How is Pelosi a devout Catholic and also supporting baby killing?

How does she reconcile her hypocrisy?

She uses her Catholic Faith to benefit her politically all the time.

How does she condone murdering babies?

As someone who personally opposes abortion, but strongly supports women's rights, it's really easy. I have never had an abortion, and while I have become pregnant at difficult times in my life, my choice was to have the baby.

Abortion is not the "murder of a baby", it is terminating the potential of having a baby. It's not a baby until it leave the womb and draws breathe, and the draws breathe is the important part. Something that is part of a woman's biology. Women have spontaneous abortions every single day. "Miscarriages", which expell a fetus which fails to develop properly, or which a woman's body biologically rejects for a variety of reasons.

Abortion as "murder" is entirely a male, theological construct meant to restrain and controll women's sexuality and their stilt their economic potential.
How does she reconcile her hypocrisy?

She uses her Catholic Faith to benefit her politically all the time.

How does she condone murdering babies?

Obvious fallacy of loaded question aside, the fact is we STILL do not live in a theocracy. A legislator is charged with laws of the government, not laws of some religion. What religion she personally exercises is ENTIRELY IRRELEVANT to that.

If you're a legislator and your personal (<< note the word PERSONAL) religion says you must drink bleach every day, and your constituents don't want any such legislation, then you have no standing to pass a law to drink bleach every day.

Of course, the phrase "personal religion" is redundant, isn't it.

I guess y'all wannabe theocratists just can't distinguish between a personal interest and the public interest, or between the personal and the political.
Shut Up! Under the Catholic faith she is a murderer. If she went to 12 years of Catholic School, she knows.
Are women who actually had abortions murderers?
You really are nuts. Catholic doctrine condemns abortion.

And yet half of Catholics are still pro-choice. That fact doesn't go away just because it makes you look bad. You're hating on half of Catholics.

Also, the current Pope supports a whole lot of things that the right calls socialism. Do let us know when you start hating on the Catholics who disagree with the social justice aspect of Catholicism.

Now stop pretending you know jack shit about it and stfu you crazy old bitch

Yep, we've got another pervy hate-addict. You get a sick thrill from hating, which is why you spend your days doing it.

If only abortion supporting loon's mother's had been

Oh, you're a psychopath as well. That explains why you can only get pleasure through hating.
You fascists are evil, utterly so, as bad as ancient Sumerians were tossing live infants into burning pits as offering to baal,

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo ....

The hate was so intense there, that one no doubt had to take a break to clean up.

He's lying, of course. How do we know this?

If I thought toddlers were being dismembered in my home town, I wouldn't just be whining it in a beta-like fashion on the internet. I'd be there chaining myself to the doors.

Pro-lifers? Nothing. They can't be troubled to get off their fat asses. They don't give a rats ass about the babies. They just want an excuse to hate.
How does she reconcile her hypocrisy?

She uses her Catholic Faith to benefit her politically all the time.

How does she condone murdering babies?

Because (1) nobody is "murdering babies," and (2) she is a responsible public servant who realized that she has to represent all of her constituents and has no right to impose her personal beliefs on her fellow citizens by abusing her office.
Pelosi also supports gay marriage which is opposed by her church.

Other things Pelosi supports......Birth Control, Divorce, married priests
The catholic church is not an agency of good in this world, its an agency of evil, and it likely always has been.... Catholic girls linked hand in hand to their catholic mothers, are likely the very best client's of planned parenthood, certainly that communist pope scumbag, who nakedly kisses communist Chinese ass, isn't all that concerned about the 60-80 million butchered infants democrats have presided over.... Hell, under Pelosi's benevolent guidance planned parenthood has industrialized the murder of babies, and so openly accepted is this murder of babies, that NY & VA's governors have literally signed legislation into law allowing doctors and evil mothers to murder the infant at delivery if they so desire it!

Has Pelosi ever called out priests for fucking little boys?

She is ok with priests fucking kids and also supports baby murder. What a sick woman.

Pro child fucking and pro baby murder. Just ridiculous.

You expect Mrs Pelosi, the Speaker of the House of Rep. to be the moral compass for the Pope? Get real, her plate is full, especially when trump is in full process of putting our citizens in harms way, and at the same time trying to repeal those parts of the ACA which protect people with a preexisting conditions.
How does she reconcile her hypocrisy?

She uses her Catholic Faith to benefit her politically all the time.

How does she condone murdering babies?

Obvious fallacy of loaded question aside, the fact is we STILL do not live in a theocracy. A legislator is charged with laws of the government, not laws of some religion. What religion she personally exercises is ENTIRELY IRRELEVANT to that.

If you're a legislator and your personal (<< note the word PERSONAL) religion says you must drink bleach every day, and your constituents don't want any such legislation, then you have no standing to pass a law to drink bleach every day.

Of course, the phrase "personal religion" is redundant, isn't it.

I guess y'all wannabe theocratists just can't distinguish between a personal interest and the public interest, or between the personal and the political.

One cannot claim one is anything and then practice things that are antithetical to the things that their religion condemns
You really are nuts. Catholic doctrine condemns abortion.

And yet half of Catholics are still pro-choice. That fact doesn't go away just because it makes you look bad. You're hating on half of Catholics.

Also, the current Pope supports a whole lot of things that the right calls socialism. Do let us know when you start hating on the Catholics who disagree with the social justice aspect of Catholicism.

Now stop pretending you know jack shit about it and stfu you crazy old bitch

Yep, we've got another pervy hate-addict. You get a sick thrill from hating, which is why you spend your days doing it.

If only abortion supporting loon's mother's had been

Oh, you're a psychopath as well. That explains why you can only get pleasure through hating.

The Pope is actively rejecting historical Catholicism.
Last edited:
My conclusion is that she is nothing but a political beast.

No real morals. Like all liberals,
The catholic church is not an agency of good in this world, its an agency of evil, and it likely always has been.... Catholic girls linked hand in hand to their catholic mothers, are likely the very best client's of planned parenthood, certainly that communist pope scumbag, who nakedly kisses communist Chinese ass, isn't all that concerned about the 60-80 million butchered infants democrats have presided over.... Hell, under Pelosi's benevolent guidance planned parenthood has industrialized the murder of babies, and so openly accepted is this murder of babies, that NY & VA's governors have literally signed legislation into law allowing doctors and evil mothers to murder the infant at delivery if they so desire it!

Has Pelosi ever called out priests for fucking little boys?

She is ok with priests fucking kids and also supports baby murder. What a sick woman.

Pro child fucking and pro baby murder. Just ridiculous.

You expect Mrs Pelosi, the Speaker of the House of Rep. to be the moral compass for the Pope? Get real, her plate is full, especially when trump is in full process of putting our citizens in harms way, and at the same time trying to repeal those parts of the ACA which protect people with a preexisting conditions.

Their is nothing moral about the pope. He is full of hate with an evil mind.
The catholic church is not an agency of good in this world, its an agency of evil, and it likely always has been.... Catholic girls linked hand in hand to their catholic mothers, are likely the very best client's of planned parenthood, certainly that communist pope scumbag, who nakedly kisses communist Chinese ass, isn't all that concerned about the 60-80 million butchered infants democrats have presided over.... Hell, under Pelosi's benevolent guidance planned parenthood has industrialized the murder of babies, and so openly accepted is this murder of babies, that NY & VA's governors have literally signed legislation into law allowing doctors and evil mothers to murder the infant at delivery if they so desire it!

Has Pelosi ever called out priests for fucking little boys?

She is ok with priests fucking kids and also supports baby murder. What a sick woman.

Pro child fucking and pro baby murder. Just ridiculous.

You expect Mrs Pelosi, the Speaker of the House of Rep. to be the moral compass for the Pope? Get real, her plate is full, especially when trump is in full process of putting our citizens in harms way, and at the same time trying to repeal those parts of the ACA which protect people with a preexisting conditions.

Their is nothing moral about the pope. He is full of hate with an evil mind.
I know...all that feed the poor stuff
She is Catholic, but she supports baby murder.

How fucked in the head are you to make that pretzel logic.
How does she reconcile her hypocrisy?

She uses her Catholic Faith to benefit her politically all the time.

How does she condone murdering babies?

No one is condone murdering babies...

Babies have to be born to be babies...

So your premise is bullshit...

Better start again...

Next Thread:

ColonelAngus looses credibility telling lies about public servants
You fascists are evil, utterly so, as bad as ancient Sumerians were tossing live infants into burning pits as offering to baal,

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo ....

The hate was so intense there, that one no doubt had to take a break to clean up.

He's lying, of course. How do we know this?

If I thought toddlers were being dismembered in my home town, I wouldn't just be whining it in a beta-like fashion on the internet. I'd be there chaining myself to the doors.

Pro-lifers? Nothing. They can't be troubled to get off their fat asses. They don't give a rats ass about the babies. They just want an excuse to hate.
:banana: You cannot make this shit up, you imbecilic sub-moron, if your home town has a planned parenthood within it, then they are indeed chopping them up and auctioning off the tissues and organs derived therefrom to highest bidder! You are evil, you have embraced evil, and you wouldn't in wildest stoner dream chain self to doors to obstruct anything, you embrace the evil totally! Such naked evil requires absolutely no belief in God, no human evil does, just apathetic intellectually aborted weaklings such as yourself who make impossibly stupid assertions absent even slightest understanding of what world around them is engaged with!
How does she reconcile her hypocrisy?

She uses her Catholic Faith to benefit her politically all the time.

How does she condone murdering babies?
It's a fair point, but you know, Democrats do NOT hold a monopoly on hypocrisy, right?

It is *NOT* a fair point. For it to be a fair point would require us to be a theocracy. WE ARE NOT.
And, thus, your hypocrisy is exposed.

Where the fuck do you see hypocrisy on MY part? You just fucking agreed with me. And you had no choice anyway.

We're not a theocracy, so why is Pelosi pushing a charity-by-government agenda using Christianity as the reasoning?

You wanna back off that "not a fair point" position?

Actually I want a link to your bullshit. Until then that's what it remains. And if I get that link I will then bust you for changing the subject.

THE POINT STANDS. Legislators are charged with representing their constituents, not their own personal religion. Don't believe me? Check your fucking Constitution.

Here is Pelosi SAYING we need to enact public policy that is "in keeping with the word" (aka THEORCATIC)
Do you just blindly shout bullshit without looking into it first?

That would be you ------------ *I* didn't make the claim, did I. Fer fuxsake it was only MINUTES AGO.
The memory is the second thing to go.
You fascists are evil, utterly so, as bad as ancient Sumerians were tossing live infants into burning pits as offering to baal,

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo ....

The hate was so intense there, that one no doubt had to take a break to clean up.

He's lying, of course. How do we know this?

If I thought toddlers were being dismembered in my home town, I wouldn't just be whining it in a beta-like fashion on the internet. I'd be there chaining myself to the doors.

Pro-lifers? Nothing. They can't be troubled to get off their fat asses. They don't give a rats ass about the babies. They just want an excuse to hate.
:banana: You cannot make this shit up, you imbecilic sub-moron, if your home town has a planned parenthood within it, then they are indeed chopping them up and auctioning off the tissues and organs derived therefrom to highest bidder! You are evil, you have embraced evil, and you wouldn't in wildest stoner dream chain self to doors to obstruct anything, you embrace the evil totally! Such naked evil requires absolutely no belief in God, no human evil does, just apathetic intellectually aborted weaklings such as yourself who make impossibly stupid assertions absent even slightest understanding of what world around them is engaged with!

Thank you for that live on-the-spot report from the Dungeon of Dichotomy Disease.

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