How Evil is Libertarianism anyway?

Syndi doesn't have the balls to back up her crap. That's why she's Syndi

Synthaholic is a guy.
He knows. He thinks insults are a substitute for facts.

BTW: two more entertainers have cancelled their concerts in North Carolina.

Demi Lovato and Nick Jonas are the latest to cancel North Carolina shows
North Carolinians are so damn lucky. They not only get sane laws built on logic and reason, but they also keep miserable idiot liberals who will only bring illegal narcotics and crime with them, out of their state. Man I hope my state follows suit soon.

In all honesty, I have never even heard the name "Nick Jonas" before. How much could they possibly be missing? And I don't know anybody who will be crying over the loss of a shaved headed, tattoo-covered Demi Lavato. Let them head back to California and over dose on cocaine like all of the rest of the idiots in the entertainment world do.
You forgot to yell at them to get off your lawn.

That concert and the other ones that have been cancelled generate a lot of money that now will not go to North Carolina.

Add it all up, between concerts and corporations and NC is going to be hurting.

We have booming Triangle and Charlotte, but OMG, tatoo boy and Nick Jonas (whoever the fuck that is) are going to destroy us! I'm running around in circles now grabbing my head and shrieking like my hair is on fire! OK, OK, I'll sell my liberty, please, just stop!!!

We can't have individual liberty...we must all be part of the collective..after all, massive unlimited government run by a small elite, works really really well.:eek::rolleyes:o_O:uhoh3:

  • Government is not unlimited
  • Money in the political arena is the cancer which is killing our Republic
  • A society is inherently collective, be it a small family, a tribe / religious order, or a nation take care of their own
  • Poverty is the ultimate form of liberty, when one has no responsibilities they are free to act without restraint
  • Libertarianism is a utopian fantasy, it lacks pragmatism and compassion
  • " Conservatarians" support government which benefits themselves, abhors government which benefits others
There is no bigger "utopian fantasy" than liberalism my friend.

Easy to say, kinda hard to prove. The liberal has been typecast as a bleeding heart, a Marxist, a Fascist, a Statist, a taxer and a spender, a racist, a bigot, evil and a dozen or more other characteristics, but the one real common denominator is this: a movement which sees problems and seeks solutions. Some pragmatic, some radical, some foolish and many successful.
It's very easy to prove. Just listen to liberals. They believe everyone can have healthcare coverage. That is a pure "utopian fantasy". They believe they can eradicate poverty though "spreading the wealth". That is a pure "utopian fantasy".

Just look at their rhetoric. From their minions on this board to their leaders in office, notice the key word that all of them will always say: should. "Everyone should have healthcare coverage". Yeah. Ok. How do we pay for that? "Everyone should have food on their table". Yeah. Ok. How do we pay for that?

I think you've been completely duped Wry by the fantasy of "a movement that sees problems and seeks solutions". That sounds wonderful (hell, even I would l love to be part of something that dynamic), but it's just not reality. Barack Obama doesn't want to solve your problems. He wants your money and your power. The man sits on tens of millions of dollars and yet he left his aunt in poverty living off of (Arizona's?) welfare system. On top of that, he left his nephew to die in a hospital. His own brother had to turn to ultra-conservative Dinesh D'Souza for the money to save the life of Barack Obama's nephew. That, my friend, is the epitome of liberalism. Sell the masses a bill of goods about "helping" and "solving problems" and then use it to steal money and power.
He knows. He thinks insults are a substitute for facts.

BTW: two more entertainers have cancelled their concerts in North Carolina.

Demi Lovato and Nick Jonas are the latest to cancel North Carolina shows
North Carolinians are so damn lucky. They not only get sane laws built on logic and reason, but they also keep miserable idiot liberals who will only bring illegal narcotics and crime with them, out of their state. Man I hope my state follows suit soon.

In all honesty, I have never even heard the name "Nick Jonas" before. How much could they possibly be missing? And I don't know anybody who will be crying over the loss of a shaved headed, tattoo-covered Demi Lavato. Let them head back to California and over dose on cocaine like all of the rest of the idiots in the entertainment world do.
You forgot to yell at them to get off your lawn.

That concert and the other ones that have been cancelled generate a lot of money that now will not go to North Carolina.

Add it all up, between concerts and corporations and NC is going to be hurting.
You might want to double-check your sources there chief. They have one of the largest tech sectors in the world. A division of IBM is down there. A division of Cisco is down there. If I'm not mistaking, one of Apple's largest Data Centers is down there. And then there is education and research - North Carolina, Duke, Wake Forest. And the sports? NASCAR. NFL. NBA. And the college sports from the major universities I named (not to mention the smaller ones). Fuhgedaboutit. You desperately want to dance but nobody will have any idea that those no name "entertainers" cancelled. Nobody. North Carolina is busy solving cancer. They don't need dope-filled concerts.
North Carolina will repeal this law. The boycotts will spread until they do. Top professionals will go elsewhere. High school graduates will choose to go to other universities. It's inevitable.

Freedom from government oppression dictating the use of their bathrooms just isn't in vogue now, is it, Syndi. What part of your manhood are you going to give up today? Imagine, not having government there to care and feed your every thought. It's like living in a Soviet Gulag isn't it?
Free markets rely on government to:

Maintain a monetary system
Maintain a court system
Protect patents
Provide security at home and abroad
Protect overseas markets
Provide infrastructure to optimize trade

Free markets would not exist without government

Have fun trying to prove that only the state can provide those services.

Yes...only the state can provide those things

Show me any country in the world where the free market provides those things

Private money has existed numerous times over the centuries. In fact, the first money was private money. Banks issued their own money in the U.S.A. prior to the Civil War.

Most corporations provide their own private security.

How does the government provide "overseas markets?"

Most infrastructure was privately built prior to WW II. around with gold in your pocket in an era of electronic payments

You need more than mall cops in your facility. Private security calls real cops when something happens.

No....infrastructure was paid for by the taxpayers

Really? You mean the government owned the railroads?

There are all levels of private security. The guards who man armored trucks carry guns. They aren't mall cops. You don't see them getting knocked over every day. Private industry provides the level of security needed.

You can have an ATM card or credit card backed with gold. That is, you could if the federal government didn't make it illegal. There's nothing about modern electronic payments that prevents them from being denominated in units of gold.
We can't have individual liberty...we must all be part of the collective..after all, massive unlimited government run by a small elite, works really really well.:eek::rolleyes:o_O:uhoh3:

  • Government is not unlimited
  • Money in the political arena is the cancer which is killing our Republic
  • A society is inherently collective, be it a small family, a tribe / religious order, or a nation take care of their own
  • Poverty is the ultimate form of liberty, when one has no responsibilities they are free to act without restraint
  • Libertarianism is a utopian fantasy, it lacks pragmatism and compassion
  • " Conservatarians" support government which benefits themselves, abhors government which benefits others
There is no bigger "utopian fantasy" than liberalism my friend.

Easy to say, kinda hard to prove. The liberal has been typecast as a bleeding heart, a Marxist, a Fascist, a Statist, a taxer and a spender, a racist, a bigot, evil and a dozen or more other characteristics, but the one real common denominator is this: a movement which sees problems and seeks solutions. Some pragmatic, some radical, some foolish and many successful.
It's very easy to prove. Just listen to liberals. They believe everyone can have healthcare coverage. That is a pure "utopian fantasy". They believe they can eradicate poverty though "spreading the wealth". That is a pure "utopian fantasy".

Just look at their rhetoric. From their minions on this board to their leaders in office, notice the key word that all of them will always say: should. "Everyone should have healthcare coverage". Yeah. Ok. How do we pay for that? "Everyone should have food on their table". Yeah. Ok. How do we pay for that?

I think you've been completely duped Wry by the fantasy of "a movement that sees problems and seeks solutions". That sounds wonderful (hell, even I would l love to be part of something that dynamic), but it's just not reality. Barack Obama doesn't want to solve your problems. He wants your money and your power. The man sits on tens of millions of dollars and yet he left his aunt in poverty living off of (Arizona's?) welfare system. On top of that, he left his nephew to die in a hospital. His own brother had to turn to ultra-conservative Dinesh D'Souza for the money to save the life of Barack Obama's nephew. That, my friend, is the epitome of liberalism. Sell the masses a bill of goods about "helping" and "solving problems" and then use it to steal money and power.

Many countries have healthcare for all

It is called civilized
Free markets rely on government to:

Maintain a monetary system
Maintain a court system
Protect patents
Provide security at home and abroad
Protect overseas markets
Provide infrastructure to optimize trade

Free markets would not exist without government

Have fun trying to prove that only the state can provide those services.

Yes...only the state can provide those things

Show me any country in the world where the free market provides those things

Private money has existed numerous times over the centuries. In fact, the first money was private money. Banks issued their own money in the U.S.A. prior to the Civil War.

Most corporations provide their own private security.

How does the government provide "overseas markets?"

Most infrastructure was privately built prior to WW II. around with gold in your pocket in an era of electronic payments

You need more than mall cops in your facility. Private security calls real cops when something happens.

No....infrastructure was paid for by the taxpayers

Really? You mean the government owned the railroads?

There are all levels of private security. The guards who man armored trucks carry guns. They aren't mall cops. You don't see them getting knocked over every day. Private industry provides the level of security needed.

You can have an ATM card or credit card backed with gold. That is, you could if the federal government didn't make it illegal. There's nothing about modern electronic payments that prevents them from being denominated in units of gold.

The railroads received free land to build their railroads. The made billions off these land deals

Private security has no power to arrest, prosecute or imprison
They rely on government
We can't have individual liberty...we must all be part of the collective..after all, massive unlimited government run by a small elite, works really really well.:eek::rolleyes:o_O:uhoh3:

  • Government is not unlimited
  • Money in the political arena is the cancer which is killing our Republic
  • A society is inherently collective, be it a small family, a tribe / religious order, or a nation take care of their own
  • Poverty is the ultimate form of liberty, when one has no responsibilities they are free to act without restraint
  • Libertarianism is a utopian fantasy, it lacks pragmatism and compassion
  • " Conservatarians" support government which benefits themselves, abhors government which benefits others
There is no bigger "utopian fantasy" than liberalism my friend.

Easy to say, kinda hard to prove. The liberal has been typecast as a bleeding heart, a Marxist, a Fascist, a Statist, a taxer and a spender, a racist, a bigot, evil and a dozen or more other characteristics, but the one real common denominator is this: a movement which sees problems and seeks solutions. Some pragmatic, some radical, some foolish and many successful.

"Sees problems and seeks solutions", unfortunately they're the ones creating the problems they're seeking the solutions for.

"The liberal" (what a complete bastardization of the term) needs to start solving his/her own "problems" and leaving everybody else the fuck alone which will result in far less "problems" and far less violence in the world. Apparently nobody informed the prosperity and liberty destroying busy bodies of the left that they have no freakin' clue what is best for everybody else (hell most of 'em can't even decide what's best for themselves).

You seem very bitter, as well as misinformed. Please let me know which source(s) provided you with the opinions you so readily espouse and how "The liberal" created "problems" and more violence in the world.

[I bet you will not address the questions, and have no evidence to support your conclusions]

I noticed Rottweiler thought your post a winner - that should give you pause, anytime a card carrying member of the idiot fringe gives one credit they should know they are on the wrong side of logic.
We can't have individual liberty...we must all be part of the collective..after all, massive unlimited government run by a small elite, works really really well.:eek::rolleyes:o_O:uhoh3:

  • Government is not unlimited
  • Money in the political arena is the cancer which is killing our Republic
  • A society is inherently collective, be it a small family, a tribe / religious order, or a nation take care of their own
  • Poverty is the ultimate form of liberty, when one has no responsibilities they are free to act without restraint
  • Libertarianism is a utopian fantasy, it lacks pragmatism and compassion
  • " Conservatarians" support government which benefits themselves, abhors government which benefits others
There is no bigger "utopian fantasy" than liberalism my friend.

Easy to say, kinda hard to prove. The liberal has been typecast as a bleeding heart, a Marxist, a Fascist, a Statist, a taxer and a spender, a racist, a bigot, evil and a dozen or more other characteristics, but the one real common denominator is this: a movement which sees problems and seeks solutions. Some pragmatic, some radical, some foolish and many successful.

"Sees problems and seeks solutions", unfortunately they're the ones creating the problems they're seeking the solutions for.

"The liberal" (what a complete bastardization of the term) needs to start solving his/her own "problems" and leaving everybody else the fuck alone which will result in far less "problems" and far less violence in the world. Apparently nobody informed the prosperity and liberty destroying busy bodies of the left that they have no freakin' clue what is best for everybody else (hell most of 'em can't even decide what's best for themselves).

You seem very bitter, as well as misinformed. Please let me know which source(s) provided you with the opinions you so readily espouse and how "The liberal" created "problems" and more violence in the world.

[I bet you will not address the questions, and have no evidence to support your conclusions]

I noticed Rottweiler thought your post a winner - that should give you pause, anytime a card carrying member of the idiot fringe gives one credit they should know they are on the wrong side of logic.

The fascists, aka, "liberals" have made defending our lives worse by regulating firearms, creating GUN FREE ZONES and encouraging political parties to nominate fascists scumbags to SCOTUS.

  • Government is not unlimited
  • Money in the political arena is the cancer which is killing our Republic
  • A society is inherently collective, be it a small family, a tribe / religious order, or a nation take care of their own
  • Poverty is the ultimate form of liberty, when one has no responsibilities they are free to act without restraint
  • Libertarianism is a utopian fantasy, it lacks pragmatism and compassion
  • " Conservatarians" support government which benefits themselves, abhors government which benefits others
There is no bigger "utopian fantasy" than liberalism my friend.

Easy to say, kinda hard to prove. The liberal has been typecast as a bleeding heart, a Marxist, a Fascist, a Statist, a taxer and a spender, a racist, a bigot, evil and a dozen or more other characteristics, but the one real common denominator is this: a movement which sees problems and seeks solutions. Some pragmatic, some radical, some foolish and many successful.

"Sees problems and seeks solutions", unfortunately they're the ones creating the problems they're seeking the solutions for.

"The liberal" (what a complete bastardization of the term) needs to start solving his/her own "problems" and leaving everybody else the fuck alone which will result in far less "problems" and far less violence in the world. Apparently nobody informed the prosperity and liberty destroying busy bodies of the left that they have no freakin' clue what is best for everybody else (hell most of 'em can't even decide what's best for themselves).

You seem very bitter, as well as misinformed. Please let me know which source(s) provided you with the opinions you so readily espouse and how "The liberal" created "problems" and more violence in the world.

[I bet you will not address the questions, and have no evidence to support your conclusions]

I noticed Rottweiler thought your post a winner - that should give you pause, anytime a card carrying member of the idiot fringe gives one credit they should know they are on the wrong side of logic.

The fascists, aka, "liberals" have made defending our lives worse by regulating firearms, creating GUN FREE ZONES and encouraging political parties to nominate fascists scumbags to SCOTUS.

We didn't nominate Scalia.
There is no bigger "utopian fantasy" than liberalism my friend.

Easy to say, kinda hard to prove. The liberal has been typecast as a bleeding heart, a Marxist, a Fascist, a Statist, a taxer and a spender, a racist, a bigot, evil and a dozen or more other characteristics, but the one real common denominator is this: a movement which sees problems and seeks solutions. Some pragmatic, some radical, some foolish and many successful.

"Sees problems and seeks solutions", unfortunately they're the ones creating the problems they're seeking the solutions for.

"The liberal" (what a complete bastardization of the term) needs to start solving his/her own "problems" and leaving everybody else the fuck alone which will result in far less "problems" and far less violence in the world. Apparently nobody informed the prosperity and liberty destroying busy bodies of the left that they have no freakin' clue what is best for everybody else (hell most of 'em can't even decide what's best for themselves).

You seem very bitter, as well as misinformed. Please let me know which source(s) provided you with the opinions you so readily espouse and how "The liberal" created "problems" and more violence in the world.

[I bet you will not address the questions, and have no evidence to support your conclusions]

I noticed Rottweiler thought your post a winner - that should give you pause, anytime a card carrying member of the idiot fringe gives one credit they should know they are on the wrong side of logic.

The fascists, aka, "liberals" have made defending our lives worse by regulating firearms, creating GUN FREE ZONES and encouraging political parties to nominate fascists scumbags to SCOTUS.

We didn't nominate Scalia.

Of course not.

The Joe ABnormals of this world want Americans disarmed.

Easy to say, kinda hard to prove. The liberal has been typecast as a bleeding heart, a Marxist, a Fascist, a Statist, a taxer and a spender, a racist, a bigot, evil and a dozen or more other characteristics, but the one real common denominator is this: a movement which sees problems and seeks solutions. Some pragmatic, some radical, some foolish and many successful.

"Sees problems and seeks solutions", unfortunately they're the ones creating the problems they're seeking the solutions for.

"The liberal" (what a complete bastardization of the term) needs to start solving his/her own "problems" and leaving everybody else the fuck alone which will result in far less "problems" and far less violence in the world. Apparently nobody informed the prosperity and liberty destroying busy bodies of the left that they have no freakin' clue what is best for everybody else (hell most of 'em can't even decide what's best for themselves).

You seem very bitter, as well as misinformed. Please let me know which source(s) provided you with the opinions you so readily espouse and how "The liberal" created "problems" and more violence in the world.

[I bet you will not address the questions, and have no evidence to support your conclusions]

I noticed Rottweiler thought your post a winner - that should give you pause, anytime a card carrying member of the idiot fringe gives one credit they should know they are on the wrong side of logic.

The fascists, aka, "liberals" have made defending our lives worse by regulating firearms, creating GUN FREE ZONES and encouraging political parties to nominate fascists scumbags to SCOTUS.

We didn't nominate Scalia.

Of course not.

The Joe ABnormals of this world want Americans disarmed.

Meh. I've got a gun. They're not hard to get if you're not a criminal or insane. Scalia's kowtowing to the corporatocracy is my beef.
We can't have individual liberty...we must all be part of the collective..after all, massive unlimited government run by a small elite, works really really well.:eek::rolleyes:o_O:uhoh3:

  • Government is not unlimited
  • Money in the political arena is the cancer which is killing our Republic
  • A society is inherently collective, be it a small family, a tribe / religious order, or a nation take care of their own
  • Poverty is the ultimate form of liberty, when one has no responsibilities they are free to act without restraint
  • Libertarianism is a utopian fantasy, it lacks pragmatism and compassion
  • " Conservatarians" support government which benefits themselves, abhors government which benefits others
There is no bigger "utopian fantasy" than liberalism my friend.

Easy to say, kinda hard to prove. The liberal has been typecast as a bleeding heart, a Marxist, a Fascist, a Statist, a taxer and a spender, a racist, a bigot, evil and a dozen or more other characteristics, but the one real common denominator is this: a movement which sees problems and seeks solutions. Some pragmatic, some radical, some foolish and many successful.
How is it evil to consider the initiation of aggression against another person or her property to be unjust?
We can't have individual liberty...we must all be part of the collective..after all, massive unlimited government run by a small elite, works really really well.:eek::rolleyes:o_O:uhoh3:

  • Government is not unlimited
  • Money in the political arena is the cancer which is killing our Republic
  • A society is inherently collective, be it a small family, a tribe / religious order, or a nation take care of their own
  • Poverty is the ultimate form of liberty, when one has no responsibilities they are free to act without restraint
  • Libertarianism is a utopian fantasy, it lacks pragmatism and compassion
  • " Conservatarians" support government which benefits themselves, abhors government which benefits others
There is no bigger "utopian fantasy" than liberalism my friend.

Easy to say, kinda hard to prove. The liberal has been typecast as a bleeding heart, a Marxist, a Fascist, a Statist, a taxer and a spender, a racist, a bigot, evil and a dozen or more other characteristics, but the one real common denominator is this: a movement which sees problems and seeks solutions. Some pragmatic, some radical, some foolish and many successful.
How is it evil to consider the initiation of aggression against another person or her property to be unjust?
Initiation of aggression

Such a drama queen
Taxes are not aggression

It is the price we pay for a civilized society

But you agree that it's unethical for one person to initiate aggression against another's person or property? Or do you think we each have the right to do so?
Taxes are not aggression

It is the price we pay for a civilized society

But you agree that it's unethical for one person to initiate aggression against another's person or property? Or do you think we each have the right to do so?

Give us an example.....I can't wait
Robbery, theft by trick, extortion, theft, burglary, murder, fraud, rape, kidnapping, assault, battery.

These would be examples of one person initiating aggression against another's person or property. Or more generally, any time a person is the first to violate the person or property of his fellow man.
Initiation of aggression

Such a drama queen

Are you intimating that you consider it ethically legitimate for one person to initiate aggression against another or another's property?

Taxes are not aggression

It is the price we pay for a civilized society

They sure as hell are aggression. How does government collect taxes without aggressing against people who are minding their own business?
  • Thanks
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