How Evil is Libertarianism anyway?

First of all you are wrong about the costs
How am I wrong about the "costs"? And where did I say "costs"? I said taxes.

If businesses flee the state, are you expecting them to still pay taxes in NC?

Asked and answered
No, you're posting stupid again.

If these bigoted laws result in corporations boycotting NC, who is going to make up those business and property taxes? You.

Now post again like you don't understand what I mean. I dare you, retard.

That businesses should manage their own bathrooms is "posting stupid." You're posting socialist.

And NC is a big growth State economically and in jobs. I live in one of the two hearts of that, the Triangle. The other is Charlotte. Sure, Buckwheat, I want to give up my liberty because a few whacked out leftists want to deal with Iran and give access to girls bathrooms to child predators because ... because ... because why again?
That's at least twice that you have deflected from my point.

That means you concede my point.

dblack asked

Hey Synthaholic - what does the blue state/red state stuff have to do with Libertarians?

What's your response?


Syndi doesn't have the balls to back up her crap. That's why she's Syndi
I answered it in #418, dumbass.

No, you didn't, dumb ass
You are used to Rule #5

So you're arguing against limited government, individualism, tolerance, peace, and free markets.

So what's your pitch?

I support the right sized government as determined by...We the People

Everyone supports individualism, tolerance. peace, free markets, motherhood and apple pie

That's the same as saying the majority is always right, and that idea is clearly wrong.

A majority elects the representatives.....that is how a Republic works

If you believe you are right, use the interweb to convince the majority

Where did you prove that what the government does is moral?
Free markets rely on government to:

Maintain a monetary system
Maintain a court system
Protect patents
Provide security at home and abroad
Protect overseas markets
Provide infrastructure to optimize trade

Free markets would not exist without government

Have fun trying to prove that only the state can provide those services.

Yes...only the state can provide those things

Show me any country in the world where the free market provides those things
Free markets rely on government to:

Maintain a monetary system
Maintain a court system
Protect patents
Provide security at home and abroad
Protect overseas markets
Provide infrastructure to optimize trade

Free markets would not exist without government

Have fun trying to prove that only the state can provide those services.

Yes...only the state can provide those things

Show me any country in the world where the free market provides those things

Private money has existed numerous times over the centuries. In fact, the first money was private money. Banks issued their own money in the U.S.A. prior to the Civil War.

Most corporations provide their own private security.

How does the government provide "overseas markets?"

Most infrastructure was privately built prior to WW II.
Free markets rely on government to:

Maintain a monetary system
Maintain a court system
Protect patents
Provide security at home and abroad
Protect overseas markets
Provide infrastructure to optimize trade

Free markets would not exist without government

Have fun trying to prove that only the state can provide those services.

Yes...only the state can provide those things

Show me any country in the world where the free market provides those things
You are absolutely correct on those items winger. But what is your point? None of that justifies the unconstitutional monstrosity the federal government has become.

Coining money is the Constitutional responsibility of the federal government
The Patent Office and protecting intellectual property is the Constitutional responsibility of the federal government
Defense is the Constitutional responsibility of the federal government

We don't disagree on your bullet points at all. The problem is, you go way beyond your bullet points. Obamacare, Social Security, Medicare and Mediciad, food stamps, subsidized housing, unemployment....all 100% illegal.
We can't have individual liberty...we must all be part of the collective..after all, massive unlimited government run by a small elite, works really really well.:eek::rolleyes:o_O:uhoh3:

Obviously we can have liberty, but we dont have to live in Chaos to do so.

We are a community of people, not a gaggle of assorted individuals with no impact on one another.

Most things you do have no impact on anyone else.

None of those things are anyone's business
We can't have individual liberty...we must all be part of the collective..after all, massive unlimited government run by a small elite, works really really well.:eek::rolleyes:o_O:uhoh3:

  • Government is not unlimited
  • Money in the political arena is the cancer which is killing our Republic
  • A society is inherently collective, be it a small family, a tribe / religious order, or a nation take care of their own
  • Poverty is the ultimate form of liberty, when one has no responsibilities they are free to act without restraint
  • Libertarianism is a utopian fantasy, it lacks pragmatism and compassion
  • " Conservatarians" support government which benefits themselves, abhors government which benefits others
Yes...only the state can provide those things

Show me any country in the world where the free market provides those things

You made the claim that only the state can provide those things. Now prove it.
WTF?!? Again? Really? Attributing winger's nonsense to me makes me look like the idiot.
Sorry. I don't know wtf I did there. I will edit.

Wait. Hang on. It says Right Winger. I think it's correct.
We can't have individual liberty...we must all be part of the collective..after all, massive unlimited government run by a small elite, works really really well.:eek::rolleyes:o_O:uhoh3:

  • Government is not unlimited
  • Money in the political arena is the cancer which is killing our Republic
  • A society is inherently collective, be it a small family, a tribe / religious order, or a nation take care of their own
  • Poverty is the ultimate form of liberty, when one has no responsibilities they are free to act without restraint
  • Libertarianism is a utopian fantasy, it lacks pragmatism and compassion
  • " Conservatarians" support government which benefits themselves, abhors government which benefits others
There is no bigger "utopian fantasy" than liberalism my friend.
We can't have individual liberty...we must all be part of the collective..after all, massive unlimited government run by a small elite, works really really well.:eek::rolleyes:o_O:uhoh3:

  • Government is not unlimited
  • Money in the political arena is the cancer which is killing our Republic
  • A society is inherently collective, be it a small family, a tribe / religious order, or a nation take care of their own
  • Poverty is the ultimate form of liberty, when one has no responsibilities they are free to act without restraint
  • Libertarianism is a utopian fantasy, it lacks pragmatism and compassion
  • " Conservatarians" support government which benefits themselves, abhors government which benefits others
There is no bigger "utopian fantasy" than liberalism my friend.

Easy to say, kinda hard to prove. The liberal has been typecast as a bleeding heart, a Marxist, a Fascist, a Statist, a taxer and a spender, a racist, a bigot, evil and a dozen or more other characteristics, but the one real common denominator is this: a movement which sees problems and seeks solutions. Some pragmatic, some radical, some foolish and many successful.
Free markets rely on government to:

Maintain a monetary system
Maintain a court system
Protect patents
Provide security at home and abroad
Protect overseas markets
Provide infrastructure to optimize trade

Free markets would not exist without government

Have fun trying to prove that only the state can provide those services.

Yes...only the state can provide those things

Show me any country in the world where the free market provides those things

Private money has existed numerous times over the centuries. In fact, the first money was private money. Banks issued their own money in the U.S.A. prior to the Civil War.

Most corporations provide their own private security.

How does the government provide "overseas markets?"

Most infrastructure was privately built prior to WW II. around with gold in your pocket in an era of electronic payments

You need more than mall cops in your facility. Private security calls real cops when something happens.

No....infrastructure was paid for by the taxpayers
We can't have individual liberty...we must all be part of the collective..after all, massive unlimited government run by a small elite, works really really well.:eek::rolleyes:o_O:uhoh3:

  • Government is not unlimited
  • Money in the political arena is the cancer which is killing our Republic
  • A society is inherently collective, be it a small family, a tribe / religious order, or a nation take care of their own
  • Poverty is the ultimate form of liberty, when one has no responsibilities they are free to act without restraint
  • Libertarianism is a utopian fantasy, it lacks pragmatism and compassion
  • " Conservatarians" support government which benefits themselves, abhors government which benefits others
There is no bigger "utopian fantasy" than liberalism my friend.

Easy to say, kinda hard to prove. The liberal has been typecast as a bleeding heart, a Marxist, a Fascist, a Statist, a taxer and a spender, a racist, a bigot, evil and a dozen or more other characteristics, but the one real common denominator is this: a movement which sees problems and seeks solutions. Some pragmatic, some radical, some foolish and many successful.

"Sees problems and seeks solutions", unfortunately they're the ones creating the problems they're seeking the solutions for.

"The liberal" (what a complete bastardization of the term) needs to start solving his/her own "problems" and leaving everybody else the fuck alone which will result in far less "problems" and far less violence in the world. Apparently nobody informed the prosperity and liberty destroying busy bodies of the left that they have no freakin' clue what is best for everybody else (hell most of 'em can't even decide what's best for themselves).
How evil is Libertarianism?

If you are a reasonable person, not at all.

If you like government control of your life, if you like living off of the backs of producers and doers, if you are ok with politics and corruption as usual, then Libertarianism is most evil indeed.
How evil is Libertarianism?

If you are a reasonable person, not at all.

If you like government control of your life, if you like living off of the backs of producers and doers, if you are ok with politics and corruption as usual, then Libertarianism is most evil indeed.

You nailed it as usual Pred! It is "evil" to them because it is going to prevent them from mooching off of society. I can only imagine the hate and contempt they have for libertarians (and conservatives). After all, criminals always hate cops.
Red states are the welfare states, supported by taxes from the Blue states. This is undeniable...

Boom! Damn that has to sting Syn. A second article stuffed with facts about the failure of liberal policy driving out businesses, people, and tax revenue. :lol:

Exodus: California Tax Revenue Plunges by 22% - Breitbart
Maybe you shouldn't use outdated information.

California's Tax Revenue History, 1970-71 to 2014-15 - United States Common Sense
Syndi doesn't have the balls to back up her crap. That's why she's Syndi

Synthaholic is a guy.
He knows. He thinks insults are a substitute for facts.

How do you know that? It's a direct reference to your putting your manhood in a blind trust and turning over your job as a man to government. You want to be a serving wench, it's pathetic

BTW: two more entertainers have cancelled their concerts in North Carolina.

Demi Lovato and Nick Jonas are the latest to cancel North Carolina shows

Who are they? Don't care. This again is why I call you Syndi. Businesses should be able to determine the rules for the use of their own bathrooms. I'd be every bit as outraged if the government was forcing businesses to let transgenders use the bathroom of government's choice.

My liberty is not for sale. But then I'm not a ho like you are

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