How does Trump plan on winning a general election by appealing to only 35% of white people?

Maybe the reason is there are other candidates getting votes in the Primaries?
that would be my guess...... :bang3:
Because after the primary, GOP nominees win general elections?

Err, sometimes.

You do realize that, right?
The demographics and attitudes of this country have changed immensely since a GOP presidential candidate has won a general election (and Bush only just barely won that first one). I don't think a GOP presidential candidate has had the popular vote since the 80s

Trump isn't conservative though so maybe the general election will be kind to him

Actually the GOP did win the popular vote in 2004.
Okay, well, that's my limit. I'll be back later, when my allergy to ignorant, redneck simpletons has calmed down.

Awww, you've got the vapors? Lie down poor dear on this fainting couch.

Maybe you Trumpette fucktards could club together and buy a dictionary, because this whole "lots of different words that mean different things" concept seems to be a real issue for you.

Not surprising, since HE seems to have a vocabulary with fewer than fifty words in it, too.
You must need a mint dear.
The closer Trump gets to the White house the more unhinged you get.
It's like you are 'riding the cotton pony' every day of the month instead of just twenty days.
President Trump will make Mexico pay for the Wall. He will negotiate trade deals that are fair to the US middle class.
What you're most afraid of is he'll put a permanent end to losers like you sucking off the 'Maker's teat. That's what has really got you upset.
But who knows. Trump might even have a job where even your talents are best utilized.
Why you worried about it? If you ain't for Trump then you are automatically against America and making it great again so go vote for Shillary.

Okay, well, that's my limit. I'll be back later, when my allergy to ignorant, redneck simpletons has calmed down.
Triple the amount of my posts and I have more rep points than you do gee I wonder why..such a whining little elitist bitch.

About what I would expect from a halfwit fanboy with all the intellectual depth of Kim Kardashian: "People must like me, because I have rep points . . . and Donald Trump will make me a WINNER!"

You need to learn to contain your jealousy of anyone with three whole digits in their IQ, the same way your hero, Tiny Hands, needs to learn to contain his jealousy of anyone who doesn't need to be a billionaire just to get laid.
Talk about being my....tsk tsk. It will be OK once Rubio and Cruz lose the world won't stop turning dear you will survive...:)

The problem is, America won't, and you don't give a shit. All that matters to you is being able to say, "I'm finally on the winning side!" This is the future of our country, not a fucking sporting event for your entertainment.

Don't try to condescend to me, you lowlife. Being such an epic fail at life that you replaced your conscience with your desperate need for self-esteem is nothing to be proud of, let alone encourage others to "aspire" to.
Man you are desperate..its amusing....I will condescend you and anyone else I choose darling...sit back and enjoy Rubio/Cruz/Kasich get their asses kicked tomorrow :)
So Romney only got 10% of the vote, right?

Oh, shit, hold the fucking phone...Romney got 47.5% of the vote.

Swimfan "math"...busted.

So what exactly is the point of your "math" if it doesn't match reality. Does it make you feel good to be proven wrong over and over again?

Trump is not Romney. Romney had support throughout his party and outside of his party. Trump does not.

You are correct. Trump can actually win a General Election. Romney was a terrible candidate from start to finish that could hold a rally in a phone booth with room to spare.

Trump has won more primaries, with voter turnout through the fucking roof. Romney was a bust, and everyone knew it.

Look at our humble board...Trump is all that gets talked about.

Nobody gives a damn about Cruz, or Hillary, or Sanders, or the other two also-rans.

Trump puts Romney to shame...literally. Romney gave his speech and Trump one 3 out of 4 primaries 3 nights later.

Trump is the ONLY candidate that can win the General Election. The other three candidates aren't even visible.

Which, of course, explains why for many months Trump has been performing worse in the polls against the Democrats than all the other Republican candidates.

It also explains why Trump is recording the worst negatives ever seen in polling history.

Trump supporters thinking that only Trump can win demonstrates massive cognitive dissonance unseen anywhere else in this election.

Trump supporters have so much invested emotionally in Trump that they have to believe anything which reinforces their messianic support for their candidate, regardless of all the evidence to the contrary.
So when Trump beats Rubio in Florida that means what?
It didn't really happen?
So when Trump at this point has more delegates than his REP opponents it's not really true?
So when in your deluded mind there is NO evidence that Trump even really exists right?
The millions of people who are supporting Trump must all be having a bad acid trip right?
You're a fucking idiot!
Okay, well, that's my limit. I'll be back later, when my allergy to ignorant, redneck simpletons has calmed down.

Awww, you've got the vapors? Lie down poor dear on this fainting couch.

Maybe you Trumpette fucktards could club together and buy a dictionary, because this whole "lots of different words that mean different things" concept seems to be a real issue for you.

Not surprising, since HE seems to have a vocabulary with fewer than fifty words in it, too.

Maybe you elitist douchebags should focus more substance and less on personal attacks.

But all you have is personal attacks.

Post some substance of STFU.

All you can do is attempt to belittle people because your substandard cognitive abilities are incapable of stringing together a valid argument if your worthless life depended on it.

Feel free to prove me wrong. Show me how you can make an argument, and back it up WITHOUT resorting to insult.

I'm 99% sure you are incapable of making a reasoned argument, but the sun even shines on a dogs ass from time to time, so it's not outside of the realm of possibility.

"Elitist douchebag" = I hate anyone who went to college.

Remind me to pencil in some time, maybe next month, to not give a rat's fat furry ass about your envy and hatred of people who aren't ignorant rednecks.

And Gomer, if you wanted someone to converse with you as though you were the intelligent adult you so clearly aren't, then you probably shouldn't have greeted every attempt to seriously discuss policy issues with, "Trump's gonna WIN! You're a liberal! What about Hillary?!" before foaming at the mouth. You have no one to blame for yourself that you no longer warrant any more than, "Oh, a Trumpette. Must be a moron."

Couldn't even make it one post without filling it with hate, personal attacks and zero substance. Sad really.

Right, NO link...just more liberal 'spewage' driven by fear....

Liberals turnout is down by 40% because they can't stomach either Hillary or Bernie. Every 'no-show' at the voting booth is a 1/2 a vote for Trump....2016 will replace 2014 as their historic, record-setting ass-kicking.
You keep telling yourself that. Operation Chaos is working...and working well. :D
I am sure you can show proof of this "operation", right?

You are an idiot.
How does Trump plan on winning a general election by appealing to only 35% of white people?
Trump only appeals to the moron right wingers that don't have a clue about the election being for the whole country, NOT JUST THEM.

He is either playing them like a ukulele, or he plans on doing a chameleon imitation after he gets the GOP nomination, and try to appeal to the dems.
If it works, this country deserves what they get, and it ain't gonna be pretty.
Trump is a centrist compared to both Clinton and Sanders, moron.
Generally only one third of eligible voters cast a ballot so that 35% might be a good number
So Romney only got 10% of the vote, right?

Oh, shit, hold the fucking phone...Romney got 47.5% of the vote.

Swimfan "math"...busted.

So what exactly is the point of your "math" if it doesn't match reality. Does it make you feel good to be proven wrong over and over again?

Trump is not Romney. Romney had support throughout his party and outside of his party. Trump does not.
Trump has much more support than Romney could dream of.

Literally no one cared about what Romney had to say when he trashed Trump.
You keep telling yourself that.

Don't have to - the media is telling me that....

U.S. Liberals at Record 24%, but Still Trail Conservatives
-- Conservatives remain largest ideological group, at 38%
-- Liberals up one point to 24%, the highest yet
*** Down 14%
Democratic turnout has fallen drastically since 2008, the last time the party had a contested primary, with roughly three million fewer Democrats voting in the 15 states that have held caucuses or primaries through Tuesday, according to unofficial election results tallied through Wednesday afternoon.

It declined in almost every state, dropping by roughly 50 percent in Texas and 40 percent in Tennessee. In Arkansas, Alabama and Georgia, the number of Democrats voting decreased by between a quarter and a third.

The falloff in Democratic primary turnout — which often reveals whether a candidate is exciting voters and attracting them to the polls — reached deep into some of the core groups of voters Mrs. Clinton must not only win in November, but turn out in large numbers. It stands in sharp contrast to the flood of energized new voters showing up at the polls to vote for Donald J. Trump in the Republican contest.
November is going to be so fabulous.....:lol:
So Romney only got 10% of the vote, right?

Oh, shit, hold the fucking phone...Romney got 47.5% of the vote.

Swimfan "math"...busted.

So what exactly is the point of your "math" if it doesn't match reality. Does it make you feel good to be proven wrong over and over again?

Trump is not Romney. Romney had support throughout his party and outside of his party. Trump does not.
Trump has much more support than Romney could dream of.

Literally no one cared about what Romney had to say when he trashed Trump.

I voted for Romney and I don't care what he had to say about Trump.
The bookies currently estimate a 69% chance of a Democratic win.

2016 President – Winner – PredictWise

That percentage has risen 8% in the past two weeks. The more Trump looks like the Republican candidate, the better the odds get for the Democrats. At least that's what the people with money in the game are saying.

Now, if any of you think Trump really is a sure thing, there's easy money waiting for you if you just bet on the Republicans.
The bookies currently estimate a 69% chance of a Democratic win.

2016 President – Winner – PredictWise

That percentage has risen 8% in the past two weeks. The more Trump looks like the Republican candidate, the better the odds get for the Democrats. At least that's what the people with money in the game are saying.

Now, if any of you think Trump really is a sure thing, there's easy money waiting for you if you just bet on the Republicans.

It is the libs who are unable to believe that they can lose.

I well know that it is to early to be sure of who will win.

Your question is completely disconnected from reality.
My question points out that people saying they're certain Trump will win are full of shit. Why else would they turn down the free money by not betting on him?

Now, you may be saying you're not certain, but many others are saying they are certain.
No, my question points out that you know you're full of shit when you claim Trump will win. Why else would you turn down the free money?

I have not claimed that "Trump will win".

Do you understand that wanting something and believing it to be a certainty to happen is two different things?
I have not claimed that "Trump will win".

And I never said you did.

Why do you keep assuming my point was aimed at you, even after I directly pointed out it wasn't?

It is interesting that you only want to challenge confident Pro-Trump people and have not also challenged confident Hillary supporters.

Just because the payoff would be a little less, what with better odds, it would still be "free money" to use your words.

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