How does Trump plan on winning a general election by appealing to only 35% of white people?

Which, of course, explains why for many months Trump has been performing worse in the polls against the Democrats than all the other Republican candidates.

And Romney was supposedly performing best against Obama...and he lost. General election polls at this point are useless. That Trump is crushing the other two in the primaries says that their supposed General Election polling means bupkis. If they don't have the appeal to win their own parties primaries and caucuses, any critical thinker understands they don't stand a chance in the General Election.

It also explains why Trump is recording the worst negatives ever seen in polling history.

And yet he is winning. Again, reality trumps polling. I'm sure you have a thousand excuses...but the cold hard fact is that Trump is winning primary after primary. Kasich is struggling in the state where he was governor! Romney won Massachusetts (the state he formerly governed) with 70% of the vote.

So how are any of these other guys going to win?

Trump supporters thinking that only Trump can win demonstrates massive cognitive dissonance unseen anywhere else in this election.

Trump supporters have so much invested emotionally in Trump that they have to believe anything which reinforces their messianic support for their candidate, regardless of all the evidence to the contrary.

Trump supports believe Trump is the only candidate that can win based on well thought out conclusions based in the reality we've see play out through our political experience.

And that reality is, Republicans must expand the electoral map to win elections. Again, Kasich is struggling in his home state. Rubio is going to lose his home state. HOW CAN YOU EXPECT THESE TWO to expand the map when they can't even garner the support of constituents that have supported them previously??? Kasich hasn't won a state yet! Rubio has won one state, the only state to go against Reagan in 1984...whooptie-doo. So they are out.

Cruz can't expand the electoral map. Plain and simple. If you can't expand the map, the candidate MUST win Ohio, Virginia, Florida and North Carolina or Iowa. New Hampshire is out for Cruz. Are you willing to bet the farm on that outcome?

Trump has already won Virginia and New Hampshire, he is likely to win North Carolina and Florida tomorrow, and perhaps Ohio.

Trump victory.png

AND Trump can expand the electoral map to New Jersey, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Win Pennsylvania, where Hillary has said she is going to destroy the coal industry, and that gives you some wiggle room with Virginia. PLUS, Hillary must expend time and resources defending those states.

So, I have reality and you have what? A wing and a prayer with a group that has no chance of winning? Not even a chance of winning the nomination outright. After tomorrow, only Trump has a shot of winning 1237 delegates.

Nominate anyone but Trump at the Convention, might as well just wave the white flag and give Hillary the Presidency on a silver platter.

Hell, it's been months and I haven't seen you SUPPORT a candidate once, just attempt to tear down the frontrunner and only hope of winning the General Election.

I've laid out my plan...where is yours.

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And yet he is winning. Again, reality trumps polling.

Your logic is false. Reality is following the polls.

The polls about Trump in the primaries have been pretty spot on. Trump is winning the share of the vote within the margin of error in almost all the primaries. The dispersion in the polling is a bit higher in the caucus states, but not by much.

And it is pretty simple to see why. Trump has received about 35% of the vote in this election. He has polled about 35% nationally for six months. His supporters intensely support him. Everyone else does not. Most of Trump's supporters decided a long time ago they were supporting him. In late-deciding voters - people who are undecided - he is only winning 15%-20% pretty consistently. This means Trump is losing undecideds badly. These are undecided Republicans. Exit polls have also shown that somewhere between half and three-quarters of Republican voters who didn't vote for Trump saying they'd be unhappy if he were the nominee.

Trump is winning a divided Republican party with a third of the vote because he is coalescing the anti-establishment, blue-collar vote by sheer force of personality. That won't be enough in the general. The Republican elite that Trump's supporters despise won't back him. But he will need the infrastructure and the funding of the party to win. He will need the party elite because they have the systems and the money, and it won't be there. Trump can't win the general with only the intense support of a third of Republicans.

Trump will eat into Hillary's support amongst blue-collar Democrats. He also may do better amongst young people than Romney. But he will get crushed in the suburbs amongst educated professionals, and minorities will come out as hard as they did to vote for Hillary as they did for Obama. He may get more votes in the rural rust belt, but he will lose votes in the suburbs of Milwaukee, Cincinnati and Philadelphia. He may also put states like Arizona and Georgia into play for the Democrats.

Trump supporters like to believe that the polls are wrong about Trump v Hillary, but they've been right in the primaries, so there is no reason to think they'll be wrong in the general. Trump is doing worse than Romney at this time in national polls. He has sky-high negatives. The election is still a while away, but for the last six months, Trump has consistently trailed Hillary.

That Romney was the best candidate to beat Obama but still lost, so the GOP should thus pick the worst performing Republican candidate against Hillary makes no sense that shouldn't need explaining.
Here are some pretty interesting polling numbers from RCP:

Clinton 6.3% over Trump
Cruz 0.8% over Clinton
Rubio 4.8% over Clinton
Kasich 7.4% over Clinton

Sanders 10.0% over Trump
Sanders 9.7% over Cruz
Sanders 3.3% over Rubio
Sanders 0.5% over Kasich

The bigger the RINO, the better the numbers.


RealClearPolitics - 2016 Presidential Race
because it's thirty five percent of both, maybe all three parties ??
You think 35% of democratic voters would vote for Donald Trump? Oh man

Just because someone is a primary is voting for another republican, doesn't mean that they are unwilling to vote for Trump.

There were plenty of times that the nominee was not my first choice and I still voted for them. Hell, sometimes I was quite happy even with the second choice.

That's the normal gop voters.

YOu get ever 20% of white dem voters to cross,

And then get some blacks who want manufacturing jobs back in the country and/or who realizes that immigrants compete against him for jobs.

And then even some hispanics who don't want America to become like the shit hole they left behind, and

Ta-Da, President Trump.

GOP moderates and non-Trump conservatives have already said they can't stand him, many will not show up or vote for Hilary.

You have CEOs and the employees of every company that does business in another country -- they can't allow trump to win, it would harm their businesses and wreck our economy.

A lot of conservatives said that about McCain, and they showed up and voted for him or at least against Obama.

If Trump wins the nomination, the moderates owe it to us to support the candidate, just like we did then.

And most of the cons will vote against Hillary.

That's where you're wrong. No one OWES you anything. YOU made a choice with your vote. That's why it's YOUR vote. If you cast it thinking it somehow made others beholden to support your shit choice of a candidate down the road, then sucks to be you.

I didn't vote for McCain when he was an awful candidate, and I won't vote for Trump under any circumstances. Oh, and it's not the moderates who are most opposed to him. It's the conservatives. The REAL conservatives, not the reactionary redneck idiots who stumbled blindly into one or two rightish positions and have no clue how to explain why they're correct. THOSE are already voting for Trump.
Only 29% of voters are registered Republicans. Trump has the support of 35% of Republicans, and positive condemnation from pretty much everyone else. That calculates to 10% of American voters.

Of course, Trump was never in it to win it. He remains nothing more than a liberal Trojan Horse.

Let's just take a look back to 2012, the primaries we've had so far, and look at Romney.

Iowa, Romney got 25% (Trump 24%)
New Hampshire 39% (Trump 35%)
South Carolina 28% (Trump 32%)
Nevada 49% (Trump 46%)
Oklahoma 28% (Trump 28%)
Tennessee 28% (Trump 38%)
Georgia 26% (Trump 38%)
Massachusetts 72% (Trump 49%) Romney former governor
Vermont 39% (Trump 32%)

So Trump is right there with Romney, except TRUMP won more primaries and there has been greater turnout. I read one primary, Trump won with more votes than the TOTAL turnout in to that same primary in 2012.

Now, before you say "but Romney lost", Romney did not win as many primaries as Trump has, he didn't get the record breaking voter turnouts that Trump has, his "rallies" look like Hillary's not Trump's, and he didn't have an iota of enthusiasm behind his campaign...not even a drop.

And with all those negatives, he only lost by 4.9%.

Once again....Only 29% of registered voters are Republicans, and Trump only has support from 35% of them, which calculates out to about 10% of Americans who support Trump. The rest are so adamantly anti-Trump that they will not vote for him.

Why is basic math so hard for you to grasp?

Obviously many of the Republicans currently voting for Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, etc. will vote for Trump if he's the nominee in November.

Why is that obvious to you?
Okay, well, that's my limit. I'll be back later, when my allergy to ignorant, redneck simpletons has calmed down.

Awww, you've got the vapors? Lie down poor dear on this fainting couch.

Maybe you Trumpette fucktards could club together and buy a dictionary, because this whole "lots of different words that mean different things" concept seems to be a real issue for you.

Not surprising, since HE seems to have a vocabulary with fewer than fifty words in it, too.
You must need a mint dear.
The closer Trump gets to the White house the more unhinged you get.
It's like you are 'riding the cotton pony' every day of the month instead of just twenty days.
President Trump will make Mexico pay for the Wall. He will negotiate trade deals that are fair to the US middle class.
What you're most afraid of is he'll put a permanent end to losers like you sucking off the 'Maker's teat. That's what has really got you upset.
But who knows. Trump might even have a job where even your talents are best utilized.

"Unhinged" would be a much more effective insult if it wasn't being leveled by someone voting for Trump. It's like being called "mean" by Ted Bundy. Or "ugly" by Hillary Clinton.
Okay, well, that's my limit. I'll be back later, when my allergy to ignorant, redneck simpletons has calmed down.
Triple the amount of my posts and I have more rep points than you do gee I wonder why..such a whining little elitist bitch.

About what I would expect from a halfwit fanboy with all the intellectual depth of Kim Kardashian: "People must like me, because I have rep points . . . and Donald Trump will make me a WINNER!"

You need to learn to contain your jealousy of anyone with three whole digits in their IQ, the same way your hero, Tiny Hands, needs to learn to contain his jealousy of anyone who doesn't need to be a billionaire just to get laid.
Talk about being my....tsk tsk. It will be OK once Rubio and Cruz lose the world won't stop turning dear you will survive...:)

The problem is, America won't, and you don't give a shit. All that matters to you is being able to say, "I'm finally on the winning side!" This is the future of our country, not a fucking sporting event for your entertainment.

Don't try to condescend to me, you lowlife. Being such an epic fail at life that you replaced your conscience with your desperate need for self-esteem is nothing to be proud of, let alone encourage others to "aspire" to.
Man you are desperate..its amusing....I will condescend you and anyone else I choose darling...sit back and enjoy Rubio/Cruz/Kasich get their asses kicked tomorrow :)

The only thing that's amusing is that the Internet is the only way you'll ever get to call a woman "darling" without getting pepper-sprayed, since you don't have the billions Trump does to mask utter small-dick loserdom.

By all means, sit back and "enjoy" whatever you like. Just remember, we both know that you only support Trump because it's the closest you'll ever come to being a "winner".
Trumpistas, as much as you love Donald, most of those who oppose him (and they are the majority of the GOP and the super majority of Americans) will not vote for him.
Okay, well, that's my limit. I'll be back later, when my allergy to ignorant, redneck simpletons has calmed down.

Awww, you've got the vapors? Lie down poor dear on this fainting couch.

Maybe you Trumpette fucktards could club together and buy a dictionary, because this whole "lots of different words that mean different things" concept seems to be a real issue for you.

Not surprising, since HE seems to have a vocabulary with fewer than fifty words in it, too.

Maybe you elitist douchebags should focus more substance and less on personal attacks.

But all you have is personal attacks.

Post some substance of STFU.

All you can do is attempt to belittle people because your substandard cognitive abilities are incapable of stringing together a valid argument if your worthless life depended on it.

Feel free to prove me wrong. Show me how you can make an argument, and back it up WITHOUT resorting to insult.

I'm 99% sure you are incapable of making a reasoned argument, but the sun even shines on a dogs ass from time to time, so it's not outside of the realm of possibility.

"Elitist douchebag" = I hate anyone who went to college.

Remind me to pencil in some time, maybe next month, to not give a rat's fat furry ass about your envy and hatred of people who aren't ignorant rednecks.

And Gomer, if you wanted someone to converse with you as though you were the intelligent adult you so clearly aren't, then you probably shouldn't have greeted every attempt to seriously discuss policy issues with, "Trump's gonna WIN! You're a liberal! What about Hillary?!" before foaming at the mouth. You have no one to blame for yourself that you no longer warrant any more than, "Oh, a Trumpette. Must be a moron."

Couldn't even make it one post without filling it with hate, personal attacks and zero substance. Sad really.

Chuckles, what makes you think I even tried? What benefit is there to talking to supporters of Trump the Vulgarian as though they're real human beings? You wouldn't understand the words, anyway.

All the substance I need is, "You support Donald Trump. Your entire existence is wrong and fail." End of story.
How does Trump plan on winning a general election by appealing to only 35% of white people?
Trump only appeals to the moron right wingers that don't have a clue about the election being for the whole country, NOT JUST THEM.

He is either playing them like a ukulele, or he plans on doing a chameleon imitation after he gets the GOP nomination, and try to appeal to the dems.
If it works, this country deserves what they get, and it ain't gonna be pretty.
Trump is a centrist compared to both Clinton and Sanders, moron.

If by "centrist", you mean he espouses centrist views at some point in his speeches before utterly contradicting them.
Triple the amount of my posts and I have more rep points than you do gee I wonder why..such a whining little elitist bitch.

About what I would expect from a halfwit fanboy with all the intellectual depth of Kim Kardashian: "People must like me, because I have rep points . . . and Donald Trump will make me a WINNER!"

You need to learn to contain your jealousy of anyone with three whole digits in their IQ, the same way your hero, Tiny Hands, needs to learn to contain his jealousy of anyone who doesn't need to be a billionaire just to get laid.
Talk about being my....tsk tsk. It will be OK once Rubio and Cruz lose the world won't stop turning dear you will survive...:)

The problem is, America won't, and you don't give a shit. All that matters to you is being able to say, "I'm finally on the winning side!" This is the future of our country, not a fucking sporting event for your entertainment.

Don't try to condescend to me, you lowlife. Being such an epic fail at life that you replaced your conscience with your desperate need for self-esteem is nothing to be proud of, let alone encourage others to "aspire" to.
Man you are desperate..its amusing....I will condescend you and anyone else I choose darling...sit back and enjoy Rubio/Cruz/Kasich get their asses kicked tomorrow :)

The only thing that's amusing is that the Internet is the only way you'll ever get to call a woman "darling" without getting pepper-sprayed, since you don't have the billions Trump does to mask utter small-dick loserdom.

By all means, sit back and "enjoy" whatever you like. Just remember, we both know that you only support Trump because it's the closest you'll ever come to being a "winner".
Keep going Keep going! I love this...You crack me up truly....My wife thinks its funny as hell as well...she is laughing harder at you than I am! LMAO!
And yet he is winning. Again, reality trumps polling.

Your logic is false. Reality is following the polls.

The polls about Trump in the primaries have been pretty spot on. Trump is winning the share of the vote within the margin of error in almost all the primaries. The dispersion in the polling is a bit higher in the caucus states, but not by much.

And it is pretty simple to see why. Trump has received about 35% of the vote in this election. He has polled about 35% nationally for six months. His supporters intensely support him. Everyone else does not. Most of Trump's supporters decided a long time ago they were supporting him. In late-deciding voters - people who are undecided - he is only winning 15%-20% pretty consistently. This means Trump is losing undecideds badly. These are undecided Republicans. Exit polls have also shown that somewhere between half and three-quarters of Republican voters who didn't vote for Trump saying they'd be unhappy if he were the nominee.

Trump is winning a divided Republican party with a third of the vote because he is coalescing the anti-establishment, blue-collar vote by sheer force of personality. That won't be enough in the general. The Republican elite that Trump's supporters despise won't back him. But he will need the infrastructure and the funding of the party to win. He will need the party elite because they have the systems and the money, and it won't be there. Trump can't win the general with only the intense support of a third of Republicans.

Trump will eat into Hillary's support amongst blue-collar Democrats. He also may do better amongst young people than Romney. But he will get crushed in the suburbs amongst educated professionals, and minorities will come out as hard as they did to vote for Hillary as they did for Obama. He may get more votes in the rural rust belt, but he will lose votes in the suburbs of Milwaukee, Cincinnati and Philadelphia. He may also put states like Arizona and Georgia into play for the Democrats.

Trump supporters like to believe that the polls are wrong about Trump v Hillary, but they've been right in the primaries, so there is no reason to think they'll be wrong in the general. Trump is doing worse than Romney at this time in national polls. He has sky-high negatives. The election is still a while away, but for the last six months, Trump has consistently trailed Hillary.

That Romney was the best candidate to beat Obama but still lost, so the GOP should thus pick the worst performing Republican candidate against Hillary makes no sense that shouldn't need explaining.

This is all conjecture, your opinion.

Trump has CONSISTENTLY won EVERY demographic, including college educated white collar. Those that don't support Trump now will mostly support him in the general election when the alternative is Hillary...just like most of us supported Romney in 2012.

You say no, but the historical model is against you.

The Republican elites WILL support Trump, and have already said as much, including the donor class. The alternative is Hillary and 3 to four supreme court picks that will remain on the court until most of us are long in the grave.

Not to mention the total destruction of the Republican Party. Did you know the Democrats controlled the House of Representatives for nearly 40 years?

Control of Congress.png

United States Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They aren't going to risk that. If there is anything the last 7.5 years should have taught you is how totally risk adverse the Establishment is.

Romney wasn't the best candidate, he was the anointed candidate. The establishment idiots foist him on us and he lost exactly like we said we would.

Perhaps you should listen to us for a change...because nothing could be more obvious than that your way ain't workin'.

Want proof? Look at the primaries. Look at the last two presidential election cycles.
Awww, you've got the vapors? Lie down poor dear on this fainting couch.

Maybe you Trumpette fucktards could club together and buy a dictionary, because this whole "lots of different words that mean different things" concept seems to be a real issue for you.

Not surprising, since HE seems to have a vocabulary with fewer than fifty words in it, too.

Maybe you elitist douchebags should focus more substance and less on personal attacks.

But all you have is personal attacks.

Post some substance of STFU.

All you can do is attempt to belittle people because your substandard cognitive abilities are incapable of stringing together a valid argument if your worthless life depended on it.

Feel free to prove me wrong. Show me how you can make an argument, and back it up WITHOUT resorting to insult.

I'm 99% sure you are incapable of making a reasoned argument, but the sun even shines on a dogs ass from time to time, so it's not outside of the realm of possibility.

"Elitist douchebag" = I hate anyone who went to college.

Remind me to pencil in some time, maybe next month, to not give a rat's fat furry ass about your envy and hatred of people who aren't ignorant rednecks.

And Gomer, if you wanted someone to converse with you as though you were the intelligent adult you so clearly aren't, then you probably shouldn't have greeted every attempt to seriously discuss policy issues with, "Trump's gonna WIN! You're a liberal! What about Hillary?!" before foaming at the mouth. You have no one to blame for yourself that you no longer warrant any more than, "Oh, a Trumpette. Must be a moron."

Couldn't even make it one post without filling it with hate, personal attacks and zero substance. Sad really.

Chuckles, what makes you think I even tried? What benefit is there to talking to supporters of Trump the Vulgarian as though they're real human beings? You wouldn't understand the words, anyway.

All the substance I need is, "You support Donald Trump. Your entire existence is wrong and fail." End of story.

:rolleyes: And how is that working out for you so far? Garnering a slew of supporters by insulting half of the Republican party? And before you say "But...But....But, half the Republican party doesn't..." let me be clear...over half of the Republican party are rural voters...the very folks you insult with you redneck, trailer-park rantings.
And yet he is winning. Again, reality trumps polling.

Your logic is false. Reality is following the polls.

The polls about Trump in the primaries have been pretty spot on. Trump is winning the share of the vote within the margin of error in almost all the primaries. The dispersion in the polling is a bit higher in the caucus states, but not by much.

And it is pretty simple to see why. Trump has received about 35% of the vote in this election. He has polled about 35% nationally for six months. His supporters intensely support him. Everyone else does not. Most of Trump's supporters decided a long time ago they were supporting him. In late-deciding voters - people who are undecided - he is only winning 15%-20% pretty consistently. This means Trump is losing undecideds badly. These are undecided Republicans. Exit polls have also shown that somewhere between half and three-quarters of Republican voters who didn't vote for Trump saying they'd be unhappy if he were the nominee.

Trump is winning a divided Republican party with a third of the vote because he is coalescing the anti-establishment, blue-collar vote by sheer force of personality. That won't be enough in the general. The Republican elite that Trump's supporters despise won't back him. But he will need the infrastructure and the funding of the party to win. He will need the party elite because they have the systems and the money, and it won't be there. Trump can't win the general with only the intense support of a third of Republicans.

Trump will eat into Hillary's support amongst blue-collar Democrats. He also may do better amongst young people than Romney. But he will get crushed in the suburbs amongst educated professionals, and minorities will come out as hard as they did to vote for Hillary as they did for Obama. He may get more votes in the rural rust belt, but he will lose votes in the suburbs of Milwaukee, Cincinnati and Philadelphia. He may also put states like Arizona and Georgia into play for the Democrats.

Trump supporters like to believe that the polls are wrong about Trump v Hillary, but they've been right in the primaries, so there is no reason to think they'll be wrong in the general. Trump is doing worse than Romney at this time in national polls. He has sky-high negatives. The election is still a while away, but for the last six months, Trump has consistently trailed Hillary.

That Romney was the best candidate to beat Obama but still lost, so the GOP should thus pick the worst performing Republican candidate against Hillary makes no sense that shouldn't need explaining.
do your reality polls mention all of the new and switched over voters ? Cpac was pretty sour grapes harper.

fundamental transformation was kind of snaked by the American public, much like healthcare,
it pissed a lot of us off. it's a referendum on the socialism of America.

our Donald is destroying the mainstream media, which i love.great things are on the horizon.

so many adversaries speak of trump as if he is "leading from behind".

obama has scared the world with his wanting to make cuba and iran again.

seriously, trusting the iran government no matter how many times they stick us.. obama is closing his tenure with the same thing he opened with, "my soothing voice alone should be enough to fix the world". it wasn't, here we are almost 8 years later, he's touting what a fantastic president he's been.

people have forgotten how great we can be. but your canada is pretty ok too.

don't forget Trump has had just the one little dust up with hillary so far, i think it was about women.

we should pretty much know where this is going after today.Trump is an achiever harper, i want him to do the things the others said they would do, but never did.
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This joke is over, folks


Let's take a look at who voted in 2012 OK???

Obama won re-election in 2012 by 3,013,769. Obama won by 2.5%

Obama 61,208,082 50.5% Popular Votes
Romney 58,194,313 48.0% Popular Vote
Total 119,402,395

2016 Primary Election Results: President Live Map by State, Real-Time Voting Updates
ethnic of total Obama Romney
White-American 39% 59%
African-American 93% 7%
Latin-American 71% 27%
Asian-American 71% 27%

Ethnic % of total votes Total votes Obama votes Romney
White-American 72% 44,069,819 17,187,229 26,001,193
African-American 13% 7,957,051 7,400,057 556,994
Latin-American 10% 6,120,808 4,345,774 1,652,618
Asian-American 3% 1,836,242 1,303,732 495,785
Presidential Race - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from

AFTER the primaries you will have more white Americans voting. More white voters then in 2012.

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