is entirely fallacy not based in reality, nor rooted in the historical model presented.

:lol: It's simple math. It's 35% of 29% which comes out to be 10% of the whole. Grab your own calculator if you don't believe me. :lol:

So Romney only got 10% of the vote, right?

Oh, shit, hold the fucking phone...Romney got 47.5% of the vote.

Swimexpert "math" based conclusions...busted.


So what exactly is the point of your "math" if it doesn't match reality. Does it make you feel good to be proven wrong over and over again?
So Romney only got 10% of the vote, right?

Oh, shit, hold the fucking phone...Romney got 47.5% of the vote.

Swimfan "math"...busted.

So what exactly is the point of your "math" if it doesn't match reality. Does it make you feel good to be proven wrong over and over again?

Trump is not Romney. Romney had support throughout his party and outside of his party. Trump does not.
So Romney only got 10% of the vote, right?

Oh, shit, hold the fucking phone...Romney got 47.5% of the vote.

Swimfan "math"...busted.

So what exactly is the point of your "math" if it doesn't match reality. Does it make you feel good to be proven wrong over and over again?

Trump is not Romney. Romney had support throughout his party and outside of his party. Trump does not.

You are correct. Trump can actually win a General Election. Romney was a terrible candidate from start to finish that could hold a rally in a phone booth with room to spare.

Trump has won more primaries, with voter turnout through the fucking roof. Romney was a bust, and everyone knew it.

Look at our humble board...Trump is all that gets talked about.

Nobody gives a damn about Cruz, or Hillary, or Sanders, or the other two also-rans.

Trump puts Romney to shame...literally. Romney gave his speech and Trump one 3 out of 4 primaries 3 nights later.

Trump is the ONLY candidate that can win the General Election. The other three candidates aren't even visible.
So Romney only got 10% of the vote, right?

Oh, shit, hold the fucking phone...Romney got 47.5% of the vote.

Swimfan "math"...busted.

So what exactly is the point of your "math" if it doesn't match reality. Does it make you feel good to be proven wrong over and over again?

Trump is not Romney. Romney had support throughout his party and outside of his party. Trump does not.

You are correct. Romney was a terrible candidate from start to finish that could hold a rally in a phone booth with room to spare.

Trump has won more primaries, with voter turnout through the fucking roof. Romney was a bust, and everyone knew it.

Look at our humble board...Trump is all that gets talked about.

Nobody gives a damn about Cruz, or Hillary, or Sanders, or the other two also-rans.

Trump puts Romney to shame...literally. Romney gave his speech and Trump one 3 out of 4 primaries 3 nights later.

Trump is the ONLY candidate that can win the General Election. The other three candidates aren't even visible.

Good luck with that.
The electoral collage overweights rural areas. This is why running up the numbers in places like NY and CA doesn't matter. Trump just needs to win Ohio and Florida.

But your point is well taken. Trump is appealing to Nixon's Silent Majority, who are the angry whites people left behind by a changing America.

The population is becoming more diverse. More brown skinned.

The violence of the Trump Movement makes sense, especially when you realize that Trump supporters are scared, confused and angry.

The white nation of their youth is almost gone and they are not going down without a fight.

Trump has created a home for their violence. Rather than trying to unite people, he gives speeches about the evil of Mexicans, Muslims and blacks.

God help us. See Germany 1933 when a similar movement was built on fear, hate and exclusion.

So when Trump points out (ILLEGALS) remember that means not legal, there crimes against LEGAL Americans , why is that HATE?

And why when he said we need to pause Muslims from coming here till we get to bottom of them killing folks by cutting off heads and such. Why is what he said considered HATE?

Please tell me why it's considered HATE to want to keep Americans safe?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Because your "math" is entirely fallacy not based in reality, nor rooted in the historical model presented.

:lol: It's simple math. It's 35% of 29% which comes out to be 10% of the whole. Grab your own calculator if you don't believe me. :lol:

His response dealt with that, and you ignore that fact and simply repeat yourself.

That is the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

In this context it is a form of propaganda.

And you are a dishonest ass.
So Romney only got 10% of the vote, right?

Oh, shit, hold the fucking phone...Romney got 47.5% of the vote.

Swimfan "math"...busted.

So what exactly is the point of your "math" if it doesn't match reality. Does it make you feel good to be proven wrong over and over again?

Trump is not Romney. Romney had support throughout his party and outside of his party. Trump does not.

You are correct. Trump can actually win a General Election. Romney was a terrible candidate from start to finish that could hold a rally in a phone booth with room to spare.

Trump has won more primaries, with voter turnout through the fucking roof. Romney was a bust, and everyone knew it.

Look at our humble board...Trump is all that gets talked about.

Nobody gives a damn about Cruz, or Hillary, or Sanders, or the other two also-rans.

Trump puts Romney to shame...literally. Romney gave his speech and Trump one 3 out of 4 primaries 3 nights later.

Trump is the ONLY candidate that can win the General Election. The other three candidates aren't even visible.

Which, of course, explains why for many months Trump has been performing worse in the polls against the Democrats than all the other Republican candidates.

It also explains why Trump is recording the worst negatives ever seen in polling history.

Trump supporters thinking that only Trump can win demonstrates massive cognitive dissonance unseen anywhere else in this election.

Trump supporters have so much invested emotionally in Trump that they have to believe anything which reinforces their messianic support for their candidate, regardless of all the evidence to the contrary.
Why you worried about it? If you ain't for Trump then you are automatically against America and making it great again so go vote for Shillary.

Okay, well, that's my limit. I'll be back later, when my allergy to ignorant, redneck simpletons has calmed down.
Triple the amount of my posts and I have more rep points than you do gee I wonder why..such a whining little elitist bitch.

About what I would expect from a halfwit fanboy with all the intellectual depth of Kim Kardashian: "People must like me, because I have rep points . . . and Donald Trump will make me a WINNER!"

You need to learn to contain your jealousy of anyone with three whole digits in their IQ, the same way your hero, Tiny Hands, needs to learn to contain his jealousy of anyone who doesn't need to be a billionaire just to get laid.
Talk about being my....tsk tsk. It will be OK once Rubio and Cruz lose the world won't stop turning dear you will survive...:)

The problem is, America won't, and you don't give a shit. All that matters to you is being able to say, "I'm finally on the winning side!" This is the future of our country, not a fucking sporting event for your entertainment.

Don't try to condescend to me, you lowlife. Being such an epic fail at life that you replaced your conscience with your desperate need for self-esteem is nothing to be proud of, let alone encourage others to "aspire" to.
Okay, well, that's my limit. I'll be back later, when my allergy to ignorant, redneck simpletons has calmed down.

Awww, you've got the vapors? Lie down poor dear on this fainting couch.

Maybe you Trumpette fucktards could club together and buy a dictionary, because this whole "lots of different words that mean different things" concept seems to be a real issue for you.

Not surprising, since HE seems to have a vocabulary with fewer than fifty words in it, too.

Maybe you elitist douchebags should focus more substance and less on personal attacks.

But all you have is personal attacks.

Post some substance of STFU.

All you can do is attempt to belittle people because your substandard cognitive abilities are incapable of stringing together a valid argument if your worthless life depended on it.

Feel free to prove me wrong. Show me how you can make an argument, and back it up WITHOUT resorting to insult.

I'm 99% sure you are incapable of making a reasoned argument, but the sun even shines on a dogs ass from time to time, so it's not outside of the realm of possibility.

"Elitist douchebag" = I hate anyone who went to college.

Remind me to pencil in some time, maybe next month, to not give a rat's fat furry ass about your envy and hatred of people who aren't ignorant rednecks.

And Gomer, if you wanted someone to converse with you as though you were the intelligent adult you so clearly aren't, then you probably shouldn't have greeted every attempt to seriously discuss policy issues with, "Trump's gonna WIN! You're a liberal! What about Hillary?!" before foaming at the mouth. You have no one to blame for yourself that you no longer warrant any more than, "Oh, a Trumpette. Must be a moron."
So Romney only got 10% of the vote, right?

Oh, shit, hold the fucking phone...Romney got 47.5% of the vote.

Swimfan "math"...busted.

So what exactly is the point of your "math" if it doesn't match reality. Does it make you feel good to be proven wrong over and over again?

Trump is not Romney. Romney had support throughout his party and outside of his party. Trump does not.

Romney was a boring tool, but at least he was a basically decent human being. Trump doesn't even have that to offer, nor does he want to.

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