How Far Back In American History Are Blacks Allowed To Go Back?

Yes.....southern democrats were racists....modern democrats are racists........your point?

So the rhetoric espoused by Southern Democrats back then was basically never espoused by Republicans, back then. Correct?

Nope...... actual laws that discriminated against Blacks, jim crow, poll taxes, literacy tests, the klan, were created by the democrats....... racism was prevalent throughout all cultures at the time....but actual laws passed to hurt Blacks, to dehumanize blacks were all on the democrats......

Once AGAIN --- the Klan was created by ex-soldiers who had no political affiliations; local laws like poll taxes and literacy tests were created by local governments including for example New York ---

>> In a 1908 election, city officials sought to suppress the Jewish immigrant vote by holding voter registration on Saturdays and on the holiday of Yom Kippur, when observant Jews refrained from activities like writing.

In 1921, New York State passed a law requiring an English literacy test to vote. The people most disenfranchised by the legislation were the members of New York City’s growing Puerto Rican community. Although they were American citizens by birth, many were recent arrivals who were not fluent in English.

In 1958, Jose Camacho, a Puerto Rican-born Bronx grocer who was fluent in Spanish but not English, sued over New York’s literacy test, albeit unsuccessfully, as he believed that as an American citizen he should be able to vote regardless of what language he spoke. According to the New York Times, “His effort was supported by the American Jewish Congress, which said Yiddish speakers were also affected.” <<

As you just admitted yourself, this was a cultural aberration, not a political party policy. So you already refuted your own fake point.


No...once again, ex-Confederate army officers were not Republicans......they would have been democrats [sic]...

You can ass-ume anything you like but go find me any indication of any political affiliation for James Crowe, Calvin Jones, John B. Kennedy, John Lester, Frank O. McCord OR Richard Reed. Founding a social club in a place that was not part of the United States and had no political parties.

Go ahead. Do it. Don't just pull it out of your ass, FIND IT.

but pretending that they aren't because we don't have their voter registration is the kind of silly crap you pull all the time.....

You mean requiring an ass-sertion to bear the burden of proof? Yeah I'm a stickler that way.

But you think you don't need to because you're a DUMBASS, amirite?

They fought republicans [sic],

Nobody "fought republicans [sic]" and nobody "fought democrats [sic]". NOBODY needed a political party to engage in war. Union soldiers would have been Republicans, Democrats and No Party at All, because they're NOT FUCKING RELATED.

But you know what they are? Proper nouns. That means they get capital letters. You're illiterate. Part of being a DUMBASS.

they fought for the Confederacy which was controlled by the democrat [sic] party,


Prove they did.

>> The most striking feature of Confederate politics was the absence of political parties. Unlike the United States, which benefited from a vigorous competition between Democrats and Republicans, the Confederacy enjoyed no such organized debate. The prominent issues of the pre-war period (secession and union) were supplanted by war-related controversies; parties disappeared and were replaced by a wartime unity. With secession and war achieved, there were no major issues to define elections and campaigns. Believing it necessary to present a united front to the enemy, for instance, candidates in the elections for the first Confederate Congress conducted virtually no campaigns. Office seekers often placed notices in the local press informing the public of their candidacy, yet these announcements rarely differed from one aspirant to another, as they uniformly proclaimed themselves to be ardent supporters of southern independence and proponents of a vigorous prosecution of the war.

Moreover, the lack of organized parties made legislating extraordinarily difficult. No parties meant no partisan discipline, no harmony on pressing issues, and no incentive to work with other legislators. At the local level, voters were left practically powerless to effect change, since there was no guarantee that their representatives would be able to craft coalitions to enact policies. Consequently, few voters participated in elections, which, in turn, denied the Confederate government a meaningful mandate. << --- Essential Civil War Curriculum: Union and Confederate Politics

Hello? This thing on??

so you think you are clever by trying to say that obviously, officers in the Confederacy couldn't have been democrats [sic]...

You are so full of crap....

What I'm full of is books, and facts, and history.

You on the other hand are full of DUMBASS illiteracy and mythologies, where before you can go fight in a war you have to register with a freaking political party, and you only have a choice of one depending on where you live. DUMBASS.
Last edited:
Who gives a shit, boys? Does it matter a tinker's damn if it was Democrats or Republicans or my Dear Aunt Fanny who created it? What does it matter all these years later?

It doesn't matter at all. But I suppose being a political message board, that would be more interesting to y'all than the OP. Even to the OP.
Who gives a shit, boys? Does it matter a tinker's damn if it was Democrats or Republicans or my Dear Aunt Fanny who created it? What does it matter all these years later?

It doesn't matter at all. But I suppose being a political message board, that would be more interesting to y'all than the OP. Even to the OP.
Today's Republicans are the only ones who make a point to identify which party was responsible for all the slaverly/anti-black/etc. of the past.

I have a goo idea why they do it, but you should ask them why they find that necessary.

All our posts regarding that are simply in response to them inserting that into the debate.
Yes.....southern democrats were racists....modern democrats are racists........your point?

So the rhetoric espoused by Southern Democrats back then was basically never espoused by Republicans, back then. Correct?

Nope...... actual laws that discriminated against Blacks, jim crow, poll taxes, literacy tests, the klan, were created by the democrats....... racism was prevalent throughout all cultures at the time....but actual laws passed to hurt Blacks, to dehumanize blacks were all on the democrats......

Once AGAIN --- the Klan was created by ex-soldiers who had no political affiliations; local laws like poll taxes and literacy tests were created by local governments including for example New York ---

>> In a 1908 election, city officials sought to suppress the Jewish immigrant vote by holding voter registration on Saturdays and on the holiday of Yom Kippur, when observant Jews refrained from activities like writing.

In 1921, New York State passed a law requiring an English literacy test to vote. The people most disenfranchised by the legislation were the members of New York City’s growing Puerto Rican community. Although they were American citizens by birth, many were recent arrivals who were not fluent in English.

In 1958, Jose Camacho, a Puerto Rican-born Bronx grocer who was fluent in Spanish but not English, sued over New York’s literacy test, albeit unsuccessfully, as he believed that as an American citizen he should be able to vote regardless of what language he spoke. According to the New York Times, “His effort was supported by the American Jewish Congress, which said Yiddish speakers were also affected.” <<

As you just admitted yourself, this was a cultural aberration, not a political party policy. So you already refuted your own fake point.


No...once again, ex-Confederate army officers were not Republicans......they would have been democrats [sic]...

You can ass-ume anything you like but go find me any indication of any political affiliation for James Crowe, Calvin Jones, John B. Kennedy, John Lester, Frank O. McCord OR Richard Reed. Founding a social club in a place that was not part of the United States and had no political parties.

Go ahead. Do it. Don't just pull it out of your ass, FIND IT.

but pretending that they aren't because we don't have their voter registration is the kind of silly crap you pull all the time.....

You mean requiring an ass-sertion to bear the burden of proof? Yeah I'm a stickler that way.

But you think you don't need to because you're a DUMBASS, amirite?

They fought republicans [sic],

Nobody "fought republicans [sic]" and nobody "fought democrats [sic]". NOBODY needed a political party to engage in war. Union soldiers would have been Republicans, Democrats and No Party at All, because they're NOT FUCKING RELATED.

But you know what they are? Proper nouns. That means they get capital letters. You're illiterate. Part of being a DUMBASS.

they fought for the Confederacy which was controlled by the democrat [sic] party,


Hello? This thing on??

Prove they did.

so you think you are clever by trying to say that obviously, officers in the Confederacy couldn't have been democrats [sic]...

You are so full of crap....

What I'm full of is books, and facts, and history.

You on the other hand are full of DUMBASS illiteracy and mythologies, where before you can go fight in a war you have to register with a freaking political party, and you only have a choice of one depending on where you live. DUMBASS.

where before you can go fight in a war you have to register with a freaking political party,

You are such a liar and an, moron, you know that the people in the south voted democrat, they were not republicans in any way shape or form, you create the straw man with that quote and then pretend the democrat party wasn't the controlling party of the moron.

ind me any indication of any political affiliation for James Crowe, Calvin Jones, John B. Kennedy, John Lester, Frank O. McCord OR Richard Reed.

Yes...former Confederate Officers who fought against the North, who formed the kkk to fight Republican policies during Reconstruction....of course a moron like you will try to hide the fact that they were democrats........ They must have been Larouches.....
Who gives a shit, boys? Does it matter a tinker's damn if it was Democrats or Republicans or my Dear Aunt Fanny who created it? What does it matter all these years later?

It doesn't matter at all. But I suppose being a political message board, that would be more interesting to y'all than the OP. Even to the OP.
Today's Republicans are the only ones who make a point to identify which party was responsible for all the slaverly/anti-black/etc. of the past.

I have a goo idea why they do it, but you should ask them why they find that necessary.

All our posts regarding that are simply in response to them inserting that into the debate.

They point it out because the democrats keep trying to hide the racism of today's democrat party by accusing the Republicans of being racists......all the while the core groups of the democrat party are openly and proudly racist as is the leadership of the party, including barak obama....who sat in an openly and proudly racist church for 20 years...
How would calling me an "idiot" negate the similarity of the rhetoric of yesterday's Democrats to today's Republicans, if I can present you with proof of it? Especially after establishing, by your own statements, that there's no way in the world that could or would ever be the case.

How does that make sense?
Calling you an idiot makes sense because you are one, and a whinny one at that.

Sometimes things are that simple.

What should we do with the snowflakes?
Who gives a shit, boys? Does it matter a tinker's damn if it was Democrats or Republicans or my Dear Aunt Fanny who created it? What does it matter all these years later?

It doesn't matter at all. But I suppose being a political message board, that would be more interesting to y'all than the OP. Even to the OP.

Excellent point --- their only purpose in this mythologizing is to then construct a Composition Fallacy out of it, which is by definition a fallacy anyway, so even if they had a point, they wouldn't have anywhere to put it.

I correct the history simply because it's lied about. That's untenable.

So the rhetoric espoused by Southern Democrats back then was basically never espoused by Republicans, back then. Correct?

Nope...... actual laws that discriminated against Blacks, jim crow, poll taxes, literacy tests, the klan, were created by the democrats....... racism was prevalent throughout all cultures at the time....but actual laws passed to hurt Blacks, to dehumanize blacks were all on the democrats......

Once AGAIN --- the Klan was created by ex-soldiers who had no political affiliations; local laws like poll taxes and literacy tests were created by local governments including for example New York ---

>> In a 1908 election, city officials sought to suppress the Jewish immigrant vote by holding voter registration on Saturdays and on the holiday of Yom Kippur, when observant Jews refrained from activities like writing.

In 1921, New York State passed a law requiring an English literacy test to vote. The people most disenfranchised by the legislation were the members of New York City’s growing Puerto Rican community. Although they were American citizens by birth, many were recent arrivals who were not fluent in English.

In 1958, Jose Camacho, a Puerto Rican-born Bronx grocer who was fluent in Spanish but not English, sued over New York’s literacy test, albeit unsuccessfully, as he believed that as an American citizen he should be able to vote regardless of what language he spoke. According to the New York Times, “His effort was supported by the American Jewish Congress, which said Yiddish speakers were also affected.” <<

As you just admitted yourself, this was a cultural aberration, not a political party policy. So you already refuted your own fake point.


No...once again, ex-Confederate army officers were not Republicans......they would have been democrats [sic]...

You can ass-ume anything you like but go find me any indication of any political affiliation for James Crowe, Calvin Jones, John B. Kennedy, John Lester, Frank O. McCord OR Richard Reed. Founding a social club in a place that was not part of the United States and had no political parties.

Go ahead. Do it. Don't just pull it out of your ass, FIND IT.

but pretending that they aren't because we don't have their voter registration is the kind of silly crap you pull all the time.....

You mean requiring an ass-sertion to bear the burden of proof? Yeah I'm a stickler that way.

But you think you don't need to because you're a DUMBASS, amirite?

They fought republicans [sic],

Nobody "fought republicans [sic]" and nobody "fought democrats [sic]". NOBODY needed a political party to engage in war. Union soldiers would have been Republicans, Democrats and No Party at All, because they're NOT FUCKING RELATED.

But you know what they are? Proper nouns. That means they get capital letters. You're illiterate. Part of being a DUMBASS.

they fought for the Confederacy which was controlled by the democrat [sic] party,


Hello? This thing on??

Prove they did.

so you think you are clever by trying to say that obviously, officers in the Confederacy couldn't have been democrats [sic]...

You are so full of crap....

What I'm full of is books, and facts, and history.

You on the other hand are full of DUMBASS illiteracy and mythologies, where before you can go fight in a war you have to register with a freaking political party, and you only have a choice of one depending on where you live. DUMBASS.

where before you can go fight in a war you have to register with a freaking political party,

You are such a liar and an, moron, you know that the people in the south voted democrat, they were not republicans in any way shape or form, you create the straw man with that quote and then pretend the democrat party wasn't the controlling party of the moron.

ind me any indication of any political affiliation for James Crowe, Calvin Jones, John B. Kennedy, John Lester, Frank O. McCord OR Richard Reed.

Yes...former Confederate Officers who fought against the North, who formed the kkk to fight Republican policies during Reconstruction....of course a moron like you will try to hide the fact that they were democrats........ They must have been Larouches.....

You CAN'T find any such evidence, just admit it.

Their political affiliations really doesn't matter. What matters is your willfully LYING about them. Simply because you have this jerkoff fantasy that you'd like to be true so you can then run around with a Composition Fallacy. And you can't even find the evidence to do that.

Yes.....southern democrats were racists....modern democrats are racists........your point?

So the rhetoric espoused by Southern Democrats back then was basically never espoused by Republicans, back then. Correct?

Nope...... actual laws that discriminated against Blacks, jim crow, poll taxes, literacy tests, the klan, were created by the democrats....... racism was prevalent throughout all cultures at the time....but actual laws passed to hurt Blacks, to dehumanize blacks were all on the democrats......

Once AGAIN --- the Klan was created by ex-soldiers who had no political affiliations; local laws like poll taxes and literacy tests were created by local governments including for example New York ---

>> In a 1908 election, city officials sought to suppress the Jewish immigrant vote by holding voter registration on Saturdays and on the holiday of Yom Kippur, when observant Jews refrained from activities like writing.

In 1921, New York State passed a law requiring an English literacy test to vote. The people most disenfranchised by the legislation were the members of New York City’s growing Puerto Rican community. Although they were American citizens by birth, many were recent arrivals who were not fluent in English.

In 1958, Jose Camacho, a Puerto Rican-born Bronx grocer who was fluent in Spanish but not English, sued over New York’s literacy test, albeit unsuccessfully, as he believed that as an American citizen he should be able to vote regardless of what language he spoke. According to the New York Times, “His effort was supported by the American Jewish Congress, which said Yiddish speakers were also affected.” <<

As you just admitted yourself, this was a cultural aberration, not a political party policy. So you already refuted your own fake point.


No...once again, ex-Confederate army officers were not Republicans......they would have been democrats [sic]...

You can ass-ume anything you like but go find me any indication of any political affiliation for James Crowe, Calvin Jones, John B. Kennedy, John Lester, Frank O. McCord OR Richard Reed. Founding a social club in a place that was not part of the United States and had no political parties.

Go ahead. Do it. Don't just pull it out of your ass, FIND IT.

but pretending that they aren't because we don't have their voter registration is the kind of silly crap you pull all the time.....

You mean requiring an ass-sertion to bear the burden of proof? Yeah I'm a stickler that way.

But you think you don't need to because you're a DUMBASS, amirite?

They fought republicans [sic],

Nobody "fought republicans [sic]" and nobody "fought democrats [sic]". NOBODY needed a political party to engage in war. Union soldiers would have been Republicans, Democrats and No Party at All, because they're NOT FUCKING RELATED.

But you know what they are? Proper nouns. That means they get capital letters. You're illiterate. Part of being a DUMBASS.

they fought for the Confederacy which was controlled by the democrat [sic] party,


Prove they did.

>> The most striking feature of Confederate politics was the absence of political parties. Unlike the United States, which benefited from a vigorous competition between Democrats and Republicans, the Confederacy enjoyed no such organized debate. The prominent issues of the pre-war period (secession and union) were supplanted by war-related controversies; parties disappeared and were replaced by a wartime unity. With secession and war achieved, there were no major issues to define elections and campaigns. Believing it necessary to present a united front to the enemy, for instance, candidates in the elections for the first Confederate Congress conducted virtually no campaigns. Office seekers often placed notices in the local press informing the public of their candidacy, yet these announcements rarely differed from one aspirant to another, as they uniformly proclaimed themselves to be ardent supporters of southern independence and proponents of a vigorous prosecution of the war.

Moreover, the lack of organized parties made legislating extraordinarily difficult. No parties meant no partisan discipline, no harmony on pressing issues, and no incentive to work with other legislators. At the local level, voters were left practically powerless to effect change, since there was no guarantee that their representatives would be able to craft coalitions to enact policies. Consequently, few voters participated in elections, which, in turn, denied the Confederate government a meaningful mandate. << --- Essential Civil War Curriculum: Union and Confederate Politics

Hello? This thing on??

so you think you are clever by trying to say that obviously, officers in the Confederacy couldn't have been democrats [sic]...

You are so full of crap....

What I'm full of is books, and facts, and history.

You on the other hand are full of DUMBASS illiteracy and mythologies, where before you can go fight in a war you have to register with a freaking political party, and you only have a choice of one depending on where you live. DUMBASS.

One of your guys worked for the "Democratic Paper," the Pulaski moron...

but go find me any indication of any political affiliation for James Crowe, Calvin Jones, John B. Kennedy, John Lester, Frank O. McCord OR Richard Reed.

Excerpt: Ku-Klux, by Elaine Frantz Parsons

Prominent Confederate leader John C. Brown lived in Pulaski, and the local editor of the Democratic paper, the Pulaski Citizen,

Frank McCord, who was thirty-three in 1866, was listed in the 1870 census as an editor of the Pulaski Citizen, and had $3,000 in property.
Nope...... actual laws that discriminated against Blacks, jim crow, poll taxes, literacy tests, the klan, were created by the democrats....... racism was prevalent throughout all cultures at the time....but actual laws passed to hurt Blacks, to dehumanize blacks were all on the democrats......

Once AGAIN --- the Klan was created by ex-soldiers who had no political affiliations; local laws like poll taxes and literacy tests were created by local governments including for example New York ---

>> In a 1908 election, city officials sought to suppress the Jewish immigrant vote by holding voter registration on Saturdays and on the holiday of Yom Kippur, when observant Jews refrained from activities like writing.

In 1921, New York State passed a law requiring an English literacy test to vote. The people most disenfranchised by the legislation were the members of New York City’s growing Puerto Rican community. Although they were American citizens by birth, many were recent arrivals who were not fluent in English.

In 1958, Jose Camacho, a Puerto Rican-born Bronx grocer who was fluent in Spanish but not English, sued over New York’s literacy test, albeit unsuccessfully, as he believed that as an American citizen he should be able to vote regardless of what language he spoke. According to the New York Times, “His effort was supported by the American Jewish Congress, which said Yiddish speakers were also affected.” <<

As you just admitted yourself, this was a cultural aberration, not a political party policy. So you already refuted your own fake point.


No...once again, ex-Confederate army officers were not Republicans......they would have been democrats [sic]...

You can ass-ume anything you like but go find me any indication of any political affiliation for James Crowe, Calvin Jones, John B. Kennedy, John Lester, Frank O. McCord OR Richard Reed. Founding a social club in a place that was not part of the United States and had no political parties.

Go ahead. Do it. Don't just pull it out of your ass, FIND IT.

but pretending that they aren't because we don't have their voter registration is the kind of silly crap you pull all the time.....

You mean requiring an ass-sertion to bear the burden of proof? Yeah I'm a stickler that way.

But you think you don't need to because you're a DUMBASS, amirite?

They fought republicans [sic],

Nobody "fought republicans [sic]" and nobody "fought democrats [sic]". NOBODY needed a political party to engage in war. Union soldiers would have been Republicans, Democrats and No Party at All, because they're NOT FUCKING RELATED.

But you know what they are? Proper nouns. That means they get capital letters. You're illiterate. Part of being a DUMBASS.

they fought for the Confederacy which was controlled by the democrat [sic] party,


Hello? This thing on??

Prove they did.

so you think you are clever by trying to say that obviously, officers in the Confederacy couldn't have been democrats [sic]...

You are so full of crap....

What I'm full of is books, and facts, and history.

You on the other hand are full of DUMBASS illiteracy and mythologies, where before you can go fight in a war you have to register with a freaking political party, and you only have a choice of one depending on where you live. DUMBASS.

where before you can go fight in a war you have to register with a freaking political party,

You are such a liar and an, moron, you know that the people in the south voted democrat, they were not republicans in any way shape or form, you create the straw man with that quote and then pretend the democrat party wasn't the controlling party of the moron.

ind me any indication of any political affiliation for James Crowe, Calvin Jones, John B. Kennedy, John Lester, Frank O. McCord OR Richard Reed.

Yes...former Confederate Officers who fought against the North, who formed the kkk to fight Republican policies during Reconstruction....of course a moron like you will try to hide the fact that they were democrats........ They must have been Larouches.....

You CAN'T find any such evidence, just admit it.

Their political affiliations really doesn't matter. What matters is your willfully LYING about them. Simply because you have this jerkoff fantasy that you'd like to be true so you can then run around with a Composition Fallacy. And you can't even find the evidence to do that.


No, willfully denying the fact that former Confederate officers would vote any way other than for democrats.........or be the editor of the Democratic paper, the Pulaski moron......

So the rhetoric espoused by Southern Democrats back then was basically never espoused by Republicans, back then. Correct?

Nope...... actual laws that discriminated against Blacks, jim crow, poll taxes, literacy tests, the klan, were created by the democrats....... racism was prevalent throughout all cultures at the time....but actual laws passed to hurt Blacks, to dehumanize blacks were all on the democrats......

Once AGAIN --- the Klan was created by ex-soldiers who had no political affiliations; local laws like poll taxes and literacy tests were created by local governments including for example New York ---

>> In a 1908 election, city officials sought to suppress the Jewish immigrant vote by holding voter registration on Saturdays and on the holiday of Yom Kippur, when observant Jews refrained from activities like writing.

In 1921, New York State passed a law requiring an English literacy test to vote. The people most disenfranchised by the legislation were the members of New York City’s growing Puerto Rican community. Although they were American citizens by birth, many were recent arrivals who were not fluent in English.

In 1958, Jose Camacho, a Puerto Rican-born Bronx grocer who was fluent in Spanish but not English, sued over New York’s literacy test, albeit unsuccessfully, as he believed that as an American citizen he should be able to vote regardless of what language he spoke. According to the New York Times, “His effort was supported by the American Jewish Congress, which said Yiddish speakers were also affected.” <<

As you just admitted yourself, this was a cultural aberration, not a political party policy. So you already refuted your own fake point.


No...once again, ex-Confederate army officers were not Republicans......they would have been democrats [sic]...

You can ass-ume anything you like but go find me any indication of any political affiliation for James Crowe, Calvin Jones, John B. Kennedy, John Lester, Frank O. McCord OR Richard Reed. Founding a social club in a place that was not part of the United States and had no political parties.

Go ahead. Do it. Don't just pull it out of your ass, FIND IT.

but pretending that they aren't because we don't have their voter registration is the kind of silly crap you pull all the time.....

You mean requiring an ass-sertion to bear the burden of proof? Yeah I'm a stickler that way.

But you think you don't need to because you're a DUMBASS, amirite?

They fought republicans [sic],

Nobody "fought republicans [sic]" and nobody "fought democrats [sic]". NOBODY needed a political party to engage in war. Union soldiers would have been Republicans, Democrats and No Party at All, because they're NOT FUCKING RELATED.

But you know what they are? Proper nouns. That means they get capital letters. You're illiterate. Part of being a DUMBASS.

they fought for the Confederacy which was controlled by the democrat [sic] party,


Prove they did.

>> The most striking feature of Confederate politics was the absence of political parties. Unlike the United States, which benefited from a vigorous competition between Democrats and Republicans, the Confederacy enjoyed no such organized debate. The prominent issues of the pre-war period (secession and union) were supplanted by war-related controversies; parties disappeared and were replaced by a wartime unity. With secession and war achieved, there were no major issues to define elections and campaigns. Believing it necessary to present a united front to the enemy, for instance, candidates in the elections for the first Confederate Congress conducted virtually no campaigns. Office seekers often placed notices in the local press informing the public of their candidacy, yet these announcements rarely differed from one aspirant to another, as they uniformly proclaimed themselves to be ardent supporters of southern independence and proponents of a vigorous prosecution of the war.

Moreover, the lack of organized parties made legislating extraordinarily difficult. No parties meant no partisan discipline, no harmony on pressing issues, and no incentive to work with other legislators. At the local level, voters were left practically powerless to effect change, since there was no guarantee that their representatives would be able to craft coalitions to enact policies. Consequently, few voters participated in elections, which, in turn, denied the Confederate government a meaningful mandate. << --- Essential Civil War Curriculum: Union and Confederate Politics

Hello? This thing on??

so you think you are clever by trying to say that obviously, officers in the Confederacy couldn't have been democrats [sic]...

You are so full of crap....

What I'm full of is books, and facts, and history.

You on the other hand are full of DUMBASS illiteracy and mythologies, where before you can go fight in a war you have to register with a freaking political party, and you only have a choice of one depending on where you live. DUMBASS.

One of your guys worked for the "Democratic Paper," the Pulaski moron...

but go find me any indication of any political affiliation for James Crowe, Calvin Jones, John B. Kennedy, John Lester, Frank O. McCord OR Richard Reed.

Excerpt: Ku-Klux, by Elaine Frantz Parsons

Prominent Confederate leader John C. Brown lived in Pulaski, and the local editor of the Democratic paper, the Pulaski Citizen,

Frank McCord, who was thirty-three in 1866, was listed in the 1870 census as an editor of the Pulaski Citizen, and had $3,000 in property.

Cute link, and a reputable book, but it says NOTHING about anybody's political party, DUMBASS.

It also misquotes the date of the founding of the Klan as "May or June 1866" which is six (or seven) months after it was actually founded, by which time the original founders were no longer involved and local "night rider" elements had infiltrated widely.

The paper was owned by McCord's brother, and again, observe that in 1865 when the Klan was founded, Tennessee was not part of the United States. It would be readmitted in 1866, at which point you can start counting political parties, but you can't go backward, DUMBASS.

But here, let me give you another quote from that same book, page 861:

>> Lifting the Klan mask revealed a chaotic multitude of antiblack vigilante groups, disgruntled poor white farmers, wartime guerrilla bands, displaced Democratic politicians, illegal whiskey distillers, coercive moral reformers, sadists, rapists, white workmen fearful of black competition, employers trying to enforce labor discipline, common thieves, neighbors with decades-old grudges, and even a few freedmen and white Republicans who allied with Democratic whites or had criminal agendas of their own. <<​

---- that was of course after infiltration and expansion by existing "Regulators" a/k/a "Night Riders" or "Slave Patrols", not the original sextet of musicians your own link describes --- with no attribution of political affiliations.

And in that form it was one of more that two dozen such local and regional groups bubbling up throughout the defeated Confederacy, including the Caucasian Club(s) (Louisiana 1869); the Constitutional Union Guard (North Carolina 1868-70); the Council of Safety; Heggie's Scouts (Mississippi); Heroes of America (South Carolina); the Knights of the Black Cross (Mississippi); the Knights of the Red Hand; the Knights of the Rising Sun (Texas 1868); the Knights of the White Camellia (Louisiana 1867-69); the Knights of the White Carnation (Alabama); Men of Justice; Native Sons of the South (Mississippi); Order of Pale Faces (Tennessee 1869 or 1867); the Order of the White Rose; Red Caps (Tennessee); Red Jackets (Tennessee); Red Strings (South Carolina); the Robertson Family (Mississippi); the Society of the White Rose (Mississippi); the Seymour Knights (Louisiana); the Southern Cross (New Orléans1865); the White Brotherhood (North Carolina 1868-70); the White League (Louisiana 1874); the White Line (Mississippi); the Yellow Jackets (Tennessee) and the '76 Association (Louisiana 1869).
Once AGAIN --- the Klan was created by ex-soldiers who had no political affiliations; local laws like poll taxes and literacy tests were created by local governments including for example New York ---

>> In a 1908 election, city officials sought to suppress the Jewish immigrant vote by holding voter registration on Saturdays and on the holiday of Yom Kippur, when observant Jews refrained from activities like writing.

In 1921, New York State passed a law requiring an English literacy test to vote. The people most disenfranchised by the legislation were the members of New York City’s growing Puerto Rican community. Although they were American citizens by birth, many were recent arrivals who were not fluent in English.

In 1958, Jose Camacho, a Puerto Rican-born Bronx grocer who was fluent in Spanish but not English, sued over New York’s literacy test, albeit unsuccessfully, as he believed that as an American citizen he should be able to vote regardless of what language he spoke. According to the New York Times, “His effort was supported by the American Jewish Congress, which said Yiddish speakers were also affected.” <<

As you just admitted yourself, this was a cultural aberration, not a political party policy. So you already refuted your own fake point.


No...once again, ex-Confederate army officers were not Republicans......they would have been democrats [sic]...

You can ass-ume anything you like but go find me any indication of any political affiliation for James Crowe, Calvin Jones, John B. Kennedy, John Lester, Frank O. McCord OR Richard Reed. Founding a social club in a place that was not part of the United States and had no political parties.

Go ahead. Do it. Don't just pull it out of your ass, FIND IT.

but pretending that they aren't because we don't have their voter registration is the kind of silly crap you pull all the time.....

You mean requiring an ass-sertion to bear the burden of proof? Yeah I'm a stickler that way.

But you think you don't need to because you're a DUMBASS, amirite?

They fought republicans [sic],

Nobody "fought republicans [sic]" and nobody "fought democrats [sic]". NOBODY needed a political party to engage in war. Union soldiers would have been Republicans, Democrats and No Party at All, because they're NOT FUCKING RELATED.

But you know what they are? Proper nouns. That means they get capital letters. You're illiterate. Part of being a DUMBASS.

they fought for the Confederacy which was controlled by the democrat [sic] party,


Hello? This thing on??

Prove they did.

so you think you are clever by trying to say that obviously, officers in the Confederacy couldn't have been democrats [sic]...

You are so full of crap....

What I'm full of is books, and facts, and history.

You on the other hand are full of DUMBASS illiteracy and mythologies, where before you can go fight in a war you have to register with a freaking political party, and you only have a choice of one depending on where you live. DUMBASS.

where before you can go fight in a war you have to register with a freaking political party,

You are such a liar and an, moron, you know that the people in the south voted democrat, they were not republicans in any way shape or form, you create the straw man with that quote and then pretend the democrat party wasn't the controlling party of the moron.

ind me any indication of any political affiliation for James Crowe, Calvin Jones, John B. Kennedy, John Lester, Frank O. McCord OR Richard Reed.

Yes...former Confederate Officers who fought against the North, who formed the kkk to fight Republican policies during Reconstruction....of course a moron like you will try to hide the fact that they were democrats........ They must have been Larouches.....

You CAN'T find any such evidence, just admit it.

Their political affiliations really doesn't matter. What matters is your willfully LYING about them. Simply because you have this jerkoff fantasy that you'd like to be true so you can then run around with a Composition Fallacy. And you can't even find the evidence to do that.


No, willfully denying the fact that former Confederate officers would vote any way other than for democrats.........or be the editor of the Democratic paper, the Pulaski moron......

Once again DUMBASS, we don't give a fuck "who they would vote for" --- your own Parsons link describes at least some of them as too young to vote ANYWAY, and when those who were old enough could have voted, during the War, they would have had NO POLITICAL PARTIES involved anyway, as the CSA didn't have any. AGAIN see post 261, which you cannot refute.

And FURTHER, Dumbass, the last time Tennessee had a vote in the actual United States, 1860, the winning POTUS candidate was John Bell, the Constitutional Unionist, not the Democrat, who got shut out in the South. So if you want to swim in the soup of "probabilities", there it is --- an offshoot of the Whig Party. Have fun with that.
I've seen the sentiment of "stop looking back into the past" , "oh, you're only hampering yourself", "look forward, don't look back", "you're in chains", etc. etc. spewed on USMB by almost exclusively rightwing whites.

All I want to know is, what year is it OK to go back to? What date is the cut off for starting American history will make whites happy?

If you have the exact time as well, that would be a bonus.

what if you dont really give a rats ass?
can i get a pass or will i be found guilty in ****** court ?

go back as far as you want cause i dindunuffin !
this has a lot of interesting facts

as Al $harton once graciously stated mub da mo bidda te dat tum muhfugen bix nood cof bin dub ho muhfugga

View attachment 264185

Funny how white racists say these things only on the internet.
Lifting the Klan mask revealed a chaotic multitude of antiblack vigilante groups, disgruntled poor white farmers, wartime guerrilla bands, displaced Democratic politicians, illegal whiskey distillers, coercive moral reformers, sadists, rapists, white workmen fearful of black competition, employers trying to enforce labor discipline, common thieves, neighbors with decades-old grudges, and even a few freedmen

and white Republicans

who allied with Democratic whites or had criminal agendas of their own.
I've seen the sentiment of "stop looking back into the past" , "oh, you're only hampering yourself", "look forward, don't look back", "you're in chains", etc. etc. spewed on USMB by almost exclusively rightwing whites.

All I want to know is, what year is it OK to go back to? What date is the cut off for starting American history will make whites happy?

If you have the exact time as well, that would be a bonus.
maybe they should sue their tribes back in Africa for delivering them into slavery.

Who do we sue for making slavery legal in the U.S.?

Jim Crow?

Modern/Aversive racism?
They did indeed. You should note that those pensions constituted about 40% of total Federal revenues back then forcing the Government to increase tariffs on goods to pay for them. You should also note that black soldiers who fought in the Civil War received pensions as well. Should THEY not be eligible for reparations because of that?
You still haven't answered my question. Why should they be eligible for reparations? They weren't slaves, they weren't discriminated against (if they lived), didn't have their human rights shit all over.

So they fought and risked their lives to free someone else...but you think their descendants should still be responsible for paying reparations to the descendants of those that they freed? I'm sorry, Old Lady but I don't see the justice in that...just saying...
This is a good example of why I don't think "reparations" for slavery is a good approach to take. There are still serious problems in some black communities and it DOES affect us, whether you and I are personally faced with it every day or not. As concerned Americans, we should WANT to help our neighbors overcome those difficulties. Even if your only reason is that it costs a lot to arrest, convict and incarcerate them, you should want to see those problems addressed, too.

The root of many of those problems is way back in the inhumane way the system treated blacks in general, even after the Civil War. The slaves got freed without a pot to piss in. Some remained on the plantations where they had been enslaved because they didn't have anywhere else to go. Most had been forbidden by law to learn to read and write. Many had had their families sold, many had not grown up with their parents, many black men saw their women raped by their white owners and couldn't do a damned thing about it. Everyone of them had been treated like an animal, the 3/5 of a human being that was defined by our government and that branded you if even a great grandparent had a drop of black blood. And then, overnight, they're "free," which means they can walk, unemployed and homeless, wherever they wish.


Imagine, if you can, what kind of personality you would develop going through all of that. If you ask me, it is a testament to humanity that so many blacks rose above all that as quickly as they did. But then the white guys reasserted their power and Jim Crow and legal segregation and voter suppression and groups like the KKK brought us all the way to the 1960's and, finally, someone said NO.

I know I'm focusing on the worst side of this--in the south there was a strong patriarchal feeling among many white owners toward their freed black slaves and their relations there were probably better in a lot of ways than what they were up north, where those who had fought to free the slaves did NOT want them moving to their neighborhoods. These freed slaves were illiterate, spoke with a thick accent, had holes in their shoes and had come from a culture where obeisance and servitude were demanded.

How do you think they would be viewed and treated?

I don't think we can make up for all that with a check. I think Affirmative Action, desegregation and a number of other programs to combat poverty and gangs in black communities are a partial payment. Personally, I think it would be better to expand those programs and flood the struggling African American communities with every possible opportunity to break the cycle of poverty and gang/thug violence. It's awful to hear of all the young people shooting each other over nothing. But I'm not black, so what do I know about it.

Almost everybody white here seems to have some reason why blacks should not get reparations. All due respect Oldlady, this is mumbo. For example AA has helped whites the most. Gangs are not only a black problem as from 1980 - 2008 the majority of gangs were white. Desegregation did not make up for wealth lost. Poverty means lack of money but you propose to end poverty really without provuding those affected with money.

A check starts businesses and builds communities. It breaks the cycle of poverty by creating jobs, improving property and property values and increases funding for schools in the black community thereby improving education .

Whites seem to believe that reparations is going to be money taken directly out of their pockets instead if from the government and taxes already paid. And this getting money from this generation for the wrongs of past ones is malarkey. These generations living today have benefitted from what was built by prior generations and more specifically these generations have benefited using tax dollars paid by blacks who got nothing in return for the money they put in.

So can we stop making excuses and lying to ourselves?
Thanks for that perspective, IM2. I was not "making excuses" or "lying to myself," so I was glad to hear the other argument, which the OP had not gone into.

Would these reparations payments be annual payments or a one time payment? It would be paid to individuals, presumably. Would it be to all African Americans or only those who descend from slaves?

All of what I said was not meant for you. I do believe that the call for reparations might want to move beyond slavery because of the arguments made and questions like the one you ask. I say this because the wrongs did not end with slavery and continue right now. I think that the amount of money is so large that it is best to set up a 20-30 year payment into a community development trust fund to be disbursed to blighted black communities to rebuild and repair, business development and cultivation, community education and job training programs.
I've seen the sentiment of "stop looking back into the past" , "oh, you're only hampering yourself", "look forward, don't look back", "you're in chains", etc. etc. spewed on USMB by almost exclusively rightwing whites.

All I want to know is, what year is it OK to go back to? What date is the cut off for starting American history will make whites happy?

If you have the exact time as well, that would be a bonus.

How exactly are you getting back to there? ANd can I have one too? I got me some plans.

Once AGAIN ----- Reading Comprehension.

Watch this.

What you claim I wrote:

You didn't specify that there were no political parties in the said that there were no political parties when slaves were freed...

What I actually DID write:

Oh and when those slaves in the CSA were freed? No political parties even existed.

It's still on the page. Click it. Show us how what is there is not there.

I don't write X because I mean Y. I write X because I mean X. It's not your prerogative to change it.

Next in line please....

the Democratic Party had existed for some time at that point! Since slaves were still being smuggled into America as late as 1860 it's obvious that slavery existed AFTER the Democratic Party was formed. As a matter of fact it's estimated that around 50,000 slaves were smuggled into the country AFTER the law prohibiting the importation of slave was passed!


Again --- here's what I actually wrote.

Unfortunately ANYONE bringing anyone over as slaves ceased in 1807 ---- a quarter-century before Democrats even existed.

It's actually 1808 when the law went into effect but obviously this means LEGALLY. You can do anything you want ILleggaly, then or now or in the future ---- but you don't need a freaking political party to do it.

Ever see a criminal go, "tomorrow I'm going to rob the bank, so I have to go register to vote today" ? Of course not, it's the kind of absolute bullshit a partisan hack lackey makes up as mythology to push his bullshit fantasies because he has no idea how the world works. In actual fact NOBODY ANYWHERE ever needed a political party to own slaves, neither when it was legal NOR when it was illegal. EVER. In the same way that nobody anywhere has ever needed a political party to rob the bank. Simplistic-Dichotomy-Boi here seems to think all people are somehow either "Democrats" or "Republicans", which is completely off the Stupid scale.

The poster made a specious claim that he cannot prove, and he's stuck with it. And instead of admitting to his own fabrication he doubles down on Stupid. And here you come white-knighting for the idea of doubling down on Stupid for an absurd assertion that cannot be justified.

So you claim that bringing slaves into the country ceased in 1807 and I point out that an estimated 50,000 slaves were brought into America AFTER that law went into effect...but you're right and I'm wrong because you now claim that what you really meant was legally? You didn't make THAT claim...though...did you? You claimed that nobody brought slaves in after 1807 and that my friend isn't the case!
Last edited:
No Twinkles, it's not my legacy. Slaveowners were rich fat fucks, not my forebears.
Yeah, fuckface, your legacy.

No, shit-for-brains, my family didn't own slaves. Half of them weren't even here yet. Ergo I have no "legacy".

So no, fuck you.

Of those who were, some of them were presumably Democrats.
They were ALL Democrats. Don't drag everyone else into your ugly world of slavery and racism.

I don't have such a world, numbnuts. YOU DO.

And NO, they were not all Democrats. Democrats didn't even EXIST until 1834, which is exactly three hundred years after the first slaves were brought here.

Just among POTUSes alone, Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Jackson, W.H. Harrison and Taylor all owned slaves, and none of them were Democrats. Nobody in the entire history of the world has EVER needed a political party to own a slave, and nobody in this country has ever been forced to join a political party AT ALL.

So you're just fucking stupid.

Most of them would have been what most of us are right now ….. NOTHING.
Us? You got a mouse in your pocket? I guess I should give you credit for admitting you are NOTHING.

I am part of the most populous political affiliation in these United States, which is called "NONE".

Sorry if that flummoxes your simplistic dichotomy-infested mind. Tough titty. Learn to think.

Unfortunately ANYONE bringing anyone over as slaves ceased in 1807
I know you probably wish it had continued for another hundred years.
a quarter-century b before Democrats even existed.

Who owned them when the Civil War started?

Mostly rich indolent capitalists. Which ---- ONCE AGAIN ---- required no political party.

That's why there was such division in the Confederacy over the prospect of war. Most people were not rich indolent fat fucks making money off human misery and they resented the indolent fat fucks bringing them into it.

And who created the KKK and passed Jim Crow laws after the Civil War ended?

Let me help you out, troll boy.....DEMOCRATS. The party of KKK leader Robert Byrd, and leader of the 1964 Civil Rights Act filibuster. Spin spin spin all you want, troll boy, but slavery and racism belong to the Democratic Party. It did then and it does now, and YOU defend them. Sorry, racist, but it IS your legacy (as much as you would like to make it somebody else's).

KKK was created by six ex-soldiers who had no political affiliations, in a land that had no political parties, and for no purpose having anything to do with either racism or politics. And you know that because you've been schooled on it, repeatedly, in fact for years. Yet here you are selling ever more bullshit. Ain't nobody buying it, jackwagon. I've presented you with names, dates, places, links, resources, for literally YEARS on this forum and you have never refuted any of it, because you CAN'T.

Wanna see it yet again?

Alpha order:
(Maj) James Crowe
Calvin Jones
(Capt) John B. Kennedy
(Capt) John Lester
(Maj) Frank O. McCord
Richard Reed​

24 December 1865​

205 West Madison Street, Pulaski Tennessee. Law office of Thomas Jones, father of Calvin​

Boredom, emulating a popular college fraternity of the time called Kuklos Adelphon, which begat the name.
Crowe -- none.
Jones --- none.
Kennedy --- none.
Lester --- none.
McCord --- none.
Reed --- wait for it ---- none.​


Don't sit here and try to bullshit me. I am your intellectual master. Which is not exactly a sweat. Clearly I don't need any "help".

Linear timeline:

1534: first African slaves arrive on Spanish merchant ships at what is now South Carolina

1534-1808: captive Africans continue to be brought to the Americas by Spanish, British, French, Dutch and Portuguese merchants. Not by political parties: by MERCHANTS. Same merchants also transport same human cargo to Caribbean islands, Central America and South America, especially Brazil, all places where "Democrats" do not exist and have in fact never existed. US outlaws such trade in March 1807.

1834: Martin van Buren organizes the "Democratic Party" out of Andrew Jackson's body of supporters, informally called "Jacksonians". Note that slave importation has been illegal for twenty-seven years.

Go ahead ------------ prove ANY PART OF THAT wrong, shit-for-brains.

That's right --- you can't. Now BITE MY ASS.
Better be careful there chief, you're gonna have a stroke if you're not careful. LOL
I guess I'd be upset too if I had to defend 150 years of racism, slavery, and oppression. The real kicker is how you defend the Democrat's past (as well as present), agree with and argue every egregious thing they say and do, then insist you have no political alliance with them. LOL

As I said --------------------- you CAN'T disprove a word of it. Because you're a fabricating bullshit HACK. And you got busted.

That's not the weird thing. The weird thing is you've been busted before on exactly the same mythology, and here you are begging to be busted all over again.

I never did understand masochism. :cuckoo:
Sissy boy, you've been smacked down so many times in this thread I'm surprised you're still posting. Talk about masochism, damn. You think if you keep insisting Democrats weren't the slave owners, didn't create the KKK after losing the Civil War, and didn't pass Jim Crow laws to keep black people uneducated and ignorant, that SOMEHOW you can make people believe that REPUBLICANS are the party of racism. Doesn't matter how many times you're bitch slapped with historical facts, you'll just keep on singing that lonely tune of "Republicans are racists". Back to square one for you, slave trader. Ain't nobody buyin' what you're sellin', boy.
No Twinkles, it's not my legacy. Slaveowners were rich fat fucks, not my forebears.
Yeah, fuckface, your legacy.

No, shit-for-brains, my family didn't own slaves. Half of them weren't even here yet. Ergo I have no "legacy".

So no, fuck you.

Of those who were, some of them were presumably Democrats.
They were ALL Democrats. Don't drag everyone else into your ugly world of slavery and racism.

I don't have such a world, numbnuts. YOU DO.

And NO, they were not all Democrats. Democrats didn't even EXIST until 1834, which is exactly three hundred years after the first slaves were brought here.

Just among POTUSes alone, Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Jackson, W.H. Harrison and Taylor all owned slaves, and none of them were Democrats. Nobody in the entire history of the world has EVER needed a political party to own a slave, and nobody in this country has ever been forced to join a political party AT ALL.

So you're just fucking stupid.

Most of them would have been what most of us are right now ….. NOTHING.
Us? You got a mouse in your pocket? I guess I should give you credit for admitting you are NOTHING.

I am part of the most populous political affiliation in these United States, which is called "NONE".

Sorry if that flummoxes your simplistic dichotomy-infested mind. Tough titty. Learn to think.

Unfortunately ANYONE bringing anyone over as slaves ceased in 1807
I know you probably wish it had continued for another hundred years.
a quarter-century b before Democrats even existed.

Who owned them when the Civil War started?

Mostly rich indolent capitalists. Which ---- ONCE AGAIN ---- required no political party.

That's why there was such division in the Confederacy over the prospect of war. Most people were not rich indolent fat fucks making money off human misery and they resented the indolent fat fucks bringing them into it.

And who created the KKK and passed Jim Crow laws after the Civil War ended?

Let me help you out, troll boy.....DEMOCRATS. The party of KKK leader Robert Byrd, and leader of the 1964 Civil Rights Act filibuster. Spin spin spin all you want, troll boy, but slavery and racism belong to the Democratic Party. It did then and it does now, and YOU defend them. Sorry, racist, but it IS your legacy (as much as you would like to make it somebody else's).

KKK was created by six ex-soldiers who had no political affiliations, in a land that had no political parties, and for no purpose having anything to do with either racism or politics. And you know that because you've been schooled on it, repeatedly, in fact for years. Yet here you are selling ever more bullshit. Ain't nobody buying it, jackwagon. I've presented you with names, dates, places, links, resources, for literally YEARS on this forum and you have never refuted any of it, because you CAN'T.

Wanna see it yet again?

Alpha order:
(Maj) James Crowe
Calvin Jones
(Capt) John B. Kennedy
(Capt) John Lester
(Maj) Frank O. McCord
Richard Reed​

24 December 1865​

205 West Madison Street, Pulaski Tennessee. Law office of Thomas Jones, father of Calvin​

Boredom, emulating a popular college fraternity of the time called Kuklos Adelphon, which begat the name.
Crowe -- none.
Jones --- none.
Kennedy --- none.
Lester --- none.
McCord --- none.
Reed --- wait for it ---- none.​


Don't sit here and try to bullshit me. I am your intellectual master. Which is not exactly a sweat. Clearly I don't need any "help".

Linear timeline:

1534: first African slaves arrive on Spanish merchant ships at what is now South Carolina

1534-1808: captive Africans continue to be brought to the Americas by Spanish, British, French, Dutch and Portuguese merchants. Not by political parties: by MERCHANTS. Same merchants also transport same human cargo to Caribbean islands, Central America and South America, especially Brazil, all places where "Democrats" do not exist and have in fact never existed. US outlaws such trade in March 1807.

1834: Martin van Buren organizes the "Democratic Party" out of Andrew Jackson's body of supporters, informally called "Jacksonians". Note that slave importation has been illegal for twenty-seven years.

Go ahead ------------ prove ANY PART OF THAT wrong, shit-for-brains.

That's right --- you can't. Now BITE MY ASS.
Better be careful there chief, you're gonna have a stroke if you're not careful. LOL
I guess I'd be upset too if I had to defend 150 years of racism, slavery, and oppression. The real kicker is how you defend the Democrat's past (as well as present), agree with and argue every egregious thing they say and do, then insist you have no political alliance with them. LOL

As I said --------------------- you CAN'T disprove a word of it. Because you're a fabricating bullshit HACK. And you got busted.

That's not the weird thing. The weird thing is you've been busted before on exactly the same mythology, and here you are begging to be busted all over again.

I never did understand masochism. :cuckoo:
Sissy boy, you've been smacked down so many times in this thread I'm surprised you're still posting. Talk about masochism, damn. You think if you keep insisting Democrats weren't the slave owners, didn't create the KKK after losing the Civil War, and didn't pass Jim Crow laws to keep black people uneducated and ignorant, that SOMEHOW you can make people believe that REPUBLICANS are the party of racism. Doesn't matter how many times you're bitch slapped with historical facts, you'll just keep on singing that lonely tune of "Republicans are racists". Back to square one for you, slave trader. Ain't nobody buyin' what you're sellin', boy.

I do not speak in absolutes, Dumbass. You can fantasize about what you WISH I had posted just as you can fantasize your own fake histories. Doesn't mean jack friggety diddly in the world of Reality.

Why don't you cry yourself to sleep now. There's a good boy.

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