How Far Back In American History Are Blacks Allowed To Go Back?

This has not worked because we black folks understand the times in which they were spoken. It will not work because since that time a democratic president worked to get the necessary votes to pass the voting rights and civil rights act. Furthermore the first black to be nominated by a major political party for president was a democrat. You just look stupid doing this and if X was alive today he would cuss whites like you out for trying to misuse his words.

The OP is not racist, you are. And he brings this up because blacks want to get on with our lives without the racism that comes from losers like you.
I presume you also want reparations, is that correct plantation negro?

The only plantation negroes are those like Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas and Thomas Sowell.

We are owed money.

Yes you are owed try to collect it from the slave owning DemonRATS...NOT regular people who tried to help your rscr... racist!

No. We will collect it from the government and states that made slavery legal in 1641. The Democratic party didn't start until 1828. Slavery had been legal 147 years before there was a democratic party.

Democratic Party officials often trace its origins to the inspiration of the Democratic-Republican Party, founded by Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and other influential opponents of the Federalists in 1792. That party also inspired the Whigs and modern Republicans.

Democratic Party (United States) - Wikipedia

And republicans did nothing about jim crow while today being the preferred party of white racists. So we will include both parties.



That's why the KKK endorsed REPUBLICAN Donald Trump.
F these racists. I'll go back as far as I damn well please. You racist bitches talk about how ancient civilizations had slavery like that justifies it. So if you can pull up some 200 BC bullshit, I damn sure can start with at least 1641 AD.
The only plantation negroes are those like Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas and Thomas Sowell.

We are owed money.

Yes you are owed try to collect it from the slave owning DemonRATS...NOT regular people who tried to help your rscr... racist!

No. We will collect it from the government and states that made slavery legal in 1641. The Democratic party didn't start until 1828. Slavery had been legal 147 years before there was a democratic party.

Democratic Party officials often trace its origins to the inspiration of the Democratic-Republican Party, founded by Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and other influential opponents of the Federalists in 1792. That party also inspired the Whigs and modern Republicans.

Democratic Party (United States) - Wikipedia

And republicans did nothing about jim crow while today being the preferred party of white racists. So we will include both parties.



Oh FUCKING BULLSHIT. "Prager U" is a hack fake-history series on YouTube. It is not in any way "history".

It's accredited by the same people who accredited Trump University. :abgg2q.jpg:

It should certainly meet the same fate. :death:

And their comments section is full of drones who just swallow whole, go "wow I didn't know that" and don't bother to do their own research. I swear ta god some people just punch a ring through their nose and go "somebody lead me, I have no critical thinking skills".
I presume you also want reparations, is that correct plantation negro?

The only plantation negroes are those like Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas and Thomas Sowell.

We are owed money.

Yes you are owed try to collect it from the slave owning DemonRATS...NOT regular people who tried to help your rscr... racist!

No. We will collect it from the government and states that made slavery legal in 1641. The Democratic party didn't start until 1828. Slavery had been legal 147 years before there was a democratic party.

Democratic Party officials often trace its origins to the inspiration of the Democratic-Republican Party, founded by Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and other influential opponents of the Federalists in 1792. That party also inspired the Whigs and modern Republicans.

Democratic Party (United States) - Wikipedia

And republicans did nothing about jim crow while today being the preferred party of white racists. So we will include both parties.



That's why the KKK endorsed REPUBLICAN Donald Trump.

Must also be why the Klan endorsed Republican Calvin Coolidge, Republican Herbert Hoover, Republican Ed Jackson, Republican Clarence Morley, Republican Rice Means, Republican Ben Paulen, Republican Owen Brewster and Republican George Luis Baker. Must also be why the Klan ran a national smear campaign against Democrat Al Smith, tried to undermine Democrat Oscar Underwood, and got Democrat Jack Walton removed from office after he tried to drive them out of Oklahoma after the infamous Tulsa Race Riots.

And surely it's also why the Klan persecuted blacks, Jews, Catholics, immigrants and labor unions, all of whom tend to vote Democrat.

Partisan hacks just don't fucking THINK.
The only plantation negroes are those like Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas and Thomas Sowell.

We are owed money.

Yes you are owed try to collect it from the slave owning DemonRATS...NOT regular people who tried to help your rscr... racist!

No. We will collect it from the government and states that made slavery legal in 1641. The Democratic party didn't start until 1828. Slavery had been legal 147 years before there was a democratic party.

Democratic Party officials often trace its origins to the inspiration of the Democratic-Republican Party, founded by Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and other influential opponents of the Federalists in 1792. That party also inspired the Whigs and modern Republicans.

Democratic Party (United States) - Wikipedia

And republicans did nothing about jim crow while today being the preferred party of white racists. So we will include both parties.



That's why the KKK endorsed REPUBLICAN Donald Trump.

Must also be why the Klan endorsed Republican Calvin Coolidge, Republican Herbert Hoover, Republican Ed Jackson, Republican Clarence Morley, Republican Rice Means, Republican Ben Paulen, Republican Owen Brewster and Republican George Luis Baker. Must also be why the Klan ran a national smear campaign against Democrat Al Smith, tried to undermine Democrat Oscar Underwood, and got Democrat Jack Walton removed from office after he tried to drive them out of Oklahoma after the infamous Tulsa Race Riots.

And surely it's also why the Klan persecuted blacks, Jews, Catholics, immigrants and labor unions, all of whom tend to vote Democrat.

Partisan hacks just don't fucking THINK.

I've seen the sentiment of "stop looking back into the past" , "oh, you're only hampering yourself", "look forward, don't look back", "you're in chains", etc. etc. spewed on USMB by almost exclusively rightwing whites.

All I want to know is, what year is it OK to go back to? What date is the cut off for starting American history will make whites happy?

If have the exact time as well, that would be a bonus.
Why does there need to be a cut off date? Let history be important, almost sacred. Without it we have nothing to learn from, actually slavery spans many centuries, many cultures, many nationalities and has been used against all of mankind...

I’m all for it MarcATL...
The democrat party IS responsible for The Civil War, the Black Codes, Jim Crow, and the KKK.
pretty sure literally every race were slaves at some point and look how far they have come; example Asians. Its kind of sad that you have only one life to live yet you focus so much on the past, things out of your control and trying to blame others.
pretty sure literally every race were slaves at some point and look how far they have come; example Asians. Its kind of sad that you have only one life to live yet you focus so much on the past, things out of your control and trying to blame others.

Since racism continues now, it's not about the past. Legal documents blame whites for what has gone on. That every race were slaves line is an excuse only the racists among whites use to deny responsibility.

For example we can use that kind of excuse when you guys start talking about black crime. After all, I'm pretty sure every race has committed crimes, so why don't we just ignore and deny the damage caused by crime and just move on.
Every race has participated in slavery both as slaves and owners. Africans sold their criminals, war captives, and people they would just kidnap to Arab and Jewish slave traders. A very small percentage of Whites purchased these slaves.

So why should White Americans alive today be more responsible than anyone else for slavery? We didn't start it, we weren't the only ones who participated in it, and we abolished the practice a long time ago. Why don't you ask modern Africans, whose ancestors captured and sold your ancestors, and still practice slavery today, for reparations?
Every race has participated in slavery both as slaves and owners. Africans sold their criminals, war captives, and people they would just kidnap to Arab and Jewish slave traders. A very small percentage of Whites purchased these slaves.

So why should White Americans alive today be more responsible than anyone else for slavery? We didn't start it, we weren't the only ones who participated in it, and we abolished the practice a long time ago. Why don't you ask modern Africans, whose ancestors captured and sold your ancestors, and still practice slavery today, for reparations?

No. We are asking the US Government because that's who made slavery legal here. Native Americans helped whites capture Native Americans and the government pays them every year. White Americans today live as beneficiaries of slavery and jim crow. Why should blacks today continue to be made to suffer because of the beliefs of your ancestors still held by whites today?
I presume you also want reparations, is that correct plantation negro?

How about

The only plantation negroes are those like Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas and Thomas Sowell.

We are owed money.

Yes you are owed try to collect it from the slave owning DemonRATS...NOT regular people who tried to help your rscr... racist!

No. We will collect it from the government and states that made slavery legal in 1641. The Democratic party didn't start until 1828. Slavery had been legal 147 years before there was a democratic party.

Democratic Party officials often trace its origins to the inspiration of the Democratic-Republican Party, founded by Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and other influential opponents of the Federalists in 1792. That party also inspired the Whigs and modern Republicans.

Democratic Party (United States) - Wikipedia

And republicans did nothing about jim crow while today being the preferred party of white racists. So we will include both parties.



That's why the KKK endorsed REPUBLICAN Donald Trump.

How about that another lying blackass DemonRAT... WHY am I NOT surprised!

Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon Will Quigg Endorses Hillary Clinton for President | Politics | US News - US News & World Report
Mar 14, 2016 · Hillary Clinton can add a new name to her list of endorsements – a prominent Ku Klux Klan member who says he likes her because of her "hidden
Every race has participated in slavery both as slaves and owners. Africans sold their criminals, war captives, and people they would just kidnap to Arab and Jewish slave traders. A very small percentage of Whites purchased these slaves.

So why should White Americans alive today be more responsible than anyone else for slavery? We didn't start it, we weren't the only ones who participated in it, and we abolished the practice a long time ago. Why don't you ask modern Africans, whose ancestors captured and sold your ancestors, and still practice slavery today, for reparations?

No. We are asking the US Government because that's who made slavery legal here. Native Americans helped whites capture Native Americans and the government pays them every year. White Americans today live as beneficiaries of slavery and jim crow. Why should blacks today continue to be made to suffer because of the beliefs of your ancestors still held by whites today?
Jim Crow laws were a Democrat policy. The Democrat party needs to pay.
Every race has participated in slavery both as slaves and owners. Africans sold their criminals, war captives, and people they would just kidnap to Arab and Jewish slave traders. A very small percentage of Whites purchased these slaves.

So why should White Americans alive today be more responsible than anyone else for slavery? We didn't start it, we weren't the only ones who participated in it, and we abolished the practice a long time ago. Why don't you ask modern Africans, whose ancestors captured and sold your ancestors, and still practice slavery today, for reparations?

No. We are asking the US Government because that's who made slavery legal here. Native Americans helped whites capture Native Americans and the government pays them every year. White Americans today live as beneficiaries of slavery and jim crow. Why should blacks today continue to be made to suffer because of the beliefs of your ancestors still held by whites today?
Jim Crow laws were a Democrat policy. The Democrat party needs to pay.

Nope. This is on the US government. A republican president ended reconstruction and 4 out of 7 SCOTUS votes that helped began Jim Crow were by republicans.
Every race has participated in slavery both as slaves and owners. Africans sold their criminals, war captives, and people they would just kidnap to Arab and Jewish slave traders. A very small percentage of Whites purchased these slaves.

So why should White Americans alive today be more responsible than anyone else for slavery? We didn't start it, we weren't the only ones who participated in it, and we abolished the practice a long time ago. Why don't you ask modern Africans, whose ancestors captured and sold your ancestors, and still practice slavery today, for reparations?

No. We are asking the US Government because that's who made slavery legal here. Native Americans helped whites capture Native Americans and the government pays them every year. White Americans today live as beneficiaries of slavery and jim crow. Why should blacks today continue to be made to suffer because of the beliefs of your ancestors still held by whites today?
Jim Crow laws were a Democrat policy. The Democrat party needs to pay.
Nope. This is on the US government. A republican president ended reconstruction and 4 out of 7 SCOTUS votes that helped began Jim Crow were by republicans.
If blacks have it so bad here, why aren't they all back in Africa?
This has not worked because we black folks understand the times in which they were spoken. It will not work because since that time a democratic president worked to get the necessary votes to pass the voting rights and civil rights act. Furthermore the first black to be nominated by a major political party for president was a democrat. You just look stupid doing this and if X was alive today he would cuss whites like you out for trying to misuse his words.

The OP is not racist, you are. And he brings this up because blacks want to get on with our lives without the racism that comes from losers like you.
I presume you also want reparations, is that correct plantation negro?

The only plantation negroes are those like Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas and Thomas Sowell.

We are owed money.

Yes you are owed try to collect it from the slave owning DemonRATS...NOT regular people who tried to help your rscr... racist!

No. We will collect it from the government and states that made slavery legal in 1641. The Democratic party didn't start until 1828. Slavery had been legal 147 years before there was a democratic party.

Democratic Party officials often trace its origins to the inspiration of the Democratic-Republican Party, founded by Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and other influential opponents of the Federalists in 1792. That party also inspired the Whigs and modern Republicans.

Democratic Party (United States) - Wikipedia

And republicans did nothing about jim crow while today being the preferred party of white racists. So we will include both parties.

There is no line between the Democratic-Republicans and either party that eventually used the same names. The Democratic Party was organized by Martin van Buren in 1834 out of the body of general Jackson supporters, who had no official name (or party) and were simply referred to as "Jacksonians" until van Buren made a party out of them and ran as its first candidate. The Republican Party was founded twenty years later in Ripon Wisconsin, and in between the D-Rs and the modern Republicans, the Know Nothings had also used the name "Republican" as the "American Republican Party" (1843). *NONE* of those are related to the Jefferson-Madison party, which disintegrated in the early 19th century.

As for the Whigs, they too were not related --- that party was organized by Henry Clay out of the body of general Jackson opponents, who also had no official name (or party) and were simply referred to as "anti-Jacksonians" until Clay made a party out of them about 1830.

As for the timeline, inasmuch as the name "Democratic Party was first used in 1834 and the first African captives were brought to North American shores in 1534 (by Spanish merchants to what is now South Carolina), there were African slaves in North America exactly 300 years before there was a Democratic Party, and centuries before there was a country.
the first African captives were brought to North American shores in 1534 (by Spanish merchants to what is now South Carolina)
That interested me, Pogo, since I did not think farmers were here on the continent until 1594 or so. I Googled it and didn't find it either. Can you tell me more about that?
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Every race has participated in slavery both as slaves and owners. Africans sold their criminals, war captives, and people they would just kidnap to Arab and Jewish slave traders. A very small percentage of Whites purchased these slaves.

So why should White Americans alive today be more responsible than anyone else for slavery? We didn't start it, we weren't the only ones who participated in it, and we abolished the practice a long time ago. Why don't you ask modern Africans, whose ancestors captured and sold your ancestors, and still practice slavery today, for reparations?

No. We are asking the US Government because that's who made slavery legal here. Native Americans helped whites capture Native Americans and the government pays them every year. White Americans today live as beneficiaries of slavery and jim crow. Why should blacks today continue to be made to suffer because of the beliefs of your ancestors still held by whites today?
Jim Crow laws were a Democrat policy. The Democrat party needs to pay.
Nope. This is on the US government. A republican president ended reconstruction and 4 out of 7 SCOTUS votes that helped began Jim Crow were by republicans.

I've shown it before. Go look up the 1877 Compromise.

Then go look at the votes by the supreme court in Plessy v. Ferguson.
Blacks are allowed to go back all the way to Africa. Is that far enough?

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