How EVIL is liberalism anyway?

Leave it to liberalism to point to their own failures as proof that we need more liberalism... :cuckoo:

Let's pick a time in America when we didn't have liberals. Before the idiotic ramblings of Karl Marx. In the 1700's and 1800's in America, divorce rates were not rising, people were having nonmarital sex in nearly nonexistent numbers, and on the rare occasions that a child did disobey their parents, they immediately realized what a mistake that was and never made it again.

So, as he always does, Daws has actual proven yet again that the rise of liberalism coincides with the rise of decay, the rise in immoral behavior, and the rise of a dysfunctional society.

Liberals created this country, shit-for-brains. There is literally never a "time when we didn't have Liberals". Literally. Because it's where this country COMES FROM.

Dumb shit.

And we know you are not a liberal.

You belong to the far left.

There is a HUGE difference.

That post isn't about me nor do I 'belong to' anything, but yes, if your mind is so tiny you need labels, I'm a Liberal.

Dafuck you gonna do about it?

I don't need to do anything about it.

I just hate to see you embarrassing yourself by referring to yourself as a liberal when everyone knows a liberal has brains.


I see. So I overestimated your age by a factor of twelve.

Even you admit you can't get anything right.
Bullshit teenage girls were getting pregnant and living in poverty long before welfare was invented.

Wrong, asshole.


Meaningless the poverty rate doesn't have any effect on teen girls getting pregnant.
Damn you're ignorant.

God, you can't possibly be this stupid.

Teenage girls getting pregnant and going on welfare is the reason the poverty rate stopped declining. Kids who grow up without a father and on the dole go on to be poor, and there's a good chance they will end up in prison.
Teenage Pregnancy and Poverty
Teenage pregnancy and poverty may be linked in many people’s minds, but that doesn’t mean they know the facts. This article summarizes the research that helps establish what the relationship between teenage pregnancy and poverty really is.

Two Connections Between Teenage Pregnancy and Poverty

When considering how teenage pregnancy and poverty relate it is important to consider two distinct but important connections. First, it is important to consider poverty as a factor among others in leading to teenage pregnancy. Second, it is essential to consider poverty as an outcome of teenage pregnancy, not only for the pregnant teen, but for the teen father, the child, and other children that may be born to the teen mother subsequently.

Poverty as a Contributing Factor to Teenage Pregnancy

The connection between poverty rates and teen pregnancy rates seems inescapable even when it isn’t pointed out. In a 2010 report using 2006 data, this is the top three and their rankings in terms of both teenage pregnancy and poverty. Texas, the leader in teen pregnancy rates, is ninth in the nation in the poverty rankings. New Mexico is second in teenage pregnancy rates, and third in poverty rankings. Mississippi is third in teen pregnancies, and the highest rate of poverty in the country.

In 2005, New Mexico had been first, Nevada second, and Arizona third in teenage pregnancy rates; Texas first, New Mexico second, and Mississippi third in birthrate, and New York first, New Jersey second, and Nevada third in the abortion rate for young women 15 to 19. While the pregnancy rates among teens had been declining, and the 2005 were the lowest in over 30 years, 2006 saw an increase, as reported by the Gutmacher Institute.

Poverty as a Result of Teenage Pregnancy

It has been reported that only a third of teen mothers achieve a high school diploma and that teen father are apt to finish fewer years of school than men who become fathers when they are older, leaving both parents less equipped than they might be to earn a living. Children of teen parents had been found to have poorer school performance, and girls who were born as the result of a teen pregnancy were found to have a 22% greater than average risk of becoming teen mothers. Additionally the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy has reported that a minimum of 75% of teen mothers who are unmarried will be on welfare within 5 years of the birth of their first child.

This view is countered by a study by University of Pennsylvania’s Frank Furstenburg, who reported that women raised in poverty and bearing children later were not much more likely to escape poverty than impoverished teens who became pregnant. The study also concludes that there is little difference educationally and economically between girls raised in poverty who become mothers during their teen years and those who become mothers later.
Teenage Pregnancy and Poverty | Pregnant Teen Help

The first error your post made: Poverty doesn't lead to teenage pregnancy, welfare does. The graphs I posted established that fact beyond any possible refutation.
Really then why did I refute it?
Your idea of irrefutable evidence is laughable!
What's it like to be incredibly ignorant?
Meaningless the poverty rate doesn't have any effect on teen girls getting pregnant.
Damn you're ignorant.

God, you can't possibly be this stupid.

Teenage girls getting pregnant and going on welfare is the reason the poverty rate stopped declining. Kids who grow up without a father and on the dole go on to be poor, and there's a good chance they will end up in prison.
Teenage Pregnancy and Poverty
Teenage pregnancy and poverty may be linked in many people’s minds, but that doesn’t mean they know the facts. This article summarizes the research that helps establish what the relationship between teenage pregnancy and poverty really is.

Two Connections Between Teenage Pregnancy and Poverty

When considering how teenage pregnancy and poverty relate it is important to consider two distinct but important connections. First, it is important to consider poverty as a factor among others in leading to teenage pregnancy. Second, it is essential to consider poverty as an outcome of teenage pregnancy, not only for the pregnant teen, but for the teen father, the child, and other children that may be born to the teen mother subsequently.

Poverty as a Contributing Factor to Teenage Pregnancy

The connection between poverty rates and teen pregnancy rates seems inescapable even when it isn’t pointed out. In a 2010 report using 2006 data, this is the top three and their rankings in terms of both teenage pregnancy and poverty. Texas, the leader in teen pregnancy rates, is ninth in the nation in the poverty rankings. New Mexico is second in teenage pregnancy rates, and third in poverty rankings. Mississippi is third in teen pregnancies, and the highest rate of poverty in the country.

In 2005, New Mexico had been first, Nevada second, and Arizona third in teenage pregnancy rates; Texas first, New Mexico second, and Mississippi third in birthrate, and New York first, New Jersey second, and Nevada third in the abortion rate for young women 15 to 19. While the pregnancy rates among teens had been declining, and the 2005 were the lowest in over 30 years, 2006 saw an increase, as reported by the Gutmacher Institute.

Poverty as a Result of Teenage Pregnancy

It has been reported that only a third of teen mothers achieve a high school diploma and that teen father are apt to finish fewer years of school than men who become fathers when they are older, leaving both parents less equipped than they might be to earn a living. Children of teen parents had been found to have poorer school performance, and girls who were born as the result of a teen pregnancy were found to have a 22% greater than average risk of becoming teen mothers. Additionally the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy has reported that a minimum of 75% of teen mothers who are unmarried will be on welfare within 5 years of the birth of their first child.

This view is countered by a study by University of Pennsylvania’s Frank Furstenburg, who reported that women raised in poverty and bearing children later were not much more likely to escape poverty than impoverished teens who became pregnant. The study also concludes that there is little difference educationally and economically between girls raised in poverty who become mothers during their teen years and those who become mothers later.
Teenage Pregnancy and Poverty | Pregnant Teen Help
Breakdown of the traditional American family = fucked up morals
the traditional American family is a myth

  • Loving v. Virginia in a Post-Racial World: Rethinking Race, Sex and Marriage."

    Updated August 9, 2012, 11:35 AM

    “Family values” talk is literally fantastic, because it is utterly improbable. Just as we place hope in winged horses and caped crusaders, the rally cries of “protect marriage” and “preserve decency” only work to stir the troops. Will campaign speeches curb the divorce rate? Does a party platform make couples think twice about the morality of living together? Is prayer a reliable form of birth control? Answer to all: No, no and we wish.

    Republicans have shaped a collective memory of the family based on a sepia-toned vision of Mom, America and apple pie.
    “Family values” talk mobilizes voters. It identifies an enemy — which most likely is the progression of time — that allows citizens to channel frustration about the state of today’s world. Imagine: a room of people all wishing for the good ol’ days. Men worked, women cleaned, children obeyed and “everyone knew each other and we all got along.”

    These are the same people that wish Stepford were a real place. They fail to notice obvious things like racial tension, gender discrimination and gay bashing. Much like forgetting the awkwardness of junior high, selective memory edits the incongruous and unpleasant. Even during the "golden family era" of the 1950s, rates of divorce were rising, people had nonmarital sex and children disobeyed their parents.

    The past is not uniformly devoid of cultural tensions and political problems. Republicans have shaped a collective memory of the family based on a sepia-toned vision of Mom, America and apple pie. Supposedly, everything was better in the past. In this same supposedness, our social problems and cultural clashes would be solved if we embraced a kinder, gentler approach.

    But did it really work like this? June Cleaver did not bear a Santorum-load of children, which means that some "Leave It to Beaver" writer believed in birth control. Elvis Presley’s voice and pelvis threatened national virginity, yet the morality of young girls remained intact. And even Norman Rockwell, painter of all things Ye Olde America, divorced and remarried.

    Embracing the reality of a perpetually evolving culture is much harder than clinging to a retro ideal. It also means less political grandstanding.

    The Myth of the Traditional Family -
  • morality is relative
  • fail.

It wasn't a "myth" until leftwing welfare programs made it into a myth. Welfare has been one of the single most destructive forces on American society ever conceived.
That might be the most ignorant thing you've ever said but the day is young.
Typical nonsense of voluntary taxation. It does not work...never has

If you support war...why don't you volunteer
If you want schools for it yourself
Want a new more in taxes for it

Of course, at no point did I suggest a "voluntary tax system" for America. But when a liberals repulsive hypocrisy is on display for all to see, they immediately have to revert to a straw man.
Wealthy liberals are willing to raise their own tax rates
Wealthy conservatives want to cut benefits to the poor

That is the difference

Can you name one wealthy liberal who pays the government more than he legally owes the government?

. . . . . . . .

I didn't think so.

Welfare lures teenage girls into getting pregnant and becoming a hostage to welfare and trapped in poverty. That's what liberals endorse.
Welfare lures teenaged girls into getting pregnant?

I thought teenaged boys did that
Shhh! don't spook the herd with the facts.
“We must have patience and longer endurance, then, with our brethren while [they are] under delusion; give them time for reflection and experience of consequences; keep ourselves in a situation to profit by the chapter of accidents and separate from our companions only when the sole alternatives left are the dissolution of our union with them or submission to a government without limitation of powers” - Thomas Jefferson (December 26, 1825)

Sadly...I can't help but wonder if we've reached that point. And if so, let us pray that it can be done peacefully and amicably.
Lol bitch please!
Typical nonsense of voluntary taxation. It does not work...never has

If you support war...why don't you volunteer
If you want schools for it yourself
Want a new more in taxes for it

Of course, at no point did I suggest a "voluntary tax system" for America. But when a liberals repulsive hypocrisy is on display for all to see, they immediately have to revert to a straw man.
Wealthy liberals are willing to raise their own tax rates
Wealthy conservatives want to cut benefits to the poor

That is the difference

Can you name one wealthy liberal who pays the government more than he legally owes the government?

. . . . . . . .

I didn't think so.

Welfare lures teenage girls into getting pregnant and becoming a hostage to welfare and trapped in poverty. That's what liberals endorse.
Welfare lures teenaged girls into getting pregnant?

I thought teenaged boys did that
Shhh! don't spook the herd with the facts.
“We must have patience and longer endurance, then, with our brethren while [they are] under delusion; give them time for reflection and experience of consequences; keep ourselves in a situation to profit by the chapter of accidents and separate from our companions only when the sole alternatives left are the dissolution of our union with them or submission to a government without limitation of powers” - Thomas Jefferson (December 26, 1825)

Sadly...I can't help but wonder if we've reached that point. And if so, let us pray that it can be done peacefully and amicably.
Lol bitch please!
I can't help but wonder if you are lonely. Every post you make is just a few words that are usually foul in nature and absolutely no value to the thread at all. No facts. Not even some uneducated opinions. Just bizarre stuff like "bitch place". I mean...what does that even mean? Why take the time out of your day to post that? I'm going to block you now simply because you waste time posting three or four words that are just swear words and nonsense. Perhaps one day when you grow up (or get an education) you will add something of value?
Even during the "golden family era" of the 1950s, rates of divorce were rising, people had nonmarital sex and children disobeyed their parents

Leave it to liberalism to point to their own failures as proof that we need more liberalism... :cuckoo:

Let's pick a time in America when we didn't have liberals. Before the idiotic ramblings of Karl Marx. In the 1700's and 1800's in America, divorce rates were not rising, people were having nonmarital sex in nearly nonexistent numbers, and on the rare occasions that a child did disobey their parents, they immediately realized what a mistake that was and never made it again.

So, as he always does, Daws has actual proven yet again that the rise of liberalism coincides with the rise of decay, the rise in immoral behavior, and the rise of a dysfunctional society.
Sheer ignorance.
no divorce records were kept in this country
Until the 1870s.
As to the moral decay bullshit you spew
Morality is subjective.
Since we dropped out of the trees assholes like you have been bemoaning the disfunction and decay of society.
And yet here we are.
“We must have patience and longer endurance, then, with our brethren while [they are] under delusion; give them time for reflection and experience of consequences; keep ourselves in a situation to profit by the chapter of accidents and separate from our companions only when the sole alternatives left are the dissolution of our union with them or submission to a government without limitation of powers” - Thomas Jefferson (December 26, 1825)

Sadly...I can't help but wonder if we've reached that point. And if so, let us pray that it can be done peacefully and amicably.
Lol bitch please!
I can't help but wonder if you are lonely. Every post you make is just a few words that are usually foul in nature and absolutely no value to the thread at all. No facts. Not even some uneducated opinions. Just bizarre stuff like "bitch place". I mean...what does that even mean? Why take the time out of your day to post that? I'm going to block you now simply because you waste time posting three or four words that are just swear words and nonsense. Perhaps one day when you grow up (or get an education) you will add something of value?
That's bitch please !
The rest is meaningless.
Wrong, asshole.


Meaningless the poverty rate doesn't have any effect on teen girls getting pregnant.
Damn you're ignorant.

God, you can't possibly be this stupid.

Teenage girls getting pregnant and going on welfare is the reason the poverty rate stopped declining. Kids who grow up without a father and on the dole go on to be poor, and there's a good chance they will end up in prison.
Teenage Pregnancy and Poverty
Teenage pregnancy and poverty may be linked in many people’s minds, but that doesn’t mean they know the facts. This article summarizes the research that helps establish what the relationship between teenage pregnancy and poverty really is.

Two Connections Between Teenage Pregnancy and Poverty

When considering how teenage pregnancy and poverty relate it is important to consider two distinct but important connections. First, it is important to consider poverty as a factor among others in leading to teenage pregnancy. Second, it is essential to consider poverty as an outcome of teenage pregnancy, not only for the pregnant teen, but for the teen father, the child, and other children that may be born to the teen mother subsequently.

Poverty as a Contributing Factor to Teenage Pregnancy

The connection between poverty rates and teen pregnancy rates seems inescapable even when it isn’t pointed out. In a 2010 report using 2006 data, this is the top three and their rankings in terms of both teenage pregnancy and poverty. Texas, the leader in teen pregnancy rates, is ninth in the nation in the poverty rankings. New Mexico is second in teenage pregnancy rates, and third in poverty rankings. Mississippi is third in teen pregnancies, and the highest rate of poverty in the country.

In 2005, New Mexico had been first, Nevada second, and Arizona third in teenage pregnancy rates; Texas first, New Mexico second, and Mississippi third in birthrate, and New York first, New Jersey second, and Nevada third in the abortion rate for young women 15 to 19. While the pregnancy rates among teens had been declining, and the 2005 were the lowest in over 30 years, 2006 saw an increase, as reported by the Gutmacher Institute.

Poverty as a Result of Teenage Pregnancy

It has been reported that only a third of teen mothers achieve a high school diploma and that teen father are apt to finish fewer years of school than men who become fathers when they are older, leaving both parents less equipped than they might be to earn a living. Children of teen parents had been found to have poorer school performance, and girls who were born as the result of a teen pregnancy were found to have a 22% greater than average risk of becoming teen mothers. Additionally the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy has reported that a minimum of 75% of teen mothers who are unmarried will be on welfare within 5 years of the birth of their first child.

This view is countered by a study by University of Pennsylvania’s Frank Furstenburg, who reported that women raised in poverty and bearing children later were not much more likely to escape poverty than impoverished teens who became pregnant. The study also concludes that there is little difference educationally and economically between girls raised in poverty who become mothers during their teen years and those who become mothers later.
Teenage Pregnancy and Poverty | Pregnant Teen Help

The first error your post made: Poverty doesn't lead to teenage pregnancy, welfare does. The graphs I posted established that fact beyond any possible refutation.
Really then why did I refute it?
Your idea of irrefutable evidence is laughable!
What's it like to be incredibly ignorant?

"Nuh uhn" isn't a refutation of anything other than the claim that you have a brain.
God, you can't possibly be this stupid.

Teenage girls getting pregnant and going on welfare is the reason the poverty rate stopped declining. Kids who grow up without a father and on the dole go on to be poor, and there's a good chance they will end up in prison.
Teenage Pregnancy and Poverty
Teenage pregnancy and poverty may be linked in many people’s minds, but that doesn’t mean they know the facts. This article summarizes the research that helps establish what the relationship between teenage pregnancy and poverty really is.

Two Connections Between Teenage Pregnancy and Poverty

When considering how teenage pregnancy and poverty relate it is important to consider two distinct but important connections. First, it is important to consider poverty as a factor among others in leading to teenage pregnancy. Second, it is essential to consider poverty as an outcome of teenage pregnancy, not only for the pregnant teen, but for the teen father, the child, and other children that may be born to the teen mother subsequently.

Poverty as a Contributing Factor to Teenage Pregnancy

The connection between poverty rates and teen pregnancy rates seems inescapable even when it isn’t pointed out. In a 2010 report using 2006 data, this is the top three and their rankings in terms of both teenage pregnancy and poverty. Texas, the leader in teen pregnancy rates, is ninth in the nation in the poverty rankings. New Mexico is second in teenage pregnancy rates, and third in poverty rankings. Mississippi is third in teen pregnancies, and the highest rate of poverty in the country.

In 2005, New Mexico had been first, Nevada second, and Arizona third in teenage pregnancy rates; Texas first, New Mexico second, and Mississippi third in birthrate, and New York first, New Jersey second, and Nevada third in the abortion rate for young women 15 to 19. While the pregnancy rates among teens had been declining, and the 2005 were the lowest in over 30 years, 2006 saw an increase, as reported by the Gutmacher Institute.

Poverty as a Result of Teenage Pregnancy

It has been reported that only a third of teen mothers achieve a high school diploma and that teen father are apt to finish fewer years of school than men who become fathers when they are older, leaving both parents less equipped than they might be to earn a living. Children of teen parents had been found to have poorer school performance, and girls who were born as the result of a teen pregnancy were found to have a 22% greater than average risk of becoming teen mothers. Additionally the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy has reported that a minimum of 75% of teen mothers who are unmarried will be on welfare within 5 years of the birth of their first child.

This view is countered by a study by University of Pennsylvania’s Frank Furstenburg, who reported that women raised in poverty and bearing children later were not much more likely to escape poverty than impoverished teens who became pregnant. The study also concludes that there is little difference educationally and economically between girls raised in poverty who become mothers during their teen years and those who become mothers later.
Teenage Pregnancy and Poverty | Pregnant Teen Help
Breakdown of the traditional American family = fucked up morals
the traditional American family is a myth

  • Loving v. Virginia in a Post-Racial World: Rethinking Race, Sex and Marriage."

    Updated August 9, 2012, 11:35 AM

    “Family values” talk is literally fantastic, because it is utterly improbable. Just as we place hope in winged horses and caped crusaders, the rally cries of “protect marriage” and “preserve decency” only work to stir the troops. Will campaign speeches curb the divorce rate? Does a party platform make couples think twice about the morality of living together? Is prayer a reliable form of birth control? Answer to all: No, no and we wish.

    Republicans have shaped a collective memory of the family based on a sepia-toned vision of Mom, America and apple pie.
    “Family values” talk mobilizes voters. It identifies an enemy — which most likely is the progression of time — that allows citizens to channel frustration about the state of today’s world. Imagine: a room of people all wishing for the good ol’ days. Men worked, women cleaned, children obeyed and “everyone knew each other and we all got along.”

    These are the same people that wish Stepford were a real place. They fail to notice obvious things like racial tension, gender discrimination and gay bashing. Much like forgetting the awkwardness of junior high, selective memory edits the incongruous and unpleasant. Even during the "golden family era" of the 1950s, rates of divorce were rising, people had nonmarital sex and children disobeyed their parents.

    The past is not uniformly devoid of cultural tensions and political problems. Republicans have shaped a collective memory of the family based on a sepia-toned vision of Mom, America and apple pie. Supposedly, everything was better in the past. In this same supposedness, our social problems and cultural clashes would be solved if we embraced a kinder, gentler approach.

    But did it really work like this? June Cleaver did not bear a Santorum-load of children, which means that some "Leave It to Beaver" writer believed in birth control. Elvis Presley’s voice and pelvis threatened national virginity, yet the morality of young girls remained intact. And even Norman Rockwell, painter of all things Ye Olde America, divorced and remarried.

    Embracing the reality of a perpetually evolving culture is much harder than clinging to a retro ideal. It also means less political grandstanding.

    The Myth of the Traditional Family -
  • morality is relative
  • fail.

It wasn't a "myth" until leftwing welfare programs made it into a myth. Welfare has been one of the single most destructive forces on American society ever conceived.
That might be the most ignorant thing you've ever said but the day is young.

It's the obvious truth.
Meaningless the poverty rate doesn't have any effect on teen girls getting pregnant.
Damn you're ignorant.

God, you can't possibly be this stupid.

Teenage girls getting pregnant and going on welfare is the reason the poverty rate stopped declining. Kids who grow up without a father and on the dole go on to be poor, and there's a good chance they will end up in prison.
Teenage Pregnancy and Poverty
Teenage pregnancy and poverty may be linked in many people’s minds, but that doesn’t mean they know the facts. This article summarizes the research that helps establish what the relationship between teenage pregnancy and poverty really is.

Two Connections Between Teenage Pregnancy and Poverty

When considering how teenage pregnancy and poverty relate it is important to consider two distinct but important connections. First, it is important to consider poverty as a factor among others in leading to teenage pregnancy. Second, it is essential to consider poverty as an outcome of teenage pregnancy, not only for the pregnant teen, but for the teen father, the child, and other children that may be born to the teen mother subsequently.

Poverty as a Contributing Factor to Teenage Pregnancy

The connection between poverty rates and teen pregnancy rates seems inescapable even when it isn’t pointed out. In a 2010 report using 2006 data, this is the top three and their rankings in terms of both teenage pregnancy and poverty. Texas, the leader in teen pregnancy rates, is ninth in the nation in the poverty rankings. New Mexico is second in teenage pregnancy rates, and third in poverty rankings. Mississippi is third in teen pregnancies, and the highest rate of poverty in the country.

In 2005, New Mexico had been first, Nevada second, and Arizona third in teenage pregnancy rates; Texas first, New Mexico second, and Mississippi third in birthrate, and New York first, New Jersey second, and Nevada third in the abortion rate for young women 15 to 19. While the pregnancy rates among teens had been declining, and the 2005 were the lowest in over 30 years, 2006 saw an increase, as reported by the Gutmacher Institute.

Poverty as a Result of Teenage Pregnancy

It has been reported that only a third of teen mothers achieve a high school diploma and that teen father are apt to finish fewer years of school than men who become fathers when they are older, leaving both parents less equipped than they might be to earn a living. Children of teen parents had been found to have poorer school performance, and girls who were born as the result of a teen pregnancy were found to have a 22% greater than average risk of becoming teen mothers. Additionally the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy has reported that a minimum of 75% of teen mothers who are unmarried will be on welfare within 5 years of the birth of their first child.

This view is countered by a study by University of Pennsylvania’s Frank Furstenburg, who reported that women raised in poverty and bearing children later were not much more likely to escape poverty than impoverished teens who became pregnant. The study also concludes that there is little difference educationally and economically between girls raised in poverty who become mothers during their teen years and those who become mothers later.
Teenage Pregnancy and Poverty | Pregnant Teen Help

The first error your post made: Poverty doesn't lead to teenage pregnancy, welfare does. The graphs I posted established that fact beyond any possible refutation.
Really then why did I refute it?
Your idea of irrefutable evidence is laughable!
What's it like to be incredibly ignorant?

"Nuh uhn" isn't a refutation of anything other than the claim that you have a brain.

Nothing you post is
the definition of irrefutable
I've just refuted your post.
Teenage Pregnancy and Poverty
Teenage pregnancy and poverty may be linked in many people’s minds, but that doesn’t mean they know the facts. This article summarizes the research that helps establish what the relationship between teenage pregnancy and poverty really is.

Two Connections Between Teenage Pregnancy and Poverty

When considering how teenage pregnancy and poverty relate it is important to consider two distinct but important connections. First, it is important to consider poverty as a factor among others in leading to teenage pregnancy. Second, it is essential to consider poverty as an outcome of teenage pregnancy, not only for the pregnant teen, but for the teen father, the child, and other children that may be born to the teen mother subsequently.

Poverty as a Contributing Factor to Teenage Pregnancy

The connection between poverty rates and teen pregnancy rates seems inescapable even when it isn’t pointed out. In a 2010 report using 2006 data, this is the top three and their rankings in terms of both teenage pregnancy and poverty. Texas, the leader in teen pregnancy rates, is ninth in the nation in the poverty rankings. New Mexico is second in teenage pregnancy rates, and third in poverty rankings. Mississippi is third in teen pregnancies, and the highest rate of poverty in the country.

In 2005, New Mexico had been first, Nevada second, and Arizona third in teenage pregnancy rates; Texas first, New Mexico second, and Mississippi third in birthrate, and New York first, New Jersey second, and Nevada third in the abortion rate for young women 15 to 19. While the pregnancy rates among teens had been declining, and the 2005 were the lowest in over 30 years, 2006 saw an increase, as reported by the Gutmacher Institute.

Poverty as a Result of Teenage Pregnancy

It has been reported that only a third of teen mothers achieve a high school diploma and that teen father are apt to finish fewer years of school than men who become fathers when they are older, leaving both parents less equipped than they might be to earn a living. Children of teen parents had been found to have poorer school performance, and girls who were born as the result of a teen pregnancy were found to have a 22% greater than average risk of becoming teen mothers. Additionally the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy has reported that a minimum of 75% of teen mothers who are unmarried will be on welfare within 5 years of the birth of their first child.

This view is countered by a study by University of Pennsylvania’s Frank Furstenburg, who reported that women raised in poverty and bearing children later were not much more likely to escape poverty than impoverished teens who became pregnant. The study also concludes that there is little difference educationally and economically between girls raised in poverty who become mothers during their teen years and those who become mothers later.
Teenage Pregnancy and Poverty | Pregnant Teen Help
Breakdown of the traditional American family = fucked up morals
the traditional American family is a myth

  • Loving v. Virginia in a Post-Racial World: Rethinking Race, Sex and Marriage."

    Updated August 9, 2012, 11:35 AM

    “Family values” talk is literally fantastic, because it is utterly improbable. Just as we place hope in winged horses and caped crusaders, the rally cries of “protect marriage” and “preserve decency” only work to stir the troops. Will campaign speeches curb the divorce rate? Does a party platform make couples think twice about the morality of living together? Is prayer a reliable form of birth control? Answer to all: No, no and we wish.

    Republicans have shaped a collective memory of the family based on a sepia-toned vision of Mom, America and apple pie.
    “Family values” talk mobilizes voters. It identifies an enemy — which most likely is the progression of time — that allows citizens to channel frustration about the state of today’s world. Imagine: a room of people all wishing for the good ol’ days. Men worked, women cleaned, children obeyed and “everyone knew each other and we all got along.”

    These are the same people that wish Stepford were a real place. They fail to notice obvious things like racial tension, gender discrimination and gay bashing. Much like forgetting the awkwardness of junior high, selective memory edits the incongruous and unpleasant. Even during the "golden family era" of the 1950s, rates of divorce were rising, people had nonmarital sex and children disobeyed their parents.

    The past is not uniformly devoid of cultural tensions and political problems. Republicans have shaped a collective memory of the family based on a sepia-toned vision of Mom, America and apple pie. Supposedly, everything was better in the past. In this same supposedness, our social problems and cultural clashes would be solved if we embraced a kinder, gentler approach.

    But did it really work like this? June Cleaver did not bear a Santorum-load of children, which means that some "Leave It to Beaver" writer believed in birth control. Elvis Presley’s voice and pelvis threatened national virginity, yet the morality of young girls remained intact. And even Norman Rockwell, painter of all things Ye Olde America, divorced and remarried.

    Embracing the reality of a perpetually evolving culture is much harder than clinging to a retro ideal. It also means less political grandstanding.

    The Myth of the Traditional Family -
  • morality is relative
  • fail.

It wasn't a "myth" until leftwing welfare programs made it into a myth. Welfare has been one of the single most destructive forces on American society ever conceived.
That might be the most ignorant thing you've ever said but the day is young.

It's the obvious truth.
It's neither true or obvious.
How evil is liberalism? I give you....the poster child of the modern day liberal. As horribly ugly on the outside as it is on the inside. Using vulgar language in public. Unable to show a shred of class or dignity. Disrupting a civil gathering. Most of all - mentally incapable of accepting any view point that doesn't support its predetermined ideology.

Of course, at no point did I suggest a "voluntary tax system" for America. But when a liberals repulsive hypocrisy is on display for all to see, they immediately have to revert to a straw man.
Wealthy liberals are willing to raise their own tax rates
Wealthy conservatives want to cut benefits to the poor

That is the difference

Can you name one wealthy liberal who pays the government more than he legally owes the government?

. . . . . . . .

I didn't think so.

Welfare lures teenage girls into getting pregnant and becoming a hostage to welfare and trapped in poverty. That's what liberals endorse.
Welfare lures teenaged girls into getting pregnant?

I thought teenaged boys did that
Shhh! don't spook the herd with the facts.
How evil is liberalism? I give you....the poster child of the modern day liberal. As horribly ugly on the outside as it is on the inside. Using vulgar language in public. Unable to show a shred of class or dignity. Disrupting a civil gathering. Most of all - mentally incapable of accepting any view point that doesn't support its predetermined ideology.

Yuk-yuk, pigeon holing again I see..
How evil is liberalism? I give you....the poster child of the modern day liberal. As horribly ugly on the outside as it is on the inside. Using vulgar language in public. Unable to show a shred of class or dignity. Disrupting a civil gathering. Most of all - mentally incapable of accepting any view point that doesn't support its predetermined ideology.

Yuk-yuk, pigeon holing again I see..

Yeah....if my side of the aisle was that humiliating, I too would say something like that. Thankfully though, my side of the aisle isn't made up of people that horribly ugly both inside and outside.

Just look here at USMB. Show me a thread where at least one liberal isn't dropping f-bombs everywhere. Show me a thread were at least one liberal isn't supporting something repulsively sexually deviant. You may be a decent liberal. And Jillian may be a decent liberal. But the vast majority of your side of the aisle moon is made up of the worst that society has to offer. This woman couldn't even sit there quietly (or leave) - she felt that she had to disrupt the entire presentation by screaming obscenities like some wild animal. And just look at what people like her did at Trump rally's (and for the record - I really hate Donald Trump).

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