How is Bill Clinton's 1994 anti nuke agreement with North Korea working out?

Progs must be angry as fuck at Bill....right?

What parts of this speech are true? Specifically. Let's break it down.

Bill Clinton said that North Korea had stopped their nuclear weapons program. Was he a stupid fuck just concerned with blowing jizz on a fat and ugly intern, or was he just lying?

At least JFK was plowing Monroe.

Clinton dropped loads of semen on Lewinsky.
I am pretty sure I am racist for posting this...but let's have our Prog buddies blame Trump for Clinton's 1994 speech.

Let's hear it...

William Jefferson Clinton claimed North Korea had stopped their nuclear missile program.

So North Korea doesn't have the bomb...because Bill said so.

I bet Seoul is so comforted,by that video
Just gallons of semen on Lewinsky rather than dealing with North Korea.

Where are my Progs defending the words of their god?

No fake news. Watch the man in his own words.

Watch the video, make up your own mind.

He said we were good. Is he a liar or a moron?

It worked out exactly as Jimmy Carter designed it to work out.

Bill got a nice bribe, which is the only thing he ever cared about - well, that and pussy, an interest he shares with Hillary...
Progs, let's break it down and see where we are today.

I will help you out and start the debate.

I clam that the posted video,of Bill Clinton from 1994 proves that his North Korea policy of preventing them from getting nuclear weapons is a failure.

Progs? Prove me wrong,,,,

Keep in mind that I think Bush could have handled this and was awful and wrong in how he handled it.


Every POTUS was a political hack in dealing with NK, and now Trump can sign some bullshit agreement.....or deal with it head on.

Progs, think of it as birth control...if the fat kid launches a nuke at San Francisco, a lot of Dems will,not be able to vote.

Think about your voters.
Progs, let's break it down and see where we are today.

I will help you out and start the debate.

I clam that the posted video,of Bill Clinton from 1994 proves that his North Korea policy of preventing them from getting nuclear weapons is a failure.

Progs? Prove me wrong,,,,

Keep in mind that I think Bush could have handled this and was awful and wrong in how he handled it.


Every POTUS was a political hack in dealing with NK, and now Trump can sign some bullshit agreement.....or deal with it head on.

Progs, think of it as birth control...if the fat kid launches a nuke at San Francisco, a lot of Dems will,not be able to vote.

Think about your voters.
/----/ Progs are scrambling to ignore you as fast as possible.
They will not address the video of Bil Clinton about his,amazing deal with North Korea.

It's funny, but it gets boring,,,and ultimately it's dangerous.

Progs...what the fuck was your boy talking about in this speech? Break it down for us.

Progs, let's break it down and see where we are today.

I will help you out and start the debate.

I clam that the posted video,of Bill Clinton from 1994 proves that his North Korea policy of preventing them from getting nuclear weapons is a failure.

Progs? Prove me wrong,,,,

Keep in mind that I think Bush could have handled this and was awful and wrong in how he handled it.


Every POTUS was a political hack in dealing with NK, and now Trump can sign some bullshit agreement.....or deal with it head on.

Progs, think of it as birth control...if the fat kid launches a nuke at San Francisco, a lot of Dems will,not be able to vote.

Think about your voters.

You understand that was 23 years ago, right?
Progs, let's break it down and see where we are today.

I will help you out and start the debate.

I clam that the posted video,of Bill Clinton from 1994 proves that his North Korea policy of preventing them from getting nuclear weapons is a failure.

Progs? Prove me wrong,,,,

Keep in mind that I think Bush could have handled this and was awful and wrong in how he handled it.


Every POTUS was a political hack in dealing with NK, and now Trump can sign some bullshit agreement.....or deal with it head on.

Progs, think of it as birth control...if the fat kid launches a nuke at San Francisco, a lot of Dems will,not be able to vote.

Think about your voters.

You understand that was 23 years ago, right?

You understand that it was that agreement which gave NK nuclear weapons, right?
Is this fake news? William Jefferson Clinton claimed that North Korea would not get the bomb.

Is he a lying sack of shit or stupid as fuck? Those are the only 2 options....because North Korea has the bomb.

Defend Clinton and Obamas North Korea policy....and then send ANTIFA to Houston to help their minority victims.

How hard was bills dick during that speech...he had exploited women's saliva all over that thing as he spoke.

True misogynist...cheating on Hillary...
If sucks to have to defend source information...I know.

Break it down, Progs.

Why don't Progs,want to discuss this?

Watch the video and analyze where we are today.
I know I am a racist homophobic islamophobic misogynistic jerk.

Just watch the video and respond.

Progs, let's break it down and see where we are today.

I will help you out and start the debate.

I clam that the posted video,of Bill Clinton from 1994 proves that his North Korea policy of preventing them from getting nuclear weapons is a failure.

Progs? Prove me wrong,,,,

Keep in mind that I think Bush could have handled this and was awful and wrong in how he handled it.


Every POTUS was a political hack in dealing with NK, and now Trump can sign some bullshit agreement.....or deal with it head on.

Progs, think of it as birth control...if the fat kid launches a nuke at San Francisco, a lot of Dems will,not be able to vote.

Think about your voters.

You understand that was 23 years ago, right?

You understand that it was that agreement which gave NK nuclear weapons, right?

I understand that an agreement made 23 years ago that NK didn't fulfill is hardly the blame of anyone but NK. If you are trying to show some sort of malfeasance, or effort by Clinton to hurt the US by helping NK build a bomb, you're just nuts.
If you are blaming your unemployment on Trump, just go to Houston. You will find immediate work.
We will be saying the same thing about Obama's Iran deal as well. Clinton's NK Deal and Obama's Iran Deal are classic case studies of leading through Appeasement. The World does not like Bush II or Trump because they can't bully them.

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