How EVIL is liberalism anyway?

:eusa_clap: Buttsoiler feels brave, finally crawls out from the rock he's been hiding under for months. Let's do it.

What does it not have to do with liberalism? First and foremost - the obvious (for anyone with the intellect above a newborn infant) - it was done by a liberal.

:lmao: aaaaand straight to the Composition Fallacy, introduced by the old "Everybody Knows" fallacy. Would be amusing if it weren't so abjectly predictable.

Unfortunately Buttsoiler, your fallacies don't address the question at all, which for you slow readers was --- what the fuck does a meth deal have to do with "Liberalism"? Or with politics of any form?


Still running away even while pretending to post huh?

Second, liberalism promotes promiscuity, homosexuality, and drug use.

Oh DOES it now.


What a fucking cat toy.
This is how evil liberalism is...

This will make any principled person refuse to vote for the power-hungry, money-hungry, self-serving sociopath Hitlery Clinton.

This is how evil liberalism is... I think all sane and rational people (that eliminates liberals of course) can agree that this is the final nail in the false liberal narrative about race. Liberals have managed to convinced a portion of the African-American community that Republican's are the "boogeyman" while keeping them firmly planted on the government plantation. This article is from an African-American (so good luck trying to use the race card on this one liberals) and the statistics are 100% accurate and can be independently verified.

The cities where black academic achievement is the lowest are the very cities where Democrats have been in charge for decades.

Racial discrimination is seen as the cause of many problems of black Americans. No one argues that racial discrimination does not exist or does not have effects. The relevant question, as far as policy and resource allocation are concerned, is: How much of what we see is caused by current racial discrimination?

From the late 1940s to the mid-1950s, black youth unemployment was slightly less than or equal to white youth unemployment. Today, black youth unemployment is at least double that of white youth unemployment. Would anyone try to explain the difference with the argument that there was less racial discrimination during the ’40s and ’50s than today?

Today’s black illegitimacy rate is about 73%. When I was a youngster, during the 1940s, illegitimacy was around 15%. In the same period, about 80% of black children were born inside marriage. In fact, historian Herbert Gutman, in an article titled “Persistent Myths about the Afro-American Family” in The Journal of Interdisciplinary History (Autumn 1975), reported the percentage of black two-parent families, depending on the city, ranged from 75% to 90%.

Today, only a little over 30% of black children are raised in two-parent households.

What Can Racial Discrimination Explain?
Why do blacks vote Democratic?
What have Republicans done to alleviate the problem besides telling the blacks to get a job?
Why do blacks vote Democratic?
Those that do have bought into the left-wing propaganda. It's easy to do when someone is throwing shit at you (like "free" cell phones, and "free" healthcare - no matter how shitty it is).
What have Republicans done to alleviate the problem besides telling the blacks to get a job?
They worked tirelessly to provide a free-market which provides endless opportunity to anybody of any ethnicity, gender, etc. Sadly though, Dumbocrats have worked equally as tirelessly to destroy that free market and ensure that the African-American community (and as many others as possible) remain firmly on the government plantation - dependent on government for even their most basic needs (like food and healthcare).
Why do blacks vote Democratic?
Those that do have bought into the left-wing propaganda. It's easy to do when someone is throwing shit at you (like "free" cell phones, and "free" healthcare - no matter how shitty it is).
What have Republicans done to alleviate the problem besides telling the blacks to get a job?
They worked tirelessly to provide a free-market which provides endless opportunity to anybody of any ethnicity, gender, etc. Sadly though, Dumbocrats have worked equally as tirelessly to destroy that free market and ensure that the African-American community (and as many others as possible) remain firmly on the government plantation - dependent on government for even their most basic needs (like food and healthcare).
So what is the free market and when did America have this free market?
Why do blacks vote Democratic?
Those that do have bought into the left-wing propaganda. It's easy to do when someone is throwing shit at you (like "free" cell phones, and "free" healthcare - no matter how shitty it is).
What have Republicans done to alleviate the problem besides telling the blacks to get a job?
They worked tirelessly to provide a free-market which provides endless opportunity to anybody of any ethnicity, gender, etc. Sadly though, Dumbocrats have worked equally as tirelessly to destroy that free market and ensure that the African-American community (and as many others as possible) remain firmly on the government plantation - dependent on government for even their most basic needs (like food and healthcare).
So what is the free market and when did America have this free market?
They had it in 1776. It lasted until right around the turn of the last century thanks to the rise of the disease known as liberalism.
This is how evil liberalism destroyed our prestigious Ivy League institutions and is causing them to churn out a bunch of idealistic and ignorant idiots. Thanks to liberalism, our Ivy League students don't even have the damn sense to stay away from Syria.

Ivy League Student Traveled to Syria to Join Islamic State — a Few Months Later, He Was Begging U.S. to Save Him

Daflying friggety fuck does that have to do with "Liberalism", Buttsoiler?

Are you retarded?
Here is it...liberalism today. Everyone is a victim and other people owe them something.

“It’s sad because, you know, this is what happen because they not helping the black community,” the unidentified man told the station on video, soon adding that “the rich people they got all this money and they not, like you know, try and give us none.”

And clearly liberalism has destroyed our public school education system. That is some of the most atrocious grammar imaginable.

Amid Milwaukee Violence, Black Man Complains About ‘Rich People’ and What They’re Not Doing With Their Money
Why, it's so evil it created this country.

Say, do you still believe "liberal" and "conservtive" refer to "what size the government is"? Remember that shit? That was hilarious. Like a hat size. :lmao:

Leftists like you advocate for unlimited government, Nothing has changed for you scumbags, you are still totalitarians, always will be.
So America keeps getting more liberal and will continue to do so, but in some areas it will just keep a gradual liberalism and in other areas the battle will continue as it has throughout history. A nation today almost has to have a state religion to nullify progress.
So America keeps getting more liberal and will continue to do so, but in some areas it will just keep a gradual liberalism and in other areas the battle will continue as it has throughout history. A nation today almost has to have a state religion to nullify progress.
America keeps getting more "liberal"? Really? That's funny - we've seen not only the rise of the Tea Party, but we've seen them take over both the House and the Senate over the last few years. We've seen traditionally liberal states such as Michigan and Wisconsin turn their states over to conservatives. We've seen ACORN completely shut down and so many Planned Parenthood's shut down that some states now have a single Planned Parenthood in their entire state. And we've seen a massive expansion of both gun sales and conceal carry laws over the past decade.

Perhaps you need a lesson in liberalism? :dunno:
This is how evil liberalism is....their idol Saul Alinsky not only dedicated his book "Rules for Radical" to Satan, but here he is also speaking about how much he would enjoy actually going to hell and "organizing" souls there.


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