How is Pelosi a devout Catholic and also supporting baby killing?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
How does she reconcile her hypocrisy?

She uses her Catholic Faith to benefit her politically all the time.

How does she condone murdering babies?
How does she reconcile her hypocrisy?

She uses her Catholic Faith to benefit her politically all the time.

How does she condone murdering babies?

Obvious fallacy of loaded question aside, the fact is we STILL do not live in a theocracy. A legislator is charged with laws of the government, not laws of some religion. What religion she personally exercises is ENTIRELY IRRELEVANT to that.

If you're a legislator and your personal (<< note the word PERSONAL) religion says you must drink bleach every day, and your constituents don't want any such legislation, then you have no standing to pass a law to drink bleach every day.

Of course, the phrase "personal religion" is redundant, isn't it.

I guess y'all wannabe theocratists just can't distinguish between a personal interest and the public interest, or between the personal and the political.
Perhaps some braindead nimrod could show the class anywhere in the Constitution that requires a legislator to act according to their personal religion rather than according to the constituents they represent.

Perhaps not.
The catholic church is not an agency of good in this world, its an agency of evil, and it likely always has been.... Catholic girls linked hand in hand to their catholic mothers, are likely the very best client's of planned parenthood, certainly that communist pope scumbag, who nakedly kisses communist Chinese ass, isn't all that concerned about the 60-80 million butchered infants democrats have presided over.... Hell, under Pelosi's benevolent guidance planned parenthood has industrialized the murder of babies, and so openly accepted is this murder of babies, that NY & VA's governors have literally signed legislation into law allowing doctors and evil mothers to murder the infant at delivery if they so desire it!
Pelosi = Catholic

Pelosi = baby murder

Pelosi = hypocrite


Pelosi - legislator

Pelosi religion --- none of our god damn business.
She supports abortion publicly
The Catholic Church should excommunicate her and all other politicians that publicly support abortion. Apparently the Church does not give a damn,
How does she reconcile her hypocrisy?

She uses her Catholic Faith to benefit her politically all the time.

How does she condone murdering babies?
It's a fair point, but you know, Democrats do NOT hold a monopoly on hypocrisy, right?

It is *NOT* a fair point. For it to be a fair point would require us to be a theocracy. WE ARE NOT.
And, thus, your hypocrisy is exposed.

We're not a theocracy, so why is Pelosi pushing a charity-by-government agenda using Christianity as the reasoning?

You wanna back off that "not a fair point" position?

How does she reconcile her hypocrisy?

She uses her Catholic Faith to benefit her politically all the time.

How does she condone murdering babies?

Do you know how many children the Speaker has brought into the world? Many women support R v. W and would never consider having an abortion. Your hyperbole has become tiresome, murder is the Illegal taking of a human being, and if R v. W to be overruled, murder will become a very common procedure; then people like you will demand Doctors and back street abortionists, and Women raped by a stranger or a family member, will all be put in prison; and of course you would never consider the culpability of the "sperm donor".
The catholic church is not an agency of good in this world, its an agency of evil, and it likely always has been.... Catholic girls linked hand in hand to their catholic mothers, are likely the very best client's of planned parenthood, certainly that communist pope scumbag, who nakedly kisses communist Chinese ass, isn't all that concerned about the 60-80 million butchered infants democrats have presided over.... Hell, under Pelosi's benevolent guidance planned parenthood has industrialized the murder of babies, and so openly accepted is this murder of babies, that NY & VA's governors have literally signed legislation into law allowing doctors and evil mothers to murder the infant at delivery if they so desire it!

Has Pelosi ever called out priests for fucking little boys?

She is ok with priests fucking kids and also supports baby murder. What a sick woman.

Pro child fucking and pro baby murder. Just ridiculous.
Pelosi = Catholic

Pelosi = baby murder

Pelosi = hypocrite


Pelosi - legislator

Pelosi religion --- none of our god damn business.
She supports abortion publicly
The Catholic Church should excommunicate her and all other politicians that publicly support abortion. Apparently the Church does not give a damn,
Apparently the Catholic Church is more concerned with their tithes.
Your moral compass is way the hell off if you ignore fucking children and support baby murder.

I support neither.

Pelosi is a witch.
How does she reconcile her hypocrisy?

She uses her Catholic Faith to benefit her politically all the time.

How does she condone murdering babies?
Would be nice if you posted a fucking link every now and then. At any rate, why single out Pelosi? How about Pennsylvania Rep. Tim Murphy?
How does she reconcile her hypocrisy?

She uses her Catholic Faith to benefit her politically all the time.

How does she condone murdering babies?
It's a fair point, but you know, Democrats do NOT hold a monopoly on hypocrisy, right?

It is *NOT* a fair point. For it to be a fair point would require us to be a theocracy. WE ARE NOT.
And, thus, your hypocrisy is exposed.

Where the fuck do you see hypocrisy on MY part? You just fucking agreed with me. And you had no choice anyway.

We're not a theocracy, so why is Pelosi pushing a charity-by-government agenda using Christianity as the reasoning?

You wanna back off that "not a fair point" position?

Actually I want a link to your bullshit. Until then that's what it remains. And if I get that link I will then bust you for changing the subject.

THE POINT STANDS. Legislators are charged with representing their constituents, not their own personal religion. Don't believe me? Check your fucking Constitution.
Pelosi = Catholic

Pelosi = baby murder

Pelosi = hypocrite


Pelosi - legislator

Pelosi religion --- none of our god damn business.
Then Pelosi needs to quit using RELIGION to sell her communist wealth-redistribution agenda!!

No, YOU need to quit using this guy


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