How EVIL is liberalism anyway?

I have long been acquainted with liberalism and use to find them kind of adorable in a naive, idealistic, immature, yapping lapdog kind of way, bitching about freedom, hating the U.S. Constitution, and insisting that whatever anyone else had they somehow deserved at least half of, if not more.

Well, now we have a blend of liberalism and communism that many people confuse with 'true' liberalism, but it is NOT liberalism. For instance, John F. Kennedy was adamant that lowering taxes was the only way to get a stagnant economy back on track. In addition, he famously stated in a speech "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country". However, anybody today who express those John F. Kennedy liberal views is labeled by the left as "radical". Radical. It is "radical" in the minds of the modern day unhinged lefties to lower taxes or ask people to sacrifice for their country, rather than the country sacrificing everything for them. It is the putrid ideology from the mind of an evil avowed atheist escapee from the Soviet Union who had no use for love or charity or God. All modern day liberals want is rampant sexual deviance, the total destruction of a civilized society, and the permanent destruction of God. The deepest thought they are capable of producing is simpleton and irrational arguments for why they don't have to produce but have every right to be a parasite to society.

Modern day liberals have been completely exposed for the loveless and evil bitches that they are deep in their dark and disturbing souls. None of them will share what they have. None. Place a liberal on a polygraph and ask if they ever paid for the health insurance policy for an uninsured child and the answer will unequivocally be a resounding "no" each and every time. Likewise, ask them if they ever went without a meal to ensure that their fellow man had a hot meal, and once again the answer will unequivocally be a resounding "no" each and every time. Yet they will sit all day in a forum (such as USMB), refusing to work, refusing to hold a job and be a productive member of society, pretending to care sooo deeply about their fellow man. But as history has already proven and many have pointed out - the modern day liberal is quite generous with someone else's money. When it comes to their own, they won't share a damn thing.

Today's modern day liberal sells communism under the guise of liberalism - and it is not only rotting liberalism from the inside, like a cancer, but it's doing the same thing to America. $19 trillion in debt (on the verge of collapse). More people on food stamps than any time in U.S. history. Detroit - under total Democrat rule (both mayor and city council) for 60 years and now bankrupt. Just like the U.S.S.R. before, ignorant left-wing policy is collapsing the country, creating decay, dilapidation, poverty, and misery.

The take over of the Democrat Party movement by socialists/marxists/communists is a real disaster for the America as we enter a new age of technology in which jobs can easily and quickly be moved overseas because of ignorant liberal policies creating taxes and regulations too costly to keep the jobs here in America. Liberals pretend to care for other Americans, but at the end of the day, focus on brining everyone down into poverty because they are envious of anyone who has more than they do or does better than they do. It has never been about others for them - it has always been envy driving them to undermine and harm their fellow man.

America, if she is to survive, must find a way to shed itself of these useless evil parasites that are a pimple on America's ass or the America will die the well deserved death of wicked heresies ($19 trillion in debt and massive loss of freedoms because of communist liberalism has proven as much).
One of the best op's ever
"Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth. Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politicians."
~~George S Patton

Patton was the lowest form of general..

Actually George Patton was not that bad a General.

He was okay at best. If you like a man who slaps people with PTSD. He was also an egomaniac...

He also was correct that your boy Stalin was as bad as Hitler
He was okay at best. If you like a man who slaps people with PTSD. He was also an egomaniac...
That's how we treat pansy-ass cry babies in America sparky. It's why we win wars and why you inbred outback Aussies lose them. It's why we're free and armed and your own government disarmed you pussies. It's why you suffer from both penis envy and nation envy of Americans. It must really suck to be you.
This is how evil liberalism is....their idol Saul Alinsky not only dedicated his book "Rules for Radical" to Satan, but here he is also speaking about how much he would enjoy actually going to hell and "organizing" souls there.

Saul Alinsky Part I
He was okay at best. If you like a man who slaps people with PTSD. He was also an egomaniac...
That's how we treat pansy-ass cry babies in America sparky. It's why we win wars and why you inbred outback Aussies lose them. It's why we're free and armed and your own government disarmed you pussies. It's why you suffer from both penis envy and nation envy of Americans. It must really suck to be you.

Yeah, Vietnam was a great win. And the WOT. And the war on Drugs.

Mate, I'm about as envious of the US as you are of the boil on your arse. I'm not even an Aussie. My wife got offered two jobs. One in Aussie and one in the US. It wasn't even close.

As I have said before - but obviously you're a bit slow (too much of the old KFC and McDonalds diet addling what you call a brain), Aussie is far from unarmed.

And if you want to go on about your 'freedoms' over mine, have at it. I'll kick your arse from California to the New York Island...;o)

<edit> And Patton was still a fuckwit...
He was okay at best. If you like a man who slaps people with PTSD. He was also an egomaniac...
That's how we treat pansy-ass cry babies in America sparky. It's why we win wars and why you inbred outback Aussies lose them. It's why we're free and armed and your own government disarmed you pussies. It's why you suffer from both penis envy and nation envy of Americans. It must really suck to be you.

Yeah, Vietnam was a great win. And the WOT. And the war on Drugs.

Mate, I'm about as envious of the US as you are of the boil on your arse. I'm not even an Aussie. My wife got offered two jobs. One in Aussie and one in the US. It wasn't even close.

As I have said before - but obviously you're a bit slow (too much of the old KFC and McDonalds diet addling what you call a brain), Aussie is far from unarmed.

And if you want to go on about your 'freedoms' over mine, have at it. I'll kick your arse from California to the New York Island...;o)

<edit> And Patton was still a fuckwit...

Vietnam was a left-wing failure. Not an American failure. Our military didn't lose Vietnam. In fact, you can't find a single instance during the entire Vietnam war, where the enemy went into direct combat with American forces, and won. We won. Every single time.

In fact the Tet Offensive, was actually pathetic. The N.Veitnam troops avoided every area where they knew US military was stationed. They specifically targeted South Vietnam locations where US military forces were not at, and STILL lost.

The only reason the US didn't completely wipe North Vietnam off the map, is because the left-wing socialists in our government prevented them. LBJ, and his band of idiots, had our troop walking around in circles, instead of attacking and defeating the enemy.

Our troops would call in an airstrike, destroy an enemy base, and be prevented from attacking and capturing it. The government would prevent them from doing anything, even while they watched the Viet-Con rebuild the base, and start launching attacks from it again.

When Nixon came to power, he allowed unlimited air strikes, which is why the N.Viet government quickly sued for peace. We pulled out under that cease-fire. The N.Viet attacked after the Nixon scandal broke, and our left-wing government refused to aid our ally.

We left Vietnam. We did not lose Vietnam. Our military didn't lose jack squat. If LBJ had allowed it, our military would have leveled the entire country of North Vietnam, and left nothing but holes in the rocks as evidence of human existence. We didn't lose anything. The left wingers forced us to leave, and let them take over South Vietnam. But we didn't lose jack. We kicked their pathetic butts, every time they attacked or the left-wingers didn't interfere.

The war on drugs is different.

The bottom line is that the public wasn't willing to do what is required to win. If we put these people to death, like they do in Singapore, we could easily have won the war on drugs. Easily. The problem is, people would rather have crime and broken families, and destruction across the country, than have an 18 year old put to death for dealing drugs.

The problem is, far more have died from the drug epidemic, than would have been executed.

Oh well. All you druggies are lucky I am not dictator here in the US. You'd all be 6 feet down, taking a dirt nap.

As for the War on Terror, no such under taking would have been perfectly achieved, but Bush was doing a great job. If Obama hadn't released all the terrorists, much of this problem wouldn't exist today.
Mate, I'm about as envious of the US as you are of the boil on your arse.
You're extremely envious of the U.S. You're pissed off that you can't become a U.S. citizen. You get your nose in U.S. politics even though it is none of your business. You claimed you watch CNN, Fox, etc. around the clock.

What kind of sad asshole spends so much time on politics of a nation that they do not reside in and are not a citizen of?!? I can't imagine even visiting an Australian political website for 10 seconds, minutes much less spending hours every single day. I could give a shit what's going on in Australia. Meanwhile, you're obsessed with America. Complete and total nation envy.
Vietnam was a left-wing failure. Not an American failure. Our military didn't lose Vietnam. In fact, you can't find a single instance during the entire Vietnam war, where the enemy went into direct combat with American forces, and won. We won. Every single time.

In fact the Tet Offensive, was actually pathetic. The N.Veitnam troops avoided every area where they knew US military was stationed. They specifically targeted South Vietnam locations where US military forces were not at, and STILL lost.

The only reason the US didn't completely wipe North Vietnam off the map, is because the left-wing socialists in our government prevented them. LBJ, and his band of idiots, had our troop walking around in circles, instead of attacking and defeating the enemy.

Our troops would call in an airstrike, destroy an enemy base, and be prevented from attacking and capturing it. The government would prevent them from doing anything, even while they watched the Viet-Con rebuild the base, and start launching attacks from it again.

When Nixon came to power, he allowed unlimited air strikes, which is why the N.Viet government quickly sued for peace. We pulled out under that cease-fire. The N.Viet attacked after the Nixon scandal broke, and our left-wing government refused to aid our ally.

We left Vietnam. We did not lose Vietnam. Our military didn't lose jack squat. If LBJ had allowed it, our military would have leveled the entire country of North Vietnam, and left nothing but holes in the rocks as evidence of human existence. We didn't lose anything. The left wingers forced us to leave, and let them take over South Vietnam. But we didn't lose jack. We kicked their pathetic butts, every time they attacked or the left-wingers didn't interfere.

The war on drugs is different.

The bottom line is that the public wasn't willing to do what is required to win. If we put these people to death, like they do in Singapore, we could easily have won the war on drugs. Easily. The problem is, people would rather have crime and broken families, and destruction across the country, than have an 18 year old put to death for dealing drugs.

The problem is, far more have died from the drug epidemic, than would have been executed.

Oh well. All you druggies are lucky I am not dictator here in the US. You'd all be 6 feet down, taking a dirt nap.

As for the War on Terror, no such under taking would have been perfectly achieved, but Bush was doing a great job. If Obama hadn't released all the terrorists, much of this problem wouldn't exist today.

I'm glad you failed in Vietnam. It was none of your business.

yeah, let's kill the druggies. Another nation is doing that at the moment. The Philippines. Yeah, let's compare the US to the Philippines. What a great nation to aspire to - the Philippines..

If you think Bush's policies were great you;re an idiot. Bush was doing a terrible job. He is responsible for creating more terrorists than any other President in history.

Obama released all the terrorists? Yeah, course he did...:cuckoo:
You're extremely envious of the U.S. You're pissed off that you can't become a U.S. citizen. You get your nose in U.S. politics even though it is none of your business. You claimed you watch CNN, Fox, etc. around the clock.

What kind of sad asshole spends so much time on politics of a nation that they do not reside in and are not a citizen of?!? I can't imagine even visiting an Australian political website for 10 seconds, minutes much less spending hours every single day. I could give a shit what's going on in Australia. Meanwhile, you're obsessed with America. Complete and total nation envy.

Of course....
I'm glad you failed in Vietnam. It was none of your business.
On the irony... :lmao:

The idiot inbred outback Aussie who is obsessed with what is going on in America and spends every waking hour neglecting his wife so he can tell American's what their policies should be, who their politicians should be, and what their laws should be, is then actually dumb enough to tell American's that Vietnam "was none of your business".

Hey stupid, everything in America is none of your business. You're so envious that you're not an American citizen and so pissed off that you can't vote in American elections.
An African-American liberal Democrat just undresses the hypocrisy of the liberal ideology and what it has morphed into...

My problem with Liberalism is that it’s more concerned with policing people’s language and thoughts without requiring them to do anything to fix the problem. White liberal college students speak of “safe spaces”, “trigger words”, “micro aggressions” and “white privilege” while not having to do anything or, more importantly, give up anything. They can’t even have a conversation with someone who sees the world differently without resorting to calling someone a racist, homophobic, misogynistic, bigot and trying to have them banned from campus, or ruin them and their reputation. They say they feel black peoples’ pain because they took a trip to Africa to help the disadvantaged, but are unwilling to go to a black neighborhood in the City in which they live. These same college students will espouse the joys of diversity, but will in the same breath assume you are only on campus because of affirmative action or that all black people grew up in poverty. My personal favorite is declaring with surprise how articulate a black classmate is despite the fact that we are attending the same institution of higher learning as they are.

The Culture Of The Smug White Liberal
How EVIL is liberalism anyway?

too dark....
The future is bright
and we must not forget...

Queen Hillary's newest and most exciting out reach to young women

The future is bright for all but more bright for others...
just like people who donate large monies to the Clinton Foundation...

So America keeps getting more liberal and will continue to do so, but in some areas it will just keep a gradual liberalism and in other areas the battle will continue as it has throughout history. A nation today almost has to have a state religion to nullify progress.
America keeps getting more "liberal"? Really? That's funny - we've seen not only the rise of the Tea Party, but we've seen them take over both the House and the Senate over the last few years. We've seen traditionally liberal states such as Michigan and Wisconsin turn their states over to conservatives. We've seen ACORN completely shut down and so many Planned Parenthood's shut down that some states now have a single Planned Parenthood in their entire state. And we've seen a massive expansion of both gun sales and conceal carry laws over the past decade.

Perhaps you need a lesson in liberalism? :dunno:
Perhaps, but you might also need a lesson in your country's history. What happened with slavery, women's rights, Blacks and voting, what happened to the Federalist party, the Whig party, integration of the armed forces, riding in the back of the bus, and so on.
So America keeps getting more liberal and will continue to do so, but in some areas it will just keep a gradual liberalism and in other areas the battle will continue as it has throughout history. A nation today almost has to have a state religion to nullify progress.
America keeps getting more "liberal"? Really? That's funny - we've seen not only the rise of the Tea Party, but we've seen them take over both the House and the Senate over the last few years. We've seen traditionally liberal states such as Michigan and Wisconsin turn their states over to conservatives. We've seen ACORN completely shut down and so many Planned Parenthood's shut down that some states now have a single Planned Parenthood in their entire state. And we've seen a massive expansion of both gun sales and conceal carry laws over the past decade.

Perhaps you need a lesson in liberalism? :dunno:
Perhaps, but you might also need a lesson in your country's history. What happened with slavery, women's rights, Blacks and voting, what happened to the Federalist party, the Whig party, integration of the armed forces, riding in the back of the bus, and so on. definitely need a lesson on liberalism (and history) because nothing you mentioned there was accomplished because of liberalism. Quite the contrary, it was all accomplished in spite of liberalism which vehemently opposed all of it.

It was Republican Abraham Lincoln and his party which ended slavery. It was Republican's who lead the Civil Right's movement and Dumbocrats who vehemently opposed it. Don't take my word for it - do some research right now. You're in for quite a shock.
So America keeps getting more liberal and will continue to do so, but in some areas it will just keep a gradual liberalism and in other areas the battle will continue as it has throughout history. A nation today almost has to have a state religion to nullify progress.
America keeps getting more "liberal"? Really? That's funny - we've seen not only the rise of the Tea Party, but we've seen them take over both the House and the Senate over the last few years. We've seen traditionally liberal states such as Michigan and Wisconsin turn their states over to conservatives. We've seen ACORN completely shut down and so many Planned Parenthood's shut down that some states now have a single Planned Parenthood in their entire state. And we've seen a massive expansion of both gun sales and conceal carry laws over the past decade.

Perhaps you need a lesson in liberalism? :dunno:
Perhaps, but you might also need a lesson in your country's history. What happened with slavery, women's rights, Blacks and voting, what happened to the Federalist party, the Whig party, integration of the armed forces, riding in the back of the bus, and so on. definitely need a lesson on liberalism (and history) because nothing you mentioned there was accomplished because of liberalism. Quite the contrary, it was all accomplished in spite of liberalism which vehemently opposed all of it.

It was Republican Abraham Lincoln and his party which ended slavery. It was Republican's who lead the Civil Right's movement and Dumbocrats who vehemently opposed it. Don't take my word for it - do some research right now. You're in for quite a shock.
You are mistaking a political ideology, as a political party, and there is a difference. For example, Lincoln was a Republican but was he a liberal? An early liberal political party label was Republican. The Republican party of today began in 1854. The first two conservative parties died early deaths.
So America keeps getting more liberal and will continue to do so, but in some areas it will just keep a gradual liberalism and in other areas the battle will continue as it has throughout history. A nation today almost has to have a state religion to nullify progress.
America keeps getting more "liberal"? Really? That's funny - we've seen not only the rise of the Tea Party, but we've seen them take over both the House and the Senate over the last few years. We've seen traditionally liberal states such as Michigan and Wisconsin turn their states over to conservatives. We've seen ACORN completely shut down and so many Planned Parenthood's shut down that some states now have a single Planned Parenthood in their entire state. And we've seen a massive expansion of both gun sales and conceal carry laws over the past decade.

Perhaps you need a lesson in liberalism? :dunno:
Perhaps, but you might also need a lesson in your country's history. What happened with slavery, women's rights, Blacks and voting, what happened to the Federalist party, the Whig party, integration of the armed forces, riding in the back of the bus, and so on. definitely need a lesson on liberalism (and history) because nothing you mentioned there was accomplished because of liberalism. Quite the contrary, it was all accomplished in spite of liberalism which vehemently opposed all of it.

It was Republican Abraham Lincoln and his party which ended slavery. It was Republican's who lead the Civil Right's movement and Dumbocrats who vehemently opposed it. Don't take my word for it - do some research right now. You're in for quite a shock.

I uh, think you're the one who needs the edumacation there, Sparkles. You don't have a fucking clue what you're doing.
The fact is this country was conceived and created by Liberalism, which is distilled into the single phrase "all men are created equal" Not only was that a revolutionary concept in the age of multi-caste hierarchical societies with royalty and aristocracy and the Church making up the First and Second Estates, but it's the spirit behind Abolition and "equal rights" as well as the Constitution itself.

That's got ZERO to do with whether one is a "Democrat", a "Republican", a member of some other party or no party at all. Liberalism predates *ALL* of these parties.

In Lincoln's day the new Republicans were the Liberals while the Democrats were the party of "states rights" -- i.e. smaller decentralized government.

You're also dead wrong about the CRA in that more Democrats than Republicans voted for it, though not by a significant margin --- the opposition was all from the old Confederacy, regardless of party. And I can prove it, and you damn well know I can. Not that that has anything to do with Liberalism, a subject you know absolutely nothing about.

The fact is there were, are, and will continue to be Liberal Republicans and Liberal Democrats and Liberal other parties, just as there were and are and will continue to be conservative Republicans and conservative Democrats and conservative other parties. THEY'RE NOT SYNONYMS.

Stupid fuck.
I have long been acquainted with liberalism and use to find them kind of adorable in a naive, idealistic, immature, yapping lapdog kind of way, bitching about freedom, hating the U.S. Constitution, and insisting that whatever anyone else had they somehow deserved at least half of, if not more.

Well, now we have a blend of liberalism and communism that many people confuse with 'true' liberalism, but it is NOT liberalism. For instance, John F. Kennedy was adamant that lowering taxes was the only way to get a stagnant economy back on track. In addition, he famously stated in a speech "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country". However, anybody today who express those John F. Kennedy liberal views is labeled by the left as "radical". Radical. It is "radical" in the minds of the modern day unhinged lefties to lower taxes or ask people to sacrifice for their country, rather than the country sacrificing everything for them. It is the putrid ideology from the mind of an evil avowed atheist escapee from the Soviet Union who had no use for love or charity or God. All modern day liberals want is rampant sexual deviance, the total destruction of a civilized society, and the permanent destruction of God. The deepest thought they are capable of producing is simpleton and irrational arguments for why they don't have to produce but have every right to be a parasite to society.

Modern day liberals have been completely exposed for the loveless and evil bitches that they are deep in their dark and disturbing souls. None of them will share what they have. None. Place a liberal on a polygraph and ask if they ever paid for the health insurance policy for an uninsured child and the answer will unequivocally be a resounding "no" each and every time. Likewise, ask them if they ever went without a meal to ensure that their fellow man had a hot meal, and once again the answer will unequivocally be a resounding "no" each and every time. Yet they will sit all day in a forum (such as USMB), refusing to work, refusing to hold a job and be a productive member of society, pretending to care sooo deeply about their fellow man. But as history has already proven and many have pointed out - the modern day liberal is quite generous with someone else's money. When it comes to their own, they won't share a damn thing.

Today's modern day liberal sells communism under the guise of liberalism - and it is not only rotting liberalism from the inside, like a cancer, but it's doing the same thing to America. $19 trillion in debt (on the verge of collapse). More people on food stamps than any time in U.S. history. Detroit - under total Democrat rule (both mayor and city council) for 60 years and now bankrupt. Just like the U.S.S.R. before, ignorant left-wing policy is collapsing the country, creating decay, dilapidation, poverty, and misery.

The take over of the Democrat Party movement by socialists/marxists/communists is a real disaster for the America as we enter a new age of technology in which jobs can easily and quickly be moved overseas because of ignorant liberal policies creating taxes and regulations too costly to keep the jobs here in America. Liberals pretend to care for other Americans, but at the end of the day, focus on brining everyone down into poverty because they are envious of anyone who has more than they do or does better than they do. It has never been about others for them - it has always been envy driving them to undermine and harm their fellow man.

America, if she is to survive, must find a way to shed itself of these useless evil parasites that are a pimple on America's ass or the America will die the well deserved death of wicked heresies ($19 trillion in debt and massive loss of freedoms because of communist liberalism has proven as much).

The Democrats under the leadership of Papa Obama
has become more extreme leftist and radical....
very unAmerican

"Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth. Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politicians."
~~George S Patton

Patton was the lowest form of general..

Actually George Patton was not that bad a General.

He was okay at best. If you like a man who slaps people with PTSD. He was also an egomaniac...

He also was correct that your boy Stalin was as bad as Hitler

Actually by any real measurement, Stalin was far worse than Hitler. Hitler at least improved things for the Germans, before destroying the country in war.

Hitler was actually very much against kill his own people. It's been said that when the Nazi party determined one of Hitler's friends had to be killed, he was devastated by it.

Stalin on the other hand, completely destroyed his own country, marched literally millions to death in Gulags, but actually gained personal pleasure in slaughtering his closest allies. It's no secret that Stalin had his biggest and most devoted supporters... not Communist supporters, but supporters of specifically Stalin himself, murdered in fake show trials during the purges.

Hitler by any account, was the 'kinder gentler" Stalin.

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