How does Trump plan on winning a general election by appealing to only 35% of white people?

How does Trump plan on winning a general election by appealing to only 35% of white people?
Trump only appeals to the moron right wingers that don't have a clue about the election being for the whole country, NOT JUST THEM.

He is either playing them like a ukulele, or he plans on doing a chameleon imitation after he gets the GOP nomination, and try to appeal to the dems.
If it works, this country deserves what they get, and it ain't gonna be pretty.
because it's thirty five percent of both, maybe all three parties ??
You think 35% of democratic voters would vote for Donald Trump? Oh man

Just because someone is a primary is voting for another republican, doesn't mean that they are unwilling to vote for Trump.

There were plenty of times that the nominee was not my first choice and I still voted for them. Hell, sometimes I was quite happy even with the second choice.

That's the normal gop voters.

YOu get ever 20% of white dem voters to cross,

And then get some blacks who want manufacturing jobs back in the country and/or who realizes that immigrants compete against him for jobs.

And then even some hispanics who don't want America to become like the shit hole they left behind, and

Ta-Da, President Trump.

GOP moderates and non-Trump conservatives have already said they can't stand him, many will not show up or vote for Hilary.

You have CEOs and the employees of every company that does business in another country -- they can't allow trump to win, it would harm their businesses and wreck our economy.

Right, NO link...just more liberal 'spewage' driven by fear....

Liberals turnout is down by 40% because they can't stomach either Hillary or Bernie. Every 'no-show' at the voting booth is a 1/2 a vote for Trump....2016 will replace 2014 as their historic, record-setting ass-kicking.
I was thinking he was playing them like a fiddle...then thought the ukulele was easier....but yeah, the kazoo is more Trump's speed.

The fiddle is typically thought as one of the most difficult instruments, and probably harder than the uke. But the uke turns out to be pretty damn difficult on it's own accord. No pun intended.

Right, NO link...just more liberal 'spewage' driven by fear....

Liberals turnout is down by 40% because they can't stomach either Hillary or Bernie. Every 'no-show' at the voting booth is a 1/2 a vote for Trump....2016 will replace 2014 as their historic, record-setting ass-kicking.
You keep telling yourself that. Operation Chaos is working...and working well. :D
Okay, well, that's my limit. I'll be back later, when my allergy to ignorant, redneck simpletons has calmed down.

Awww, you've got the vapors? Lie down poor dear on this fainting couch.

Maybe you Trumpette fucktards could club together and buy a dictionary, because this whole "lots of different words that mean different things" concept seems to be a real issue for you.

Not surprising, since HE seems to have a vocabulary with fewer than fifty words in it, too.
Drumpf and his minions know all the great words! You're gonna love them!
He is either playing them like a ukulele,

Ukulele is hard. Trump doesn't do things that are difficult. Trump is playing people like a kazoo.

Mouth harp?
Also known as a "Jews" harp...nasty taste for a bigot.

Being aware of the instrument makes me a bigot? Or using one of the many different names, rather than the one YOU dredged up? Seems to me going straight to that makes YOU the bigot, shitforbrains.
You keep telling yourself that.

Don't have to - the media is telling me that....

U.S. Liberals at Record 24%, but Still Trail Conservatives
-- Conservatives remain largest ideological group, at 38%
-- Liberals up one point to 24%, the highest yet
*** Down 14%
Democratic turnout has fallen drastically since 2008, the last time the party had a contested primary, with roughly three million fewer Democrats voting in the 15 states that have held caucuses or primaries through Tuesday, according to unofficial election results tallied through Wednesday afternoon.

It declined in almost every state, dropping by roughly 50 percent in Texas and 40 percent in Tennessee. In Arkansas, Alabama and Georgia, the number of Democrats voting decreased by between a quarter and a third.

The falloff in Democratic primary turnout — which often reveals whether a candidate is exciting voters and attracting them to the polls — reached deep into some of the core groups of voters Mrs. Clinton must not only win in November, but turn out in large numbers. It stands in sharp contrast to the flood of energized new voters showing up at the polls to vote for Donald J. Trump in the Republican contest.

He is either playing them like a ukulele,

Ukulele is hard. Trump doesn't do things that are difficult. Trump is playing people like a kazoo.

Mouth harp?
Also known as a "Jews" harp...nasty taste for a bigot.

Being aware of the instrument makes me a bigot? Or using one of the many different names, rather than the one YOU dredged up? Seems to me going straight to that makes YOU the bigot, shitforbrains.
Not you....Trump....unless you're a supporter of the bigot.
Romney would have been running for a second term? Romney is as bad as Bush. They had exactly the same policies. Democrats lost with Lurch because he was too stupid to defend his military record thinking, stupidly, that Americans are too smart to let someone with a sterling military record be trashed. And he wanted to run a "positive" campaign after Bush trashed the country. He should have made Bush and the GOP OWN their disastrous record. By time Bush won the second term, Republicans believed Iraq and 9/11 were the fault of the Democrats.
That's the most bizarre political interpretation of that race I've ever heard. Kerry threw his metals over the WH fence and went on to accuse our soldiers of acting like Gengis Khan. The left was unable to polish the turd to an acceptable level.
He was there. He EARNED those medals. He made the same statement Trump made about Iraq.

Imagine going someplace to defend the country and watching friends die. Then imagine it was all for nothing. It was all a big lie.
because it's thirty five percent of both, maybe all three parties ??
You think 35% of democratic voters would vote for Donald Trump? Oh man

Just because someone is a primary is voting for another republican, doesn't mean that they are unwilling to vote for Trump.

There were plenty of times that the nominee was not my first choice and I still voted for them. Hell, sometimes I was quite happy even with the second choice.

That's the normal gop voters.

YOu get ever 20% of white dem voters to cross,

And then get some blacks who want manufacturing jobs back in the country and/or who realizes that immigrants compete against him for jobs.

And then even some hispanics who don't want America to become like the shit hole they left behind, and

Ta-Da, President Trump.

GOP moderates and non-Trump conservatives have already said they can't stand him, many will not show up or vote for Hilary.

You have CEOs and the employees of every company that does business in another country -- they can't allow trump to win, it would harm their businesses and wreck our economy.

A lot of conservatives said that about McCain, and they showed up and voted for him or at least against Obama.

If Trump wins the nomination, the moderates owe it to us to support the candidate, just like we did then.

And most of the cons will vote against Hillary.
Only 29% of voters are registered Republicans. Trump has the support of 35% of Republicans, and positive condemnation from pretty much everyone else. That calculates to 10% of American voters.

Of course, Trump was never in it to win it. He remains nothing more than a liberal Trojan Horse.

Let's just take a look back to 2012, the primaries we've had so far, and look at Romney.

Iowa, Romney got 25% (Trump 24%)
New Hampshire 39% (Trump 35%)
South Carolina 28% (Trump 32%)
Nevada 49% (Trump 46%)
Oklahoma 28% (Trump 28%)
Tennessee 28% (Trump 38%)
Georgia 26% (Trump 38%)
Massachusetts 72% (Trump 49%) Romney former governor
Vermont 39% (Trump 32%)

So Trump is right there with Romney, except TRUMP won more primaries and there has been greater turnout. I read one primary, Trump won with more votes than the TOTAL turnout in to that same primary in 2012.

Now, before you say "but Romney lost", Romney did not win as many primaries as Trump has, he didn't get the record breaking voter turnouts that Trump has, his "rallies" look like Hillary's not Trump's, and he didn't have an iota of enthusiasm behind his campaign...not even a drop.

And with all those negatives, he only lost by 4.9%.

Once again....Only 29% of registered voters are Republicans, and Trump only has support from 35% of them, which calculates out to about 10% of Americans who support Trump. The rest are so adamantly anti-Trump that they will not vote for him.

Why is basic math so hard for you to grasp?

Obviously many of the Republicans currently voting for Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, etc. will vote for Trump if he's the nominee in November.
Who the hell does Hillary appeal to? The campaign hasn't even started so Hillary hasn't had to confront the fact that she used government resources to attack women who were abused by her husband. What's going to happen when rational women find out that Hillary is their worst enemy? Michigan democrats aren't necessarily socialist but they voted for an old commie rather than the abused wife of a former president. Hillary's base is limited to pro-abortion fanatics and low information victims of left wing propaganda.

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