How Far Back In American History Are Blacks Allowed To Go Back?

I've seen the sentiment of "stop looking back into the past" , "oh, you're only hampering yourself", "look forward, don't look back", "you're in chains", etc. etc. spewed on USMB by almost exclusively rightwing whites.

All I want to know is, what year is it OK to go back to? What date is the cut off for starting American history will make whites happy?

If you have the exact time as well, that would be a bonus.
You will go back as far as you can make a profit from it. Now go invent/develop a hundred mile per gallon gasoline engine for automobiles. The taxes to pay for education and real successthis went back far I tell you that. Yes in deedee!
Nope...... actual laws that discriminated against Blacks, jim crow, poll taxes, literacy tests, the klan, were created by the democrats....... racism was prevalent throughout all cultures at the time....but actual laws passed to hurt Blacks, to dehumanize blacks were all on the democrats......
I'm really glad to see you share that.

So certainly, nothing that those Democrats stated back then would resemble anything Republicans are stating today, right?
Nope...... actual laws that discriminated against Blacks, jim crow, poll taxes, literacy tests, the klan, were created by the democrats....... racism was prevalent throughout all cultures at the time....but actual laws passed to hurt Blacks, to dehumanize blacks were all on the democrats......
I'm really glad to see you share that.

So certainly, nothing that those Democrats stated back then would resemble anything Republicans are stating today, right?

Nothing.....the Republican party is not fixated on race as an is the primary factor in the democrat party. The fact that democrats today fight to separate the races, in particular on college campuses, and fight to keep race as a dividing issue goes back to the founding of their party.
Nothing.....the Republican party is not fixated on race as an is the primary factor in the democrat party. The fact that democrats today fight to separate the races, in particular on college campuses, and fight to keep race as a dividing issue goes back to the founding of their party.
What would you say if I was able to show you rhetoric, from those same Democrats who you claim to be the ones responsible for all the anti-black stuff back then, to be pretty much, well...damn near verbatim, to what Republicans, today are espousing...what would you say to that?
Nothing.....the Republican party is not fixated on race as an is the primary factor in the democrat party. The fact that democrats today fight to separate the races, in particular on college campuses, and fight to keep race as a dividing issue goes back to the founding of their party.
What would you say if I was able to show you rhetoric, from those same Democrats who you claim to be the ones responsible for all the anti-black stuff back then, to be pretty much, well...damn near verbatim, to what Republicans, today are espousing...what would you say to that?

I would say you are an idiot. You would need to explain away the actual racism of the democrat party today......the embracing of openly, and proudly racist groups as core groups and leaders of the democrat party........pushing racism to the point they are segregating minority populations based on race...proudly....
Nothing.....the Republican party is not fixated on race as an is the primary factor in the democrat party. The fact that democrats today fight to separate the races, in particular on college campuses, and fight to keep race as a dividing issue goes back to the founding of their party.
What would you say if I was able to show you rhetoric, from those same Democrats who you claim to be the ones responsible for all the anti-black stuff back then, to be pretty much, well...damn near verbatim, to what Republicans, today are espousing...what would you say to that?

Democrat party at work......segregating by per the normal democrat party policy...

More than 75 colleges host blacks-only graduation ceremonies
Nothing.....the Republican party is not fixated on race as an is the primary factor in the democrat party. The fact that democrats today fight to separate the races, in particular on college campuses, and fight to keep race as a dividing issue goes back to the founding of their party.
What would you say if I was able to show you rhetoric, from those same Democrats who you claim to be the ones responsible for all the anti-black stuff back then, to be pretty much, well...damn near verbatim, to what Republicans, today are espousing...what would you say to that?

More democrats separating by the next generation of democrats to be racists....

Identity Politics Are Leading To Racially Segregated Dorms And Parties

At UMass, in the liberal bastion of Western Massachusetts, walk into any dining hall and you’ll see some students socializing across racial lines — but most often, black students will be sitting together, while nearby tables are filled with white students. This is all voluntary, but it’s sad to see such self-segregation. Campus housing isn’t much better, as many Asian students choose to live in one area together on campus, for no real reason.

In 2016, California State University stirred up controversy when the college unveiled a special “Black Living-Learning Community,” not formally segregated, but thematically designated as a space for mostly black residents. The University of Connecticut boasts something similar, a “ScHOLA²RS House” where African American students will be prioritized in selection.
I would say you are an idiot. You would need to explain away the actual racism of the democrat party today......the embracing of openly, and proudly racist groups as core groups and leaders of the democrat party........pushing racism to the point they are segregating minority populations based on race...proudly....
How would calling me an "idiot" negate the similarity of the rhetoric of yesterday's Democrats to today's Republicans, if I can present you with proof of it? Especially after establishing, by your own statements, that there's no way in the world that could or would ever be the case.

How does that make sense?
How would calling me an "idiot" negate the similarity of the rhetoric of yesterday's Democrats to today's Republicans, if I can present you with proof of it? Especially after establishing, by your own statements, that there's no way in the world that could or would ever be the case.

How does that make sense?
Calling you an idiot makes sense because you are one, and a whinny one at that.

Sometimes things are that simple.
Far as I know, 1534. Unless you want to count South America and the Caribbean which would date to slightly earlier.

In 1534 a Spanish fleet arrived in what is now South Carolina with, I think about 150 captured Africans. Happily, those captives rose up and overthrew their captors and escaped to live with the indigenous tribes. Those that followed were not so successful, though they tried.

What about before that.....the Africans who held their own people as slaves....and who currently have a thriving slave trade in several parts of today's Africa? The Europeans didn't capture the slaves, Africans did.....when Black Americans finally turn on their African ancestors it will be the moment they will begin to finally be free of the democrat slave party.

What an ignorant post. "The Africans", really? Are "The Africans" some kind of Borg now?

"The Europeans" were holding their own people as slaves too, long as you don't distinguish between "Greeks" and "Romans" and so on.

Holy shit, "The Africans". Doesn't that speak volumes. Oh by the way "The Americans" did the same thing, and so did "The Asians" Broad Brush-R-Us.

Here's what (else) you don't get.

Slavery, as practiced throughout the world on every continent except Antarctica, had been a consequence of the "spoils of war". When my tribe conquers your tribe we take your land, your cattle, your houses, your women, your youth to do our work for us as slaves. When your tribe conquers mine you do the same. People become part of "territory".

The TransAtlantic slave trade was a whole different thing. This time those captive people were transported thousands of miles to another continent altogether, a place as incomprehensible to them as aliens abducting us to planet Zorg would be to us. There they were barked at in an unfamiliar language and had their own cultures, languages, religions and even their own family ties obliterated. NONE of that would have happened under "traditional" slavery. They would have been in a familiar place around familiar cultures and familiar languages. So they're in no way the same thing.

Besides which, who do you think SET UP that system? Colonial Inuits?

But no, let's reduce all that to "The Africans" as if "they all look alike to me".

Yes....moron, slavery was a world wide activity....ended here through a Civil War.....the Trans Atlantic slave trade was based on sales of African Slaves by African tribes......without those African slave takers, there would have been no African slaves in the U.S.....

Africans made the Trans Atlantic Slave trade.........they sold their victims to Europeans....the Americans ended slavery, there is still actual slavery in parts of Africa.....

NO STUPID. It was based on merchants, out to make money, who used human cargo to do it by shipping them from their OLD colonial continent to their NEW ones.

But hey, let's blame the victims.

As for your colonialist "the Americans ended slavery" fable, guess what, the French, the Spanish, the Dutch and the Brits had already done so, so that was already inevitable to the latecomers in the CSA. Had they been allowed their slave State it would have collapsed gradually rather than suddenly. Slavery was well on the way out when the indolent plantationists were still clinging to it. They in their time, like you now, were practicing the art of Self-Delusion.


guess what, the French, the Spanish, the Dutch and the Brits had already done so, so that was already inevitable to the latecomers in the CS

Big F*****g deal....they didn't have large populations of slaves in their home countries you dumb ass...........they didn't have to deal with the problem other than passing a law........we had to fight and kill a bunch of democrats to get them to let go of their slaves...

Who are these "democrats [sic]" you think you "killed", bigot boy?

Oh this oughta be good.
What about before that.....the Africans who held their own people as slaves....and who currently have a thriving slave trade in several parts of today's Africa? The Europeans didn't capture the slaves, Africans did.....when Black Americans finally turn on their African ancestors it will be the moment they will begin to finally be free of the democrat slave party.

What an ignorant post. "The Africans", really? Are "The Africans" some kind of Borg now?

"The Europeans" were holding their own people as slaves too, long as you don't distinguish between "Greeks" and "Romans" and so on.

Holy shit, "The Africans". Doesn't that speak volumes. Oh by the way "The Americans" did the same thing, and so did "The Asians" Broad Brush-R-Us.

Here's what (else) you don't get.

Slavery, as practiced throughout the world on every continent except Antarctica, had been a consequence of the "spoils of war". When my tribe conquers your tribe we take your land, your cattle, your houses, your women, your youth to do our work for us as slaves. When your tribe conquers mine you do the same. People become part of "territory".

The TransAtlantic slave trade was a whole different thing. This time those captive people were transported thousands of miles to another continent altogether, a place as incomprehensible to them as aliens abducting us to planet Zorg would be to us. There they were barked at in an unfamiliar language and had their own cultures, languages, religions and even their own family ties obliterated. NONE of that would have happened under "traditional" slavery. They would have been in a familiar place around familiar cultures and familiar languages. So they're in no way the same thing.

Besides which, who do you think SET UP that system? Colonial Inuits?

But no, let's reduce all that to "The Africans" as if "they all look alike to me".

Yes....moron, slavery was a world wide activity....ended here through a Civil War.....the Trans Atlantic slave trade was based on sales of African Slaves by African tribes......without those African slave takers, there would have been no African slaves in the U.S.....

Africans made the Trans Atlantic Slave trade.........they sold their victims to Europeans....the Americans ended slavery, there is still actual slavery in parts of Africa.....

NO STUPID. It was based on merchants, out to make money, who used human cargo to do it by shipping them from their OLD colonial continent to their NEW ones.

But hey, let's blame the victims.

As for your colonialist "the Americans ended slavery" fable, guess what, the French, the Spanish, the Dutch and the Brits had already done so, so that was already inevitable to the latecomers in the CSA. Had they been allowed their slave State it would have collapsed gradually rather than suddenly. Slavery was well on the way out when the indolent plantationists were still clinging to it. They in their time, like you now, were practicing the art of Self-Delusion.


guess what, the French, the Spanish, the Dutch and the Brits had already done so, so that was already inevitable to the latecomers in the CS

Big F*****g deal....they didn't have large populations of slaves in their home countries you dumb ass...........they didn't have to deal with the problem other than passing a law........we had to fight and kill a bunch of democrats to get them to let go of their slaves...

Who are these "democrats [sic]" you think you "killed", bigot boy?

Oh this oughta be good.

I didn't kill anyone....the Republicans during the Civil War killed democrats to free the slaves...considering the entire leadership of the Confederate states were democrats, including the President, Jefferson Davis, and the Vice President. But hey......just because they were democrats doesn't mean they were democrats...right?
What about before that.....the Africans who held their own people as slaves....and who currently have a thriving slave trade in several parts of today's Africa? The Europeans didn't capture the slaves, Africans did.....when Black Americans finally turn on their African ancestors it will be the moment they will begin to finally be free of the democrat slave party.

What an ignorant post. "The Africans", really? Are "The Africans" some kind of Borg now?

"The Europeans" were holding their own people as slaves too, long as you don't distinguish between "Greeks" and "Romans" and so on.

Holy shit, "The Africans". Doesn't that speak volumes. Oh by the way "The Americans" did the same thing, and so did "The Asians" Broad Brush-R-Us.

Here's what (else) you don't get.

Slavery, as practiced throughout the world on every continent except Antarctica, had been a consequence of the "spoils of war". When my tribe conquers your tribe we take your land, your cattle, your houses, your women, your youth to do our work for us as slaves. When your tribe conquers mine you do the same. People become part of "territory".

The TransAtlantic slave trade was a whole different thing. This time those captive people were transported thousands of miles to another continent altogether, a place as incomprehensible to them as aliens abducting us to planet Zorg would be to us. There they were barked at in an unfamiliar language and had their own cultures, languages, religions and even their own family ties obliterated. NONE of that would have happened under "traditional" slavery. They would have been in a familiar place around familiar cultures and familiar languages. So they're in no way the same thing.

Besides which, who do you think SET UP that system? Colonial Inuits?

But no, let's reduce all that to "The Africans" as if "they all look alike to me".

Yes....moron, slavery was a world wide activity....ended here through a Civil War.....the Trans Atlantic slave trade was based on sales of African Slaves by African tribes......without those African slave takers, there would have been no African slaves in the U.S.....

Africans made the Trans Atlantic Slave trade.........they sold their victims to Europeans....the Americans ended slavery, there is still actual slavery in parts of Africa.....

NO STUPID. It was based on merchants, out to make money, who used human cargo to do it by shipping them from their OLD colonial continent to their NEW ones.

But hey, let's blame the victims.

As for your colonialist "the Americans ended slavery" fable, guess what, the French, the Spanish, the Dutch and the Brits had already done so, so that was already inevitable to the latecomers in the CSA. Had they been allowed their slave State it would have collapsed gradually rather than suddenly. Slavery was well on the way out when the indolent plantationists were still clinging to it. They in their time, like you now, were practicing the art of Self-Delusion.


guess what, the French, the Spanish, the Dutch and the Brits had already done so, so that was already inevitable to the latecomers in the CS

Big F*****g deal....they didn't have large populations of slaves in their home countries you dumb ass...........they didn't have to deal with the problem other than passing a law........we had to fight and kill a bunch of democrats to get them to let go of their slaves...

Who are these "democrats [sic]" you think you "killed", bigot boy?

Oh this oughta be good.

I didn't kill anyone....the Republicans during the Civil War killed democrats to free the slaves...considering the entire leadership of the Confederate states were democrats, including the President, Jefferson Davis, and the Vice President. But hey......just because they were democrats doesn't mean they were democrats...right?
Yes.....southern democrats were racists....modern democrats are racists........your point?

So the rhetoric espoused by Southern Democrats back then was basically never espoused by Republicans, back then. Correct?

Nope...... actual laws that discriminated against Blacks, jim crow, poll taxes, literacy tests, the klan, were created by the democrats....... racism was prevalent throughout all cultures at the time....but actual laws passed to hurt Blacks, to dehumanize blacks were all on the democrats......

Once AGAIN --- the Klan was created by ex-soldiers who had no political affiliations; local laws like poll taxes and literacy tests were created by local governments including for example New York ---

>> In a 1908 election, city officials sought to suppress the Jewish immigrant vote by holding voter registration on Saturdays and on the holiday of Yom Kippur, when observant Jews refrained from activities like writing.

In 1921, New York State passed a law requiring an English literacy test to vote. The people most disenfranchised by the legislation were the members of New York City’s growing Puerto Rican community. Although they were American citizens by birth, many were recent arrivals who were not fluent in English.

In 1958, Jose Camacho, a Puerto Rican-born Bronx grocer who was fluent in Spanish but not English, sued over New York’s literacy test, albeit unsuccessfully, as he believed that as an American citizen he should be able to vote regardless of what language he spoke. According to the New York Times, “His effort was supported by the American Jewish Congress, which said Yiddish speakers were also affected.” <<

As you just admitted yourself, this was a cultural aberration, not a political party policy. So you already refuted your own fake point.

What an ignorant post. "The Africans", really? Are "The Africans" some kind of Borg now?

"The Europeans" were holding their own people as slaves too, long as you don't distinguish between "Greeks" and "Romans" and so on.

Holy shit, "The Africans". Doesn't that speak volumes. Oh by the way "The Americans" did the same thing, and so did "The Asians" Broad Brush-R-Us.

Here's what (else) you don't get.

Slavery, as practiced throughout the world on every continent except Antarctica, had been a consequence of the "spoils of war". When my tribe conquers your tribe we take your land, your cattle, your houses, your women, your youth to do our work for us as slaves. When your tribe conquers mine you do the same. People become part of "territory".

The TransAtlantic slave trade was a whole different thing. This time those captive people were transported thousands of miles to another continent altogether, a place as incomprehensible to them as aliens abducting us to planet Zorg would be to us. There they were barked at in an unfamiliar language and had their own cultures, languages, religions and even their own family ties obliterated. NONE of that would have happened under "traditional" slavery. They would have been in a familiar place around familiar cultures and familiar languages. So they're in no way the same thing.

Besides which, who do you think SET UP that system? Colonial Inuits?

But no, let's reduce all that to "The Africans" as if "they all look alike to me".

Yes....moron, slavery was a world wide activity....ended here through a Civil War.....the Trans Atlantic slave trade was based on sales of African Slaves by African tribes......without those African slave takers, there would have been no African slaves in the U.S.....

Africans made the Trans Atlantic Slave trade.........they sold their victims to Europeans....the Americans ended slavery, there is still actual slavery in parts of Africa.....

NO STUPID. It was based on merchants, out to make money, who used human cargo to do it by shipping them from their OLD colonial continent to their NEW ones.

But hey, let's blame the victims.

As for your colonialist "the Americans ended slavery" fable, guess what, the French, the Spanish, the Dutch and the Brits had already done so, so that was already inevitable to the latecomers in the CSA. Had they been allowed their slave State it would have collapsed gradually rather than suddenly. Slavery was well on the way out when the indolent plantationists were still clinging to it. They in their time, like you now, were practicing the art of Self-Delusion.


guess what, the French, the Spanish, the Dutch and the Brits had already done so, so that was already inevitable to the latecomers in the CS

Big F*****g deal....they didn't have large populations of slaves in their home countries you dumb ass...........they didn't have to deal with the problem other than passing a law........we had to fight and kill a bunch of democrats to get them to let go of their slaves...

Who are these "democrats [sic]" you think you "killed", bigot boy?

Oh this oughta be good.

I didn't kill anyone....the Republicans during the Civil War killed democrats to free the slaves...considering the entire leadership of the Confederate states were democrats, including the President, Jefferson Davis, and the Vice President. But hey......just because they were democrats doesn't mean they were democrats...right?

The Confederacy had no political parties, DUMBASS. Prove me wrong.

I knew you would walk right into that, living on myths as you do.

Oh and it's "Democrats". Proper names get capital letters in English, DUMBASS.

That mythology you're jerking off to, where the South is entirely Democrat? That didn't begin until AFTER the Civil War, DUMBASS. In the last election before that war, the Democratic POTUS candidate came in dead last, winning zero electoral votes from the South, the same number as Lincoln who wasn't even on the ballots.

And that CSA VP? Before the war he had been a Whig. Way to look up your shit, DUMBASS.

And neither being "Republican" nor being "Democrat" was required to fight in the Civil War, DUMBASS. Most people were neither.
Yes.....southern democrats were racists....modern democrats are racists........your point?

So the rhetoric espoused by Southern Democrats back then was basically never espoused by Republicans, back then. Correct?

Nope...... actual laws that discriminated against Blacks, jim crow, poll taxes, literacy tests, the klan, were created by the democrats....... racism was prevalent throughout all cultures at the time....but actual laws passed to hurt Blacks, to dehumanize blacks were all on the democrats......

Once AGAIN --- the Klan was created by ex-soldiers who had no political affiliations; local laws like poll taxes and literacy tests were created by local governments including for example New York ---

>> In a 1908 election, city officials sought to suppress the Jewish immigrant vote by holding voter registration on Saturdays and on the holiday of Yom Kippur, when observant Jews refrained from activities like writing.

In 1921, New York State passed a law requiring an English literacy test to vote. The people most disenfranchised by the legislation were the members of New York City’s growing Puerto Rican community. Although they were American citizens by birth, many were recent arrivals who were not fluent in English.

In 1958, Jose Camacho, a Puerto Rican-born Bronx grocer who was fluent in Spanish but not English, sued over New York’s literacy test, albeit unsuccessfully, as he believed that as an American citizen he should be able to vote regardless of what language he spoke. According to the New York Times, “His effort was supported by the American Jewish Congress, which said Yiddish speakers were also affected.” <<

As you just admitted yourself, this was a cultural aberration, not a political party policy. So you already refuted your own fake point.


No...once again, ex-Confederate army officers were not Republicans......they would have been democrats...but pretending that they aren't because we don't have their voter registration is the kind of silly crap you pull all the time.....They fought republicans, they fought for the Confederacy which was controlled by the democrat party, so you think you are clever by trying to say that obviously, officers in the Confederacy couldn't have been democrats...

You are so full of crap....

The poll taxes and literacy in the democrat controlled states were targeted to keep Blacks and poor whites from voting...but please...tell us that Jim Crow wasn't really directed at Blacks......create new history for us....
Yes....moron, slavery was a world wide activity....ended here through a Civil War.....the Trans Atlantic slave trade was based on sales of African Slaves by African tribes......without those African slave takers, there would have been no African slaves in the U.S.....

Africans made the Trans Atlantic Slave trade.........they sold their victims to Europeans....the Americans ended slavery, there is still actual slavery in parts of Africa.....

NO STUPID. It was based on merchants, out to make money, who used human cargo to do it by shipping them from their OLD colonial continent to their NEW ones.

But hey, let's blame the victims.

As for your colonialist "the Americans ended slavery" fable, guess what, the French, the Spanish, the Dutch and the Brits had already done so, so that was already inevitable to the latecomers in the CSA. Had they been allowed their slave State it would have collapsed gradually rather than suddenly. Slavery was well on the way out when the indolent plantationists were still clinging to it. They in their time, like you now, were practicing the art of Self-Delusion.


guess what, the French, the Spanish, the Dutch and the Brits had already done so, so that was already inevitable to the latecomers in the CS

Big F*****g deal....they didn't have large populations of slaves in their home countries you dumb ass...........they didn't have to deal with the problem other than passing a law........we had to fight and kill a bunch of democrats to get them to let go of their slaves...

Who are these "democrats [sic]" you think you "killed", bigot boy?

Oh this oughta be good.

I didn't kill anyone....the Republicans during the Civil War killed democrats to free the slaves...considering the entire leadership of the Confederate states were democrats, including the President, Jefferson Davis, and the Vice President. But hey......just because they were democrats doesn't mean they were democrats...right?

The Confederacy had no political parties, DUMBASS. Prove me wrong.

I knew you would walk right into that, living on myths as you do.

Oh and it's "Democrats". Proper names get capital letters in English, DUMBASS.

Dumb shit.....the entire leadership of the Confederacy were asshat.
Yes....moron, slavery was a world wide activity....ended here through a Civil War.....the Trans Atlantic slave trade was based on sales of African Slaves by African tribes......without those African slave takers, there would have been no African slaves in the U.S.....

Africans made the Trans Atlantic Slave trade.........they sold their victims to Europeans....the Americans ended slavery, there is still actual slavery in parts of Africa.....

NO STUPID. It was based on merchants, out to make money, who used human cargo to do it by shipping them from their OLD colonial continent to their NEW ones.

But hey, let's blame the victims.

As for your colonialist "the Americans ended slavery" fable, guess what, the French, the Spanish, the Dutch and the Brits had already done so, so that was already inevitable to the latecomers in the CSA. Had they been allowed their slave State it would have collapsed gradually rather than suddenly. Slavery was well on the way out when the indolent plantationists were still clinging to it. They in their time, like you now, were practicing the art of Self-Delusion.


guess what, the French, the Spanish, the Dutch and the Brits had already done so, so that was already inevitable to the latecomers in the CS

Big F*****g deal....they didn't have large populations of slaves in their home countries you dumb ass...........they didn't have to deal with the problem other than passing a law........we had to fight and kill a bunch of democrats to get them to let go of their slaves...

Who are these "democrats [sic]" you think you "killed", bigot boy?

Oh this oughta be good.

I didn't kill anyone....the Republicans during the Civil War killed democrats to free the slaves...considering the entire leadership of the Confederate states were democrats, including the President, Jefferson Davis, and the Vice President. But hey......just because they were democrats doesn't mean they were democrats...right?

The Confederacy had no political parties, DUMBASS. Prove me wrong.

I knew you would walk right into that, living on myths as you do.

Oh and it's "Democrats". Proper names get capital letters in English, DUMBASS.

That mythology you're jerking off to, where the South is entirely Democrat? That didn't begin until AFTER the Civil War, DUMBASS. In the last election before that war, the Democratic POTUS candidate came in dead last, winning zero electoral votes from the South, the same number as Lincoln who wasn't even on the ballots.

And that CSA VP? Before the war he had been a Whig. Way to look up your shit, DUMBASS.

And neither being "Republican" nor being "Democrat" was required to fight in the Civil War, DUMBASS. Most people were neither.

You asshat...

President of the Confederacy....

Jefferson Davis became a staunch states’ rights Democrat and champion of the unrestricted expansion of slavery into the territories.

Vice President of the Confederacy...

While he began his career as a Whig, he would later serve as both a Democrat and a Constitutional Unionist.
Yes....moron, slavery was a world wide activity....ended here through a Civil War.....the Trans Atlantic slave trade was based on sales of African Slaves by African tribes......without those African slave takers, there would have been no African slaves in the U.S.....

Africans made the Trans Atlantic Slave trade.........they sold their victims to Europeans....the Americans ended slavery, there is still actual slavery in parts of Africa.....

NO STUPID. It was based on merchants, out to make money, who used human cargo to do it by shipping them from their OLD colonial continent to their NEW ones.

But hey, let's blame the victims.

As for your colonialist "the Americans ended slavery" fable, guess what, the French, the Spanish, the Dutch and the Brits had already done so, so that was already inevitable to the latecomers in the CSA. Had they been allowed their slave State it would have collapsed gradually rather than suddenly. Slavery was well on the way out when the indolent plantationists were still clinging to it. They in their time, like you now, were practicing the art of Self-Delusion.


guess what, the French, the Spanish, the Dutch and the Brits had already done so, so that was already inevitable to the latecomers in the CS

Big F*****g deal....they didn't have large populations of slaves in their home countries you dumb ass...........they didn't have to deal with the problem other than passing a law........we had to fight and kill a bunch of democrats to get them to let go of their slaves...

Who are these "democrats [sic]" you think you "killed", bigot boy?

Oh this oughta be good.

I didn't kill anyone....the Republicans during the Civil War killed democrats to free the slaves...considering the entire leadership of the Confederate states were democrats, including the President, Jefferson Davis, and the Vice President. But hey......just because they were democrats doesn't mean they were democrats...right?

The Confederacy had no political parties, DUMBASS. Prove me wrong.

I knew you would walk right into that, living on myths as you do.

Oh and it's "Democrats". Proper names get capital letters in English, DUMBASS.

That mythology you're jerking off to, where the South is entirely Democrat? That didn't begin until AFTER the Civil War, DUMBASS. In the last election before that war, the Democratic POTUS candidate came in dead last, winning zero electoral votes from the South, the same number as Lincoln who wasn't even on the ballots.

And that CSA VP? Before the war he had been a Whig. Way to look up your shit, DUMBASS.

And neither being "Republican" nor being "Democrat" was required to fight in the Civil War, DUMBASS. Most people were neither.

And yet the political party of the Confederacy was the democrat party, you dumb ass.....

Secretary of War for the Confederacy...Judah
Yes....moron, slavery was a world wide activity....ended here through a Civil War.....the Trans Atlantic slave trade was based on sales of African Slaves by African tribes......without those African slave takers, there would have been no African slaves in the U.S.....

Africans made the Trans Atlantic Slave trade.........they sold their victims to Europeans....the Americans ended slavery, there is still actual slavery in parts of Africa.....

NO STUPID. It was based on merchants, out to make money, who used human cargo to do it by shipping them from their OLD colonial continent to their NEW ones.

But hey, let's blame the victims.

As for your colonialist "the Americans ended slavery" fable, guess what, the French, the Spanish, the Dutch and the Brits had already done so, so that was already inevitable to the latecomers in the CSA. Had they been allowed their slave State it would have collapsed gradually rather than suddenly. Slavery was well on the way out when the indolent plantationists were still clinging to it. They in their time, like you now, were practicing the art of Self-Delusion.


guess what, the French, the Spanish, the Dutch and the Brits had already done so, so that was already inevitable to the latecomers in the CS

Big F*****g deal....they didn't have large populations of slaves in their home countries you dumb ass...........they didn't have to deal with the problem other than passing a law........we had to fight and kill a bunch of democrats to get them to let go of their slaves...

Who are these "democrats [sic]" you think you "killed", bigot boy?

Oh this oughta be good.

I didn't kill anyone....the Republicans during the Civil War killed democrats to free the slaves...considering the entire leadership of the Confederate states were democrats, including the President, Jefferson Davis, and the Vice President. But hey......just because they were democrats doesn't mean they were democrats...right?

The Confederacy had no political parties, DUMBASS. Prove me wrong.

I knew you would walk right into that, living on myths as you do.

Oh and it's "Democrats". Proper names get capital letters in English, DUMBASS.

That mythology you're jerking off to, where the South is entirely Democrat? That didn't begin until AFTER the Civil War, DUMBASS. In the last election before that war, the Democratic POTUS candidate came in dead last, winning zero electoral votes from the South, the same number as Lincoln who wasn't even on the ballots.

And that CSA VP? Before the war he had been a Whig. Way to look up your shit, DUMBASS.

And neither being "Republican" nor being "Democrat" was required to fight in the Civil War, DUMBASS. Most people were neither.

You are a moron...

the Democratic Party solidified its hold on the South, as most white Southerners opposed the Republican measures protecting civil and voting rights for African Americans.
Yes....moron, slavery was a world wide activity....ended here through a Civil War.....the Trans Atlantic slave trade was based on sales of African Slaves by African tribes......without those African slave takers, there would have been no African slaves in the U.S.....

Africans made the Trans Atlantic Slave trade.........they sold their victims to Europeans....the Americans ended slavery, there is still actual slavery in parts of Africa.....

NO STUPID. It was based on merchants, out to make money, who used human cargo to do it by shipping them from their OLD colonial continent to their NEW ones.

But hey, let's blame the victims.

As for your colonialist "the Americans ended slavery" fable, guess what, the French, the Spanish, the Dutch and the Brits had already done so, so that was already inevitable to the latecomers in the CSA. Had they been allowed their slave State it would have collapsed gradually rather than suddenly. Slavery was well on the way out when the indolent plantationists were still clinging to it. They in their time, like you now, were practicing the art of Self-Delusion.


guess what, the French, the Spanish, the Dutch and the Brits had already done so, so that was already inevitable to the latecomers in the CS

Big F*****g deal....they didn't have large populations of slaves in their home countries you dumb ass...........they didn't have to deal with the problem other than passing a law........we had to fight and kill a bunch of democrats to get them to let go of their slaves...

Who are these "democrats [sic]" you think you "killed", bigot boy?

Oh this oughta be good.

I didn't kill anyone....the Republicans during the Civil War killed democrats to free the slaves...considering the entire leadership of the Confederate states were democrats, including the President, Jefferson Davis, and the Vice President. But hey......just because they were democrats doesn't mean they were democrats...right?

The Confederacy had no political parties, DUMBASS. Prove me wrong.

I knew you would walk right into that, living on myths as you do.

Oh and it's "Democrats". Proper names get capital letters in English, DUMBASS.

That mythology you're jerking off to, where the South is entirely Democrat? That didn't begin until AFTER the Civil War, DUMBASS. In the last election before that war, the Democratic POTUS candidate came in dead last, winning zero electoral votes from the South, the same number as Lincoln who wasn't even on the ballots.

And that CSA VP? Before the war he had been a Whig. Way to look up your shit, DUMBASS.

And neither being "Republican" nor being "Democrat" was required to fight in the Civil War, DUMBASS. Most people were neither.

Yes....the democrats, the party of slavery, racism, jim crow and the klan......racist yesterday, racist today...

Most Democrats were now also either Confederates or varying degrees of southern sympathizers.

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