How is Bill Clinton's 1994 anti nuke agreement with North Korea working out?

Slick willy is a child molester/rapist... fact

Watch the video, make up your own mind.

He said we were good. Is he a liar or a moron?

Don't blame bill that Kim Jung freaked out when Trump won. I'm sure Trump said horrible threatening things about North Korea on the campaign trail.

We know Trump was just talking shit but lil Kim didn't know.

Elections and words have consequences
Watch the video, make up your own mind.

He said we were good. Is he a liar or a moron?

Don't blame bill that Kim Jung freaked out when Trump won. I'm sure Trump said horrible threatening things about North Korea on the campaign trail.

We know Trump was just talking shit but lil Kim didn't know.

Elections and words have consequences

Don't you know it's all Bill's fault? Anything good that happens is a result of the Orange Saviour. Anything bad, well those damn Democrats....
Watch the video, make up your own mind.

He said we were good. Is he a liar or a moron?

Don't blame bill that Kim Jung freaked out when Trump won. I'm sure Trump said horrible threatening things about North Korea on the campaign trail.

We know Trump was just talking shit but lil Kim didn't know.

Elections and words have consequences

Don't you know it's all Bill's fault? Anything good that happens is a result of the Orange Saviour. Anything bad, well those damn Democrats....

They're talking about this now on the news. So Trump and Republicans are looking weak. I'm only basing my opinion on their own past comments about Obama and clinton. Notice they leave bush out although it was him invading iraq that makes lil Kim nervous.

Lil Kim doesn't want to die. He wants a nuke to protect himself from guys like bush and twitler. If he gets one, which he already has, Trump looks weak.

Based on Republicans past comments. Trump said not gonna happen. If it does he's weak. Right righties??
Progs, let's break it down and see where we are today.

I will help you out and start the debate.

I clam that the posted video,of Bill Clinton from 1994 proves that his North Korea policy of preventing them from getting nuclear weapons is a failure.

Progs? Prove me wrong,,,,

Keep in mind that I think Bush could have handled this and was awful and wrong in how he handled it.


Every POTUS was a political hack in dealing with NK, and now Trump can sign some bullshit agreement.....or deal with it head on.

Progs, think of it as birth control...if the fat kid launches a nuke at San Francisco, a lot of Dems will,not be able to vote.

Think about your voters.

You understand that was 23 years ago, right?

You understand that it was that agreement which gave NK nuclear weapons, right?
so did President Bush change it?
Change what? The agreement? The agreement was he wouldnt make nukes, but he did it anyway. What exactly are you expecting Bush to have changed? The damage was already done.
And, so what? If there were no agreement with Clinton, would North Korea NOT have pursued nukes or would we be in the same place now? :rolleyes:

You realize that there is no world agreement with Nations that they can not have a nuclear weapon.
"War is NEVER something the US wants...but our country's patience is not unlimited." - Trump
We didn't do anything but pay NK extortion money for decades.

Appeasement does not work.

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