How does Trump plan on winning a general election by appealing to only 35% of white people?

This is all conjecture, your opinion.

Trump has CONSISTENTLY won EVERY demographic, including college educated white collar.

You don't seem to understand a very simple mathematical truism.

He is winning a plurality of Republicans. He is not winning a majority of Americans.

Those are two very different groups.

If Trump is the nominee, he won't have five other candidates running against him. He will have one.

And in Republican polling, Trump consistently loses in one-on-one votes against both Rubio and Cruz. He is winning because the anti-Trump vote is being split.

But there won't be a split anti-Trump vote in the general.

Just like in head-to-head match-ups against Hillary. He consistently loses.

This is not hard to understand, but Trump supporters want to continue to believe the illusion that winning a third of Republicans means he will win a majority of Americans.

And thus far, there is zero, zip, nada empirical evidence that this will happen. In fact, it is the opposite. He is going to get hammered by Clinton.

But Trump supporters need to believe. They are highly emotional..
Here are some pretty interesting polling numbers from RCP:

Clinton 6.3% over Trump
Cruz 0.8% over Clinton
Rubio 4.8% over Clinton
Kasich 7.4% over Clinton

Sanders 10.0% over Trump
Sanders 9.7% over Cruz
Sanders 3.3% over Rubio
Sanders 0.5% over Kasich

The bigger the RINO, the better the numbers.


RealClearPolitics - 2016 Presidential Race
I only believe polls which support my agenda. LOL
Whoever designed the poll questions which has Sanders 10% over Trump is a fucking genious.
I have designed a poll that shows 80% of the respondents believe eating fresh dog shit once a day will give them eternal life.
I learned how to design my poll from the dude who designed the Sander's beating Trump by 10%.
Triple the amount of my posts and I have more rep points than you do gee I wonder why..such a whining little elitist bitch.

About what I would expect from a halfwit fanboy with all the intellectual depth of Kim Kardashian: "People must like me, because I have rep points . . . and Donald Trump will make me a WINNER!"

You need to learn to contain your jealousy of anyone with three whole digits in their IQ, the same way your hero, Tiny Hands, needs to learn to contain his jealousy of anyone who doesn't need to be a billionaire just to get laid.
Talk about being my....tsk tsk. It will be OK once Rubio and Cruz lose the world won't stop turning dear you will survive...:)

The problem is, America won't, and you don't give a shit. All that matters to you is being able to say, "I'm finally on the winning side!" This is the future of our country, not a fucking sporting event for your entertainment.

Don't try to condescend to me, you lowlife. Being such an epic fail at life that you replaced your conscience with your desperate need for self-esteem is nothing to be proud of, let alone encourage others to "aspire" to.
Man you are desperate..its amusing....I will condescend you and anyone else I choose darling...sit back and enjoy Rubio/Cruz/Kasich get their asses kicked tomorrow :)

The only thing that's amusing is that the Internet is the only way you'll ever get to call a woman "darling" without getting pepper-sprayed, since you don't have the billions Trump does to mask utter small-dick loserdom.

By all means, sit back and "enjoy" whatever you like. Just remember, we both know that you only support Trump because it's the closest you'll ever come to being a "winner".
It's honest of you to concede that in fact Trump is a "winner" and that makes his supporters "winners" too.
"Winners" are called that for a reason: Namely the other competitor is a "loser".
About what I would expect from a halfwit fanboy with all the intellectual depth of Kim Kardashian: "People must like me, because I have rep points . . . and Donald Trump will make me a WINNER!"

You need to learn to contain your jealousy of anyone with three whole digits in their IQ, the same way your hero, Tiny Hands, needs to learn to contain his jealousy of anyone who doesn't need to be a billionaire just to get laid.
Talk about being my....tsk tsk. It will be OK once Rubio and Cruz lose the world won't stop turning dear you will survive...:)

The problem is, America won't, and you don't give a shit. All that matters to you is being able to say, "I'm finally on the winning side!" This is the future of our country, not a fucking sporting event for your entertainment.

Don't try to condescend to me, you lowlife. Being such an epic fail at life that you replaced your conscience with your desperate need for self-esteem is nothing to be proud of, let alone encourage others to "aspire" to.
Man you are desperate..its amusing....I will condescend you and anyone else I choose darling...sit back and enjoy Rubio/Cruz/Kasich get their asses kicked tomorrow :)

The only thing that's amusing is that the Internet is the only way you'll ever get to call a woman "darling" without getting pepper-sprayed, since you don't have the billions Trump does to mask utter small-dick loserdom.

By all means, sit back and "enjoy" whatever you like. Just remember, we both know that you only support Trump because it's the closest you'll ever come to being a "winner".
It's honest of you to concede that in fact Trump is a "winner" and that makes his supporters "winners" too.
"Winners" are called that for a reason: Namely the other competitor is a "loser".
Thank you for your concession that you are an idiot.
do your reality polls mention all of the new and switched over voters ?

i love that harper, reality polls, you may be on to something, why bother with the elections.

Polls attempt to predict the election.

And thus far, the polls have been pretty accurate for Trump's support.
i have to agree, but there are still too many variables to predict accurately the general election.
Talk about being my....tsk tsk. It will be OK once Rubio and Cruz lose the world won't stop turning dear you will survive...:)

The problem is, America won't, and you don't give a shit. All that matters to you is being able to say, "I'm finally on the winning side!" This is the future of our country, not a fucking sporting event for your entertainment.

Don't try to condescend to me, you lowlife. Being such an epic fail at life that you replaced your conscience with your desperate need for self-esteem is nothing to be proud of, let alone encourage others to "aspire" to.
Man you are desperate..its amusing....I will condescend you and anyone else I choose darling...sit back and enjoy Rubio/Cruz/Kasich get their asses kicked tomorrow :)

The only thing that's amusing is that the Internet is the only way you'll ever get to call a woman "darling" without getting pepper-sprayed, since you don't have the billions Trump does to mask utter small-dick loserdom.

By all means, sit back and "enjoy" whatever you like. Just remember, we both know that you only support Trump because it's the closest you'll ever come to being a "winner".
It's honest of you to concede that in fact Trump is a "winner" and that makes his supporters "winners" too.
"Winners" are called that for a reason: Namely the other competitor is a "loser".
Thank you for your concession that you are an idiot.
see, average people use epithets in everyday life, which Trump has used so effectively to his advantage. for a non politician, i'd have to say he's doing pretty great, that i can tell you. it's millions of people and Trump against everyone else, what a great challenge.
Dannyboys is right.

Trump gets 35 to 40% of the GOP.

Nothing more.
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Here are some pretty interesting polling numbers from RCP:

Clinton 6.3% over Trump
Cruz 0.8% over Clinton
Rubio 4.8% over Clinton
Kasich 7.4% over Clinton

Sanders 10.0% over Trump
Sanders 9.7% over Cruz
Sanders 3.3% over Rubio
Sanders 0.5% over Kasich

The bigger the RINO, the better the numbers.


RealClearPolitics - 2016 Presidential Race
I only believe polls which support my agenda. LOL
Whoever designed the poll questions which has Sanders 10% over Trump is a fucking genious.
I have designed a poll that shows 80% of the respondents believe eating fresh dog shit once a day will give them eternal life.
I learned how to design my poll from the dude who designed the Sander's beating Trump by 10%.
Well, those are the averages of several polls, compiled by RCP.

I provided a link.

"I only believe polls which support my agenda", indeed.
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This is all conjecture, your opinion.

Trump has CONSISTENTLY won EVERY demographic, including college educated white collar.

You don't seem to understand a very simple mathematical truism.

He is winning a plurality of Republicans. He is not winning a majority of Americans.

Those are two very different groups.

If Trump is the nominee, he won't have five other candidates running against him. He will have one.

And in Republican polling, Trump consistently loses in one-on-one votes against both Rubio and Cruz. He is winning because the anti-Trump vote is being split.

But there won't be a split anti-Trump vote in the general.

Just like in head-to-head match-ups against Hillary. He consistently loses.

This is not hard to understand, but Trump supporters want to continue to believe the illusion that winning a third of Republicans means he will win a majority of Americans.

And thus far, there is zero, zip, nada empirical evidence that this will happen. In fact, it is the opposite. He is going to get hammered by Clinton.

But Trump supporters need to believe. They are highly emotional..

What you are missing is that this is the result of EVERY PRIMARY IN HISTORY that has had more than two candidates.

But SUDDENLY it's a BFD.

In 2008 Missouri Primary, McCain got 34%, Huckabee 32% and Romney 30%. McCain received ALL of the delegates that year. No one made a big deal out of it.

Same with Romney...I've already posted his results, but here is a recap...

Iowa, Romney got 25% (Trump 24%)
New Hampshire 39% (Trump 35%)
South Carolina 28% (Trump 32%)
Nevada 49% (Trump 46%)
Oklahoma 28% (Trump 28%)
Tennessee 28% (Trump 38%)
Georgia 26% (Trump 38%)
Massachusetts 72% (Trump 49%) Romney former governor
Vermont 39% (Trump 32%)
Same plurality, but that was not an issue at fact the Establishment DEMANDED that we coalesce around that fact YOU WERE ONE OF THEM!!!

Why didn't this seem to bother you one jot or tittle in 2012?
Demand all you want.

The sane GOP do not care what you think. They won't support Trump.
This joke is over, folks

For a guy with so few possibilities of winning, he sure has the owners of this country worried. Only Trump and Sanders are somewhat their own men. The rest of the candidates will serve the wishes of the singers, kochs, zuckerbergs etc.
This joke is over, folks


You asked a great question. The answer is he can't win. The numbers are not there for him to win the White House. He and his supporters have chased off every single voting block you can shake a stick at. Specifically the largest minority Hispanics who are 17% of the population, or 23 million voters that are now in Hillary Clinton's column. This when the GOP needed 46% of this block to win. Trump is polling at a Negative 80%. Blacks the 2nd largest minority aren't going to vote for a nominee that has been endorsed by every single white hate group in this country including the KKK.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

The final nail is 30-50% of the Republican party won't vote for him. Republican women just put a hit out on him in this add. Of course women rule today as the largest voting block.
New anti-Trump ad slams his language on women

So this race is over already. Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS. The only thing that would reverse that outcome is a Bernie Sanders nominee that would get creamed in a National Election. Bernie Sanders is Donald Trump's only hope of winning the White House.

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How does Trump plan on winning a general election by appealing to only 35% of white people?
Trump only appeals to the moron right wingers that don't have a clue about the election being for the whole country, NOT JUST THEM.

He is either playing them like a ukulele, or he plans on doing a chameleon imitation after he gets the GOP nomination, and try to appeal to the dems.
If it works, this country deserves what they get, and it ain't gonna be pretty.
Trump is a centrist compared to both Clinton and Sanders, moron.
Fascist bigots have NEVER been centrist. Even most republicans can smell that coffee.

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