How Far Will the SCOTUS Go On Behalf of Muslims ?

This means any person wearing anything can sue the employer of their choice for wearing whatever they want even if it is not conforming to that employers rules. Sorry that's not gonna fly. People get sent home from school and asked to turn their shirts inside out at schools and other events. So why can this woman wear her headdress or other? So will A&F hire nuns next. I think not... just wait for the business to go under when that store is not having the foot traffic it once had. Where is this store Dubai?

No it does not.

It only - ONLY - means that the employer must make an allowance for "reasonable accommodation" for religion. Period. Religion and reasonable being the key terms. For example, this case:

Tattoos Facial Piercings and Employment Discrimination Law Office of Matthew Stoloff

In early 2001, Costco implemented a “no facial jewelry” policy to improve its professional image.

When Costco began enforcing its policy in mid-2001, Ms. Cloutier explained for the first time that she was a member of the Church of Body Modification and that her religion prohibited her from removing her eyebrow piercing.

Ms. Cloutier subsequently filed a complaint, alleging that she was discriminated against on the basis of her religion under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and state law. For whatever reason, Ms. Cloutier made a decision not to return to work until the complaint was resolved. Approximately two weeks after the complaint was filed, however, Costco terminated Ms. Cloutier for unexcused absences and for failing to follow the dress code.

At a mediation session, Costco offered Ms. Cloutier her job back, provided that Ms. Cloutier agreed to do one of two things: replace the eyebrow piercing with a clear plastic retainer (to prevent the hole from closing) or cover the eyebrow piercing with a bandage. (pp. 6-7) Ms. Cloutier refused either accommodation because she believed that removing or covering the eyebrow piercing violated the tenets of the Church of Body Modification.

The case went to federal court and Costco won.

On appeal in 2004, the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit noted that there was nothing in the tenets of the Church of Body Modification that required that “body modifications had to be visible at all times or that removing body modifications would violate a religious tenet.” (p. 5) As such, the accommodations Costco proposed would not “violate any of the established tenets” of the Church of Body Modification. (p. 9)

Ultimately, the court affirmed the lower court’s opinion, holding that Costco offered a reasonable accommodation, and that creating an exception in the no facial jewelry policy would create an undue hardship for Costco. In other words, Costco must maintain a neat, clean and professional appearance to attract and retain customers; and creating an exception for Ms. Coultier would adversely affect that image. (p. 22
I would guess that if a Muslim women insisted on a full burka, that would be regarded as an undue hardship for A&F, but a scarf is a reasonable accommodation.
Why would the full burka be any more of a hardship for A & F than the hijab ? Both are violation of the "look policy"

Two words: "Reasonable Accommodation" (geez how many times do I need to repeat that?)

PS - I'm starting a new religion/church (Church of Protectionism). I will make up the rules as I go along. NO ONE can discriminate against my religion. I can do anything I want, and if anybody doesn't like it, TOUGH!

If they give me any trouble I'll sic the Supreme Court on them. :biggrin:

Well you know what sweetie? You have every right to do so...after all, every religion started somewhere with someone. However....I'm sad to inform one said you could do "anything you want".

Human sacrifices and public nude orgies might not fly.
1. Both are violation of the "look policy" (geez how many times do I need to repeat that?)

2. The SCOTUS said Elauf could do what SHE wanted (despite a company's rule against it), and they gave religion as the reason. So if she can get away with that, why not ANY religion, and as the title of this thread asks >> How far will the SCOTUS go ?
It is not true that the hijab was i violation of the Look Policy, because the Supreme Court just told you that Hijab is an exception to such policy pursuant to Title Vll.

Law of the USA > Policy of a clothing store.
This has nothing to do with the SCOTUS. A criminal act was performed - religion had nothing to do with it - and the perps arrested including a number of (OMG) non-Muslims and this guy who is not a CAIR leader and is not even associated with CAIR anymore

Can we say "grasping for straws"?

No you CAN'T say that. :lol:

1. I didn't say religion had anything to do with it. I said CAIR (a Muslim Brotherhood front group had something to do with it)

2. As for Ahmad Saleem being a CAIR leader or not, isn't it interesting that you come popping in here saying he's not a CAIR leader. How do YOU know so much about CAIR, and this pervert ? And what would it matter if he is or isn't currently with CAIR? He was up until he got himself arrested a few days ago. And you're saying he's "not even associated with CAIR anymore" only because they have disassociated with him since this arrest, this week, right ? (removed their description of him from their website)

Here's what the CAIR website said about him up until right after his arrest >>

Ahmad Saleem

Ahmad Saleem
Orlando Regional Coordinator
[email protected]

Ahmad Saleem is an active community organizer in Orlando, Florida. He is responsible for spreading CAIR Florida's impact and presence in the Orlando community which includes serving and protecting the civil rights of the community as well as maintaining healthy relationships with other Muslim organizations, nonprofit organizations, government entities, and the media. He is the son of Pakistani immigrants. His father, a pediatrician, and his mother, a school teacher, instilled in Ahmad the joy of caring for others and serving them wholeheartedly with love and dedication.

He graduated with a degree in Psychology from the University of Central Florida (UCF). During his time there, he led many initiatives via his leadership of the Muslim Student Association at UCF. This included hosting or speaking at events such as "Islam and the West," "Arab and Muslim Americans and the Elections," "Islam and the World," and many other timely topic events. He helped raise awareness for his community members to vote and was, and still is, an active part of organizing the Florida Muslim Capitol Day that is held annually.

He also started an initiative called Project Friendship where he worked with people of other faiths and groups to meet and socialize with the intention to break barriers and to help build bridges between one another. During his time building these projects, Ahmad was able to develop a strong sense of awareness of American community dynamics and aims to apply this new knowledge and treasured experience to better serve our nation.

Apart from being the former MSA president at UCF, he was the MSA National service director, a board member of Muslim Youth Project USA, a student of many learned scholars from across the world, and is a motivational speaker who has been invited to speak throughout the country.

Mr. Saleem is the founder of Saleem Academy, an organization dedicated to empowering Muslim youth globally. Under it, he has conducted his "Inspired by the Quran" and "Muslim Youth Survival Guide" weekend seminars. In addition, he has also created many empowering online videos and courses. He continues to actively engage in any educational or community building efforts that he can to help uplift and raise American and global communities to new heights.

Ahmad regularly lectures on issues related to activism and Islam and Muslims in the West. He has taught on subjects that range from political activism, Islamic belief, history, spirituality, culture, and many more. He hopes to see a world where bridges are built to close the gap between people of different faiths and races and statuses, in the spirit of celebrating diversity and focusing on and appreciating the similarities and differences that unite us.

Ahmad passionately believes in America's ideals for justice and equality and happiness for all and hopes to help resurrect the practice of those ideals in the present time. He feels that Islamophobia is a serious danger to Americans and not in line with the spirit of our Founding Fathers and that it needs to be stopped as soon as possible. He believes that by eliminating Islamophobia is the only way to bring a peaceful domestic and global future for everyone. "There is no better time than now," he says, "for us to make a genuine truce between one another, to resolve our differences, and to live happily alongside one another as a peaceful, loving, and diverse community."
Show me where they said she could "do what she wanted".
She won the case. (which was about her WANTING to wear that rag on her head).
This has nothing to do with the SCOTUS. A criminal act was performed - religion had nothing to do with it - and the perps arrested including a number of (OMG) non-Muslims and this guy who is not a CAIR leader and is not even associated with CAIR anymore

Can we say "grasping for straws"?

No you CAN'T say that. :lol:

1. I didn't say religion had anything to do with it. I said CAIR (a Muslim Brotherhood front group had something to do with it)

2. As for Ahmad Saleem being a CAIR leader or not, isn't it interesting that you come popping in here saying he's not a CAIR leader. How do YOU know so much about CAIR, and this pervert ? And what would it matter if he is or isn't currently with CAIR? He was up until he got himself arrested a few days ago. And you're saying he's "not even associated with CAIR anymore" only because they have disassociated with him since this arrest, this week, right ? (removed their description of him from their website)

Here's what the CAIR website said about him up until right after his arrest >>

Ahmad Saleem

Ahmad Saleem
Orlando Regional Coordinator
[email protected]

Ahmad Saleem is an active community organizer in Orlando, Florida. He is responsible for spreading CAIR Florida's impact and presence in the Orlando community which includes serving and protecting the civil rights of the community as well as maintaining healthy relationships with other Muslim organizations, nonprofit organizations, government entities, and the media. He is the son of Pakistani immigrants. His father, a pediatrician, and his mother, a school teacher, instilled in Ahmad the joy of caring for others and serving them wholeheartedly with love and dedication.

He graduated with a degree in Psychology from the University of Central Florida (UCF). During his time there, he led many initiatives via his leadership of the Muslim Student Association at UCF. This included hosting or speaking at events such as "Islam and the West," "Arab and Muslim Americans and the Elections," "Islam and the World," and many other timely topic events. He helped raise awareness for his community members to vote and was, and still is, an active part of organizing the Florida Muslim Capitol Day that is held annually.

He also started an initiative called Project Friendship where he worked with people of other faiths and groups to meet and socialize with the intention to break barriers and to help build bridges between one another. During his time building these projects, Ahmad was able to develop a strong sense of awareness of American community dynamics and aims to apply this new knowledge and treasured experience to better serve our nation.

Apart from being the former MSA president at UCF, he was the MSA National service director, a board member of Muslim Youth Project USA, a student of many learned scholars from across the world, and is a motivational speaker who has been invited to speak throughout the country.

Mr. Saleem is the founder of Saleem Academy, an organization dedicated to empowering Muslim youth globally. Under it, he has conducted his "Inspired by the Quran" and "Muslim Youth Survival Guide" weekend seminars. In addition, he has also created many empowering online videos and courses. He continues to actively engage in any educational or community building efforts that he can to help uplift and raise American and global communities to new heights.

Ahmad regularly lectures on issues related to activism and Islam and Muslims in the West. He has taught on subjects that range from political activism, Islamic belief, history, spirituality, culture, and many more. He hopes to see a world where bridges are built to close the gap between people of different faiths and races and statuses, in the spirit of celebrating diversity and focusing on and appreciating the similarities and differences that unite us.

Ahmad passionately believes in America's ideals for justice and equality and happiness for all and hopes to help resurrect the practice of those ideals in the present time. He feels that Islamophobia is a serious danger to Americans and not in line with the spirit of our Founding Fathers and that it needs to be stopped as soon as possible. He believes that by eliminating Islamophobia is the only way to bring a peaceful domestic and global future for everyone. "There is no better time than now," he says, "for us to make a genuine truce between one another, to resolve our differences, and to live happily alongside one another as a peaceful, loving, and diverse community."

Muslim Youth Leader Ahmed Saleem Arrested In Child Sex Predator Sting Orlando Activist Worked For Council On American-Islamic Relations

A Muslim leader who worked with teenagers was arrested Tuesday in a sex predator sting after he reportedly tried to have sex with a 12-year-old girl. Ahmed Saleem, a former community organizer for the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Orlando, was arrested after he attempted to meet up with detectives posing as a girl.

The bust also saw 100 other people arrested after detectives in Polk and Lake counties in Florida posed as children between the ages of 12 and 14. They used a vacant house and chat forums to pose as a child, or someone looking for prostitution. Theme park workers at Universal Orlando and SeaWorld, and a Disney World cast member, were also arrested in the operation named "Operation: L and P" — for Lake and Polk counties.

By the way - what is the link for what you quoted?
Show me where they said she could "do what she wanted".
She won the case. (which was about her WANTING to wear that rag on her head).

First off - the case wasn't about her "doing what she wanted" - you did get that part right?

If you still think it was then please, show me the SCOTUS discussion on that :)
It is not true that the hijab was i violation of the Look Policy, because the Supreme Court just told you that Hijab is an exception to such policy pursuant to Title Vll.

Law of the USA > Policy of a clothing store.
FALSE! The hijab violated the company's "look policy" What do you think we're all talking about here ? Are you getting enough sleep ? :rolleyes-41:
This has nothing to do with the SCOTUS. A criminal act was performed - religion had nothing to do with it - and the perps arrested including a number of (OMG) non-Muslims and this guy who is not a CAIR leader and is not even associated with CAIR anymore

Can we say "grasping for straws"?

No you CAN'T say that. :lol:

1. I didn't say religion had anything to do with it. I said CAIR (a Muslim Brotherhood front group had something to do with it)

2. As for Ahmad Saleem being a CAIR leader or not, isn't it interesting that you come popping in here saying he's not a CAIR leader. How do YOU know so much about CAIR, and this pervert ? And what would it matter if he is or isn't currently with CAIR? He was up until he got himself arrested a few days ago. And you're saying he's "not even associated with CAIR anymore" only because they have disassociated with him since this arrest, this week, right ? (removed their description of him from their website)

Here's what the CAIR website said about him up until right after his arrest >>

Ahmad Saleem

Ahmad Saleem
Orlando Regional Coordinator
[email protected]

Ahmad Saleem is an active community organizer in Orlando, Florida. He is responsible for spreading CAIR Florida's impact and presence in the Orlando community which includes serving and protecting the civil rights of the community as well as maintaining healthy relationships with other Muslim organizations, nonprofit organizations, government entities, and the media. He is the son of Pakistani immigrants. His father, a pediatrician, and his mother, a school teacher, instilled in Ahmad the joy of caring for others and serving them wholeheartedly with love and dedication.

He graduated with a degree in Psychology from the University of Central Florida (UCF). During his time there, he led many initiatives via his leadership of the Muslim Student Association at UCF. This included hosting or speaking at events such as "Islam and the West," "Arab and Muslim Americans and the Elections," "Islam and the World," and many other timely topic events. He helped raise awareness for his community members to vote and was, and still is, an active part of organizing the Florida Muslim Capitol Day that is held annually.

He also started an initiative called Project Friendship where he worked with people of other faiths and groups to meet and socialize with the intention to break barriers and to help build bridges between one another. During his time building these projects, Ahmad was able to develop a strong sense of awareness of American community dynamics and aims to apply this new knowledge and treasured experience to better serve our nation.

Apart from being the former MSA president at UCF, he was the MSA National service director, a board member of Muslim Youth Project USA, a student of many learned scholars from across the world, and is a motivational speaker who has been invited to speak throughout the country.

Mr. Saleem is the founder of Saleem Academy, an organization dedicated to empowering Muslim youth globally. Under it, he has conducted his "Inspired by the Quran" and "Muslim Youth Survival Guide" weekend seminars. In addition, he has also created many empowering online videos and courses. He continues to actively engage in any educational or community building efforts that he can to help uplift and raise American and global communities to new heights.

Ahmad regularly lectures on issues related to activism and Islam and Muslims in the West. He has taught on subjects that range from political activism, Islamic belief, history, spirituality, culture, and many more. He hopes to see a world where bridges are built to close the gap between people of different faiths and races and statuses, in the spirit of celebrating diversity and focusing on and appreciating the similarities and differences that unite us.

Ahmad passionately believes in America's ideals for justice and equality and happiness for all and hopes to help resurrect the practice of those ideals in the present time. He feels that Islamophobia is a serious danger to Americans and not in line with the spirit of our Founding Fathers and that it needs to be stopped as soon as possible. He believes that by eliminating Islamophobia is the only way to bring a peaceful domestic and global future for everyone. "There is no better time than now," he says, "for us to make a genuine truce between one another, to resolve our differences, and to live happily alongside one another as a peaceful, loving, and diverse community."

Muslim Youth Leader Ahmed Saleem Arrested In Child Sex Predator Sting Orlando Activist Worked For Council On American-Islamic Relations

A Muslim leader who worked with teenagers was arrested Tuesday in a sex predator sting after he reportedly tried to have sex with a 12-year-old girl. Ahmed Saleem, a former community organizer for the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Orlando, was arrested after he attempted to meet up with detectives posing as a girl.

The bust also saw 100 other people arrested after detectives in Polk and Lake counties in Florida posed as children between the ages of 12 and 14. They used a vacant house and chat forums to pose as a child, or someone looking for prostitution. Theme park workers at Universal Orlando and SeaWorld, and a Disney World cast member, were also arrested in the operation named "Operation: L and P" — for Lake and Polk counties.

By the way - what is the link for what you quoted?
So you just confirmed what I said. He was a CAIR leader in Orlando. And, lke I said, now that this has happened CAIR has taken down his blurb from their website.

Link is same as yours. :biggrin:
First off - the case wasn't about her "doing what she wanted" - you did get that part right?

If you still think it was then please, show me the SCOTUS discussion on that :)
Sure it was. She wanted to wear the rag on her head, and they said it violated their "look policy"

Islamapologists are always trying to redefine things. :laugh:
This has nothing to do with the SCOTUS. A criminal act was performed - religion had nothing to do with it - and the perps arrested including a number of (OMG) non-Muslims and this guy who is not a CAIR leader and is not even associated with CAIR anymore

Can we say "grasping for straws"?

No you CAN'T say that. :lol:

1. I didn't say religion had anything to do with it. I said CAIR (a Muslim Brotherhood front group had something to do with it)

2. As for Ahmad Saleem being a CAIR leader or not, isn't it interesting that you come popping in here saying he's not a CAIR leader. How do YOU know so much about CAIR, and this pervert ? And what would it matter if he is or isn't currently with CAIR? He was up until he got himself arrested a few days ago. And you're saying he's "not even associated with CAIR anymore" only because they have disassociated with him since this arrest, this week, right ? (removed their description of him from their website)

Here's what the CAIR website said about him up until right after his arrest >>

Ahmad Saleem

Ahmad Saleem
Orlando Regional Coordinator
[email protected]

Ahmad Saleem is an active community organizer in Orlando, Florida. He is responsible for spreading CAIR Florida's impact and presence in the Orlando community which includes serving and protecting the civil rights of the community as well as maintaining healthy relationships with other Muslim organizations, nonprofit organizations, government entities, and the media. He is the son of Pakistani immigrants. His father, a pediatrician, and his mother, a school teacher, instilled in Ahmad the joy of caring for others and serving them wholeheartedly with love and dedication.

He graduated with a degree in Psychology from the University of Central Florida (UCF). During his time there, he led many initiatives via his leadership of the Muslim Student Association at UCF. This included hosting or speaking at events such as "Islam and the West," "Arab and Muslim Americans and the Elections," "Islam and the World," and many other timely topic events. He helped raise awareness for his community members to vote and was, and still is, an active part of organizing the Florida Muslim Capitol Day that is held annually.

He also started an initiative called Project Friendship where he worked with people of other faiths and groups to meet and socialize with the intention to break barriers and to help build bridges between one another. During his time building these projects, Ahmad was able to develop a strong sense of awareness of American community dynamics and aims to apply this new knowledge and treasured experience to better serve our nation.

Apart from being the former MSA president at UCF, he was the MSA National service director, a board member of Muslim Youth Project USA, a student of many learned scholars from across the world, and is a motivational speaker who has been invited to speak throughout the country.

Mr. Saleem is the founder of Saleem Academy, an organization dedicated to empowering Muslim youth globally. Under it, he has conducted his "Inspired by the Quran" and "Muslim Youth Survival Guide" weekend seminars. In addition, he has also created many empowering online videos and courses. He continues to actively engage in any educational or community building efforts that he can to help uplift and raise American and global communities to new heights.

Ahmad regularly lectures on issues related to activism and Islam and Muslims in the West. He has taught on subjects that range from political activism, Islamic belief, history, spirituality, culture, and many more. He hopes to see a world where bridges are built to close the gap between people of different faiths and races and statuses, in the spirit of celebrating diversity and focusing on and appreciating the similarities and differences that unite us.

Ahmad passionately believes in America's ideals for justice and equality and happiness for all and hopes to help resurrect the practice of those ideals in the present time. He feels that Islamophobia is a serious danger to Americans and not in line with the spirit of our Founding Fathers and that it needs to be stopped as soon as possible. He believes that by eliminating Islamophobia is the only way to bring a peaceful domestic and global future for everyone. "There is no better time than now," he says, "for us to make a genuine truce between one another, to resolve our differences, and to live happily alongside one another as a peaceful, loving, and diverse community."

Muslim Youth Leader Ahmed Saleem Arrested In Child Sex Predator Sting Orlando Activist Worked For Council On American-Islamic Relations

A Muslim leader who worked with teenagers was arrested Tuesday in a sex predator sting after he reportedly tried to have sex with a 12-year-old girl. Ahmed Saleem, a former community organizer for the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Orlando, was arrested after he attempted to meet up with detectives posing as a girl.

The bust also saw 100 other people arrested after detectives in Polk and Lake counties in Florida posed as children between the ages of 12 and 14. They used a vacant house and chat forums to pose as a child, or someone looking for prostitution. Theme park workers at Universal Orlando and SeaWorld, and a Disney World cast member, were also arrested in the operation named "Operation: L and P" — for Lake and Polk counties.

By the way - what is the link for what you quoted?
So you just confirmed what I said. He was a CAIR leader in Orlando. And, lke I said, now that this has happened CAIR has taken down his blurb from their website.

You said "is" the article said "was".
First off - the case wasn't about her "doing what she wanted" - you did get that part right?

If you still think it was then please, show me the SCOTUS discussion on that :)
Sure it was. She wanted to wear the rag on her head, and they said it violated their "look policy"

Islamapologists are always trying to redefine things. :laugh:

Admit it, you can't back up your claim :lol:
Protectionist is reported for trolling his own thread.

He has show absolutely on this thread to show that SCOTUS favors Muslims.

The comments about pedophilia are ludicrous.
Pedophilia is accepted in the Koran (Sura 65:4) You know nothing about Islam, other than Islamist propaganda programming, and you've swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. :biggrin:
This means any person wearing anything can sue the employer of their choice for wearing whatever they want even if it is not conforming to that employers rules. Sorry that's not gonna fly. People get sent home from school and asked to turn their shirts inside out at schools and other events. So why can this woman wear her headdress or other? So will A&F hire nuns next. I think not... just wait for the business to go under when that store is not having the foot traffic it once had. Where is this store Dubai?

No it does not.

It only - ONLY - means that the employer must make an allowance for "reasonable accommodation" for religion. Period. Religion and reasonable being the key terms. For example, this case:

Tattoos Facial Piercings and Employment Discrimination Law Office of Matthew Stoloff

In early 2001, Costco implemented a “no facial jewelry” policy to improve its professional image.

When Costco began enforcing its policy in mid-2001, Ms. Cloutier explained for the first time that she was a member of the Church of Body Modification and that her religion prohibited her from removing her eyebrow piercing.

Ms. Cloutier subsequently filed a complaint, alleging that she was discriminated against on the basis of her religion under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and state law. For whatever reason, Ms. Cloutier made a decision not to return to work until the complaint was resolved. Approximately two weeks after the complaint was filed, however, Costco terminated Ms. Cloutier for unexcused absences and for failing to follow the dress code.

At a mediation session, Costco offered Ms. Cloutier her job back, provided that Ms. Cloutier agreed to do one of two things: replace the eyebrow piercing with a clear plastic retainer (to prevent the hole from closing) or cover the eyebrow piercing with a bandage. (pp. 6-7) Ms. Cloutier refused either accommodation because she believed that removing or covering the eyebrow piercing violated the tenets of the Church of Body Modification.

The case went to federal court and Costco won.

On appeal in 2004, the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit noted that there was nothing in the tenets of the Church of Body Modification that required that “body modifications had to be visible at all times or that removing body modifications would violate a religious tenet.” (p. 5) As such, the accommodations Costco proposed would not “violate any of the established tenets” of the Church of Body Modification. (p. 9)

Ultimately, the court affirmed the lower court’s opinion, holding that Costco offered a reasonable accommodation, and that creating an exception in the no facial jewelry policy would create an undue hardship for Costco. In other words, Costco must maintain a neat, clean and professional appearance to attract and retain customers; and creating an exception for Ms. Coultier would adversely affect that image. (p. 22
I would guess that if a Muslim women insisted on a full burka, that would be regarded as an undue hardship for A&F, but a scarf is a reasonable accommodation.
Why would the full burka be any more of a hardship for A & F than the hijab ? Both are violation of the "look policy"

Two words: "Reasonable Accommodation" (geez how many times do I need to repeat that?)

PS - I'm starting a new religion/church (Church of Protectionism). I will make up the rules as I go along. NO ONE can discriminate against my religion. I can do anything I want, and if anybody doesn't like it, TOUGH!

If they give me any trouble I'll sic the Supreme Court on them. :biggrin:

Well you know what sweetie? You have every right to do so...after all, every religion started somewhere with someone. However....I'm sad to inform one said you could do "anything you want".

Human sacrifices and public nude orgies might not fly.
1. Both are violation of the "look policy" (geez how many times do I need to repeat that?)

2. The SCOTUS said Elauf could do what SHE wanted (despite a company's rule against it), and they gave religion as the reason. So if she can get away with that, why not ANY religion, and as the title of this thread asks >> How far will the SCOTUS go ?
SCOTUS said no such thing, only you said she could do whatever she wanted. You have not even read the opinion.
Your obsession with your so-called "Islamization Quiz" is duly noted.
I only mentioned it because Joke said >> "Protectionist has shown clearly he does not know Islam"

Not hard to see where he got the name "Joke" from. As are all ignorant Islamapologists who know little or nothing about Islam and Islamization.
An attack on character :lol: reveals you can't support your OP. You know so little about Islam.
You said "is" the article said "was".

HA HA. So you're going to say it makes an iota of difference that CAIR has removed the guy from their website ?
He is an example of Muslim pedophilia, in or out of their website.

And I'll wager that while CAIR publicly disassociates themselves from him privately, they're in constant telephone contact with him, paying his legal expenses, and doing everything they can to get him off the hook.

That will be te next edition of this funny story, coming soon to your local newspaper. Don't miss it!
It is not true that the hijab was i violation of the Look Policy, because the Supreme Court just told you that Hijab is an exception to such policy pursuant to Title Vll.

Law of the USA > Policy of a clothing store.
FALSE! The hijab violated the company's "look policy" What do you think we're all talking about here ? Are you getting enough sleep ? :rolleyes-41:
Title VII outweighs the company policy when it comes to reasonable accommodation. A company cannot violate certain of your rights.
Failure by deflection. You now admit you lied that SCOTUS said she could do whatever she wanted. Podjo, she can wear her head scarf.
Failure by bullshit. What is this "now admit" poppycock ? SCOTUS said she could do what she wanted. She can wear her head scarf.

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