How hated is President Donald Trump?

mueller's indictments say otherwise, cartoon boy. tick tock. more to come.... flynn didn't flip for nothing & manafort just might squeal like a pig.

Witch hunts often catch people and burn them.

That you would consider that evidence of witches, just shows how evil you are.

lol... you are fucked up in the head.

I called it a witch hunt, and for a counter argument, you offered that they had caught people.

YOu are the one fucked in the head.

it gives me great delight knowing that deplorables like you are in for the biggest disappointment of their lives.

Can't even pretend to deny what I said.

I called it a witch hunt, and for a counter argument, you offered that they had caught people.

YOu are the one fucked in the head.

i'm not even sure what it is you are saying. they caught some people, yes. what does that tell you?
I recently just started getting into US politics, and what I noticed was on social media, a lot of Donald Trump's posts are filled with hate comments, even when he paid his condolences to the September 11 victims and their families, it was still filled with negativity.

How hated is this man?

Also, RIP to the September 11 victims, and wishing the best for their families on this 17th anniversary

There are ‘groups’ that must hate him by’s the protocol to be followed.
Illegals, barely legals, ragheads, feminazis, bottom feeders, weirdos, pole puffers and men in dresses can’t stand Trump as he’s made it clear he won’t champion America’s filth like the Kenyan did.
You’ll find that NOBODY decent, moral, productive and normal hates Trump.

Another festering crock of shit from this broke-ass loser.

I love it when Cult45 members chime in about how they are the 'decent', 'normal', 'productive' people in this country, when every act and behavior they lay down points to them being more like manipulative military-grade shit bags. Guess what loser, the biggest supporter of the Orange Virus I know in RL:

1. Has no job.
2. Has no car.
3. Smokes weed everyday.
4. Lives rent-free (going on 10 yrs. of sponging off friends/family/couch surfing).
5. Collects food stamps.
6. Doesn't understand irony.

He bitches about illegals and their 'entitlements' like stealing white people's 'jobs' (he's also racist trash - shocker). He bitches about women's rights, yet hasn't been on a date since I've known him (about 3 years.). He crows about it being the 'best economy evar!!!', but how would he know? It's not as if he actually participates and contributes to it. Know how he knows? He reads cherry-picked fake news from the extremist right. The list of stupid is endless with this guy.

That said, I try to see the best in people and give them chances. I tried hooking him up with a female friend and he crashed and burned so hard I felt embarrassed for him (and had to profusely apologize to her). Perhaps he's secretly gay, I couldn't tell you. He asked me for a job once, but I told him I don't hire drug users that wake up around noon most days.

Cult45 members are easy to spot because they exhibit similar traits to the Orange Messiah himself. Con/manipulation turns into outright lying, then when confronted, deflect, rinse and repeat. They're basic bitches in that way.

Cool story...the ole...”I know this ONE guy.”
So you know one filthy piece of shit Trump supporter...guess what, I’d bet there are thousands huh? So what.
There are exceptions to any rule...Anyone sane knows your Party is predominately made up of this nations filth. You lowlife fucks speak for yourselves all the want others to pay your way, you love your illegals, men in dresses and pole love poor bottom feeding criminals and hate wealthy, law abiding, Christians. We get it bud....NOBODY good, decent, moral and productive speaks like you dirty bastards do...NOBODY!
We have you pegged.
sure they did....every one of those hillary voters just loved the shit out of her....apparently you were not reading the posts by the lefties here who did vote for her and what they were saying...

well i'm certainly not a fan of hers & i certainly didn't say anybody, let alone all of her voters - loved her. but apparently they loved america more than being traitors to our country & voting for putin's bitch instead.
voting for a minor piece of shit instead of a major one is still voting for a piece of shit....and i dont think America figured into this....

hillary was never & would never be a russian asset.

so there is that.
if you say so.....
It wasn't Hillary kissing Putin butt on that stage in Helsinki Taking the KGB pos word over our intelligent services
eddy you can kiss her ass all day long....if she was trusted and likable she would have won...i worked in a very democrat environment and she was not liked by a hell of a lot of them,especially the woman....and this was in 08....
well i'm certainly not a fan of hers & i certainly didn't say anybody, let alone all of her voters - loved her. but apparently they loved america more than being traitors to our country & voting for putin's bitch instead.
voting for a minor piece of shit instead of a major one is still voting for a piece of shit....and i dont think America figured into this....

hillary was never & would never be a russian asset.

so there is that.
if you say so.....
It wasn't Hillary kissing Putin butt on that stage in Helsinki Taking the KGB pos word over our intelligent services
eddy you can kiss her ass all day long....if she was trusted and likable she would have won...i worked in a very democrat environment and she was not liked by a hell of a lot of them,especially the woman....and this was in 08....
That's the problem Harry Most repubs hate strong women on the Dem side but idolize them on the right
voting for a minor piece of shit instead of a major one is still voting for a piece of shit....and i dont think America figured into this....

hillary was never & would never be a russian asset.

so there is that.
if you say so.....
It wasn't Hillary kissing Putin butt on that stage in Helsinki Taking the KGB pos word over our intelligent services
eddy you can kiss her ass all day long....if she was trusted and likable she would have won...i worked in a very democrat environment and she was not liked by a hell of a lot of them,especially the woman....and this was in 08....
That's the problem Harry Most repubs hate strong women on the Dem side but idolize them on the right
i can see that eddy,but i was talking about democrat woman....
hillary was never & would never be a russian asset.

so there is that.
if you say so.....
It wasn't Hillary kissing Putin butt on that stage in Helsinki Taking the KGB pos word over our intelligent services
eddy you can kiss her ass all day long....if she was trusted and likable she would have won...i worked in a very democrat environment and she was not liked by a hell of a lot of them,especially the woman....and this was in 08....
That's the problem Harry Most repubs hate strong women on the Dem side but idolize them on the right
i can see that eddy,but i was talking about democrat woman....
Hillary was strong prepared for the job ,had great people behind her and wouldn't have made America look like a comic show Her downfall were the lies about her by repubs for 25 years
Well the left sure hates him and all those who voted for Hitlery hate him.

He has a lot of supporters though and I would bet they outnumber the haters.
They didn’t even outnumber the “haters” in his fraudulent election

Oh you mean the election where he was elected and Hitlery wasn't??

Nothing fraudulent about that election at all.
Don't spoil it for them... They are still busy sifting through every grain of sand in their desert of broken dreams trying to figure out just what the heck happened.

Hopefully they will remain in the desert for the next 40 + years or at least until the damage is undone before the next 40 years take place.
Easy to say he is the most hated person I've seen throughout my life.
if you say so.....
It wasn't Hillary kissing Putin butt on that stage in Helsinki Taking the KGB pos word over our intelligent services
eddy you can kiss her ass all day long....if she was trusted and likable she would have won...i worked in a very democrat environment and she was not liked by a hell of a lot of them,especially the woman....and this was in 08....
That's the problem Harry Most repubs hate strong women on the Dem side but idolize them on the right
i can see that eddy,but i was talking about democrat woman....
Hillary was strong prepared for the job ,had great people behind her and wouldn't have made America look like a comic show Her downfall were the lies about her by repubs for 25 years
eddy many people did not like her as a person....maybe it had to do when she was first lady....i voted for bill twice but back then i could not stomach the woman and it had nothing to do with what the right may have been saying....but then nancy reagan wasnt high on my favorite persons list either....
I recently just started getting into US politics, and what I noticed was on social media, a lot of Donald Trump's posts are filled with hate comments, even when he paid his condolences to the September 11 victims and their families, it was still filled with negativity.

How hated is this man?

Also, RIP to the September 11 victims, and wishing the best for their families on this 17th anniversary
Probably the most hated man in the world
or most hated man in history?
Is he more hated than Joseph Stalin, Hitler, Justin Bieber etc?
I really have no clue because I haven't really followed him
In Putin’s Russia, people love Stalin. And across the world the white nationalist movement that brought Trump to power is sympathetic to Hitler. So we’d have to take a poll. I’m not sure who’s more hated these days.
One day white people will learn to love themselves, and they will not be ashamed of being white, and they will understand when their whiteness is under attack as if they should cower down anytime another race including their own tries to attack them because of being white.

Now change the word white to black.

See how that works ?

Now why is it that being white in the United States is some how a bad thing these days, and why is it that we continually see the attacks on a person's skin color as if it is ok to do such a thing as long as the left or liberals do this, but if the tables are turned then it's played by the left as if it is the most henious criminal acts in history to have occurred when see this sort of stuff ??

It's time for true equality in this country, and it's time for both whites and blacks to get the same treatment when they do the most ridiculous thing ever, and that is judging any man upon his skin color, and not upon his character instead.
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It wasn't Hillary kissing Putin butt on that stage in Helsinki Taking the KGB pos word over our intelligent services
eddy you can kiss her ass all day long....if she was trusted and likable she would have won...i worked in a very democrat environment and she was not liked by a hell of a lot of them,especially the woman....and this was in 08....
That's the problem Harry Most repubs hate strong women on the Dem side but idolize them on the right
i can see that eddy,but i was talking about democrat woman....
Hillary was strong prepared for the job ,had great people behind her and wouldn't have made America look like a comic show Her downfall were the lies about her by repubs for 25 years
eddy many people did not like her as a person....maybe it had to do when she was first lady....i voted for bill twice but back then i could not stomach the woman and it had nothing to do with what the right may have been saying....but then nancy reagan wasnt high on my favorite persons list either....
Like I said before at least you're not bonkers like some of these other hate hillay people are here I'll even buy the drinks I just want you to understand I believe none of what repubs said about her
Cool story...the ole...”I know this ONE guy.”

Perhaps you got me there, chief. I suppose it's akin to the ol' chestnut... "I can't be racist, I have a black/brown/purple/pink friend" that you drooling twats regurgitate every five minutes. Pardon me for trying to liven things up for you extremist ghouls. Carry on with your basement dwelling life, drone.

Anyone sane knows your Party is predominately made up of this nations filth.

What party is that, kitten?

You lowlife fucks speak for yourselves all the want others to pay your way,


you love your illegals,

Strike two.

men in dresses and pole puffers..

Aaaand, you're out of there, sheep dick. And do try keeping your sexual desires out of your arguments, because people do talk, Orange tits.

you love poor bottom feeding criminals and hate wealthy, law abiding, Christians.

You love wearing pussy hats and secretly wish you were a woman. See? I can make shit up too, 10-ply.

We get it bud....NOBODY good, decent, moral and productive speaks like you dirty bastards do...NOBODY!
We have you pegged.

The only thing you have pegged is the irony meter in pretty much every place you visit, short bus.
eddy you can kiss her ass all day long....if she was trusted and likable she would have won...i worked in a very democrat environment and she was not liked by a hell of a lot of them,especially the woman....and this was in 08....
That's the problem Harry Most repubs hate strong women on the Dem side but idolize them on the right
i can see that eddy,but i was talking about democrat woman....
Hillary was strong prepared for the job ,had great people behind her and wouldn't have made America look like a comic show Her downfall were the lies about her by repubs for 25 years
eddy many people did not like her as a person....maybe it had to do when she was first lady....i voted for bill twice but back then i could not stomach the woman and it had nothing to do with what the right may have been saying....but then nancy reagan wasnt high on my favorite persons list either....
Like I said before at least you're not bonkers like some of these other hate hillay people are here I'll even buy the drinks I just want you to understand I believe none of what repubs said about her
she was the wrong person for the dems to run....she had way to much baggage.....and trump had tons of baggage that we knew about and yet he took her out....
I can't believe this sh!t could happen in the USA.

An azzhole CEO buys the GOP nomination with his inherited wealth from his dad and then wins the election based on pure bullsh!t.
View attachment 216284

Hey, that's a good graphic! The Orange Virus does deliver empty promises, just like his professional political counterparts. A stopped clock is right twice a day...
Tumblin Tumbleweed said:
The Orange Virus does deliver empty promises.
So Empty
Obama Is Stumping To Take Credit
For Foreign Policy And Economic Out-Comes
Obama Said Couldn't Be Done

Obama Was In The Way
For The Last Eight Years....
Independent said:
Notice only Trump stares down the camera.
Noticed That Too
Witch hunts often catch people and burn them.

That you would consider that evidence of witches, just shows how evil you are.

lol... you are fucked up in the head.

I called it a witch hunt, and for a counter argument, you offered that they had caught people.

YOu are the one fucked in the head.

it gives me great delight knowing that deplorables like you are in for the biggest disappointment of their lives.

Can't even pretend to deny what I said.

I called it a witch hunt, and for a counter argument, you offered that they had caught people.

YOu are the one fucked in the head.

i'm not even sure what it is you are saying. they caught some people, yes. what does that tell you?

They they grabbed some innocent people and burned them alive.

You know that witches are not real, right?

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