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How EVIL is liberalism anyway?

I have long been acquainted with liberalism and use to find them kind of adorable in a naive, idealistic, immature, yapping lapdog kind of way, bitching about freedom, hating the U.S. Constitution, and insisting that whatever anyone else had they somehow deserved at least half of, if not more.....

Yes liberalism is quite 'evil'. It established the United States of America and put forth all men are created equal. It fought to give workers bargaining rights because the owners of companies saw their workers as cattle and they treated them as such. Many working people died to form unions and give the middle class a say at the table. The list is long and upholds the best of humanity. Liberal democracies defeated Hitler and Tojo, freeing hundreds of millions, and defeated Communism and watched the Soviet Union crumble. Today it fights the rising fascism around the world and especially here in America where the new fascism has found a leader in Donald Trump.

Liberalism, or liberty, is the saving grace of the human race and always the best hope of humanity.

Your problem is progressives and regresives hijacked the label liberal.

I doubt there are more than half a dozen true liberals on this forum

Nah you just believe the memes that are force-fed into your brain every day. Sorry but the world isn't parsed and broken up into the shards your mind holds it to be. All is a spectrum but you seek to make all things black and white. See with better eyes.

You're no true liberal, Newt

No I'm not, and I'd say nobody else is a 'true' liberal or conservative, libertarian, green...

People don't live in boxes, again see with better eyes.
I have long been acquainted with liberalism and use to find them kind of adorable in a naive, idealistic, immature, yapping lapdog kind of way, bitching about freedom, hating the U.S. Constitution, and insisting that whatever anyone else had they somehow deserved at least half of, if not more.....

Yes liberalism is quite 'evil'. It established the United States of America and put forth all men are created equal. It fought to give workers bargaining rights because the owners of companies saw their workers as cattle and they treated them as such. Many working people died to form unions and give the middle class a say at the table. The list is long and upholds the best of humanity. Liberal democracies defeated Hitler and Tojo, freeing hundreds of millions, and defeated Communism and watched the Soviet Union crumble. Today it fights the rising fascism around the world and especially here in America where the new fascism has found a leader in Donald Trump.

Liberalism, or liberty, is the saving grace of the human race and always the best hope of humanity.

Your problem is progressives and regresives hijacked the label liberal.

I doubt there are more than half a dozen true liberals on this forum

Nah you just believe the memes that are force-fed into your brain every day. Sorry but the world isn't parsed and broken up into the shards your mind holds it to be. All is a spectrum but you seek to make all things black and white. See with better eyes.

You're no true liberal, Newt

No I'm not, and I'd say nobody else is a 'true' liberal or conservative, libertarian, green...

People don't live in boxes, again see with better eyes.

See I was correct. Never doubt me, Newt.

Yes liberalism is quite 'evil'. It established the United States of America and put forth all men are created equal. It fought to give workers bargaining rights because the owners of companies saw their workers as cattle and they treated them as such. Many working people died to form unions and give the middle class a say at the table. The list is long and upholds the best of humanity. Liberal democracies defeated Hitler and Tojo, freeing hundreds of millions, and defeated Communism and watched the Soviet Union crumble. Today it fights the rising fascism around the world and especially here in America where the new fascism has found a leader in Donald Trump.

Liberalism, or liberty, is the saving grace of the human race and always the best hope of humanity.

Your problem is progressives and regresives hijacked the label liberal.

I doubt there are more than half a dozen true liberals on this forum

Nah you just believe the memes that are force-fed into your brain every day. Sorry but the world isn't parsed and broken up into the shards your mind holds it to be. All is a spectrum but you seek to make all things black and white. See with better eyes.

You're no true liberal, Newt

No I'm not, and I'd say nobody else is a 'true' liberal or conservative, libertarian, green...

People don't live in boxes, again see with better eyes.

See I was correct. Never doubt me, Newt.


You're welcome, I like to help people with a hand up.
Your problem is progressives and regresives hijacked the label liberal.

I doubt there are more than half a dozen true liberals on this forum

Nah you just believe the memes that are force-fed into your brain every day. Sorry but the world isn't parsed and broken up into the shards your mind holds it to be. All is a spectrum but you seek to make all things black and white. See with better eyes.

You're no true liberal, Newt

No I'm not, and I'd say nobody else is a 'true' liberal or conservative, libertarian, green...

People don't live in boxes, again see with better eyes.

See I was correct. Never doubt me, Newt.


You're welcome, I like to help people with a hand up.

You're usually two laps behind thinking you're winning the race. Leftist ya know
Conservatives think
1. Feeding kids lunch is evil
2. Taking care of our old and disabled is is evil
3. Having clean air, water and food is evil
4. Educating our children no matter their class is evil

I think conservatives are evil as they don't believe in modern civilization.
I have long been acquainted with liberalism and use to find them kind of adorable in a naive, idealistic, immature, yapping lapdog kind of way, bitching about freedom, hating the U.S. Constitution, and insisting that whatever anyone else had they somehow deserved at least half of, if not more.

Well, now we have a blend of liberalism and communism that many people confuse with 'true' liberalism, but it is NOT liberalism. For instance, John F. Kennedy was adamant that lowering taxes was the only way to get a stagnant economy back on track. In addition, he famously stated in a speech "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country". However, anybody today who express those John F. Kennedy liberal views is labeled by the left as "radical". Radical. It is "radical" in the minds of the modern day unhinged lefties to lower taxes or ask people to sacrifice for their country, rather than the country sacrificing everything for them. It is the putrid ideology from the mind of an evil avowed atheist escapee from the Soviet Union who had no use for love or charity or God. All modern day liberals want is rampant sexual deviance, the total destruction of a civilized society, and the permanent destruction of God. The deepest thought they are capable of producing is simpleton and irrational arguments for why they don't have to produce but have every right to be a parasite to society.

Modern day liberals have been completely exposed for the loveless and evil bitches that they are deep in their dark and disturbing souls. None of them will share what they have. None. Place a liberal on a polygraph and ask if they ever paid for the health insurance policy for an uninsured child and the answer will unequivocally be a resounding "no" each and every time. Likewise, ask them if they ever went without a meal to ensure that their fellow man had a hot meal, and once again the answer will unequivocally be a resounding "no" each and every time. Yet they will sit all day in a forum (such as USMB), refusing to work, refusing to hold a job and be a productive member of society, pretending to care sooo deeply about their fellow man. But as history has already proven and many have pointed out - the modern day liberal is quite generous with someone else's money. When it comes to their own, they won't share a damn thing.

Today's modern day liberal sells communism under the guise of liberalism - and it is not only rotting liberalism from the inside, like a cancer, but it's doing the same thing to America. $19 trillion in debt (on the verge of collapse). More people on food stamps than any time in U.S. history. Detroit - under total Democrat rule (both mayor and city council) for 60 years and now bankrupt. Just like the U.S.S.R. before, ignorant left-wing policy is collapsing the country, creating decay, dilapidation, poverty, and misery.

The take over of the Democrat Party movement by socialists/marxists/communists is a real disaster for the America as we enter a new age of technology in which jobs can easily and quickly be moved overseas because of ignorant liberal policies creating taxes and regulations too costly to keep the jobs here in America. Liberals pretend to care for other Americans, but at the end of the day, focus on brining everyone down into poverty because they are envious of anyone who has more than they do or does better than they do. It has never been about others for them - it has always been envy driving them to undermine and harm their fellow man.

America, if she is to survive, must find a way to shed itself of these useless evil parasites that are a pimple on America's ass or the America will die the well deserved death of wicked heresies ($19 trillion in debt and massive loss of freedoms because of communist liberalism has proven as much).

Much of the loss of our freedoms in this country are legislated by the Christian right. More and more laws regarding everything. The truth is that Christianity is just as pervasive in behavioral inhibitions as Islam. Just different. The evil parasites are those who disenfranchise any and all who don't believe as they do. To be a liberal one has the concept of personal freedoms well in mind. And this is freedom for all people. Not just Christians. Not just anyone. In the United States it is too true that the almighty dollar is worth more than a human life. It should be the other way around. The concept of government is to maintain an organization to manage the needs of society. This means to do all the things necessary to ensure that society works all the way from taxes to self defense. Government was designed as an aid not as a nemesis. It is to exist for the well being of the population. Planning and execution of food. Of maintaining monetary exchanges. It is meant to grease the wheels of interactions between citizens. This is a reason a strict separation of church and state was instituted. Specific philosophies are too full of the us against them theme. The Christian right plays that constantly. The democratic party has always been more socially oriented than the Republican. The programs they bring in are to help people. In America everyone is supposed to be equal and free. Nice thought but it isn't happening. There is no such thing as functional equality. People are not equal. Never will be.
Progressives claim they are for women. Progressives claim they are for a woman’s right to choose what to do with her body. Progressives claim they are for sexual liberty. Progressives claim they are for porn stars.
On Tuesday morning, 23-year-old porn star August Ames was found dead from an apparent suicide after she was bullied and branded a homophobe for refusing to shoot with a man who has sex with men on camera. Ames made it clear that she was, of course, refusing to do such work for safety reasons and was not homophobic.
And yet the moment a women refuses to engage in perverse sexual activity to protect her own body - the Gaystapo comes out in full force and attacks her until she commits suicide.
The backlash was fierce when Ames took to Twitter on Sunday to warn the woman who had been tapped to replace her at EroticaX that the man she'd be working with has filmed with other men, thus potentially putting her at high risk of contracting a disease.
This is a vintage example of the left. Actions speak much louder than words. And time and time again we see the actions of the left are pure, unadulterated fascism. No free thought allowed. No independence permitted. Submit to our strict ideology or die.
Porn actress August Ames apparently killed herself because she stated she wouldn't want to do scenes with men who've done gay porn scenes, so she got bullied online, lost her potential gigs, and killed herself.

Good job, SJWs. Back pats all around.
Young lady...I’m sorry the left used and abused you. It’s what they do to all who cross their path. It is my hope that you are truly at peace now - safe in heaven away from those awful people.

Porn Star Kills Herself After Being Bullied For Refusing To Shoot With Man Who Does Gay Scenes
To be a liberal one has the concept of personal freedoms well in mind. And this is freedom for all people.
So obviously you agree then that all people have the “personal freedom” to deny homosexuals service? I mean....since you liberals are sooooooo much about “personal freedoms” for “all people” you would never force someone to do something against their will - right?
The concept of government is to maintain an organization to manage the needs of society.
Uh...no...it’s not. At least, not in the U.S. Our founders clearly documented why they implemented government and it was not to “manage the needs of society”. How tragic that you live in this great country and yet you are too lazy and too selfish to take the time to even understand why it was founded.
Government was designed as an aid not as a nemesis. It is to exist for the well being of the population. Planning and execution of food.
Uh...no...it’s not. At least, not in the U.S. Our founders clearly documented why they implemented government and it was not to “exist for the well being of the population” or the “planning and execution of food”. How tragic that you live in this great country and yet you are too lazy and too selfish to take the time to even understand why it was founded. It is your type of ignorance that is such an extreme danger to society.
Progressives claim they are for women. Progressives claim they are for a woman’s right to choose what to do with her body. Progressives claim they are for sexual liberty. Progressives claim they are for porn stars.
On Tuesday morning, 23-year-old porn star August Ames was found dead from an apparent suicide after she was bullied and branded a homophobe for refusing to shoot with a man who has sex with men on camera. Ames made it clear that she was, of course, refusing to do such work for safety reasons and was not homophobic.
And yet the moment a women refuses to engage in perverse sexual activity to protect her own body - the Gaystapo comes out in full force and attacks her until she commits suicide.
The backlash was fierce when Ames took to Twitter on Sunday to warn the woman who had been tapped to replace her at EroticaX that the man she'd be working with has filmed with other men, thus potentially putting her at high risk of contracting a disease.
This is a vintage example of the left. Actions speak much louder than words. And time and time again we see the actions of the left are pure, unadulterated fascism. No free thought allowed. No independence permitted. Submit to our strict ideology or die.
Porn actress August Ames apparently killed herself because she stated she wouldn't want to do scenes with men who've done gay porn scenes, so she got bullied online, lost her potential gigs, and killed herself.

Good job, SJWs. Back pats all around.
Young lady...I’m sorry the left used and abused you. It’s what they do to all who cross their path. It is my hope that you are truly at peace now - safe in heaven away from those awful people.

Porn Star Kills Herself After Being Bullied For Refusing To Shoot With Man Who Does Gay Scenes

Only a pretzel maker like Buttsoiler would even attempt to take a story about a porn actress' suicide and try to twist it into "the left" :lmao:

Desperation strikes deep. Into his posts it did creep. It starts when your logic is frayed. Way out of line, they should come and take him away. I think it's time we stop, hey what's that sound another Buttsoiler post goin' down....

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Progressives claim they are for women. Progressives claim they are for a woman’s right to choose what to do with her body. Progressives claim they are for sexual liberty. Progressives claim they are for porn stars.
On Tuesday morning, 23-year-old porn star August Ames was found dead from an apparent suicide after she was bullied and branded a homophobe for refusing to shoot with a man who has sex with men on camera. Ames made it clear that she was, of course, refusing to do such work for safety reasons and was not homophobic.
And yet the moment a women refuses to engage in perverse sexual activity to protect her own body - the Gaystapo comes out in full force and attacks her until she commits suicide.
The backlash was fierce when Ames took to Twitter on Sunday to warn the woman who had been tapped to replace her at EroticaX that the man she'd be working with has filmed with other men, thus potentially putting her at high risk of contracting a disease.
This is a vintage example of the left. Actions speak much louder than words. And time and time again we see the actions of the left are pure, unadulterated fascism. No free thought allowed. No independence permitted. Submit to our strict ideology or die.
Porn actress August Ames apparently killed herself because she stated she wouldn't want to do scenes with men who've done gay porn scenes, so she got bullied online, lost her potential gigs, and killed herself.

Good job, SJWs. Back pats all around.
Young lady...I’m sorry the left used and abused you. It’s what they do to all who cross their path. It is my hope that you are truly at peace now - safe in heaven away from those awful people.

Porn Star Kills Herself After Being Bullied For Refusing To Shoot With Man Who Does Gay Scenes

Only a pretzel maker like Buttsoiler would even attempt to take a story about a porn actress' suicide and try to twist it into "the left" :lmao:

Desperation strikes deep. Into his posts it did creep. It starts when your logic is frayed. Way out of line, they should come and take him away. I think it's time we stop, hey what's that sound another Buttsoiler post goin' down....
The gay lobby is the left, idiot.
Progressives claim they are for women. Progressives claim they are for a woman’s right to choose what to do with her body. Progressives claim they are for sexual liberty. Progressives claim they are for porn stars.
On Tuesday morning, 23-year-old porn star August Ames was found dead from an apparent suicide after she was bullied and branded a homophobe for refusing to shoot with a man who has sex with men on camera. Ames made it clear that she was, of course, refusing to do such work for safety reasons and was not homophobic.
And yet the moment a women refuses to engage in perverse sexual activity to protect her own body - the Gaystapo comes out in full force and attacks her until she commits suicide.
The backlash was fierce when Ames took to Twitter on Sunday to warn the woman who had been tapped to replace her at EroticaX that the man she'd be working with has filmed with other men, thus potentially putting her at high risk of contracting a disease.
This is a vintage example of the left. Actions speak much louder than words. And time and time again we see the actions of the left are pure, unadulterated fascism. No free thought allowed. No independence permitted. Submit to our strict ideology or die.
Porn actress August Ames apparently killed herself because she stated she wouldn't want to do scenes with men who've done gay porn scenes, so she got bullied online, lost her potential gigs, and killed herself.

Good job, SJWs. Back pats all around.
Young lady...I’m sorry the left used and abused you. It’s what they do to all who cross their path. It is my hope that you are truly at peace now - safe in heaven away from those awful people.

Porn Star Kills Herself After Being Bullied For Refusing To Shoot With Man Who Does Gay Scenes

Only a pretzel maker like Buttsoiler would even attempt to take a story about a porn actress' suicide and try to twist it into "the left" :lmao:

Desperation strikes deep. Into his posts it did creep. It starts when your logic is frayed. Way out of line, they should come and take him away. I think it's time we stop, hey what's that sound another Buttsoiler post goin' down....
The gay lobby is the left, idiot.

What "gay lobby"? Buttsoiler based that entire post on a tweet. A random tweet with nothing backing it up, from some Twit not even connected with the victim.
Government was designed as an aid not as a nemesis. It is to exist for the well being of the population. Planning and execution of food.
Uh...no...it’s not. At least, not in the U.S. Our founders clearly documented why they implemented government and it was not to “exist for the well being of the population” or the “planning and execution of food”. How tragic that you live in this great country and yet you are too lazy and too selfish to take the time to even understand why it was founded. It is your type of ignorance that is such an extreme danger to society.
So are saying the Declaration of Independence is meaningless as to what the founders had in mind for the new nation? If so, how about the Constitution?
Government was designed as an aid not as a nemesis. It is to exist for the well being of the population. Planning and execution of food.
Uh...no...it’s not. At least, not in the U.S. Our founders clearly documented why they implemented government and it was not to “exist for the well being of the population” or the “planning and execution of food”. How tragic that you live in this great country and yet you are too lazy and too selfish to take the time to even understand why it was founded. It is your type of ignorance that is such an extreme danger to society.
So are saying the Declaration of Independence is meaningless as to what the founders had in mind for the new nation? If so, how about the Constitution?
No - that is what you are saying. I’m saying the polar opposite. The founders clearly laid out the purpose of government in those documents and not one of them said “we are implementing government for the ‘planning’ and ‘execution’ of food”. :eusa_doh:
Government was designed as an aid not as a nemesis. It is to exist for the well being of the population. Planning and execution of food.
Uh...no...it’s not. At least, not in the U.S. Our founders clearly documented why they implemented government and it was not to “exist for the well being of the population” or the “planning and execution of food”. How tragic that you live in this great country and yet you are too lazy and too selfish to take the time to even understand why it was founded. It is your type of ignorance that is such an extreme danger to society.
So are saying the Declaration of Independence is meaningless as to what the founders had in mind for the new nation? If so, how about the Constitution?
No - that is what you are saying. I’m saying the polar opposite. The founders clearly laid out the purpose of government in those documents and not one of them said “we are implementing government for the ‘planning’ and ‘execution’ of food”. :eusa_doh:
The Poor Farms and other agencies were the responsibility of the state governments. When the state governments could no longer handle the food problem the national government assumed the problem.
The Poor Farms and other agencies were the responsibility of the state governments. When the state governments could no longer handle the food problem the national government assumed the problem.
A. Completely and totally untrue (why are you incapable of telling the truth?)

B. The federal government doesn’t get to “assume” anything. They are legally restricted to 18 enumerated powers.
The Poor Farms and other agencies were the responsibility of the state governments. When the state governments could no longer handle the food problem the national government assumed the problem.
A. Completely and totally untrue (why are you incapable of telling the truth?)

B. The federal government doesn’t get to “assume” anything. They are legally restricted to 18 enumerated powers.
So do the 18 powers give the government the power to establish the WPA, PWA, CCC, CWA and giving farmers money for not growing crops? I could list much more but the direct relief aid of the WPA was enough.
You might want to enhance your American history by spending some time with the New Deal.
Government was designed as an aid not as a nemesis. It is to exist for the well being of the population. Planning and execution of food.
Uh...no...it’s not. At least, not in the U.S. Our founders clearly documented why they implemented government and it was not to “exist for the well being of the population” or the “planning and execution of food”. How tragic that you live in this great country and yet you are too lazy and too selfish to take the time to even understand why it was founded. It is your type of ignorance that is such an extreme danger to society.
So are saying the Declaration of Independence is meaningless as to what the founders had in mind for the new nation? If so, how about the Constitution?
No - that is what you are saying. I’m saying the polar opposite. The founders clearly laid out the purpose of government in those documents and not one of them said “we are implementing government for the ‘planning’ and ‘execution’ of food”. :eusa_doh:

Something that you don't seem to understand. Actually it's that you have a purely subjective view. When I bother to pontificate (how do you like that word) I do so from the greater picture.

So I am not saying specifically that government is for the planning and execution of food. It is to provide the organization by which it's citizens interact with each other and other groups.

Of all the activities of man, the struggle for survival is a constant. To live, to breathe. To eat and sleep. Producing food. Building lodging. Etc. etc. etc. Think for a minute. What are our base needs? Food. Clothing. Shelter. Everything that man has done has been in this vein. To provide what we need to live. Today, tomorrow and next year.

Properly administrated this planet could adequately support 15 billion people. Or so. Look at all the people in sub standard housing. Those that go to bed hungry. The sufferings of literally millions of people.

And, as for the planning and execution of food,that is certainly done. It is done all the way from the federal level to the producer deciding which crop and how much. In the USA cash is king. Without oversight many would produce only that which has the highest yield/cash value/production costs. In the past the US government has paid farmers not to grow a specific crop. There are a lot of considerations in doing so. Some of them are for good reasons. Land use, rotations, projected needs/uses. Planning also insures adequate crops and prices are somewhat stable and equitable.

Your viewpoint is fairly narrow. You are concerned with what I would term as subjective positioning. Your philosophical perspective and world view are motivated by what you think of as your wants/needs/rights. Those outside your sphere are not granted your concern.

We, as a people, the denizens of this planet, can no longer operate our social/political/economic systems in isolation from each other.

When I think I do so on a global scale. This was the philosophy behind my original statement.

Government was instituted as an aid to society not as a constriction. We may be in a 'modern' age, but tribal culture still rules. Culturally man has not progressed at the rate his technology has. We haven't changed much in the last fifty-thousand years. We still throw rocks at strangers. And if the almighty dollar is worth more than a human life then there is something wrong with you. It should be the other way around. That is all.

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