How far is too far after accusing Americans who put their lives in danger of being Nazi's?

The Latest: Clapper Speaks With Trump About Russia Report


Clapper had to call Trump to explain to him how Intelligence works. They have to make sure the President understands what is out there and report it to his dumb self.

This material came from outside the US. Our intelligence agencies never had control over it.

We have a crazy, narcissistic, trigger happy foaming at the mouth tard as the leader of the United States.

And his Republican base thinks this clown is going to bring automated jobs back? They are AUTOMATED.

Remember when he said instead of computers, we should use pad and pencil? Well I have news for him and his minions. AUTOMATION ISN'T GOING AWAY. Nope, it's here to stay.

Carrier is being automated and Trump made sure taxpayers are paying for it. And if anyone is close to Nazi's, it's Trump. Just ask the Mexicans.

Those jobs aren't automated in Germany. You are full of shit.

Why are you so stupid. You could look it up yourself nitwit. Don't you want to know the truth?

Carrier's parent company says Indiana jobs will be lost to automation: Politics Extra

Greg Hayes, CEO of Carrier's parent company United Technologies, was blunt. "We're going to make up [the] $16 million investment in that factory in Indianapolis to automate, to drive the cost down so that we can continue to be competitive. Now is it as cheap as moving to Mexico with lower cost of labor? No. But we will make that plant competitive just because we'll make the capital investments there," Hayes said. "But what that ultimately means is there will be fewer jobs."

That's from the CEO of the entire company dum dum.

I will say this using small words.

When some thing happens because of more than one reason, addressing one or two reasons can HELP even if it does not change EVERYTHING back.

Sure automation is part of it. So it outsourcing and massive imports.

We can get a lot of the jobs back.

Try to be less stupid.

You're the stupid one. Which part of "Most jobs lost to automation" don't you get?????????

Why robots, not trade, are behind so many factory job losses

But research shows that the automation of U.S. factories is a much bigger factor than foreign trade in the loss of factory jobs. A study at Ball State University's Center for Business and Economic Research last year found that trade accounted for just 13 percent of America's lost factory jobs. The vast majority of the lost jobs — 88 percent — were taken by robots and other homegrown factors that reduce factories' need for human labor.

13% ain't shit.

Read the article dum dum and then offer up info proving it's wrong.

Then explain why Germany has more than TWICE the level of US manufacturing employment.

The Latest: Clapper Speaks With Trump About Russia Report


Clapper had to call Trump to explain to him how Intelligence works. They have to make sure the President understands what is out there and report it to his dumb self.

This material came from outside the US. Our intelligence agencies never had control over it.

We have a crazy, narcissistic, trigger happy foaming at the mouth tard as the leader of the United States.

And his Republican base thinks this clown is going to bring automated jobs back? They are AUTOMATED.

Remember when he said instead of computers, we should use pad and pencil? Well I have news for him and his minions. AUTOMATION ISN'T GOING AWAY. Nope, it's here to stay.

Carrier is being automated and Trump made sure taxpayers are paying for it. And if anyone is close to Nazi's, it's Trump. Just ask the Mexicans.

Those jobs aren't automated in Germany. You are full of shit.

Why are you so stupid. You could look it up yourself nitwit. Don't you want to know the truth?

Carrier's parent company says Indiana jobs will be lost to automation: Politics Extra

Greg Hayes, CEO of Carrier's parent company United Technologies, was blunt. "We're going to make up [the] $16 million investment in that factory in Indianapolis to automate, to drive the cost down so that we can continue to be competitive. Now is it as cheap as moving to Mexico with lower cost of labor? No. But we will make that plant competitive just because we'll make the capital investments there," Hayes said. "But what that ultimately means is there will be fewer jobs."

That's from the CEO of the entire company dum dum.

I will say this using small words.

When some thing happens because of more than one reason, addressing one or two reasons can HELP even if it does not change EVERYTHING back.

Sure automation is part of it. So it outsourcing and massive imports.

We can get a lot of the jobs back.

Try to be less stupid.

You're the stupid one. Which part of "Most jobs lost to automation" don't you get?????????

Why robots, not trade, are behind so many factory job losses

But research shows that the automation of U.S. factories is a much bigger factor than foreign trade in the loss of factory jobs. A study at Ball State University's Center for Business and Economic Research last year found that trade accounted for just 13 percent of America's lost factory jobs. The vast majority of the lost jobs — 88 percent — were taken by robots and other homegrown factors that reduce factories' need for human labor.

13% ain't shit.

Read the article dum dum and then offer up info proving it's wrong.

Then explain why Germany has more than TWICE the level of US manufacturing employment.

I have no idea what you are talking about. The US has a population of over 320 million. Germany has 80 million. But their manufacturing is twice that of the US? How does that work?
Oh boy, yet another 'I hate Trump' thread-starter post from this same OP. Please USMB, can we put a limit on the flooding? These folks are killing the site.
How far is too far after accusing Americans who put their lives in danger of being Nazi's?

Naturally, Trump never said anything like that. But I don't expect little rdean to take that into account when he's trying to destroy Republicans.

The Latest: Clapper Speaks With Trump About Russia Report


Clapper had to call Trump to explain to him how Intelligence works. They have to make sure the President understands what is out there and report it to his dumb self.

This material came from outside the US. Our intelligence agencies never had control over it.

We have a crazy, narcissistic, trigger happy foaming at the mouth tard as the leader of the United States.

And his Republican base thinks this clown is going to bring automated jobs back? They are AUTOMATED.

Remember when he said instead of computers, we should use pad and pencil? Well I have news for him and his minions. AUTOMATION ISN'T GOING AWAY. Nope, it's here to stay.

Carrier is being automated and Trump made sure taxpayers are paying for it. And if anyone is close to Nazi's, it's Trump. Just ask the Mexicans.


The Latest: Clapper Speaks With Trump About Russia Report


Clapper had to call Trump to explain to him how Intelligence works. They have to make sure the President understands what is out there and report it to his dumb self.

This material came from outside the US. Our intelligence agencies never had control over it.

We have a crazy, narcissistic, trigger happy foaming at the mouth tard as the leader of the United States.

And his Republican base thinks this clown is going to bring automated jobs back? They are AUTOMATED.

Remember when he said instead of computers, we should use pad and pencil? Well I have news for him and his minions. AUTOMATION ISN'T GOING AWAY. Nope, it's here to stay.

Carrier is being automated and Trump made sure taxpayers are paying for it. And if anyone is close to Nazi's, it's Trump. Just ask the Mexicans.

The compromising information about Trump has NOT been proven to be fake news. Even James Clapper said tonight that it is unconfirmed.

WSJ Unmasks Ex-Spy Allegedly Responsible For Trump Dossier

"Unconfirmed" means it's fake.

It's not "confirmed" that Obama has sex with animals or that Moochelle is a man. According to you we can still report it as news.
How far is too far after accusing Americans who put their lives in danger of being Nazi's?

Naturally, Trump never said anything like that. But I don't expect little rdean to take that into account when he's trying to destroy Republicans.

Can't reason with em. They've gone butt-hurt insane. It's BHDS (Butt Hurt Derangement Syndrome). They're sickos. :cuckoo:
The military is FILLED with southerners whom you lefties compare to Nazis constantly. Hypocrite douche.
I have no idea what you are talking about.

As a veteran, I never heard anyone say that to me.

But we do know the American Nazi's heavily support Trump. The KKK, the Aryan Nation and the Alt Right all support Trump. Most of them are based in the Deep South, not the military.

How do you guys come up with your shit? It just occurs to you one day so you spew it?

We know that ISIS, convicted felons, child molesters and the communist party support Hillary.
"Americans who put their lives in danger of being Nazis"? What does that mean? Does anyone dispute the fact that Nazis circulated fake stories about their opponents in the German government? U.S. "intelligence agencies" aren't some sacred entity that is immune from criticism. Bill Clinton's "National Security Adviser" became a freaking thief stealing documents from the Archives and allegedly destroying them or selling them to foreign governments. It is the duty of the incoming administration to examine the "intelligence agencies" and if they are found to be nothing but political hacks to drain the freaking swamp.
Remember when the left used to accuse the military of being baby killers?

The Latest: Clapper Speaks With Trump About Russia Report


Clapper had to call Trump to explain to him how Intelligence works. They have to make sure the President understands what is out there and report it to his dumb self.

This material came from outside the US. Our intelligence agencies never had control over it.

We have a crazy, narcissistic, trigger happy foaming at the mouth tard as the leader of the United States.

And his Republican base thinks this clown is going to bring automated jobs back? They are AUTOMATED.

Remember when he said instead of computers, we should use pad and pencil? Well I have news for him and his minions. AUTOMATION ISN'T GOING AWAY. Nope, it's here to stay.

Carrier is being automated and Trump made sure taxpayers are paying for it. And if anyone is close to Nazi's, it's Trump. Just ask the Mexicans.

You're a Nazi....are you in danger?
Those jobs aren't automated in Germany. You are full of shit.
Why are you so stupid. You could look it up yourself nitwit. Don't you want to know the truth?

Carrier's parent company says Indiana jobs will be lost to automation: Politics Extra

Greg Hayes, CEO of Carrier's parent company United Technologies, was blunt. "We're going to make up [the] $16 million investment in that factory in Indianapolis to automate, to drive the cost down so that we can continue to be competitive. Now is it as cheap as moving to Mexico with lower cost of labor? No. But we will make that plant competitive just because we'll make the capital investments there," Hayes said. "But what that ultimately means is there will be fewer jobs."

That's from the CEO of the entire company dum dum.

I will say this using small words.

When some thing happens because of more than one reason, addressing one or two reasons can HELP even if it does not change EVERYTHING back.

Sure automation is part of it. So it outsourcing and massive imports.

We can get a lot of the jobs back.

Try to be less stupid.
You're the stupid one. Which part of "Most jobs lost to automation" don't you get?????????

Why robots, not trade, are behind so many factory job losses

But research shows that the automation of U.S. factories is a much bigger factor than foreign trade in the loss of factory jobs. A study at Ball State University's Center for Business and Economic Research last year found that trade accounted for just 13 percent of America's lost factory jobs. The vast majority of the lost jobs — 88 percent — were taken by robots and other homegrown factors that reduce factories' need for human labor.

13% ain't shit.

Read the article dum dum and then offer up info proving it's wrong.

Then explain why Germany has more than TWICE the level of US manufacturing employment.
I have no idea what you are talking about. The US has a population of over 320 million. Germany has 80 million. But their manufacturing is twice that of the US? How does that work?
Percentage wise, dumbass.
Why are you so stupid. You could look it up yourself nitwit. Don't you want to know the truth?

Carrier's parent company says Indiana jobs will be lost to automation: Politics Extra

Greg Hayes, CEO of Carrier's parent company United Technologies, was blunt. "We're going to make up [the] $16 million investment in that factory in Indianapolis to automate, to drive the cost down so that we can continue to be competitive. Now is it as cheap as moving to Mexico with lower cost of labor? No. But we will make that plant competitive just because we'll make the capital investments there," Hayes said. "But what that ultimately means is there will be fewer jobs."

That's from the CEO of the entire company dum dum.

I will say this using small words.

When some thing happens because of more than one reason, addressing one or two reasons can HELP even if it does not change EVERYTHING back.

Sure automation is part of it. So it outsourcing and massive imports.

We can get a lot of the jobs back.

Try to be less stupid.
You're the stupid one. Which part of "Most jobs lost to automation" don't you get?????????

Why robots, not trade, are behind so many factory job losses

But research shows that the automation of U.S. factories is a much bigger factor than foreign trade in the loss of factory jobs. A study at Ball State University's Center for Business and Economic Research last year found that trade accounted for just 13 percent of America's lost factory jobs. The vast majority of the lost jobs — 88 percent — were taken by robots and other homegrown factors that reduce factories' need for human labor.

13% ain't shit.

Read the article dum dum and then offer up info proving it's wrong.

Then explain why Germany has more than TWICE the level of US manufacturing employment.
I have no idea what you are talking about. The US has a population of over 320 million. Germany has 80 million. But their manufacturing is twice that of the US? How does that work?
Percentage wise, dumbass.
OK, so what are the percentages.

Before I retired, I worked for a company that had a sister company in Germany. Eventually, they moved all production entirely to this country. But the engineers for the German Product line stayed in Germany. Do you know why? And for how long?

So what ever you say about German manufacturing, make it good. I have some experience. I know the basics of German law concerning employment and unemployment and how it's different than here. So go ahead. Make my day.

The Latest: Clapper Speaks With Trump About Russia Report


Clapper had to call Trump to explain to him how Intelligence works. They have to make sure the President understands what is out there and report it to his dumb self.

This material came from outside the US. Our intelligence agencies never had control over it.

We have a crazy, narcissistic, trigger happy foaming at the mouth tard as the leader of the United States.

And his Republican base thinks this clown is going to bring automated jobs back? They are AUTOMATED.

Remember when he said instead of computers, we should use pad and pencil? Well I have news for him and his minions. AUTOMATION ISN'T GOING AWAY. Nope, it's here to stay.

Carrier is being automated and Trump made sure taxpayers are paying for it. And if anyone is close to Nazi's, it's Trump. Just ask the Mexicans.

I will say this using small words.

When some thing happens because of more than one reason, addressing one or two reasons can HELP even if it does not change EVERYTHING back.

Sure automation is part of it. So it outsourcing and massive imports.

We can get a lot of the jobs back.

Try to be less stupid.
You're the stupid one. Which part of "Most jobs lost to automation" don't you get?????????

Why robots, not trade, are behind so many factory job losses

But research shows that the automation of U.S. factories is a much bigger factor than foreign trade in the loss of factory jobs. A study at Ball State University's Center for Business and Economic Research last year found that trade accounted for just 13 percent of America's lost factory jobs. The vast majority of the lost jobs — 88 percent — were taken by robots and other homegrown factors that reduce factories' need for human labor.

13% ain't shit.

Read the article dum dum and then offer up info proving it's wrong.

Then explain why Germany has more than TWICE the level of US manufacturing employment.
I have no idea what you are talking about. The US has a population of over 320 million. Germany has 80 million. But their manufacturing is twice that of the US? How does that work?
Percentage wise, dumbass.
OK, so what are the percentages.

Before I retired, I worked for a company that had a sister company in Germany. Eventually, they moved all production entirely to this country. But the engineers for the German Product line stayed in Germany. Do you know why? And for how long?

So what ever you say about German manufacturing, make it good. I have some experience. I know the basics of German law concerning employment and unemployment and how it's different than here. So go ahead. Make my day.

The percentages are that Germany has TWICE the percentage of manufacturing employment than we do.

In the same global economy with the same automation technology that you cited.

How do they do that?

The Latest: Clapper Speaks With Trump About Russia Report


Clapper had to call Trump to explain to him how Intelligence works. They have to make sure the President understands what is out there and report it to his dumb self.

This material came from outside the US. Our intelligence agencies never had control over it.

We have a crazy, narcissistic, trigger happy foaming at the mouth tard as the leader of the United States.

And his Republican base thinks this clown is going to bring automated jobs back? They are AUTOMATED.

Remember when he said instead of computers, we should use pad and pencil? Well I have news for him and his minions. AUTOMATION ISN'T GOING AWAY. Nope, it's here to stay.

Carrier is being automated and Trump made sure taxpayers are paying for it. And if anyone is close to Nazi's, it's Trump. Just ask the Mexicans.

Yeah, you'd hope a President would have the brains to find out the information BEFORE telling everyone about it on Twitter.
You're the stupid one. Which part of "Most jobs lost to automation" don't you get?????????

Why robots, not trade, are behind so many factory job losses

But research shows that the automation of U.S. factories is a much bigger factor than foreign trade in the loss of factory jobs. A study at Ball State University's Center for Business and Economic Research last year found that trade accounted for just 13 percent of America's lost factory jobs. The vast majority of the lost jobs — 88 percent — were taken by robots and other homegrown factors that reduce factories' need for human labor.

13% ain't shit.

Read the article dum dum and then offer up info proving it's wrong.

Then explain why Germany has more than TWICE the level of US manufacturing employment.
I have no idea what you are talking about. The US has a population of over 320 million. Germany has 80 million. But their manufacturing is twice that of the US? How does that work?
Percentage wise, dumbass.
OK, so what are the percentages.

Before I retired, I worked for a company that had a sister company in Germany. Eventually, they moved all production entirely to this country. But the engineers for the German Product line stayed in Germany. Do you know why? And for how long?

So what ever you say about German manufacturing, make it good. I have some experience. I know the basics of German law concerning employment and unemployment and how it's different than here. So go ahead. Make my day.

The percentages are that Germany has TWICE the percentage of manufacturing employment than we do.

In the same global economy with the same automation technology that you cited.

How do they do that?

Why using their brains. In Germany it's called education, in the US it's called "indoctrination".
Nothing is too far for the Groper Elect. He said so himself. He could murder someone in the street, on camera, and his ardent supporters would still fawn all over him like he was the second coming of their Savior.

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