How is hating a race, different than hating a vegetable, or fruit, or anything?


Gold Member
Apr 13, 2017
I mean a lot of people hate brussels sprouts, and that's not a problem.

But, then if someone hates Black people, then it's a problem.

While it maybe true that here, and there people might really be violent towards people of color due to hatred.

I tend to think out of millions, and millions of anti-Black racists in the U.S.A, the victimization rate is low.

Yes, some imperialism crimes were wrong, but I don't think it's necessarily the racism we know.

For example Slave Masters actually supported Blacks to be here, and even supported importing, and multiplying Blacks, that's clearly profit margins, rather than racism.

As for Hitler, and the Nazis, it was probably competition, they also eliminated many White competitors too, actually more so of Russians than Jews.

I don't think that's necessarily racism, either.
I mean a lot of people hate brussels sprouts, and that's not a problem.

those aren't human beings.

and, sometimes, I wonder if you are.

Well, the point does stand, I mean no one thinks that hating brussel sprouts will lead to abuse upon brussel sprouts.

How come?

Here's an idea bud...

take your race baiting crap back to Stormfront, or some other white supremacist web site.

The only ones that want you here, suffer the same delusions you do, and should leave with you.
I mean a lot of people hate brussels sprouts, and that's not a problem.

those aren't human beings.

and, sometimes, I wonder if you are.

Well, the point does stand, I mean no one thinks that hating brussel sprouts will lead to abuse upon brussel sprouts.

How come?

Here's an idea bud...

take your race baiting crap back to Stormfront, or some other white supremacist web site.

The only ones that want you here, suffer the same delusions you do, and should leave with you.

I've watched Vice, with that Mulatto guy going around groups of White neo-Nazis, and KKK, and also Black Israelites, and other racist groups they don't even bother him, really other than speak their mind.

Generally speaking, most people who hate things, don't even go around with abuse.

I actually think the Left's volatile censorship of hate speech in many countries in Western Europe, especially is far more disturbing than someone hating.
The OP should serve as a reminder that when the nurse puts the thermometer under your tongue you’re not supposed to bite it and suck out the mercury.
The OP should serve as a reminder that when the nurse puts the thermometer under your tongue you’re not supposed to bite it and suck out the mercury.

So, maybe 1 in a 1,000 people attack Brussels Sprouts, because they hate it.

So, maybe 1 in a 1,000 people attack Black people, because they hate it.

What's so different?

Truth is most people who hate things, AVOID THEM.

There's really not many incidences, considering, today.

Nor do I think on a individual basis there ever was.
I mean a lot of people hate brussels sprouts, and that's not a problem.

But, then if someone hates Black people, then it's a problem.

While it maybe true that here, and there people might really be violent towards people of color due to hatred.

I tend to think out of millions, and millions of anti-Black racists in the U.S.A, the victimization rate is low.

Yes, some imperialism crimes were wrong, but I don't think it's necessarily the racism we know.

For example Slave Masters actually supported Blacks to be here, and even supported importing, and multiplying Blacks, that's clearly profit margins, rather than racism.

As for Hitler, and the Nazis, it was probably competition, they also eliminated many White competitors too, actually more so of Russians than Jews.

I don't think that's necessarily racism, either.
If you have to ask this question then me saying white people like you have the intelligence of a retarded rhesus monkey is not racist.
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I have always thought of people as just people with no difference among them. When I became a dog groomer having feelings about someone just because of the color of their skin or where they came from, or some other difference was silly. It was as much nonsense as disliking dogs with black fur or siamese cats. Stupid.

In the last ten years, I have been forced to change. There comes a point, where I just quit listening. When racist graffiti is discovered on a college campus, or on a black person’s house, my reaction is no longer outrage, disgust, and sympathy for a victim of a hate crime. It’s outrage and disgust alright, and it comes a few days later when it is almost always revealed to be yet another racial hoax perpetrated by black people. I really don’t want to hear them tearfully recounting that heartrending moment when they “discovered” some mean white KKK member had snuck into their laundry room, completely unseen and invisible to video cameras, to scribble“Trump ’16” and “Die n*ggers” on the wall. At this point, I’ll turn the channel.

I applaud those who are successful, and overcome challenges, and I wish them well. But just like my white colleagues, if they make poor decisions, spend their money foolishly, refuse the free education available to them, have children they can’t afford, get involved in drugs and criminality, I have little sympathy. And I’m not likely to make an effort to be friendly with them or get to know them. I’ll be polite, but I don’t particularly care to associate with them, white or black.

I no longer excuse or rationalize violence, criminality, laziness, indolence, careless babymaking, willful dependency or degeneracy among blacks, any more than I do with whites. If you’re a thief who doesn’t support his child, and spends his days drinking and whining about how his life sucks, your black skin doesn’t get you a pass from me. You’re just as much of a piece of garbage as your fellow white bum. Doesn’t equality feel good?

Perhaps it’s the hyper-sensitivity, the arrogant and unabashed racism toward other races, and the self-entitlement. Could be the willingness to drop everything to riot, loot, burn and destroy personal and public property, menace, threaten and physically attack innocent white people. Or the propensity towards cowardly mob attacks on vulnerable whites, especially the elderly, women, any white person they catch alone and defenseless.

I am done. Finished. I don't want anything to do with black people. I'll avoid them when I can, ignore them when I can't. Give me grief and I will give it back, with a great deal of interest and enjoyment.
I mean a lot of people hate brussels sprouts, and that's not a problem.

But, then if someone hates Black people, then it's a problem.

While it maybe true that here, and there people might really be violent towards people of color due to hatred.

I tend to think out of millions, and millions of anti-Black racists in the U.S.A, the victimization rate is low.

Yes, some imperialism crimes were wrong, but I don't think it's necessarily the racism we know.

For example Slave Masters actually supported Blacks to be here, and even supported importing, and multiplying Blacks, that's clearly profit margins, rather than racism.

As for Hitler, and the Nazis, it was probably competition, they also eliminated many White competitors too, actually more so of Russians than Jews.

I don't think that's necessarily racism, either.

Well let's say you for instance were a brussel sprout. I wouldn't hate you as you have described it. It would be more like -

You smell bad, you aren't funny, you aren't liked by most, and you are a vegetable in every way possible. Which is probably mean to all those people who are vegetables or conservatives, but meh, what you going to do.
I have always thought of people as just people with no difference among them. When I became a dog groomer having feelings about someone just because of the color of their skin or where they came from, or some other difference was silly. It was as much nonsense as disliking dogs with black fur or siamese cats. Stupid.

In the last ten years, I have been forced to change. There comes a point, where I just quit listening. When racist graffiti is discovered on a college campus, or on a black person’s house, my reaction is no longer outrage, disgust, and sympathy for a victim of a hate crime. It’s outrage and disgust alright, and it comes a few days later when it is almost always revealed to be yet another racial hoax perpetrated by black people. I really don’t want to hear them tearfully recounting that heartrending moment when they “discovered” some mean white KKK member had snuck into their laundry room, completely unseen and invisible to video cameras, to scribble“Trump ’16” and “Die n*ggers” on the wall. At this point, I’ll turn the channel.

I applaud those who are successful, and overcome challenges, and I wish them well. But just like my white colleagues, if they make poor decisions, spend their money foolishly, refuse the free education available to them, have children they can’t afford, get involved in drugs and criminality, I have little sympathy. And I’m not likely to make an effort to be friendly with them or get to know them. I’ll be polite, but I don’t particularly care to associate with them, white or black.

I no longer excuse or rationalize violence, criminality, laziness, indolence, careless babymaking, willful dependency or degeneracy among blacks, any more than I do with whites. If you’re a thief who doesn’t support his child, and spends his days drinking and whining about how his life sucks, your black skin doesn’t get you a pass from me. You’re just as much of a piece of garbage as your fellow white bum. Doesn’t equality feel good?

Perhaps it’s the hyper-sensitivity, the arrogant and unabashed racism toward other races, and the self-entitlement. Could be the willingness to drop everything to riot, loot, burn and destroy personal and public property, menace, threaten and physically attack innocent white people. Or the propensity towards cowardly mob attacks on vulnerable whites, especially the elderly, women, any white person they catch alone and defenseless.

I am done. Finished. I don't want anything to do with black people. I'll avoid them when I can, ignore them when I can't. Give me grief and I will give it back, with a great deal of interest and enjoyment.

Whiny meltdown with a dash of “donchufukwitme!” BS. :lol:

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