How far into the year before I can do the "I Told You So" dance? 6 months? 8 months?

Here are a bunch of Gov polls:

Here are two charts based on a couple of those polls:


Trump is making even our friends hate us.

Only 65 and older believe it's unlikely.
Hillary won the popular vote by nearly 3 million. Why do you guys think Trump is suddenly popular?

Only if you count illegal aliens.

"It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California
If you take California out of the popular vote equation, then Trump wins the rest of the country by 1.4 million votes.
.... if you look at every other measure, Trump was the clear and decisive winner in this election."
It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California

Think California is loaded with illegal alien voters??????

You betcha'!!!!

California has the largest number of illegal immigrants in the United States, with an estimated 2.4 million unauthorized immigrants making up about 6.3 percent of the state's total population, according to the Pew Research Center.Sep 14, 2015
Illegal Immigration Statistics in California -

So sorry to have to take away your last hope.
Here are a bunch of Gov polls:

Here are two charts based on a couple of those polls:



. "On Tuesday, President Barack Obama stated that “Over [the] last eight years, no foreign terrorist organization has successfully planned and executed an attack on our homeland.”
Talk about something actually deserving of being labeled as “fake news.”

When President George W. Bush left office, the U.S. had faced 28 Islamist plots after 9/11, only one of which was successful. Now there have been 93 Islamist plots since 9/11, and 14 successful attacks.

.... the vast majority of the terror plots and all of the successful attacks since 9/11 have involved homegrown terrorists—that is, terrorists who radicalized and plotted here in the U.S.
The threat has morphed and the U.S. must now do more to counter homegrown and lone wolf Islamist terrorists.

Obama’s comment obscures the truth that in his eight years in office, as shown by the sharp increase in the number of Islamist plots and successful attacks, the homeland has been less safe.
Claiming victory while the U.S. is in the most active period of terrorist activity since 9/11 is not only pushing a false narrative, but it risks diverting our attention from what needs to be done to defend the U.S. homeland."
Obama’s Terrorism Claim Hides an Inconvenient Truth
Let's be real, Trump could have a 90% approval rating, and the loony OP would still do his creepy dance. He ain't right. BHDS (Butt Hurt Derangement Syndrome) has hit him very hard. :)

Trump's Approval Rating Plunges To Historic New Low Days Before Inauguration

Trump never inspires confidence. The takeaways from the Quinnipiac University poll are that most Americans don’t like Trump. They have no faith that he cares about them, and they think he is going to be a pretty lousy president.

Never in modern history has a president-elect gotten off to such a terrible start with the public.

Donald Trump is reaping the seeds of division and hate that he sowed during his presidential campaign. It has come full circle, as America is stuck with a president-elect that they really don’t like.


37% is pathetic.

I find it interesting that you chose a poll that was taken 4 months ago and approx. 6 weeks before the election, are are using it as evidence. Currently Reuters has Trump at 48%, and Rassussen has him at 51%.

The fact that you're using "ancient" news, and from the Huffington-Puffington Post no less, to support your claim is adorable.

Keep it up, because the harder you try, the more foolish you make yourself appear.
New poll has Trump approval rating at 37%, Obama at 55%

45% of voters say Trump well be a worse president than Obama and only 34% say he will be better.

This comes from last Tuesday:

Trump's Approval Rating Plunges To Historic New Low Days Before Inauguration

Sooooo.....which would Democrats rather have....that poll or the White House?

Get it?
The number one reason Trump's minions voted him into office wasn't to "clean up Washington" or "keep us safe".

It was "Jobs, jobs, jobs". And his entire solution was to "bring jobs back" from somewhere and to make fer-in-ners who take the good jobs to go away.

As I posted in previous threads, only a mere 13% of lost manufacturing jobs actually left the country. The rest were lost to automation.

And we know the CEO of Carrier's parent company said they were talking the taxpayer money they got in the deal with Trump and use it to automate the Carrier plant under discussion. When they made the deal, they never included the jobs, only the plant staying. You would think a "terrific business man" would have thought of that.

So what happens when these jobs don't materialize? When companies bring in educated immigrants to do the automation? What will be the reaction of Trump's minions?

How long before the "I told you so" dance? wasn't was payback...payback...payback.

Just listen to them here.
Hillary won the popular vote by nearly 3 million. Why do you guys think Trump is suddenly popular?
Hillary won

Trump won

Trump won 30 states, Hillary won 20.
The point I was making was that she won by nearly three million. Of course that would be reflected in any pols. He as to do something that people like.

You can say the deal with Carrier, except Carrier announced they are going to automate those jobs.
I think criticism of Trump can begin at six months if warranted. Depending on the kind of dance, the timeline would differ.

If it's just a moonwalk, you can probably do that safety after a year, if it's a full out routine as one might see during ice skating or "So You Think You Can Dance". I think you need to accept a much longer time frame, 2.5-3 years. His approach is so ambitious and such a sharp change that it requires time to deal with the pushback.

Ultimately, I'm guessing and I hope you won't ever get the chance to justify any said dances...
Ultimately, I'm guessing and I hope you won't ever get the chance to justify any said dances..

For the sake of the country, I have to agree. I HOPE I never get the chance to justify any said dances,

but the truth is, Trump is a walking disaster. There is nothing in his life that points to success. His minions will say he's a billionaire so that proves his greatness.

But look at how he got there. Stiffing workers. Bankruptcies. Lawsuits. Scams. Bribes. And he is still under criminal investigation for his illegal and uncertified charity Foundation.

His minions keep crowing "Feel the butthurt". Because they live for the moment.

Even Disney understood the Dependence of Republicans on Democrats.

you're comparing Republicans and Democrats to the story of the grasshopper and the ants?

If the shoe fits, were it.

Democrats work hard to get the knowledge and experience to qualify for good paying jobs.

Republcians cry and whine they want high paying jobs with lots of benefits where you don't need education, skills or knowledge.

We even see it right here on this board.

Do you mean like all those Liberals on Liberal welfare having Liberal babies in Liberal cities? Do they qualify as Liberals getting an education so they can have good jobs?

You're talking out your ass now, your mouth has GOT to know better!!!

Dumb ass, it is the Red States that are the welfare states.

(1 = Most Dependent)


Total Score

‘State Residents’ Dependency’ Rank

‘State Government’s Dependency’ Rank

1 Mississippi 62.08 11 1
2 New Mexico 55.45 2 8
3 Alabama 53.00 5 9
4 Louisiana 51.29 39 2
5 Tennessee 50.07 20 3
6 Montana 49.51 12 6
7 South Dakota 49.34 19 4
8 Kentucky 47.37 10 12
9 West Virginia 46.64 7 16
10 Missouri 45.07 30 5

38 Massachusetts 22.94 43 32
39 Virginia 22.59 9 47
40 Alaska 21.69 8 48
41 New York 21.07 46 34
42 New Hampshire 19.57 44 38
43 Minnesota 17.31 48 39
44 Nevada 17.10 32 43
45 Illinois 16.36 47 40
46 California 16.25 36 42
47 Kansas 15.78 38 44
48 New Jersey 14.76 49 41
49 Connecticut 13.42 35 46
50 Delaware 12.90 50 45

2016’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

Now if you damned 'Conservatives' would get off the coach, clear the empty beer cans in front of your single wide, and get a job, maybe you could be taken seriously. The Blue states are supporting the Red states.


Detroit, MI (1st on the poverty rate list) hasn’t elected
a Republican mayor since 1961;

Buffalo, NY (2nd) hasn’t elected one since 1954;

Cincinnati, OH (3rd)… since 1984;

Cleveland, OH (4th)… since 1989;

Miami, FL (5th) has never had a Republican Mayor; (*Miami currently has a Republican Mayor (Tomas Regalado)

St. Louis, MO (6th)…. since 1949;

El Paso, TX (7th) has never had a Republican Mayor;

Milwaukee, WI (8th)… since 1908;

Philadelphia, PA (9th)… since 1952;

Newark, NJ (10th)… since 1907.

2. Some stats from the US Census Bureau in a American Community survey, August 2007:
Things may actually be worse in these towns now.
City, State, % of People Below the Poverty Level (pop. 250,000+)
Detroit , MI 32.5%
Buffalo , NY 29.9%
Cincinnati , OH 27.8%
Cleveland , OH 27.0%
Miami , FL 26.9%
St. Louis , MO 26.8%
El Paso , TX 26.4%
Milwaukee , WI 26.2%
Philadelphia , PA 25.1%
Newark , NJ 24.2%

The cities with populations over 200,000 ranked as the most dangerous are:
1. Detroit, MI - Mayor Mike Duggan - DEMOCRAT
2. Oakland, CA - Mayor Jean Quan - DEMOCRAT
3. Memphis, TN - Mayor A C Wharton - DEMOCRAT
4. St. Louis, MO - Mayor Francis G. Slay - DEMOCRAT
5. Cleveland, OH - Mayor Frank G. Jackson - DEMOCRAT
6. Baltimore, MD - Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake - DEMOCRAT
7. Milwaukee, WI - Mayor Tom Barrett - DEMOCRAT
8. Birmingham, AL - Mayor William A. Bell - DEMOCRAT
9. Newark, NJ - Mayor Ras Baraka - DEMOCRAT
10. Kansas City, MO - Mayor Sly James - Independent (but probably a DEMOCRAT) Democrats Run The Highest Crime Cities in America
The number one reason Trump's minions voted him into office wasn't to "clean up Washington" or "keep us safe".

It was "Jobs, jobs, jobs". And his entire solution was to "bring jobs back" from somewhere and to make fer-in-ners who take the good jobs to go away.

As I posted in previous threads, only a mere 13% of lost manufacturing jobs actually left the country. The rest were lost to automation.

And we know the CEO of Carrier's parent company said they were talking the taxpayer money they got in the deal with Trump and use it to automate the Carrier plant under discussion. When they made the deal, they never included the jobs, only the plant staying. You would think a "terrific business man" would have thought of that.

So what happens when these jobs don't materialize? When companies bring in educated immigrants to do the automation? What will be the reaction of Trump's minions?

How long before the "I told you so" dance?

Well if you're a little girl you can do that stupid dance all you want

if you're an adult not so much

thats another problem in society, why do we have to frown upon happy people outwardly showing their joy?
Exactly what age is it that you have to start acting differently.
IM 58 and I still have my HO race car set put together in my home office
Hillary won the popular vote by nearly 3 million. Why do you guys think Trump is suddenly popular?
You're going to be too old to dance iffin you can live that long without government handouts.
I paid nearly 50 years into Social Security. Why shouldn't I collect?
If you're that old then the obvious answer to your question is never.
Because I'm old I shouldn't get Social Security????
Hillary won the popular vote by nearly 3 million. Why do you guys think Trump is suddenly popular?
Hillary won

Trump won

Trump won 30 states, Hillary won 20.
The point I was making was that she won by nearly three million. Of course that would be reflected in any pols. He as to do something that people like.

You can say the deal with Carrier, except Carrier announced they are going to automate those jobs.
The point I was making was that she won by nearly three million.
Which didn't mean shit, as far at taking the WH
Ultimately, I'm guessing and I hope you won't ever get the chance to justify any said dances..

For the sake of the country, I have to agree. I HOPE I never get the chance to justify any said dances,

but the truth is, Trump is a walking disaster. There is nothing in his life that points to success. His minions will say he's a billionaire so that proves his greatness.

But look at how he got there. Stiffing workers. Bankruptcies. Lawsuits. Scams. Bribes. And he is still under criminal investigation for his illegal and uncertified charity Foundation.

His minions keep crowing "Feel the butthurt". Because they live for the moment.

Even Disney understood the Dependence of Republicans on Democrats.

you're comparing Republicans and Democrats to the story of the grasshopper and the ants?

If the shoe fits, were it.

Democrats work hard to get the knowledge and experience to qualify for good paying jobs.

Republcians cry and whine they want high paying jobs with lots of benefits where you don't need education, skills or knowledge.

We even see it right here on this board.

Do you mean like all those Liberals on Liberal welfare having Liberal babies in Liberal cities? Do they qualify as Liberals getting an education so they can have good jobs?

You're talking out your ass now, your mouth has GOT to know better!!!

Dumb ass, it is the Red States that are the welfare states.

(1 = Most Dependent)


Total Score

‘State Residents’ Dependency’ Rank

‘State Government’s Dependency’ Rank

1 Mississippi 62.08 11 1
2 New Mexico 55.45 2 8
3 Alabama 53.00 5 9
4 Louisiana 51.29 39 2
5 Tennessee 50.07 20 3
6 Montana 49.51 12 6
7 South Dakota 49.34 19 4
8 Kentucky 47.37 10 12
9 West Virginia 46.64 7 16
10 Missouri 45.07 30 5

38 Massachusetts 22.94 43 32
39 Virginia 22.59 9 47
40 Alaska 21.69 8 48
41 New York 21.07 46 34
42 New Hampshire 19.57 44 38
43 Minnesota 17.31 48 39
44 Nevada 17.10 32 43
45 Illinois 16.36 47 40
46 California 16.25 36 42
47 Kansas 15.78 38 44
48 New Jersey 14.76 49 41
49 Connecticut 13.42 35 46
50 Delaware 12.90 50 45

2016’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

Now if you damned 'Conservatives' would get off the coach, clear the empty beer cans in front of your single wide, and get a job, maybe you could be taken seriously. The Blue states are supporting the Red states.


Detroit, MI (1st on the poverty rate list) hasn’t elected
a Republican mayor since 1961;

Buffalo, NY (2nd) hasn’t elected one since 1954;

Cincinnati, OH (3rd)… since 1984;

Cleveland, OH (4th)… since 1989;

Miami, FL (5th) has never had a Republican Mayor; (*Miami currently has a Republican Mayor (Tomas Regalado)

St. Louis, MO (6th)…. since 1949;

El Paso, TX (7th) has never had a Republican Mayor;

Milwaukee, WI (8th)… since 1908;

Philadelphia, PA (9th)… since 1952;

Newark, NJ (10th)… since 1907.

2. Some stats from the US Census Bureau in a American Community survey, August 2007:
Things may actually be worse in these towns now.
City, State, % of People Below the Poverty Level (pop. 250,000+)
Detroit , MI 32.5%
Buffalo , NY 29.9%
Cincinnati , OH 27.8%
Cleveland , OH 27.0%
Miami , FL 26.9%
St. Louis , MO 26.8%
El Paso , TX 26.4%
Milwaukee , WI 26.2%
Philadelphia , PA 25.1%
Newark , NJ 24.2%

The cities with populations over 200,000 ranked as the most dangerous are:
1. Detroit, MI - Mayor Mike Duggan - DEMOCRAT
2. Oakland, CA - Mayor Jean Quan - DEMOCRAT
3. Memphis, TN - Mayor A C Wharton - DEMOCRAT
4. St. Louis, MO - Mayor Francis G. Slay - DEMOCRAT
5. Cleveland, OH - Mayor Frank G. Jackson - DEMOCRAT
6. Baltimore, MD - Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake - DEMOCRAT
7. Milwaukee, WI - Mayor Tom Barrett - DEMOCRAT
8. Birmingham, AL - Mayor William A. Bell - DEMOCRAT
9. Newark, NJ - Mayor Ras Baraka - DEMOCRAT
10. Kansas City, MO - Mayor Sly James - Independent (but probably a DEMOCRAT) Democrats Run The Highest Crime Cities in America
Talk about your shit holes.
Hillary won the popular vote by nearly 3 million. Why do you guys think Trump is suddenly popular?
You're going to be too old to dance iffin you can live that long without government handouts.
I paid nearly 50 years into Social Security. Why shouldn't I collect?
If you're that old then the obvious answer to your question is never.
Because I'm old I shouldn't get Social Security????
The answer to your question is in an old song because you are old: Oddly and appropriately by a band named the Wynners. :)

Hillary won the popular vote by nearly 3 million. Why do you guys think Trump is suddenly popular?
You're going to be too old to dance iffin you can live that long without government handouts.
I paid nearly 50 years into Social Security. Why shouldn't I collect?
you see dean all those white republicans aren't working and so not enough money is going into the SS pool
The number one reason Trump's minions voted him into office wasn't to "clean up Washington" or "keep us safe".

It was "Jobs, jobs, jobs". And his entire solution was to "bring jobs back" from somewhere and to make fer-in-ners who take the good jobs to go away.

As I posted in previous threads, only a mere 13% of lost manufacturing jobs actually left the country. The rest were lost to automation.

And we know the CEO of Carrier's parent company said they were talking the taxpayer money they got in the deal with Trump and use it to automate the Carrier plant under discussion. When they made the deal, they never included the jobs, only the plant staying. You would think a "terrific business man" would have thought of that.

So what happens when these jobs don't materialize? When companies bring in educated immigrants to do the automation? What will be the reaction of Trump's minions?

How long before the "I told you so" dance?

Well if you're a little girl you can do that stupid dance all you want

if you're an adult not so much

thats another problem in society, why do we have to frown upon happy people outwardly showing their joy?
Exactly what age is it that you have to start acting differently.
IM 58 and I still have my HO race car set put together in my home office

Republicans haven't been showing joy. They've been showing hate.

They don't talk about lifting America up, they talk about keeping others down.

They aren't talking about building anything. They talk about tearing things apart.

Listen to their rhetoric. Where is there anything really positive?
Let's be real, Trump could have a 90% approval rating, and the loony OP would still do his creepy dance. He ain't right. BHDS (Butt Hurt Derangement Syndrome) has hit him very hard. :)

Trump's Approval Rating Plunges To Historic New Low Days Before Inauguration

Trump never inspires confidence. The takeaways from the Quinnipiac University poll are that most Americans don’t like Trump. They have no faith that he cares about them, and they think he is going to be a pretty lousy president.

Never in modern history has a president-elect gotten off to such a terrible start with the public.

Donald Trump is reaping the seeds of division and hate that he sowed during his presidential campaign. It has come full circle, as America is stuck with a president-elect that they really don’t like.


37% is pathetic.

I find it interesting that you chose a poll that was taken 4 months ago and approx. 6 weeks before the election, are are using it as evidence. Currently Reuters has Trump at 48%, and Rassussen has him at 51%.

The fact that you're using "ancient" news, and from the Huffington-Puffington Post no less, to support your claim is adorable.

Keep it up, because the harder you try, the more foolish you make yourself appear.
New poll has Trump approval rating at 37%, Obama at 55%

45% of voters say Trump well be a worse president than Obama and only 34% say he will be better.

This comes from last Tuesday:

Trump's Approval Rating Plunges To Historic New Low Days Before Inauguration

Sooooo.....which would Democrats rather have....that poll or the White House?

Get it?

Come on, Democrat Fake News and polls is all they have left. So maybe we should show some compassion? What do you think?
Last edited:
Let's be real, Trump could have a 90% approval rating, and the loony OP would still do his creepy dance. He ain't right. BHDS (Butt Hurt Derangement Syndrome) has hit him very hard. :)

Trump's Approval Rating Plunges To Historic New Low Days Before Inauguration

Trump never inspires confidence. The takeaways from the Quinnipiac University poll are that most Americans don’t like Trump. They have no faith that he cares about them, and they think he is going to be a pretty lousy president.

Never in modern history has a president-elect gotten off to such a terrible start with the public.

Donald Trump is reaping the seeds of division and hate that he sowed during his presidential campaign. It has come full circle, as America is stuck with a president-elect that they really don’t like.


37% is pathetic.

I find it interesting that you chose a poll that was taken 4 months ago and approx. 6 weeks before the election, are are using it as evidence. Currently Reuters has Trump at 48%, and Rassussen has him at 51%.

The fact that you're using "ancient" news, and from the Huffington-Puffington Post no less, to support your claim is adorable.

Keep it up, because the harder you try, the more foolish you make yourself appear.
New poll has Trump approval rating at 37%, Obama at 55%

45% of voters say Trump well be a worse president than Obama and only 34% say he will be better.

This comes from last Tuesday:

Trump's Approval Rating Plunges To Historic New Low Days Before Inauguration

Sooooo.....which would Democrats rather have....that poll or the White House?

Get it?

Come on, Democrat Fake News and polls is all they have left. So maybe we should some compassion for em? What do you think?

You are far too kind-hearted.

I go around stepping on the fingernails they're holding on by.

It's just part of my job....I drive the Karma Bus.

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