How far into the year before I can do the "I Told You So" dance? 6 months? 8 months?

The number one reason Trump's minions voted him into office wasn't to "clean up Washington" or "keep us safe".

It was "Jobs, jobs, jobs". And his entire solution was to "bring jobs back" from somewhere and to make fer-in-ners who take the good jobs to go away.

As I posted in previous threads, only a mere 13% of lost manufacturing jobs actually left the country. The rest were lost to automation.

And we know the CEO of Carrier's parent company said they were talking the taxpayer money they got in the deal with Trump and use it to automate the Carrier plant under discussion. When they made the deal, they never included the jobs, only the plant staying. You would think a "terrific business man" would have thought of that.

So what happens when these jobs don't materialize? When companies bring in educated immigrants to do the automation? What will be the reaction of Trump's minions?

How long before the "I told you so" dance?

Oh, I thought this was about when us Trump supporters could do that.

I would think that 6 months will be enough to see early numbers on Trump's policies (barring unlikely stone walling by congress)

Deportations up, jobs up, wages up.

I expect to see some such numbers starting to trend the right way by then.
The number one reason Trump's minions voted him into office wasn't to "clean up Washington" or "keep us safe".

It was "Jobs, jobs, jobs". And his entire solution was to "bring jobs back" from somewhere and to make fer-in-ners who take the good jobs to go away.

As I posted in previous threads, only a mere 13% of lost manufacturing jobs actually left the country. The rest were lost to automation.

And we know the CEO of Carrier's parent company said they were talking the taxpayer money they got in the deal with Trump and use it to automate the Carrier plant under discussion. When they made the deal, they never included the jobs, only the plant staying. You would think a "terrific business man" would have thought of that.

So what happens when these jobs don't materialize? When companies bring in educated immigrants to do the automation? What will be the reaction of Trump's minions?

How long before the "I told you so" dance?

We are still waiting on your Obama 'I told you so' dance. Sea levels fall, world peace, racial harmony, Gitmo empty...
I think you're a partisan hack based on the language you use.
Ahhh, so you think I'm an English partisan hack. Interesting. A bit confusing, but okay.

And again, another bullshit post to try and prove I'm right.
Bullshit is your expertise. I'm still waiting for a bullshitless answer to why you posted this:
...No matter what happens, the partisan hacks, like you, will keep on making up crap, keep ignoring facts that aren't convenient, and keep on acting like high school kids. And you know I'm right. So, I don't get so worked up about the nonsense you seem to find so entertaining. The fact that you can only seem to get happiness from other people's misery, goes to show how great your life is, I suppose.
I think you're a partisan hack based on the language you use.
Ahhh, so you think I'm an English partisan hack. Interesting. A bit confusing, but okay.

And again, another bullshit post to try and prove I'm right.
Bullshit is your expertise. I'm still waiting for a bullshitless answer to why you posted this:
...No matter what happens, the partisan hacks, like you, will keep on making up crap, keep ignoring facts that aren't convenient, and keep on acting like high school kids. And you know I'm right. So, I don't get so worked up about the nonsense you seem to find so entertaining. The fact that you can only seem to get happiness from other people's misery, goes to show how great your life is, I suppose.

BECAUSE YOU'RE A PARTISAN HACK. That's why. And you're spending your whole time trying to pursue something you think you can "win" at, and not bothering with actual debate.
BECAUSE YOU'RE A PARTISAN HACK. That's why. And you're spending your whole time trying to pursue something you think you can "win" at, and not bothering with actual debate.
Translation: BECAUSE I SAID SO DAMMIT!!!!!

LOL. Awesome. Okay, so because I am right of your LW ideology, in your eyes, I'm a "partisan hack". Got it. Thanks. Have a really nice day, sir.
The number one reason Trump's minions voted him into office wasn't to "clean up Washington" or "keep us safe".

It was "Jobs, jobs, jobs". And his entire solution was to "bring jobs back" from somewhere and to make fer-in-ners who take the good jobs to go away.

As I posted in previous threads, only a mere 13% of lost manufacturing jobs actually left the country. The rest were lost to automation.

And we know the CEO of Carrier's parent company said they were talking the taxpayer money they got in the deal with Trump and use it to automate the Carrier plant under discussion. When they made the deal, they never included the jobs, only the plant staying. You would think a "terrific business man" would have thought of that.

So what happens when these jobs don't materialize? When companies bring in educated immigrants to do the automation? What will be the reaction of Trump's minions?

How long before the "I told you so" dance?

Oh, I'd say... 96 months.
Ultimately, I'm guessing and I hope you won't ever get the chance to justify any said dances..

For the sake of the country, I have to agree. I HOPE I never get the chance to justify any said dances,

but the truth is, Trump is a walking disaster. There is nothing in his life that points to success. His minions will say he's a billionaire so that proves his greatness.

But look at how he got there. Stiffing workers. Bankruptcies. Lawsuits. Scams. Bribes. And he is still under criminal investigation for his illegal and uncertified charity Foundation.

His minions keep crowing "Feel the butthurt". Because they live for the moment.

Even Disney understood the Dependence of Republicans on Democrats.

you're comparing Republicans and Democrats to the story of the grasshopper and the ants?

If the shoe fits, were it.

Democrats work hard to get the knowledge and experience to qualify for good paying jobs.

Republcians cry and whine they want high paying jobs with lots of benefits where you don't need education, skills or knowledge.

We even see it right here on this board.

Complete and utter horseshit. I have never seen any such thing on this board from the right. It is morons like YOU DEMANDING 15 dollars an hour with free healthcare & college to flip a burger or sack some green beans.

You continue to dance just like Elaine as I stated on the first page. You're as predictable a tool as they come.

Why do you think they voted Trump into office? If it weren't for jobs, then what was it for? Fun? Because he's a "star"?
Trump himself said it was for jobs. What kind of jobs? We already know that over 85% of the jobs that are gone were automated. We know that there are well over 5 million jobs availible but companies can't find the people with skills to do them. If it weren't for jobs, why did people vote for Trump? If it was for jobs, then what kind of jobs?

Jobs like Carrier where the CEO just said they were going to be automated?

Give us the "BIG PICTURE".

So far, Trump's vermin are thrilled he won, they won. Oh did they win.

OK, what did they win? What is it you expect is going to happen? If it doesn't happen through hard work and education then how does it happen, whatever "it" is?

Tell us.

Define it for us.

Derp Derp Derp we go
Gently down the stream....

I love proving what I say. It makes feel honest. Unlike you.
we know the CEO of Carrier's parent company said they were talking the taxpayer money they got in the deal with Trump and use it to automate the Carrier plant under discussion.

^^ This....

Greg Hayes, CEO of United Technologies:
"We're going to...automate to drive the cost down so that we can continue to be competitive. Is it as cheap as moving to Mexico with lower cost labor? No. But we will make that plant competitive just because we'll make the capital investments there. But what that ultimately means is there will be fewer jobs."​
The citizens of Indiana, Pence and Trump got punked. Period.
OMG. FACTS! How dare you. Now they will call you names.
Carrier plans to use the money from deal with Trump to purchase robots that will replace workers

CEO of Carrier’s parent company United Technologies, Greg Hayes, confirmed to CNBC this week that it would ultimately mean fewer jobs available at the facility.

“We’re going to…automate to drive the cost down so that we can continue to be competitive,” Hayes said.

“Is it as cheap as moving to Mexico with lower cost labor? No. But we will make that plant competitive just because we’ll make the capital investments there. But what that ultimately means is there will be fewer jobs.”

In lieu of moving to Mexico, Carrier decided to stay in the United States and save 800 out of 1,400 jobs at the plant, in the short-term future.


Get it? In the short term future. Trump and Pence gave Carrier MILLIONS and they are going to automate anyway.

I thought Trump was this extraordinary deal maker. But he couldn't see this coming? Why do you think he had so many bankruptcies?
we know the CEO of Carrier's parent company said they were talking the taxpayer money they got in the deal with Trump and use it to automate the Carrier plant under discussion.

^^ This....

Greg Hayes, CEO of United Technologies:
"We're going to...automate to drive the cost down so that we can continue to be competitive. Is it as cheap as moving to Mexico with lower cost labor? No. But we will make that plant competitive just because we'll make the capital investments there. But what that ultimately means is there will be fewer jobs."​
The citizens of Indiana, Pence and Trump got punked. Period.
OMG. FACTS! How dare you. Now they will call you names.

They probably will. That's okay. I can give better than I get..,.. :wink: ....until I cease to find it entertaining.
How far into the year before I can do the "I Told You So" dance? 6 months? 8 months?

Wow, it's looking more and more like two weeks.
The number one reason Trump's minions voted him into office wasn't to "clean up Washington" or "keep us safe".

It was "Jobs, jobs, jobs". And his entire solution was to "bring jobs back" from somewhere and to make fer-in-ners who take the good jobs to go away.

As I posted in previous threads, only a mere 13% of lost manufacturing jobs actually left the country. The rest were lost to automation.

And we know the CEO of Carrier's parent company said they were talking the taxpayer money they got in the deal with Trump and use it to automate the Carrier plant under discussion. When they made the deal, they never included the jobs, only the plant staying. You would think a "terrific business man" would have thought of that.

So what happens when these jobs don't materialize? When companies bring in educated immigrants to do the automation? What will be the reaction of Trump's minions?

How long before the "I told you so" dance?

I think when Comrade Trump stated he was going to Washington to turn everything upside down, he meant it. He's already fired the Judiciary branch.


Opinion | Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy

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