How EVIL is liberalism anyway?

  1. Time for an independent audit of the Clinton ...
    Apr 24, 2015 · Time for an independent audit of the Clinton Foundation ... Rodham Clinton and the Clinton Foundation today to commission ... never seen one party have ...
  1. Clinton Foundation Financial Disclosures Still a...
    Clinton Foundation Financial Disclosures Still a Shambles, Despite Hillary Clinton Oversight. Clinton Foundation ... the financial statements for CHAI were audited ...
  1. Clinton Charities Will Refile 5 Annual Tax...
    Apr 22, 2015 · Clinton Charities Will Refile 5 Annual ... and said they may audit other Clinton Foundation returns in ... "I've never seen amendment activity ...
  1. Exclusive: Clinton charities will refile tax...
    Apr 22, 2015 · Hillary Clinton's family's charities are refiling at least five annual tax returns after a Reuters review found errors in how they reported donations from ...
  1. The other Hillary scandal of the day: Clinton ...
    Apr 22, 2015 · The Clinton Foundation scandals can be easily summarized – American influence for ... It truly is out of control and our crash will never be reported; ...
  1. Wall Street analyst uncovers Clinton Foundation...
    Apr 21, 2015 · NEW YORK – The Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation – already under scrutiny for foreign donations – is now being accused of fraudulent and ...
  1. Liberal Group Calls For Audit Of Clinton ...
    Apr 23, 2015 · A liberal group that has longtime Clinton friend Robert Reich as its chairman of the board is calling on the Clinton Foundation to open up its books to an ...
  1. Watchdog: Let's Face It, the Clinton Foundation is...Watchdog: Let's Face It, the Clinton Foundation is Basically a 'Slush Fund' Share; Tweet; ... Last week we learned about the Clinton Foundation's tax problems ...
  1. Government Watchdog Calls The Clinton Foundation...
    Apr 27, 2015 · It seems like the Clinton Foundation operates as a slush fund for the Clintons. In case you’re wondering what might prompt Mr. Allison to make such a ...
  1. Sunlight Foundation leader: Clinton Foundation a “...
    Apr 26, 2015 · Yesterday, the Clinton Foundation responded to a growing clamor for accountability with a statement from Maura Pally, the CEO of its unit focusing on ...
  1. Clinton Foundation On Charity Watch List As “Slush...</...
    Charity Navigator doesn't even consider the Clinton Foundation a charity at all. Virtually no money is actually spent on charitable endeavors; the entire construct of ...
  1. Clinton Foundation's Swedish slush fund raises new...
    Live Clinton Foundation's Swedish slush fund raises new concerns. Jun. 04, 2015 - 5:23 - Washington Times reporters provide insight on 'Hannity'
You really should learn to read your own links, vagisil...

    • The charities' errors generally take the form of under-reporting or over-reporting, by millions of dollars, donations from foreign governments, or in other instances omitting to break out government donations entirely when reporting revenue, the charities confirmed to Reuters.
    • The unsettled numbers on the tax returns are not evidence of wrongdoing but tend to undermine the 990s role as a form of public accountability, experts in charity law and transparency advocates told Reuters.

One out of 12 posted links that EDGED it's bets....WEAK, almost as WEAK as your low 2 digit mentality!....PAWNED AGAIN!!!:ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Like it matters how many links you post when they're all about the same thing. :cuckoo: aside from your idiocy of linking to mostly rightwing hack sites, all you linked was either about the Clinton Foundation being a slush fund, a ridiculous claim you obliterated earlier in the thread; or about them refiling their taxes on their foundation, which according to the only non-biased source you linked (Reuters), it's not evidence of any wrong-doing. Further corroborating that is your sad reality that no charges have been filed.
  1. Time for an independent audit of the Clinton ...
    Apr 24, 2015 · Time for an independent audit of the Clinton Foundation ... Rodham Clinton and the Clinton Foundation today to commission ... never seen one party have ...
  1. Clinton Foundation Financial Disclosures Still a...
    Clinton Foundation Financial Disclosures Still a Shambles, Despite Hillary Clinton Oversight. Clinton Foundation ... the financial statements for CHAI were audited ...
  1. Clinton Charities Will Refile 5 Annual Tax...
    Apr 22, 2015 · Clinton Charities Will Refile 5 Annual ... and said they may audit other Clinton Foundation returns in ... "I've never seen amendment activity ...
  1. Exclusive: Clinton charities will refile tax...
    Apr 22, 2015 · Hillary Clinton's family's charities are refiling at least five annual tax returns after a Reuters review found errors in how they reported donations from ...
  1. The other Hillary scandal of the day: Clinton ...
    Apr 22, 2015 · The Clinton Foundation scandals can be easily summarized – American influence for ... It truly is out of control and our crash will never be reported; ...
  1. Wall Street analyst uncovers Clinton Foundation...
    Apr 21, 2015 · NEW YORK – The Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation – already under scrutiny for foreign donations – is now being accused of fraudulent and ...
  1. Liberal Group Calls For Audit Of Clinton ...
    Apr 23, 2015 · A liberal group that has longtime Clinton friend Robert Reich as its chairman of the board is calling on the Clinton Foundation to open up its books to an ...
  1. Watchdog: Let's Face It, the Clinton Foundation is...Watchdog: Let's Face It, the Clinton Foundation is Basically a 'Slush Fund' Share; Tweet; ... Last week we learned about the Clinton Foundation's tax problems ...
  1. Government Watchdog Calls The Clinton Foundation...
    Apr 27, 2015 · It seems like the Clinton Foundation operates as a slush fund for the Clintons. In case you’re wondering what might prompt Mr. Allison to make such a ...
  1. Sunlight Foundation leader: Clinton Foundation a “...
    Apr 26, 2015 · Yesterday, the Clinton Foundation responded to a growing clamor for accountability with a statement from Maura Pally, the CEO of its unit focusing on ...
  1. Clinton Foundation On Charity Watch List As “Slush...</...
    Charity Navigator doesn't even consider the Clinton Foundation a charity at all. Virtually no money is actually spent on charitable endeavors; the entire construct of ...
  1. Clinton Foundation's Swedish slush fund raises new...
    Live Clinton Foundation's Swedish slush fund raises new concerns. Jun. 04, 2015 - 5:23 - Washington Times reporters provide insight on 'Hannity'
You really should learn to read your own links, vagisil...

    • The charities' errors generally take the form of under-reporting or over-reporting, by millions of dollars, donations from foreign governments, or in other instances omitting to break out government donations entirely when reporting revenue, the charities confirmed to Reuters.
    • The unsettled numbers on the tax returns are not evidence of wrongdoing but tend to undermine the 990s role as a form of public accountability, experts in charity law and transparency advocates told Reuters.

One out of 12 posted links that EDGED it's bets....WEAK, almost as WEAK as your low 2 digit mentality!....PAWNED AGAIN!!!:ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Like it matters how many links you post when they're all about the same thing. :cuckoo: aside from your idiocy of linking to mostly rightwing hack sites, all you linked was either about the Clinton Foundation being a slush fund, a ridiculous claim you obliterated earlier in the thread; or about them refiling their taxes on their foundation, which according to the only non-biased source you linked (Reuters), it's not evidence of any wrong-doing. Further corroborating that is your sad reality that no charges have been filed.

ROTFLMFAO....wonder what Clinton Crime Family Foundation emails are being held....
  • FBI: Records from Clinton's email server being held as 'evidence' ^ | 6/8/16 11:28 AM | By Sarah Westwood
    FBI agents have confirmed that they recovered records from Hillary Clinton's private server and other electronic devices, but won't reveal any details about those records because that information is being treated as "evidence" in a "pending investigation." "[A]ll of the materials retrieved from any electronic equipment obtained from former Secretary Clinton for the investigation are evidence, potential evidence, or information that has not yet been assessed for evidentiary value," the FBI said in documents filed with a federal court Monday. While media reports last year suggested the law enforcement agency had some success pulling potentially deleted emails off Clinton's private...
Ever notice that EVIL is always represented by a CREATURE with HORNS...PAWNED AGAIN!


Remarkably similiar!

As you can see the far left religion is more evil than ISIS!
I'm not sure I would go that far. But perhaps on par with ISIS. They certainly share the same oppressive ideology. They certainly share the same value for human life (which is next to nothing). I guess the difference is that the left is not as overly savage about it as ISIS.
"Socialism is for The People...Not the Socialist" - Andrew Wilkow

Hilldabeast spends six figures just on clothes. On you dumb liberal minions. Voting for the true evil 1% who preach to you about "income inequality" while hoarding their wealth and spending on frivolous items while children starve. Hitlery is always desperate to prove she is "one of the people" - why not campaign in Good Will clothes and donate that six figures to people in need? Walk the walk Hitlery.

Hillary Clinton delivered a speech on inequality in a $12,495 Giorgio Armani jacket, as former first lady spends six figures to dress for success in campaign

Hillary delivered speech on inequality in a $12,495 Armani jacket
This is how evil liberalism is. Filthy, foul mouthed freaks harassing law abiding citizens over their Constitutional rights...

The face of the typical liberal in America. Intolerant. Eyes bat-shit crazy. And full of anger and hatred...
How glorious would it be to see these violent liberals stomped into a coma by this motorcycle gang? Would love to see dozens and dozens of them in the ICU after all of the violent attacks they've committed against law abiding citizens simply trying to exercise their right to attend political rallies and engage in the political process...

BACK OFF: "Lion Guard" Biker Group Just Put Violent Anti-Trump Leftists On NOTICE
This is how evil liberalism is....

“We’re on the brink of a Charles Sumner moment, where he got beaten with a cane over the expansion of slavery in the country,” Pat said. For those unfamiliar with this story from American history, Charles Sumner was a senator from Massachusetts who, as part of the Radical Republicans, fought to end slavery. His speeches admonishing slavery infuriated pro-slavery senators — both Democrats and moderate Republicans. In 1856, Representative Preston Brooks, a democrat from South Carolina, beat Sumner severely on the head with a cane. Sumner, who became blinded by his own blood, staggered up the aisle of the senate chamber before collapsing and lapsing into unconsciousness. Brooks continued beating a motionless Sumner until his cane broke. Several other senators attempted to help Sumner, but were blocked by fellow South Carolinian, Laurence Keitt, who brandished a pistol and shouted, “Let them be!”

Are We on the Brink of a Charles Sumner Moment and Civil War?
This is how evil liberalism is....

“We’re on the brink of a Charles Sumner moment, where he got beaten with a cane over the expansion of slavery in the country,” Pat said. For those unfamiliar with this story from American history, Charles Sumner was a senator from Massachusetts who, as part of the Radical Republicans, fought to end slavery. His speeches admonishing slavery infuriated pro-slavery senators — both Democrats and moderate Republicans. In 1856, Representative Preston Brooks, a democrat from South Carolina, beat Sumner severely on the head with a cane. Sumner, who became blinded by his own blood, staggered up the aisle of the senate chamber before collapsing and lapsing into unconsciousness. Brooks continued beating a motionless Sumner until his cane broke. Several other senators attempted to help Sumner, but were blocked by fellow South Carolinian, Laurence Keitt, who brandished a pistol and shouted, “Let them be!”

Are We on the Brink of a Charles Sumner Moment and Civil War?

Sumner was "evil" for being caned?

How stupid IS Buttsoiler anyway?

Stupid enough to not figure out that Sumner -- the victim here -- was one of the Liberal Abolitionists and that the Slave Power Democrats were the conservatives of the time? Stupid enough that he'd never heard of this incident before?
This is how evil liberalism is....

“We’re on the brink of a Charles Sumner moment, where he got beaten with a cane over the expansion of slavery in the country,” Pat said. For those unfamiliar with this story from American history, Charles Sumner was a senator from Massachusetts who, as part of the Radical Republicans, fought to end slavery. His speeches admonishing slavery infuriated pro-slavery senators — both Democrats and moderate Republicans. In 1856, Representative Preston Brooks, a democrat from South Carolina, beat Sumner severely on the head with a cane. Sumner, who became blinded by his own blood, staggered up the aisle of the senate chamber before collapsing and lapsing into unconsciousness. Brooks continued beating a motionless Sumner until his cane broke. Several other senators attempted to help Sumner, but were blocked by fellow South Carolinian, Laurence Keitt, who brandished a pistol and shouted, “Let them be!”

Are We on the Brink of a Charles Sumner Moment and Civil War?

Sumner was "evil" for being caned?

How stupid IS Buttsoiler anyway?

Stupid enough to not figure out that Sumner -- the victim here -- was one of the Liberal Abolitionists and that the Slave Power Democrats were the conservatives of the time? Stupid enough that he'd never heard of this incident before?
Bwahahahaha! No - the Dumbocrats were evil for beating a conservative with a cane simply because he wanted to end slavery. This situation illustrates that Dumbocrats haven't evolved one bit in the past 150 years. Libtards are still racist as hell, they still support slavery, and they still resort to violence any time someone exercises their 1st Amendment rights if that speech doesn't fully support the failed and evil libtard ideology.

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