How EVIL is liberalism anyway?

How evil is liberalism? I give you....the poster child of the modern day liberal. As horribly ugly on the outside as it is on the inside. Using vulgar language in public. Unable to show a shred of class or dignity. Disrupting a civil gathering. Most of all - mentally incapable of accepting any view point that doesn't support its predetermined ideology.

Yuk-yuk, pigeon holing again I see..

Yeah....if my side of the aisle was that humiliating, I too would say something like that. Thankfully though, my side of the aisle isn't made up of people that horribly ugly both inside and outside.

Just look here at USMB. Show me a thread where at least one liberal isn't dropping f-bombs everywhere. Show me a thread were at least one liberal isn't supporting something repulsively sexually deviant. You may be a decent liberal. And Jillian may be a decent liberal. But the vast majority of your side of the aisle moon is made up of the worst that society has to offer. This woman couldn't even sit there quietly (or leave) - she felt that she had to disrupt the entire presentation by screaming obscenities like some wild animal. And just look at what people like her did at Trump rally's (and for the record - I really hate Donald Trump).

I learned a long time ago that deep emotional involvement will get you one thing, high blood pressure..The folks that have a lack of self awareness and self control have no idea what the real world is all about..guess what, it's nothing new....It happens in all races in all societies, and on all sides of the political spectrum.....Trying to say one side does it, but never recognizing the other side is disingenuous to the substance you need to develop yourself into a person with deep perspective, the substance that you must obtain for this development is called, "truth"...Jesus spoke of this dynamic when he declared , I am the truth, the light and the way....The Bible is full of examples of people living in blind self realization to the truth by letting emotions make their decisions..
You seem like a good fellow that seeks to have questions answered for a reason as to why events and actions occur..I was like that way for years, until through physical disability I was no longer able to live my life by blinding myself and had to realize that I must stop lying to myself and others to try to be the person I wanted to be.( I am not trying to infer that this is what you do), and the truth was the only way I was going to survive with this new way I had to learn to survive or go mad...and off myself...
Politics, is a Machiavellian science of lying, conniving and destroying your competition...much like how corporations operate..Not on good will, but schadenfreuden disdain...
Get away from the he said-she said BS, and pointing fingers, learn to grow a thick skin and use moderate reflection when deciding what to say....
Good day
Time for a little Civ V
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Patton was the greatest General any Army ever had going back to "Alexander The Great"


Real life klinger

How evil is liberalism? I give you....the poster child of the modern day liberal. As horribly ugly on the outside as it is on the inside. Using vulgar language in public. Unable to show a shred of class or dignity. Disrupting a civil gathering. Most of all - mentally incapable of accepting any view point that doesn't support its predetermined ideology.

How kind of you to share your prom pictures with us.
How evil is liberalism? I give you....the poster child of the modern day liberal. As horribly ugly on the outside as it is on the inside. Using vulgar language in public. Unable to show a shred of class or dignity. Disrupting a civil gathering. Most of all - mentally incapable of accepting any view point that doesn't support its predetermined ideology.

Yuk-yuk, pigeon holing again I see..

Yeah....if my side of the aisle was that humiliating, I too would say something like that. Thankfully though, my side of the aisle isn't made up of people that horribly ugly both inside and outside.

Just look here at USMB. Show me a thread where at least one liberal isn't dropping f-bombs everywhere. Show me a thread were at least one liberal isn't supporting something repulsively sexually deviant. You may be a decent liberal. And Jillian may be a decent liberal. But the vast majority of your side of the aisle moon is made up of the worst that society has to offer. This woman couldn't even sit there quietly (or leave) - she felt that she had to disrupt the entire presentation by screaming obscenities like some wild animal. And just look at what people like her did at Trump rally's (and for the record - I really hate Donald Trump).

Let's see, you make false and asinine judgments on the basis of appearance and language.
"Your side" is loaded with the Lions share of racists, religious nut sacks and all the human detritus imaginable.
Yet you have the timerity to set yourself above someone who is in all practically exactly the same as you.

It's amazing that someone as fucking pretentious and hubris laden as you are doesn't have people cross the street to avoid the smell of the pompous self righteous stench that oozes from the pustules that make up your being.
You can take that stick out of your ass and swallow it.
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This is how evil liberalism is - resorting to violence to prevent free speech and the exchange of ideas. And if that were not enough, toward the end of the video you can hear them screaming obscenities in public while law enforcement looks on and does nothing. These sub-human animals should have been arrested for violence first and then for violating profanity codes second. With each passing day there are fewer and fewer liberals demonstrating the ability to conduct themselves with class and dignity in public...

This is how evil liberalism is - resorting to violence to prevent free speech and the exchange of ideas. And if that were not enough, toward the end of the video you can hear them screaming obscenities in public while law enforcement looks on and does nothing. These sub-human animals should have been arrested for violence first and then for violating profanity codes second. With each passing day there are fewer and fewer liberals demonstrating the ability to conduct themselves with class and dignity in public...

"Profanity codes"?

What in the blue fuck are "profanity codes", ButtBowdler?
This is how evil liberalism is - resorting to violence to prevent free speech and the exchange of ideas. And if that were not enough, toward the end of the video you can hear them screaming obscenities in public while law enforcement looks on and does nothing. These sub-human animals should have been arrested for violence first and then for violating profanity codes second. With each passing day there are fewer and fewer liberals demonstrating the ability to conduct themselves with class and dignity in public...

I saw this video a few minutes ago. I was going to post it myself, but you beat me to it. Note how they commit several assaults on the man before they are done. The stole his hat right off his head, they attempted to block his path, and some of them even tried to wrestle with him. These are all examples of assault, which are felonies. The police did nothing.
This is how evil liberalism is - resorting to violence to prevent free speech and the exchange of ideas. And if that were not enough, toward the end of the video you can hear them screaming obscenities in public while law enforcement looks on and does nothing. These sub-human animals should have been arrested for violence first and then for violating profanity codes second. With each passing day there are fewer and fewer liberals demonstrating the ability to conduct themselves with class and dignity in public...

This is how evil liberalism is - resorting to violence to prevent free speech and the exchange of ideas. And if that were not enough, toward the end of the video you can hear them screaming obscenities in public while law enforcement looks on and does nothing. These sub-human animals should have been arrested for violence first and then for violating profanity codes second. With each passing day there are fewer and fewer liberals demonstrating the ability to conduct themselves with class and dignity in public...

I saw this video a few minutes ago. I was going to post it myself, but you beat me to it. Note how they commit several assaults on the man before they are done. The stole his hat right off his head, they attempted to block his path, and some of them even tried to wrestle with him. These are all examples of assault, which are felonies. The police did nothing.

He gave as good as he got.
This is how evil liberalism is - resorting to violence to prevent free speech and the exchange of ideas. And if that were not enough, toward the end of the video you can hear them screaming obscenities in public while law enforcement looks on and does nothing. These sub-human animals should have been arrested for violence first and then for violating profanity codes second. With each passing day there are fewer and fewer liberals demonstrating the ability to conduct themselves with class and dignity in public...

Has Buttsoiler made any posts in this thread that are not Composition Fallacies?

Even one?
This is how evil liberalism is - resorting to violence to prevent free speech and the exchange of ideas. And if that were not enough, toward the end of the video you can hear them screaming obscenities in public while law enforcement looks on and does nothing. These sub-human animals should have been arrested for violence first and then for violating profanity codes second. With each passing day there are fewer and fewer liberals demonstrating the ability to conduct themselves with class and dignity in public...

I saw this video a few minutes ago. I was going to post it myself, but you beat me to it. Note how they commit several assaults on the man before they are done. The stole his hat right off his head, they attempted to block his path, and some of them even tried to wrestle with him. These are all examples of assault, which are felonies. The police did nothing.

He gave as good as he got.

He defended himself, you Nazi asshole.
This is how evil liberalism is - resorting to violence to prevent free speech and the exchange of ideas. And if that were not enough, toward the end of the video you can hear them screaming obscenities in public while law enforcement looks on and does nothing. These sub-human animals should have been arrested for violence first and then for violating profanity codes second. With each passing day there are fewer and fewer liberals demonstrating the ability to conduct themselves with class and dignity in public...

Has Buttsoiler made any posts in this thread that are not Composition Fallacies?

Even one?
It's seem buttsoiler( love the nickname) has never in his whole posting life has never posted any thing that's not Composition Fallacies, Argumentum ad lapidem,argumentum, ad ignorantiam, argumentum ergo decedo (The Traitorous Critic Fallacy) argumentum ad hominem,circulus in probando ,continuum fallacy and moralistic fallacy just to name a few.
This is how evil liberalism is - resorting to violence to prevent free speech and the exchange of ideas. And if that were not enough, toward the end of the video you can hear them screaming obscenities in public while law enforcement looks on and does nothing. These sub-human animals should have been arrested for violence first and then for violating profanity codes second. With each passing day there are fewer and fewer liberals demonstrating the ability to conduct themselves with class and dignity in public...

I saw this video a few minutes ago. I was going to post it myself, but you beat me to it. Note how they commit several assaults on the man before they are done. The stole his hat right off his head, they attempted to block his path, and some of them even tried to wrestle with him. These are all examples of assault, which are felonies. The police did nothing.

He gave as good as he got.

He defended himself, you Nazi asshole.
I just said that you illiterate ass hat!
This is how evil liberalism is. They admit to conspiring against the American people by working with (for?) the White House to craft the exact message the Democrats want. Sick. Disgusting. Their job as members of the media is to report exactly what happened, exactly how it happened. Not to give their opinion. Not to push an agenda. This is right out of the Communist Manifesto...

This is how evil liberalism is. They admit to conspiring against the American people by working with (for?) the White House to craft the exact message the Democrats want. Sick. Disgusting. Their job as members of the media is to report exactly what happened, exactly how it happened. Not to give their opinion. Not to push an agenda. This is right out of the Communist Manifesto...

I see you didn't present any clips from fox .
They are the most biased and are the main provider of the religofascism of rw nut sacks like you.
The most evil people are the ones who pretend to be the most righteous.
Just like you.
This is how evil liberalism is - resorting to violence to prevent free speech and the exchange of ideas. And if that were not enough, toward the end of the video you can hear them screaming obscenities in public while law enforcement looks on and does nothing. These sub-human animals should have been arrested for violence first and then for violating profanity codes second. With each passing day there are fewer and fewer liberals demonstrating the ability to conduct themselves with class and dignity in public...

I saw this video a few minutes ago. I was going to post it myself, but you beat me to it. Note how they commit several assaults on the man before they are done. The stole his hat right off his head, they attempted to block his path, and some of them even tried to wrestle with him. These are all examples of assault, which are felonies. The police did nothing.

He gave as good as he got.

He defended himself, you Nazi asshole.
I just said that you illiterate ass hat!

You're implying that it OK to assault the man because he defended himself. Wrong. Only a douche bag asshole would imply any such thing.
This is how evil liberalism is - resorting to violence to prevent free speech and the exchange of ideas. And if that were not enough, toward the end of the video you can hear them screaming obscenities in public while law enforcement looks on and does nothing. These sub-human animals should have been arrested for violence first and then for violating profanity codes second. With each passing day there are fewer and fewer liberals demonstrating the ability to conduct themselves with class and dignity in public...

I saw this video a few minutes ago. I was going to post it myself, but you beat me to it. Note how they commit several assaults on the man before they are done. The stole his hat right off his head, they attempted to block his path, and some of them even tried to wrestle with him. These are all examples of assault, which are felonies. The police did nothing.

He gave as good as he got.

He defended himself, you Nazi asshole.
I just said that you illiterate ass hat!

You're implying that it OK to assault the man because he defended himself. Wrong. Only a douche bag asshole would imply any such thing.
I implied nothing.
I made an obvious statement about what I saw.
Because you are a bigoted and ignorant all you can do is Infer something not said or meant .

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