How has invading Iraq helped us win the 'war on terror'?

coffee hell......even I stayed out of his way on this one.

rather than giving him hell, I think that for once I will say to him

YES dear
of COURSE dear
whatever you SAY dear

It also makes it damn difficult to continue to try to support any of your ideas or theories as a 'token lib' when doing so subjects me to the same venomous vituperation that you supply to those firmly opposed to you, so if you ever fucking do it again not only will I rip into you so furiously as if the hounds of hell had been unleashed, I will do so with each and every post you make until you begin to question your own sanity. Do I make myself clear enough for you now?
bring it.

i'll admit i was wrong about the recount, but at least i can admit it. i'll also admit i'm over the hate here.
Originally posted by spillmind
bring it.

i'll admit i was wrong about the recount, but at least i can admit it. i'll also admit i'm over the hate here.

Maybe you should re-read this stupid ass thread you started so you might pull your head out of your fucking ass and know what the hell is going on with what people say to you about the moronic shit you spew out of that idiotic mind of yours.

In case you WERE wondering, I'll recap for you since you seem to lose track of your own shit from one minute to the next.

My FIRST post in this was on page 2, responding to jimnyc while I was trying to back your dumbass up, where I said the following

Its not about not hoping for it to work, its about knowing it won't because thats not what is going to happen. Theres too much religious influence thats going to cave an iraqi democracy within weeks of the turnover. iraq will look like Israel/palestine between their factions.

That was a post directed TO jim, backing YOU up, and this is what you said about it

you don't have to be a gawd damned token lib to UNDERSTAND SIMPLE COMMON SENSE! if it were a snake, i swear it would bite you!

Now, MOST people would be happy to have someone helping out and supporting their statements, but NO!, not you. YOUR retarded response came because you're so fucking ignorant that you can't tell whos talking TO you and whos talking ABOUT you.

So I, wanting to clarify before I jump on someones ass for a simple mistake, ASKED you
would you care to notify whoever you're directing this comment to?

and instead of taking a pause and figuring out maybe someone misread, misunderstood, or misposted you tried to be a smartass about it and tell me
i'll give you three guesses. and the first two don't count
So now, instead of being smart and trying to trackdown where something might have been misread, misunderstood, or misposted you moved your sorry ass into the 'FUCKTARD' class for trying to be a smartass.

Do you know what FUCKTARD stands for Spilly? It means you're worse than a Fucking Retard because you don't bother to tell the difference between whos fightin FOR you and whos fighting AGAINST you.

I gave you FAIR warning that despite the crazy ass shit you post on this board I was still trying to back you up on some of it, tried to give you some still friendly 'token liberal' advice on how to further your credibility on this board, and proceeded to tell you how its NOT one side or the other but continuing to act like that is seriously detrimental to the topics at hand and you STILL had to be the FUCKTARD and tell me to 'bring it on'. Well its 'brought on now', dumbshit, because you're too fucking ignorant to know the differences between someone trying to help you and someone who doesn't give a fuck about what you say.

And for the record, I wasn't saying SHIT about your whining about the recount so why you brought it up in the same statement is beyond my understanding of the FUCKTARD attitude you continue to present.
Waiter? Waiter? A large piece of Spillmind's ass, torn, shredded, chewed up and spit out, please.
Originally posted by Sir Evil

Gotta love it when the Dems start fighting amongst themselves!:teeth:

has nothing to do with two dems fighting each other, has everything to do with spillmind being a fucktard
Ok I started out with not a lot of respect for DK and have went at it a couple of times with him myself but that gained 100% respect in my eyes. That was brilliant! I now shall never open this thread again:56:

No meaning on the smilie, I just like it!
Originally posted by Sir Evil
Ok Dk, dont wanna get ya firing down on me! I was just thinking that in my empty head!:D

no worries my friend, i'm angry, just not at you ;)
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
Maybe you should re-read this stupid ass thread you started so you might pull your head out of your fucking ass and know what the hell is going on with what people say to you about the moronic shit you spew out of that idiotic mind of yours.

In case you WERE wondering, I'll recap for you since you seem to lose track of your own shit from one minute to the next.

My FIRST post in this was on page 2, responding to jimnyc while I was trying to back your dumbass up, where I said the following

Its not about not hoping for it to work, its about knowing it won't because thats not what is going to happen. Theres too much religious influence thats going to cave an iraqi democracy within weeks of the turnover. iraq will look like Israel/palestine between their factions.

That was a post directed TO jim, backing YOU up, and this is what you said about it

you don't have to be a gawd damned token lib to UNDERSTAND SIMPLE COMMON SENSE! if it were a snake, i swear it would bite you!

Now, MOST people would be happy to have someone helping out and supporting their statements, but NO!, not you. YOUR retarded response came because you're so fucking ignorant that you can't tell whos talking TO you and whos talking ABOUT you.

So I, wanting to clarify before I jump on someones ass for a simple mistake, ASKED you

and instead of taking a pause and figuring out maybe someone misread, misunderstood, or misposted you tried to be a smartass about it and tell me
So now, instead of being smart and trying to trackdown where something might have been misread, misunderstood, or misposted you moved your sorry ass into the 'FUCKTARD' class for trying to be a smartass.

Do you know what FUCKTARD stands for Spilly? It means you're worse than a Fucking Retard because you don't bother to tell the difference between whos fightin FOR you and whos fighting AGAINST you.

I gave you FAIR warning that despite the crazy ass shit you post on this board I was still trying to back you up on some of it, tried to give you some still friendly 'token liberal' advice on how to further your credibility on this board, and proceeded to tell you how its NOT one side or the other but continuing to act like that is seriously detrimental to the topics at hand and you STILL had to be the FUCKTARD and tell me to 'bring it on'. Well its 'brought on now', dumbshit, because you're too fucking ignorant to know the differences between someone trying to help you and someone who doesn't give a fuck about what you say.

And for the record, I wasn't saying SHIT about your whining about the recount so why you brought it up in the same statement is beyond my understanding of the FUCKTARD attitude you continue to present.

You need to learn to tell us how you REALLY feel. :)

LMFAO - oh how that word tickles me.

A reminder DK - There are some in this world that will insist upon being as fatuous and thick-witted as possible no matter how hard that others may try to convince them that being that way really isnt their best interest. It would seem that you've encountered one of those people.

My advice would be to acknowledge the preferred ignorance of this person and move on......some people just like playing that part - the part of the moron.

Just my thoughts :)
Originally posted by KLSuddeth

LMFAO - oh how that word tickles me.

Just my thoughts :)

I thought I was the only one. Whenever I see it or hear it used and I don't expect it, I laugh outloud for almost 30 seconds. Boy am I weak. :D
Im with ya, New Guy. talk about hysterical cracks me up bigtime!

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