How far is the US from Fascism ?

It took Hitler less than 6 months to tighten his grip on power. As I watched this programme I was struck by the similarities between Germany and the US. Hitler and Trump.

Hitler waged war on German institutions. Its government, its press and of course its court system. When he had finished there was nothing left.He burned fown the Reichstag. Trump lanched an invasion of Congress.

Hitler told Germans that he was the only answer to the problems of the state. Trump is doing that right now.

Hitlers followers had a violent core of street thugs who beat and murdered anybody that Hitler didnt like, They were paramilitary and wore their own uniforms. A bit like the proud boys and oath keepers. Violent thugs.

The threats of violence to prosecutors, judges and juries is something that they both share.

Hitler took his revenge on those who opposed him. Check out the story of Hans Litten. He was murdered in a camp for the crime of humiliating Hitler in court.

Of course Trump is threatening revenge on everyone who gets in his way.

Hitler and his group despised democracy. So do Trump and his chums. They just want power and too many "wrong" people vote. Election denying is pure fascism when it does not present any evidence. Its not just that trump is a narcissist. He is a deeply evil man.Like Hitler.

Hitler hated minorities. So does trump and trumpism. The nazis told women to get back in the home. So do trumpists. The nazis murdered gay folk. Trump vilifies them and works to remove them from society.

The nazis burned books, so does trumpism. Intellectuals were murdered by nazis. Check out trumpism and climate change.

This is not controversial. The biggest eye opener was the way that German society backed down at every opportunity. They thought that they were being clever. But Hitler just took the concession and moved on to the next level.

Those GOP politicians who have facilitated the rise of trump, looked the other way and swallowed their pride will have blood on their hands.

Trumpism isnt new. There is a long history of fascism in the US. If trump is elected then a noisy minority may see all their dreams come true.

Trump didn't do too well as Hitler last time. Since the dems own the military and everything else, I won't gamble more than 5 cents on Trump taking perpetual control.

Looks like dems will be out Hitlers and Stalins, bub.


This man who is running for US President has already mentioned DARPA and M16 rifles:
Post #110 DARPA / M16 Rifles
Trump didn't do too well as Hitler last time. Since the dems own the military and everything else, I won't gamble more than 5 cents on Trump taking perpetual control.

Looks like dems will be out Hitlers and Stalins, bub.

View attachment 843809
Hitler is coming up just in time for Halloween, and that's not surprising: the ghost is in the heads of the population. They want to see their Messiah:
'In mid-morning on 14 Mar, Hitler left Linz for Vienna. Cheering crowds greeted the cavalcade of limousines -- thirteen police cars accompanied Hitler's Mercedes -- all the way to the capital, where he arrived, again delayed, in the late afternoon. On the orders of Cardinal Innitzer, Archbishop of Vienna, all the Catholic churches in the city pealed their bells in HItler's honour and flew swastika banners from their steeples -- an extraordinary gesture given the 'Church struggle' which had raged in the Reich itself over the previous years.

The scenes of enthusiasm, according to a Swiss reporter who witnessed them, 'defied all description.' An English observer of the scene commented: 'To say that the crowds which greeted [Hitler] among the Ringstrasse were delirious with joy is an understatement.' Hitler had to appear repeatedly on the balcony of the Hotel Imperial in response to the crowd's continued shouts of 'We want to see our Fuehrer.'
(Kershaw I, Hitler 1936-45: Nemesis)
In the case of WSJ's fascism, hitlerian revenge is pre-accomplished: subscription-identity-location information, which will go into (what?) archives? State archives?
In the case of WSJ's fascism, hitlerian revenge is pre-accomplished: subscription-identity-location information, which will go into (what?) archives? State archives?
So taking your information for your subscription is fascism?
q anon believers are not only idiots, but as trump discovered on 6 jan they are not even useful idiots.

q himse;f? what did we do to tokyo rose and lord ha ha?
Here is something you should be concerned about... not the proud boys... your party is headed for ruins because of corruption....

FIRST ON FOX: Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., has continued shoveling campaign cash to her husband, Cortney Merritts, but altered the description of the payments amid scrutiny. She has sent over $100,000 to him since she added him to the campaign's payroll nearly two years ago.

According to new filings reviewed by Fox News Digital, Bush's committee paid Merritts $12,500 for "wage expenses" between July and August. Merritts previously gathered money for security services, but the committee switched their characterization in April as they continued to bring headaches for the campaign.

The new cash follows the $30,000 Bush's campaign paid him before the third quarter. So far this year, Merritts has received $42,500 from the committee. He's collected $102,500 since he first emerged on its payroll in January 2022.

The "Squad" member has said she requires protection due to previous attempts on her life and has paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to security firms on top of the earlier payments to her husband.

2020 is when it gained steam, idiot.
fascism requires a strong leader whom everyone must obey. only one man in the usa fits that description, and it ain't biden.

if biden has established a fascist dictatorship, where is trump buried? idiot. ignore list.
So where's the evidence that Bush acted like a petulant child?
The New Republicans weren't even a thing on the AM Radio back then. So no, he didn't act like Benedict Donald when he, the incumbent, lost. Bush showed a lot of integrity then.
q anon believers are not only idiots, but as trump discovered on 6 jan they are not even useful idiots.

q himse;f? what did we do to tokyo rose and lord ha ha?
There are probably 5 people in the world who claim to be members of Q-anon. That shows that the true eidiots are the progs who bleat constantly about Q-anon.
The New Republicans weren't even a thing on the AM Radio back then. So no, he didn't act like Benedict Donald when he, the incumbent, lost. Bush showed a lot of integrity then.
Unlike Hillary. She wasn't even an incumbent.
fascism requires a strong leader whom everyone must obey. only one man in the usa fits that description, and it ain't biden.

if biden has established a fascist dictatorship, where is trump buried? idiot. ignore list.
That's only how prog morons like you define it. Also, no one must obey Trump, If anyone fits that description, it's Biden the tyrant. He sentenced over 1000 people to long prison sentences for protesting the election. He also had the FBI telling big tech companies who to censor.

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