How Franklin Roosevelt Made Memorial Day Necessary

Germans WANTED to surrender to Patton and the US but the USA was following orders set by the Kremlin.

In fact, we weren't even allowed to enter Berlin until "Uncle Joe" was ready

FDR, Truman and Ike were all essentially working for Stalin

right----the perception of the lovers of the third REICH------something like the perception of the lovers of Papa and baby ASSAD---today-

against it-----is PRO AL QAEDA

The LOVERS OF THE THIRD REICH insist that anyone who was against it-----was a lover of COMMUNIST MURDERER STALIN

that's it, crusader? "funny"-----c'mon-----you know that your crusade is------as in days of old----for the GLORY OF THE REICH (aka holy roman empire)

As usual...when you have lost the argument based on fact....what ineluctably follows is the claim that any who hate communists must be Nazis.

Remember earlier when I identified you a a low-life lying gutter snipe?


In fact----at no point in this entire discussion OR on this entire message board OR in my entire life------have I ever stated or even hinted that "anyone who hates communists must be
a Nazi" Your statement -----chic-------is typical of both THIRD REICH TOTALITARIANISM ------and COMMUNIST TOTALITARIANISM The communist purges were nothing more than REICH INQUSITION auto de fe 's which morphed into your all time fave ----AUSCHWITZ auto de fe

You wrote this, you lying low-life:

"right----the perception of the lovers of the third REICH------something like the perception of the lovers of Papa and baby ASSAD---today-

against it-----is PRO AL QAEDA

The LOVERS OF THE THIRD REICH insist that anyone who was against it-----was a lover of COMMUNIST MURDERER STALIN"

Now get back under that rock.

your post is an admission that you are a lying piece of shit. I have described the accusations of shit Nazis like you and shit Baathist pigs like------ASSAD LOVERS. Interestingly------BAATHISTS are very much supported by RUSSIAN COMMUNISTS.
BAATHISM is------nationalist arabist socialism- examples being GAMAL ABDEL NASSER-------<<<Nazi ---armed and supported by COMMUNIST RUSSIA------Baathists in Yemen ----the party that kept a civil war going for more than 50 years and SUPPORTED BY GANAL ABDEL NASSER, SADDAM HUSSEIN---genocidal maniac who wiped hundreds of thousands of kurds and Shiites off the face of the earth------and your all time fave Nazi scum-----Papa and Baby ASSAD (supported by Russia)
But wait, even the British had a chance to have Germany surrender when in 1941 Rudolf Hess flew to Scotland to negotiate a surrender and peace treaty and the English imprisoned Rudolf and did not further negotiate with Hitler...Churchill was a pinko also..

.....none of the Roosevelt boot-lickers have made any attempt at explaining.....
...much less excusing....

....Roosevelt's exchange of 200,000 American servicemen's lives simply for facilitating Soviet Communism's expansion.

In short.....what did America gain by not supporting the German resistance movement, which would have turned Hitler over to the Allies, ended the war at least two years earlier than it ended, .....

....and all it would have cost the world is the absence of the Cold War, no Korean nor Vietnam Wars, and no Soviet occupation of Eastern Europe.

A brutally simply question that none of the Roosevelt boot-lickers dared answer.
Your questions and claims have been answered and refuted multiple times by multiple posters. You simply evade addressing the answers and refutes and re-post the same question as if it had not been responded to. That is why your dopey anti-FDR threads always turn into degenerating into you just calling people names, lyings and re-posting the same debunked crap over and over.
now-----Hess died-----Nazis remain frustrated ---still seeking THIRD HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE
But wait, even the British had a chance to have Germany surrender when in 1941 Rudolf Hess flew to Scotland to negotiate a surrender and peace treaty and the English imprisoned Rudolf and did not further negotiate with Hitler...Churchill was a pinko also..

.....none of the Roosevelt boot-lickers have made any attempt at explaining.....
...much less excusing....

....Roosevelt's exchange of 200,000 American servicemen's lives simply for facilitating Soviet Communism's expansion.

In short.....what did America gain by not supporting the German resistance movement, which would have turned Hitler over to the Allies, ended the war at least two years earlier than it ended, .....

....and all it would have cost the world is the absence of the Cold War, no Korean nor Vietnam Wars, and no Soviet occupation of Eastern Europe.

A brutally simply question that none of the Roosevelt boot-lickers dared answer.
Your questions and claims have been answered and refuted multiple times by multiple posters. You simply evade addressing the answers and refutes and re-post the same question as if it had not been responded to. That is why your dopey anti-FDR threads always turn into degenerating into you just calling people names, lyings and re-posting the same debunked crap over and over.

I think chic can EXPLAIN why she feels frustrated with the fact that the US refused
to enter into a DEAL with Germany making
England a vassal state to the great and Glorious third REICH and rejecting any involvement with Russian opposition to the
GREAT AND GLORIOUS THIRD REICH and ----actually acting as an ENEMY to Russia in ALLIANCE with the THIRD REICH
But wait, even the British had a chance to have Germany surrender when in 1941 Rudolf Hess flew to Scotland to negotiate a surrender and peace treaty and the English imprisoned Rudolf and did not further negotiate with Hitler...Churchill was a pinko also..

.....none of the Roosevelt boot-lickers have made any attempt at explaining.....
...much less excusing....

....Roosevelt's exchange of 200,000 American servicemen's lives simply for facilitating Soviet Communism's expansion.

In short.....what did America gain by not supporting the German resistance movement, which would have turned Hitler over to the Allies, ended the war at least two years earlier than it ended, .....

....and all it would have cost the world is the absence of the Cold War, no Korean nor Vietnam Wars, and no Soviet occupation of Eastern Europe.

A brutally simply question that none of the Roosevelt boot-lickers dared answer.
Your questions and claims have been answered and refuted multiple times by multiple posters. You simply evade addressing the answers and refutes and re-post the same question as if it had not been responded to. That is why your dopey anti-FDR threads always turn into degenerating into you just calling people names, lyings and re-posting the same debunked crap over and over.

Your questions and claims have been answered and refuted multiple times by multiple posters.


Well...then how about you provide a few of those answers....

Actually.....none of the Roosevelt boot-lickers have made any attempt at explaining.....
...much less excusing....

....Roosevelt's exchange of 200,000 American servicemen's lives simply for facilitating Soviet Communism's expansion.

In short.....what did America gain by not supporting the German resistance movement, which would have turned Hitler over to the Allies, ended the war at least two years earlier than it ended, .....

....and all it would have cost the world is the absence of the Cold War, no Korean nor Vietnam Wars, and no Soviet occupation of Eastern Europe.

A brutally simply question that none of the Roosevelt boot-lickers dared answer.

Caught you lying again, huh?
But wait, even the British had a chance to have Germany surrender when in 1941 Rudolf Hess flew to Scotland to negotiate a surrender and peace treaty and the English imprisoned Rudolf and did not further negotiate with Hitler...Churchill was a pinko also..

.....none of the Roosevelt boot-lickers have made any attempt at explaining.....
...much less excusing....

....Roosevelt's exchange of 200,000 American servicemen's lives simply for facilitating Soviet Communism's expansion.

In short.....what did America gain by not supporting the German resistance movement, which would have turned Hitler over to the Allies, ended the war at least two years earlier than it ended, .....

....and all it would have cost the world is the absence of the Cold War, no Korean nor Vietnam Wars, and no Soviet occupation of Eastern Europe.

A brutally simply question that none of the Roosevelt boot-lickers dared answer.
Your questions and claims have been answered and refuted multiple times by multiple posters. You simply evade addressing the answers and refutes and re-post the same question as if it had not been responded to. That is why your dopey anti-FDR threads always turn into degenerating into you just calling people names, lyings and re-posting the same debunked crap over and over.

Your questions and claims have been answered and refuted multiple times by multiple posters.


Well...then how about you provide a few of those answers....

Actually.....none of the Roosevelt boot-lickers have made any attempt at explaining.....
...much less excusing....

....Roosevelt's exchange of 200,000 American servicemen's lives simply for facilitating Soviet Communism's expansion.

In short.....what did America gain by not supporting the German resistance movement, which would have turned Hitler over to the Allies, ended the war at least two years earlier than it ended, .....

....and all it would have cost the world is the absence of the Cold War, no Korean nor Vietnam Wars, and no Soviet occupation of Eastern Europe.

A brutally simply question that none of the Roosevelt boot-lickers dared answer.

Caught you lying again, huh?

you never supplied any evidence at all that
killing adolf would END THE WAR. Caught
you yearning for the GLORIOUS THIRD
REICH---again ---huh????
But wait, even the British had a chance to have Germany surrender when in 1941 Rudolf Hess flew to Scotland to negotiate a surrender and peace treaty and the English imprisoned Rudolf and did not further negotiate with Hitler...Churchill was a pinko also..

.....none of the Roosevelt boot-lickers have made any attempt at explaining.....
...much less excusing....

....Roosevelt's exchange of 200,000 American servicemen's lives simply for facilitating Soviet Communism's expansion.

In short.....what did America gain by not supporting the German resistance movement, which would have turned Hitler over to the Allies, ended the war at least two years earlier than it ended, .....

....and all it would have cost the world is the absence of the Cold War, no Korean nor Vietnam Wars, and no Soviet occupation of Eastern Europe.

A brutally simply question that none of the Roosevelt boot-lickers dared answer.
Your questions and claims have been answered and refuted multiple times by multiple posters. You simply evade addressing the answers and refutes and re-post the same question as if it had not been responded to. That is why your dopey anti-FDR threads always turn into degenerating into you just calling people names, lyings and re-posting the same debunked crap over and over.

Your questions and claims have been answered and refuted multiple times by multiple posters.


Well...then how about you provide a few of those answers....

Actually.....none of the Roosevelt boot-lickers have made any attempt at explaining.....
...much less excusing....

....Roosevelt's exchange of 200,000 American servicemen's lives simply for facilitating Soviet Communism's expansion.
This is your subjective opinion. It has been answered by numerous posters by showing that your concept is not rational or based on facts.
Your premise is that the allies priority was to serve Stalin instead of the priority being to completely destroy and defeat the Nazi war machine and axis powers with the help and in cooperation with the USSR.

Here is what was happening during the time period you claim peace could have been obtained with a negotiated settlement.

Reviewing this link, which details the campaigns and battles occurring in 1942 shows the ridiculous concept that Germany, even without Hitler would be willing to negotiate a truce that would leave them in a weak or submissive position. The allies were not in a position of power to negotiate a feasible surrender. Once the link is reviewed it become obvious that Germany held the upper hand in any negotiations and the allies were the ones who would be negotiating from a position of weakness.
But wait, even the British had a chance to have Germany surrender when in 1941 Rudolf Hess flew to Scotland to negotiate a surrender and peace treaty and the English imprisoned Rudolf and did not further negotiate with Hitler...Churchill was a pinko also..

.....none of the Roosevelt boot-lickers have made any attempt at explaining.....
...much less excusing....

....Roosevelt's exchange of 200,000 American servicemen's lives simply for facilitating Soviet Communism's expansion.

In short.....what did America gain by not supporting the German resistance movement, which would have turned Hitler over to the Allies, ended the war at least two years earlier than it ended, .....

....and all it would have cost the world is the absence of the Cold War, no Korean nor Vietnam Wars, and no Soviet occupation of Eastern Europe.

A brutally simply question that none of the Roosevelt boot-lickers dared answer.
Your questions and claims have been answered and refuted multiple times by multiple posters. You simply evade addressing the answers and refutes and re-post the same question as if it had not been responded to. That is why your dopey anti-FDR threads always turn into degenerating into you just calling people names, lyings and re-posting the same debunked crap over and over.

Your questions and claims have been answered and refuted multiple times by multiple posters.


Well...then how about you provide a few of those answers....

Actually.....none of the Roosevelt boot-lickers have made any attempt at explaining.....
...much less excusing....

....Roosevelt's exchange of 200,000 American servicemen's lives simply for facilitating Soviet Communism's expansion.

In short.....what did America gain by not supporting the German resistance movement, which would have turned Hitler over to the Allies, ended the war at least two years earlier than it ended, .....
You have no evidence that a group friendly to the west were capable of turning Hitler over or assassinating him was possible. Multiple posters have provided links to show that at least 25 attempts at assassination failed. Beyond that, you have shown not a shred of evidence that even if your idea of capture or assassination of Hitler had succeeded that it would have instigated a surrender of the entire intact German military that in 1942 was still holding its own in North Africa, Scandanavia and the entire continent of Europe and Russia.
But wait, even the British had a chance to have Germany surrender when in 1941 Rudolf Hess flew to Scotland to negotiate a surrender and peace treaty and the English imprisoned Rudolf and did not further negotiate with Hitler...Churchill was a pinko also..

.....none of the Roosevelt boot-lickers have made any attempt at explaining.....
...much less excusing....

....Roosevelt's exchange of 200,000 American servicemen's lives simply for facilitating Soviet Communism's expansion.

In short.....what did America gain by not supporting the German resistance movement, which would have turned Hitler over to the Allies, ended the war at least two years earlier than it ended, .....

....and all it would have cost the world is the absence of the Cold War, no Korean nor Vietnam Wars, and no Soviet occupation of Eastern Europe.

A brutally simply question that none of the Roosevelt boot-lickers dared answer.
Your questions and claims have been answered and refuted multiple times by multiple posters. You simply evade addressing the answers and refutes and re-post the same question as if it had not been responded to. That is why your dopey anti-FDR threads always turn into degenerating into you just calling people names, lyings and re-posting the same debunked crap over and over.

Your questions and claims have been answered and refuted multiple times by multiple posters.


Well...then how about you provide a few of those answers....

Actually.....none of the Roosevelt boot-lickers have made any attempt at explaining.....
...much less excusing....

....Roosevelt's exchange of 200,000 American servicemen's lives simply for facilitating Soviet Communism's expansion.
This is your subjective opinion. It has been answered by numerous posters by showing that your concept is not rational or based on facts.
Your premise is that the allies priority was to serve Stalin instead of the priority being to completely destroy and defeat the Nazi war machine and axis powers with the help and in cooperation with the USSR.

Here is what was happening during the time period you claim peace could have been obtained with a negotiated settlement.

Reviewing this link, which details the campaigns and battles occurring in 1942 shows the ridiculous concept that Germany, even without Hitler would be willing to negotiate a truce that would leave them in a weak or submissive position. The allies were not in a position of power to negotiate a feasible surrender. Once the link is reviewed it become obvious that Germany held the upper hand in any negotiations and the allies were the ones who would be negotiating from a position of weakness.

You can run, but you can't hide.

...what did America gain by not supporting the German resistance movement, which would have turned Hitler over to the Allies, ended the war at least two years earlier than it ended, .....

....and all it would have cost the world is the absence of the Cold War, no Korean nor Vietnam Wars, and no Soviet occupation of Eastern Europe.
But wait, even the British had a chance to have Germany surrender when in 1941 Rudolf Hess flew to Scotland to negotiate a surrender and peace treaty and the English imprisoned Rudolf and did not further negotiate with Hitler...Churchill was a pinko also..

.....none of the Roosevelt boot-lickers have made any attempt at explaining.....
...much less excusing....

....Roosevelt's exchange of 200,000 American servicemen's lives simply for facilitating Soviet Communism's expansion.

In short.....what did America gain by not supporting the German resistance movement, which would have turned Hitler over to the Allies, ended the war at least two years earlier than it ended, .....

....and all it would have cost the world is the absence of the Cold War, no Korean nor Vietnam Wars, and no Soviet occupation of Eastern Europe.

A brutally simply question that none of the Roosevelt boot-lickers dared answer.
Your questions and claims have been answered and refuted multiple times by multiple posters. You simply evade addressing the answers and refutes and re-post the same question as if it had not been responded to. That is why your dopey anti-FDR threads always turn into degenerating into you just calling people names, lyings and re-posting the same debunked crap over and over.

Your questions and claims have been answered and refuted multiple times by multiple posters.


Well...then how about you provide a few of those answers....

Actually.....none of the Roosevelt boot-lickers have made any attempt at explaining.....
...much less excusing....

....Roosevelt's exchange of 200,000 American servicemen's lives simply for facilitating Soviet Communism's expansion.

In short.....what did America gain by not supporting the German resistance movement, which would have turned Hitler over to the Allies, ended the war at least two years earlier than it ended, .....
You have no evidence that a group friendly to the west were capable of turning Hitler over or assassinating him was possible. Multiple posters have provided links to show that at least 25 attempts at assassination failed. Beyond that, you have shown not a shred of evidence that even if your idea of capture or assassination of Hitler had succeeded that it would have instigated a surrender of the entire intact German military that in 1942 was still holding its own in North Africa, Scandanavia and the entire continent of Europe and Russia.

"You have no evidence that a group friendly to the west were capable of turning Hitler over or assassinating him was possible."

Clearly you have no answer to ..what did America gain by not supporting the German resistance movement,... you are running from the fact......FACT.....that there was a large anti-Nazi, anti-communist German underground.

'In a certain sense there was not a single year between 1933 and 1945 during which there was not some contact or attempt at contact, between the anti-Hitler opposition and either Britain or the Unites States, or both. The Greatest War Crime

Wilhelm Canaris

Franz von Papen

Colonel General Ludwig Beck Beginning in early 1937,"the first 'cell' of the Resistance Movement" was formed by Ludwig Beck, Army Chief of staff, and Carl Goerdeler, who had just resigned as Mayor of Leipzig as a gesture in defiance of Nazi anti-Semitism (Ritter, Goerdeler's Struggle, pp. 35-3G, 75-79). As financial adviser to the Robert Bosch firm of Stuttgart, Goerdeler was sent abroad by his employer "on business" between early 1937 and late 1939 to the U.S., Britain, Switzerland, Palestine and a dozen other countries, making contact with persons interested in the overthrow of Hitler's regime (Ibid, pp. 47, 81, 83, 305, 484; and Hoffmann, German Resistance, p. 153). The Greatest War Crime

Carl Friedrich Goerderler

Ulrich von Hassell

Johannes Popitz

Kurt von Hammerstein

Job Wilhelm Georg Erdmann Erwin von Witzleben (4 December 1881 – 8 August 1944) was a German officer, by 1940 in the rank of a Field Marshal(Generalfeldmarschall), and army commander in the Second World War. A leading conspirator in the 20 July plot,[1]he was designated to become Commander-in-Chief of the Wehrmacht armed forces in a post-Nazi regime Erwin von Witzleben - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

.General Edward Wagner

General Georg Thomas

Major General Hans Oster

General Friederich Olbricht

Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg

Wilhelm Leuchner

Julius Leber

Helmuth von Moltke

Baron Kurt von Lersner

Most importantly, the opposition to Hitler would have to be assured that the people who were about to risk their lives in an attempt to overthrow Hitler would, if they succeeded, be faced with something better than the "unconditional surrender" formula proclaimed as a British-American war aim at the Casablanca Conference of Churchill and Roosevelt in January 1943. Von Papen needed to know "whether they would grant, to a German Government which met democratic requirements, the rights to which Germany's history and position entitled her. This must be the decisive factor in any further step (von Papen,Memoirs, p. 499; and Albert C. Wedemeyer, Wedemeyer Reports! New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1958, p. 417.)."

Franz Von Papen promised to get in touch with FDR. He decided to ask his friend, Baron Kurt von Lersner (a friend of FDR) to make contact with the former governor of Pennsylvania, Commander George H. Earle, FDR's personal representative (i.e., eyes and ears) for the Balkans, stationed in Istanbul. In the meantime, German Intelligence chief, Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, long in contact with the Beck-Goerdeler group, had also decided to make the same attempt through Navy Captain Paul Leverkuehn, an internationally-known lawyer and acquaintance of William J. Donovan, head of the U.S. Office of Strategic Services (Heinz Hoehne, Canaris, trans. J. Maxwell Brownjohn Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1979, pp. 482-83; Ritter, Goerdeler's Struggle; and von Papen, Memoirs, pp. 488-89, 499.).

So....what have we learned???

Perhaps 're-learned' is more accurate: you are a lying ignorant low-life who will say anything to defend the four-time mistake, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

That's the truth....isn't it.
1942 PC to Nazis...Surrender! We got you covered


What was FDR thinking?
You can run, but you can't hide.

Roosevelt quashed every plan to produce a peace with anti-Nazi Germans, in support of Communist expansion in Europe. Somehow, this was a higher priority than removing Hitler and ending our loss of blood and treasure.

. Let's look at a primary source, Allen Dulles, first civilian to head the CIA, and its longest serving director. In "Germany's Underground: The Anti-Nazi Resistance," Dulles wrote of that the German was the only anti-Nazi underground not supported by the United States. (p.22).
On page 140, Dulles states "The plotters (anti-Nazi German resistance)....were told clearly and repeatedly that we had made common cause with Russia...." as the reason they were frozen out.

a. The NYTimes told the same story, March 18, 1946: "Full Story of Anit-Hitler Plot Shows That Allies Refused To Assist."

.....what did America gain by not supporting the German resistance movement, which would have turned Hitler over to the Allies, ended the war at least two years earlier than it ended, .....
You can run, but you can't hide.

Roosevelt quashed every plan to produce a peace with anti-Nazi Germans, in support of Communist expansion in Europe. Somehow, this was a higher priority than removing Hitler and ending our loss of blood and treasure.

. Let's look at a primary source, Allen Dulles, first civilian to head the CIA, and its longest serving director. In "Germany's Underground: The Anti-Nazi Resistance," Dulles wrote of that the German was the only anti-Nazi underground not supported by the United States. (p.22).
On page 140, Dulles states "The plotters (anti-Nazi German resistance)....were told clearly and repeatedly that we had made common cause with Russia...." as the reason they were frozen out.

a. The NYTimes told the same story, March 18, 1946: "Full Story of Anit-Hitler Plot Shows That Allies Refused To Assist."

.....what did America gain by not supporting the German resistance movement, which would have turned Hitler over to the Allies, ended the war at least two years earlier than it ended, .....

"What was FDR thinking?"

Possibly of the warm embrace of Joseph 'Koba' Stalin?

Could be?

Of course your posts obviate any use of the term 'thinking' with regards to you.
You can run, but you can't hide.

Roosevelt quashed every plan to produce a peace with anti-Nazi Germans, in support of Communist expansion in Europe. Somehow, this was a higher priority than removing Hitler and ending our loss of blood and treasure.

. Let's look at a primary source, Allen Dulles, first civilian to head the CIA, and its longest serving director. In "Germany's Underground: The Anti-Nazi Resistance," Dulles wrote of that the German was the only anti-Nazi underground not supported by the United States. (p.22).
On page 140, Dulles states "The plotters (anti-Nazi German resistance)....were told clearly and repeatedly that we had made common cause with Russia...." as the reason they were frozen out.

a. The NYTimes told the same story, March 18, 1946: "Full Story of Anit-Hitler Plot Shows That Allies Refused To Assist."

.....what did America gain by not supporting the German resistance movement, which would have turned Hitler over to the Allies, ended the war at least two years earlier than it ended, .....

"What was FDR thinking?"

Possibly of the warm embrace of Joseph 'Koba' Stalin?

Could be?

Of course your posts obviate any use of the term 'thinking' with regards to you.
If only he knew the Nazis were willing to surrender all of Europe to him

Maybe if we had the interwebs back then, you could have warned him

Who needs D Day when you got Political Chic?
But wait, even the British had a chance to have Germany surrender when in 1941 Rudolf Hess flew to Scotland to negotiate a surrender and peace treaty and the English imprisoned Rudolf and did not further negotiate with Hitler...Churchill was a pinko also..

.....none of the Roosevelt boot-lickers have made any attempt at explaining.....
...much less excusing....

....Roosevelt's exchange of 200,000 American servicemen's lives simply for facilitating Soviet Communism's expansion.

In short.....what did America gain by not supporting the German resistance movement, which would have turned Hitler over to the Allies, ended the war at least two years earlier than it ended, .....

....and all it would have cost the world is the absence of the Cold War, no Korean nor Vietnam Wars, and no Soviet occupation of Eastern Europe.

A brutally simply question that none of the Roosevelt boot-lickers dared answer.
Your questions and claims have been answered and refuted multiple times by multiple posters. You simply evade addressing the answers and refutes and re-post the same question as if it had not been responded to. That is why your dopey anti-FDR threads always turn into degenerating into you just calling people names, lyings and re-posting the same debunked crap over and over.

Your questions and claims have been answered and refuted multiple times by multiple posters.


Well...then how about you provide a few of those answers....

Actually.....none of the Roosevelt boot-lickers have made any attempt at explaining.....
...much less excusing....

....Roosevelt's exchange of 200,000 American servicemen's lives simply for facilitating Soviet Communism's expansion.

In short.....what did America gain by not supporting the German resistance movement, which would have turned Hitler over to the Allies, ended the war at least two years earlier than it ended, .....
You have no evidence that a group friendly to the west were capable of turning Hitler over or assassinating him was possible. Multiple posters have provided links to show that at least 25 attempts at assassination failed. Beyond that, you have shown not a shred of evidence that even if your idea of capture or assassination of Hitler had succeeded that it would have instigated a surrender of the entire intact German military that in 1942 was still holding its own in North Africa, Scandanavia and the entire continent of Europe and Russia.

"You have no evidence that a group friendly to the west were capable of turning Hitler over or assassinating him was possible."

Clearly you have no answer to ..what did America gain by not supporting the German resistance movement,... you are running from the fact......FACT.....that there was a large anti-Nazi, anti-communist German underground.

'In a certain sense there was not a single year between 1933 and 1945 during which there was not some contact or attempt at contact, between the anti-Hitler opposition and either Britain or the Unites States, or both. The Greatest War Crime

Wilhelm Canaris

Franz von Papen

Colonel General Ludwig Beck Beginning in early 1937,"the first 'cell' of the Resistance Movement" was formed by Ludwig Beck, Army Chief of staff, and Carl Goerdeler, who had just resigned as Mayor of Leipzig as a gesture in defiance of Nazi anti-Semitism (Ritter, Goerdeler's Struggle, pp. 35-3G, 75-79). As financial adviser to the Robert Bosch firm of Stuttgart, Goerdeler was sent abroad by his employer "on business" between early 1937 and late 1939 to the U.S., Britain, Switzerland, Palestine and a dozen other countries, making contact with persons interested in the overthrow of Hitler's regime (Ibid, pp. 47, 81, 83, 305, 484; and Hoffmann, German Resistance, p. 153). The Greatest War Crime

Carl Friedrich Goerderler

Ulrich von Hassell

Johannes Popitz

Kurt von Hammerstein

Job Wilhelm Georg Erdmann Erwin von Witzleben (4 December 1881 – 8 August 1944) was a German officer, by 1940 in the rank of a Field Marshal(Generalfeldmarschall), and army commander in the Second World War. A leading conspirator in the 20 July plot,[1]he was designated to become Commander-in-Chief of the Wehrmacht armed forces in a post-Nazi regime Erwin von Witzleben - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

.General Edward Wagner

General Georg Thomas

Major General Hans Oster

General Friederich Olbricht

Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg

Wilhelm Leuchner

Julius Leber

Helmuth von Moltke

Baron Kurt von Lersner

Most importantly, the opposition to Hitler would have to be assured that the people who were about to risk their lives in an attempt to overthrow Hitler would, if they succeeded, be faced with something better than the "unconditional surrender" formula proclaimed as a British-American war aim at the Casablanca Conference of Churchill and Roosevelt in January 1943. Von Papen needed to know "whether they would grant, to a German Government which met democratic requirements, the rights to which Germany's history and position entitled her. This must be the decisive factor in any further step (von Papen,Memoirs, p. 499; and Albert C. Wedemeyer, Wedemeyer Reports! New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1958, p. 417.)."

Franz Von Papen promised to get in touch with FDR. He decided to ask his friend, Baron Kurt von Lersner (a friend of FDR) to make contact with the former governor of Pennsylvania, Commander George H. Earle, FDR's personal representative (i.e., eyes and ears) for the Balkans, stationed in Istanbul. In the meantime, German Intelligence chief, Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, long in contact with the Beck-Goerdeler group, had also decided to make the same attempt through Navy Captain Paul Leverkuehn, an internationally-known lawyer and acquaintance of William J. Donovan, head of the U.S. Office of Strategic Services (Heinz Hoehne, Canaris, trans. J. Maxwell Brownjohn Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1979, pp. 482-83; Ritter, Goerdeler's Struggle; and von Papen, Memoirs, pp. 488-89, 499.).

So....what have we learned???
Perhaps 're-learned' is more accurate: you are a lying ignorant low-life who will say anything to defend the four-time mistake, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

That's the truth....isn't it.
How does posting a list of Germans who plotted against Hitler got caught and executed support your claim that a coup was possible? Doesn't it show instead that a coup was not possible? Of course, it does.
1. Today, MEMORIAL DAY, the remembrance of our war dead, is an appropriate time to peruse the extent to which a Commander-in-Chief should be concerned with saving American lives.
Should he make strategy decisions predicated on efficient use of our armed forces, and the mitigating our losses?

Franklin Roosevelt shrugged off this responsibility.

Rather than simply defeating the enemy, and limiting our losses....he followed the demands of a homicidal maniac, and cost the lives of some 200,000 sons, fathers, brothers who need not have died.
That's correct: Allowing Stalin to dictate American war policy cost the lives of thousands of Americans.
Today's thread will prove will irrefutably substantiate this claim; in it you will find facts not taught in government school.

The policy of "Unconditional Surrender," originated in the Kremlin, and followed slavishly by FDR, was predicated on the fallacy of unwavering and monolithic support for Nazism and for Adolf Hitler.

2. Finis: The Lie of an Unwavering, Monolithic German support for Nazism and Hitler
“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.” Reagan

The motivation for this thread can be found in the constant wailing of the Roosevelt groupies.....such as this one:
"A coup against Hitler was wishful thinking. [Head of German Military Intelligence Wilhelm] Canaris nor anyone else was in a position to overthrow Hitler and any idea he or anyone else could have is based on faulty speculation. "
What If....Roosevelt Was Pro-America?


3. The only way the 'Unconditional Surrender Policy' would be appropriate is if this were true:
"... There existed an 'unwavering, monolithic German support for Nazism and Hitler,' throughout Germany."

The consequences of cementing this falsehood in the minds of dupes, include;

a. A validation for the demand for 'unconditional surreenter,' and nothing less.

b. Extending the war by several years

c. Some 200,000 unnecessary American servicemen killed or wounded.

d. Red Army control of half of Europe.

But....were the Germans actually foursquare behind Hitler and the Nazis?

Because....if they weren't......'Unconditional Surrender" was a flawed policy.

And thousands of American lives were wasted.

Let's find out.
Absolutely true. Thanks PC for once again exposing the traitorous acts of Stalin's Stooge.

Not only did he waste numerous American lives, but also the lives of many other nationalities, including 100s of thousands of Germans and Japanese.

It is sickening that this disgusting piece of trash is considered by many uninformed Americans, a great president.
The uninformed Americans you speak of are America's most noted historians, and the American people of the FDR period. Sure it hurts.
1. Today, MEMORIAL DAY, the remembrance of our war dead, is an appropriate time to peruse the extent to which a Commander-in-Chief should be concerned with saving American lives.
Should he make strategy decisions predicated on efficient use of our armed forces, and the mitigating our losses?

Franklin Roosevelt shrugged off this responsibility.

Rather than simply defeating the enemy, and limiting our losses....he followed the demands of a homicidal maniac, and cost the lives of some 200,000 sons, fathers, brothers who need not have died.
That's correct: Allowing Stalin to dictate American war policy cost the lives of thousands of Americans.
Today's thread will prove will irrefutably substantiate this claim; in it you will find facts not taught in government school.

The policy of "Unconditional Surrender," originated in the Kremlin, and followed slavishly by FDR, was predicated on the fallacy of unwavering and monolithic support for Nazism and for Adolf Hitler.

2. Finis: The Lie of an Unwavering, Monolithic German support for Nazism and Hitler
“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.” Reagan

The motivation for this thread can be found in the constant wailing of the Roosevelt groupies.....such as this one:
"A coup against Hitler was wishful thinking. [Head of German Military Intelligence Wilhelm] Canaris nor anyone else was in a position to overthrow Hitler and any idea he or anyone else could have is based on faulty speculation. "
What If....Roosevelt Was Pro-America?


3. The only way the 'Unconditional Surrender Policy' would be appropriate is if this were true:
"... There existed an 'unwavering, monolithic German support for Nazism and Hitler,' throughout Germany."

The consequences of cementing this falsehood in the minds of dupes, include;

a. A validation for the demand for 'unconditional surreenter,' and nothing less.

b. Extending the war by several years

c. Some 200,000 unnecessary American servicemen killed or wounded.

d. Red Army control of half of Europe.

But....were the Germans actually foursquare behind Hitler and the Nazis?

Because....if they weren't......'Unconditional Surrender" was a flawed policy.

And thousands of American lives were wasted.

Let's find out.
Absolutely true. Thanks PC for once again exposing the traitorous acts of Stalin's Stooge.

Not only did he waste numerous American lives, but also the lives of many other nationalities, including 100s of thousands of Germans and Japanese.

It is sickening that this disgusting piece of trash is considered by many uninformed Americans, a great president.
The uninformed Americans you speak of are America's most noted historians, and the American people of the FDR period. Sure it hurts.
Uninformed Americans include you, but in your case, it is MUCH MUCH worse. You are not only uninformed, but also utterly and completely duped by the State.
1. Today, MEMORIAL DAY, the remembrance of our war dead, is an appropriate time to peruse the extent to which a Commander-in-Chief should be concerned with saving American lives.
Should he make strategy decisions predicated on efficient use of our armed forces, and the mitigating our losses?

Franklin Roosevelt shrugged off this responsibility.

Rather than simply defeating the enemy, and limiting our losses....he followed the demands of a homicidal maniac, and cost the lives of some 200,000 sons, fathers, brothers who need not have died.
That's correct: Allowing Stalin to dictate American war policy cost the lives of thousands of Americans.
Today's thread will prove will irrefutably substantiate this claim; in it you will find facts not taught in government school.

The policy of "Unconditional Surrender," originated in the Kremlin, and followed slavishly by FDR, was predicated on the fallacy of unwavering and monolithic support for Nazism and for Adolf Hitler.

2. Finis: The Lie of an Unwavering, Monolithic German support for Nazism and Hitler
“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.” Reagan

The motivation for this thread can be found in the constant wailing of the Roosevelt groupies.....such as this one:
"A coup against Hitler was wishful thinking. [Head of German Military Intelligence Wilhelm] Canaris nor anyone else was in a position to overthrow Hitler and any idea he or anyone else could have is based on faulty speculation. "
What If....Roosevelt Was Pro-America?


3. The only way the 'Unconditional Surrender Policy' would be appropriate is if this were true:
"... There existed an 'unwavering, monolithic German support for Nazism and Hitler,' throughout Germany."

The consequences of cementing this falsehood in the minds of dupes, include;

a. A validation for the demand for 'unconditional surreenter,' and nothing less.

b. Extending the war by several years

c. Some 200,000 unnecessary American servicemen killed or wounded.

d. Red Army control of half of Europe.

But....were the Germans actually foursquare behind Hitler and the Nazis?

Because....if they weren't......'Unconditional Surrender" was a flawed policy.

And thousands of American lives were wasted.

Let's find out.
Absolutely true. Thanks PC for once again exposing the traitorous acts of Stalin's Stooge.

Not only did he waste numerous American lives, but also the lives of many other nationalities, including 100s of thousands of Germans and Japanese.

It is sickening that this disgusting piece of trash is considered by many uninformed Americans, a great president.
The uninformed Americans you speak of are America's most noted historians, and the American people of the FDR period. Sure it hurts.
Uninformed Americans include you, but in your case, it is MUCH MUCH worse. You are not only uninformed, but also utterly and completely duped by the State.
Plus he's an old man that spent his time fighting Japanese in the Pacific while all the European war stuff was going on. How could a simple rifleman in an infantry unit know anything about WWII. Hell, he was a kid and a teen during the Great Depression and he claims to know about that era too.
.....none of the Roosevelt boot-lickers have made any attempt at explaining.....
...much less excusing....

....Roosevelt's exchange of 200,000 American servicemen's lives simply for facilitating Soviet Communism's expansion.

In short.....what did America gain by not supporting the German resistance movement, which would have turned Hitler over to the Allies, ended the war at least two years earlier than it ended, .....

....and all it would have cost the world is the absence of the Cold War, no Korean nor Vietnam Wars, and no Soviet occupation of Eastern Europe.

A brutally simply question that none of the Roosevelt boot-lickers dared answer.
Your questions and claims have been answered and refuted multiple times by multiple posters. You simply evade addressing the answers and refutes and re-post the same question as if it had not been responded to. That is why your dopey anti-FDR threads always turn into degenerating into you just calling people names, lyings and re-posting the same debunked crap over and over.

Your questions and claims have been answered and refuted multiple times by multiple posters.


Well...then how about you provide a few of those answers....

Actually.....none of the Roosevelt boot-lickers have made any attempt at explaining.....
...much less excusing....

....Roosevelt's exchange of 200,000 American servicemen's lives simply for facilitating Soviet Communism's expansion.

In short.....what did America gain by not supporting the German resistance movement, which would have turned Hitler over to the Allies, ended the war at least two years earlier than it ended, .....
You have no evidence that a group friendly to the west were capable of turning Hitler over or assassinating him was possible. Multiple posters have provided links to show that at least 25 attempts at assassination failed. Beyond that, you have shown not a shred of evidence that even if your idea of capture or assassination of Hitler had succeeded that it would have instigated a surrender of the entire intact German military that in 1942 was still holding its own in North Africa, Scandanavia and the entire continent of Europe and Russia.

"You have no evidence that a group friendly to the west were capable of turning Hitler over or assassinating him was possible."

Clearly you have no answer to ..what did America gain by not supporting the German resistance movement,... you are running from the fact......FACT.....that there was a large anti-Nazi, anti-communist German underground.

'In a certain sense there was not a single year between 1933 and 1945 during which there was not some contact or attempt at contact, between the anti-Hitler opposition and either Britain or the Unites States, or both. The Greatest War Crime

Wilhelm Canaris

Franz von Papen

Colonel General Ludwig Beck Beginning in early 1937,"the first 'cell' of the Resistance Movement" was formed by Ludwig Beck, Army Chief of staff, and Carl Goerdeler, who had just resigned as Mayor of Leipzig as a gesture in defiance of Nazi anti-Semitism (Ritter, Goerdeler's Struggle, pp. 35-3G, 75-79). As financial adviser to the Robert Bosch firm of Stuttgart, Goerdeler was sent abroad by his employer "on business" between early 1937 and late 1939 to the U.S., Britain, Switzerland, Palestine and a dozen other countries, making contact with persons interested in the overthrow of Hitler's regime (Ibid, pp. 47, 81, 83, 305, 484; and Hoffmann, German Resistance, p. 153). The Greatest War Crime

Carl Friedrich Goerderler

Ulrich von Hassell

Johannes Popitz

Kurt von Hammerstein

Job Wilhelm Georg Erdmann Erwin von Witzleben (4 December 1881 – 8 August 1944) was a German officer, by 1940 in the rank of a Field Marshal(Generalfeldmarschall), and army commander in the Second World War. A leading conspirator in the 20 July plot,[1]he was designated to become Commander-in-Chief of the Wehrmacht armed forces in a post-Nazi regime Erwin von Witzleben - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

.General Edward Wagner

General Georg Thomas

Major General Hans Oster

General Friederich Olbricht

Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg

Wilhelm Leuchner

Julius Leber

Helmuth von Moltke

Baron Kurt von Lersner

Most importantly, the opposition to Hitler would have to be assured that the people who were about to risk their lives in an attempt to overthrow Hitler would, if they succeeded, be faced with something better than the "unconditional surrender" formula proclaimed as a British-American war aim at the Casablanca Conference of Churchill and Roosevelt in January 1943. Von Papen needed to know "whether they would grant, to a German Government which met democratic requirements, the rights to which Germany's history and position entitled her. This must be the decisive factor in any further step (von Papen,Memoirs, p. 499; and Albert C. Wedemeyer, Wedemeyer Reports! New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1958, p. 417.)."

Franz Von Papen promised to get in touch with FDR. He decided to ask his friend, Baron Kurt von Lersner (a friend of FDR) to make contact with the former governor of Pennsylvania, Commander George H. Earle, FDR's personal representative (i.e., eyes and ears) for the Balkans, stationed in Istanbul. In the meantime, German Intelligence chief, Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, long in contact with the Beck-Goerdeler group, had also decided to make the same attempt through Navy Captain Paul Leverkuehn, an internationally-known lawyer and acquaintance of William J. Donovan, head of the U.S. Office of Strategic Services (Heinz Hoehne, Canaris, trans. J. Maxwell Brownjohn Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1979, pp. 482-83; Ritter, Goerdeler's Struggle; and von Papen, Memoirs, pp. 488-89, 499.).

So....what have we learned???
Perhaps 're-learned' is more accurate: you are a lying ignorant low-life who will say anything to defend the four-time mistake, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

That's the truth....isn't it.
How does posting a list of Germans who plotted against Hitler got caught and executed support your claim that a coup was possible? Doesn't it show instead that a coup was not possible? Of course, it does.
The Gestapo were very adept at rooting out conspiracies, even those that were only marginal conspiracies. Retribution was fast and brutal
They were helped by a local population that was quick to report their neighbors
Your questions and claims have been answered and refuted multiple times by multiple posters. You simply evade addressing the answers and refutes and re-post the same question as if it had not been responded to. That is why your dopey anti-FDR threads always turn into degenerating into you just calling people names, lyings and re-posting the same debunked crap over and over.

Your questions and claims have been answered and refuted multiple times by multiple posters.


Well...then how about you provide a few of those answers....

Actually.....none of the Roosevelt boot-lickers have made any attempt at explaining.....
...much less excusing....

....Roosevelt's exchange of 200,000 American servicemen's lives simply for facilitating Soviet Communism's expansion.

In short.....what did America gain by not supporting the German resistance movement, which would have turned Hitler over to the Allies, ended the war at least two years earlier than it ended, .....
You have no evidence that a group friendly to the west were capable of turning Hitler over or assassinating him was possible. Multiple posters have provided links to show that at least 25 attempts at assassination failed. Beyond that, you have shown not a shred of evidence that even if your idea of capture or assassination of Hitler had succeeded that it would have instigated a surrender of the entire intact German military that in 1942 was still holding its own in North Africa, Scandanavia and the entire continent of Europe and Russia.

"You have no evidence that a group friendly to the west were capable of turning Hitler over or assassinating him was possible."

Clearly you have no answer to ..what did America gain by not supporting the German resistance movement,... you are running from the fact......FACT.....that there was a large anti-Nazi, anti-communist German underground.

'In a certain sense there was not a single year between 1933 and 1945 during which there was not some contact or attempt at contact, between the anti-Hitler opposition and either Britain or the Unites States, or both. The Greatest War Crime

Wilhelm Canaris

Franz von Papen

Colonel General Ludwig Beck Beginning in early 1937,"the first 'cell' of the Resistance Movement" was formed by Ludwig Beck, Army Chief of staff, and Carl Goerdeler, who had just resigned as Mayor of Leipzig as a gesture in defiance of Nazi anti-Semitism (Ritter, Goerdeler's Struggle, pp. 35-3G, 75-79). As financial adviser to the Robert Bosch firm of Stuttgart, Goerdeler was sent abroad by his employer "on business" between early 1937 and late 1939 to the U.S., Britain, Switzerland, Palestine and a dozen other countries, making contact with persons interested in the overthrow of Hitler's regime (Ibid, pp. 47, 81, 83, 305, 484; and Hoffmann, German Resistance, p. 153). The Greatest War Crime

Carl Friedrich Goerderler

Ulrich von Hassell

Johannes Popitz

Kurt von Hammerstein

Job Wilhelm Georg Erdmann Erwin von Witzleben (4 December 1881 – 8 August 1944) was a German officer, by 1940 in the rank of a Field Marshal(Generalfeldmarschall), and army commander in the Second World War. A leading conspirator in the 20 July plot,[1]he was designated to become Commander-in-Chief of the Wehrmacht armed forces in a post-Nazi regime Erwin von Witzleben - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

.General Edward Wagner

General Georg Thomas

Major General Hans Oster

General Friederich Olbricht

Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg

Wilhelm Leuchner

Julius Leber

Helmuth von Moltke

Baron Kurt von Lersner

Most importantly, the opposition to Hitler would have to be assured that the people who were about to risk their lives in an attempt to overthrow Hitler would, if they succeeded, be faced with something better than the "unconditional surrender" formula proclaimed as a British-American war aim at the Casablanca Conference of Churchill and Roosevelt in January 1943. Von Papen needed to know "whether they would grant, to a German Government which met democratic requirements, the rights to which Germany's history and position entitled her. This must be the decisive factor in any further step (von Papen,Memoirs, p. 499; and Albert C. Wedemeyer, Wedemeyer Reports! New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1958, p. 417.)."

Franz Von Papen promised to get in touch with FDR. He decided to ask his friend, Baron Kurt von Lersner (a friend of FDR) to make contact with the former governor of Pennsylvania, Commander George H. Earle, FDR's personal representative (i.e., eyes and ears) for the Balkans, stationed in Istanbul. In the meantime, German Intelligence chief, Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, long in contact with the Beck-Goerdeler group, had also decided to make the same attempt through Navy Captain Paul Leverkuehn, an internationally-known lawyer and acquaintance of William J. Donovan, head of the U.S. Office of Strategic Services (Heinz Hoehne, Canaris, trans. J. Maxwell Brownjohn Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1979, pp. 482-83; Ritter, Goerdeler's Struggle; and von Papen, Memoirs, pp. 488-89, 499.).

So....what have we learned???
Perhaps 're-learned' is more accurate: you are a lying ignorant low-life who will say anything to defend the four-time mistake, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

That's the truth....isn't it.
How does posting a list of Germans who plotted against Hitler got caught and executed support your claim that a coup was possible? Doesn't it show instead that a coup was not possible? Of course, it does.
The Gestapo were very adept at rooting out conspiracies, even those that were only marginal conspiracies. Retribution was fast and brutal
They were helped by a local population that was quick to report their neighbors
Yet another effort to justify Stalin's Stooge's treason.

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