How is Bill Clinton's 1994 anti nuke agreement with North Korea working out?

If sucks to have to defend source information...I know.

Break it down, Progs.

Clinton screwed us with the NK, period. GW didn't do a thing to help.

Obama doubled down and let the NK do whatever it wanted, then created another big problem with Iran. This is all why the progs don't want to talk about ANY of it. Even the most illiterate prog knows who did this, and instead of supporting a fix, they want to point fingers at people who had little, or nothing to do with this disaster.
Progs, let's break it down and see where we are today.

I will help you out and start the debate.

I clam that the posted video,of Bill Clinton from 1994 proves that his North Korea policy of preventing them from getting nuclear weapons is a failure.

Progs? Prove me wrong,,,,

Keep in mind that I think Bush could have handled this and was awful and wrong in how he handled it.


Every POTUS was a political hack in dealing with NK, and now Trump can sign some bullshit agreement.....or deal with it head on.

Progs, think of it as birth control...if the fat kid launches a nuke at San Francisco, a lot of Dems will,not be able to vote.

Think about your voters.

You understand that was 23 years ago, right?
Why don't Progs,want to discuss this?

Watch the video and analyze where we are today.

Yes, let's discuss this.

1. Bill Clinton made an agreement with North Korea when Kim Jong Un's grandfather, Kim il-Sung, was in power, which would have kept NK from getting nukes had it been in force today. Shorty after the agreement was signed Sung died and his son, Kim Jong-il came to power.

2. George W. Bush tore up Clinton's agreement with North Korea, whereupon the Kim Jong-il went back to enriching uranium. Kim Jong-il died in December, 2011

3. Kim Jong Un came to power and went gung ho on building nukes, leading us to today's situation.

So you're pissed at Bill because the agreement he signed 1994 with Kim Jong Un's grandfather, an agreement that George W. Bush tore up, hasn't held up.

You are truly too stupid to be one person.
Why don't Progs,want to discuss this?

Watch the video and analyze where we are today.

Yes, let's discuss this.

1. Bill Clinton made an agreement with North Korea when Kim Jong Un's grandfather, Kim il-Sung, was in power, which would have kept NK from getting nukes had it been in force today. Shorty after the agreement was signed Sung died and his son, Kim Jong-il came to power.

2. George W. Bush tore up Clinton's agreement with North Korea, whereupon the Kim Jong-il went back to enriching uranium. Kim Jong-il died in December, 2011

3. Kim Jong Un came to power and went gung ho on building nukes, leading us to today's situation.

So you're pissed at Bill because the agreement he signed 1994 with Kim Jong Un's grandfather, an agreement that George W. Bush tore up, hasn't held up.

You are truly too stupid to be one person.

Beyond hurting my feelings for calling me stupid, how did Obama help the planet prevent a nuclear NK?

As a Canadian, what did your nation do?
How is Bill Clinton's 1994 anti nuke agreement with North Korea working out?

About the same as Reagan's..
Progs, let's break it down and see where we are today.

I will help you out and start the debate.

I clam that the posted video,of Bill Clinton from 1994 proves that his North Korea policy of preventing them from getting nuclear weapons is a failure.

Progs? Prove me wrong,,,,

Keep in mind that I think Bush could have handled this and was awful and wrong in how he handled it.


Every POTUS was a political hack in dealing with NK, and now Trump can sign some bullshit agreement.....or deal with it head on.

Progs, think of it as birth control...if the fat kid launches a nuke at San Francisco, a lot of Dems will,not be able to vote.

Think about your voters.

You understand that was 23 years ago, right?

Perhaps it is time to try something different than the abject failures of the past 23 years. Failures that are being supported by Democrats and their propaganda wing.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
Why don't Progs,want to discuss this?

Watch the video and analyze where we are today.

Yes, let's discuss this.

1. Bill Clinton made an agreement with North Korea when Kim Jong Un's grandfather, Kim il-Sung, was in power, which would have kept NK from getting nukes had it been in force today. Shorty after the agreement was signed Sung died and his son, Kim Jong-il came to power.

2. George W. Bush tore up Clinton's agreement with North Korea, whereupon the Kim Jong-il went back to enriching uranium. Kim Jong-il died in December, 2011

3. Kim Jong Un came to power and went gung ho on building nukes, leading us to today's situation.

So you're pissed at Bill because the agreement he signed 1994 with Kim Jong Un's grandfather, an agreement that George W. Bush tore up, hasn't held up.

You are truly too stupid to be one person.

Beyond hurting my feelings for calling me stupid, how did Obama help the planet prevent a nuclear NK?

As a Canadian, what did your nation do?

Why don't you google it and find out for yourself.
Progs, let's break it down and see where we are today.

I will help you out and start the debate.

I clam that the posted video,of Bill Clinton from 1994 proves that his North Korea policy of preventing them from getting nuclear weapons is a failure.

Progs? Prove me wrong,,,,

Keep in mind that I think Bush could have handled this and was awful and wrong in how he handled it.


Every POTUS was a political hack in dealing with NK, and now Trump can sign some bullshit agreement.....or deal with it head on.

Progs, think of it as birth control...if the fat kid launches a nuke at San Francisco, a lot of Dems will,not be able to vote.

Think about your voters.

You understand that was 23 years ago, right?

You understand that it was that agreement which gave NK nuclear weapons, right?
so did President Bush change it?
Progs, let's break it down and see where we are today.

I will help you out and start the debate.

I clam that the posted video,of Bill Clinton from 1994 proves that his North Korea policy of preventing them from getting nuclear weapons is a failure.

Progs? Prove me wrong,,,,

Keep in mind that I think Bush could have handled this and was awful and wrong in how he handled it.


Every POTUS was a political hack in dealing with NK, and now Trump can sign some bullshit agreement.....or deal with it head on.

Progs, think of it as birth control...if the fat kid launches a nuke at San Francisco, a lot of Dems will,not be able to vote.

Think about your voters.

You understand that was 23 years ago, right?
you nuts still bring up Reagan.
Progs, let's break it down and see where we are today.

I will help you out and start the debate.

I clam that the posted video,of Bill Clinton from 1994 proves that his North Korea policy of preventing them from getting nuclear weapons is a failure.

Progs? Prove me wrong,,,,

Keep in mind that I think Bush could have handled this and was awful and wrong in how he handled it.


Every POTUS was a political hack in dealing with NK, and now Trump can sign some bullshit agreement.....or deal with it head on.

Progs, think of it as birth control...if the fat kid launches a nuke at San Francisco, a lot of Dems will,not be able to vote.

Think about your voters.

You understand that was 23 years ago, right?
you nuts still bring up Reagan.

Yes, when he is relevant to the current discussion. I don't go back and bitch about him just to bitch about him. There would be plenty of information if that is what I wanted to do.
Progs, let's break it down and see where we are today.

I will help you out and start the debate.

I clam that the posted video,of Bill Clinton from 1994 proves that his North Korea policy of preventing them from getting nuclear weapons is a failure.

Progs? Prove me wrong,,,,

Keep in mind that I think Bush could have handled this and was awful and wrong in how he handled it.


Every POTUS was a political hack in dealing with NK, and now Trump can sign some bullshit agreement.....or deal with it head on.

Progs, think of it as birth control...if the fat kid launches a nuke at San Francisco, a lot of Dems will,not be able to vote.

Think about your voters.

You understand that was 23 years ago, right?

You understand that it was that agreement which gave NK nuclear weapons, right?
so did President Bush change it?
Change what? The agreement? The agreement was he wouldnt make nukes, but he did it anyway. What exactly are you expecting Bush to have changed? The damage was already done.

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