How is Pelosi a devout Catholic and also supporting baby killing?

The catholic church is not an agency of good in this world, its an agency of evil, and it likely always has been.... Catholic girls linked hand in hand to their catholic mothers, are likely the very best client's of planned parenthood, certainly that communist pope scumbag, who nakedly kisses communist Chinese ass, isn't all that concerned about the 60-80 million butchered infants democrats have presided over.... Hell, under Pelosi's benevolent guidance planned parenthood has industrialized the murder of babies, and so openly accepted is this murder of babies, that NY & VA's governors have literally signed legislation into law allowing doctors and evil mothers to murder the infant at delivery if they so desire it!

Has Pelosi ever called out priests for fucking little boys?

She is ok with priests fucking kids and also supports baby murder. What a sick woman.

Pro child fucking and pro baby murder. Just ridiculous.

I thought I'd seen the stupidest logic of the day when some asshat "reasoned" that the world's population is still increasing therefore there is no pandemic.

But you just wrested that crown away.

Are y'all in some kind of contest to see who can pack the greatest number of logical fallacies into the fewest words? Because I'd like to put money on you.

Or to put it another way, watch this.

You are at this moment swimming in a sewer in Bangladesh, eating live rats. Prove you're not.
How does she reconcile her hypocrisy?

She uses her Catholic Faith to benefit her politically all the time.

How does she condone murdering babies?

Are you contending that Pelosi is anti abortion?

Jesus dude. Did you have shock therapy?

Nancy Pelosi promotes baby murder.
How does she reconcile her hypocrisy?

She uses her Catholic Faith to benefit her politically all the time.

How does she condone murdering babies?
It's a fair point, but you know, Democrats do NOT hold a monopoly on hypocrisy, right?

It is *NOT* a fair point. For it to be a fair point would require us to be a theocracy. WE ARE NOT.
And, thus, your hypocrisy is exposed.

Where the fuck do you see hypocrisy on MY part? You just fucking agreed with me. And you had no choice anyway.

We're not a theocracy, so why is Pelosi pushing a charity-by-government agenda using Christianity as the reasoning?

You wanna back off that "not a fair point" position?

Actually I want a link to your bullshit. Until then that's what it remains. And if I get that link I will then bust you for changing the subject.

THE POINT STANDS. Legislators are charged with representing their constituents, not their own personal religion. Don't believe me? Check your fucking Constitution.
Pogo busting balls and cracking skulls! Bam Beotchez! I love it!
How does she reconcile her hypocrisy?

She uses her Catholic Faith to benefit her politically all the time.

How does she condone murdering babies?

Are you contending that Pelosi is anti abortion?

Jesus dude. Did you have shock therapy?

Nancy Pelosi promotes baby murder.
So does the military.
How does she reconcile her hypocrisy?

She uses her Catholic Faith to benefit her politically all the time.

How does she condone murdering babies?
It's a fair point, but you know, Democrats do NOT hold a monopoly on hypocrisy, right?

It is *NOT* a fair point. For it to be a fair point would require us to be a theocracy. WE ARE NOT.
And, thus, your hypocrisy is exposed.

Where the fuck do you see hypocrisy on MY part? You just fucking agreed with me. And you had no choice anyway.

We're not a theocracy, so why is Pelosi pushing a charity-by-government agenda using Christianity as the reasoning?

You wanna back off that "not a fair point" position?

Actually I want a link to your bullshit. Until then that's what it remains. And if I get that link I will then bust you for changing the subject.

THE POINT STANDS. Legislators are charged with representing their constituents, not their own personal religion. Don't believe me? Check your fucking Constitution.

Here is Pelosi SAYING we need to enact public policy that is "in keeping with the word" (aka THEORCATIC)
Do you just blindly shout bullshit without looking into it first?

Just as many Catholics approve of abortion as oppose it

How does she reconcile her hypocrisy?

She uses her Catholic Faith to benefit her politically all the time.

How does she condone murdering babies?
It's a fair point, but you know, Democrats do NOT hold a monopoly on hypocrisy, right?

It is *NOT* a fair point. For it to be a fair point would require us to be a theocracy. WE ARE NOT.
And, thus, your hypocrisy is exposed.

Where the fuck do you see hypocrisy on MY part? You just fucking agreed with me. And you had no choice anyway.

We're not a theocracy, so why is Pelosi pushing a charity-by-government agenda using Christianity as the reasoning?

You wanna back off that "not a fair point" position?

Actually I want a link to your bullshit. Until then that's what it remains. And if I get that link I will then bust you for changing the subject.

THE POINT STANDS. Legislators are charged with representing their constituents, not their own personal religion. Don't believe me? Check your fucking Constitution.
Pogo busting balls and cracking skulls! Bam Beotchez! I love it!
Look again.

How does she reconcile her hypocrisy?

She uses her Catholic Faith to benefit her politically all the time.

How does she condone murdering babies?

Are you contending that Pelosi is anti abortion?

Jesus dude. Did you have shock therapy?

Nancy Pelosi promotes baby murder.
So does the military.
A fair point.

Liberals are ok with 70 million babies murdered but freak out over 70,000 flu deaths.

Such sick MFers,
Republicans tried running on Pelosi Derangement Syndrome in 2018.

They got slaughtered.

Bless their hearts, they're trying again.

The funny part here is how the same people who despise current Catholic teachings on things like immigration have suddenly become Catholic purists. If you're going to embrace cafeteria Catholicism, then spinning about and condemning cafeteria Catholicism isn't a wise idea. It makes you look even more hypocritical than usual.

Being consistent, as we always are, we liberals don't harp on anti-immigration Catholics as awful. We point out that Catholicism has room for a wide range of beliefs, and a significant fraction of Catholics are pro-choice. In 2019, a poll put that number at 56%. The polls listed above shows 48% plurality. Pelosi would seem to represent around half of the Catholics in the USA. Hating Pelosi here is hating half of all Catholics.
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Liberals are ok with 70 million babies murdered but freak out over 70,000 flu deaths.

You don't think abortion is murder. Same as other pro-lifers, you pretend you do, for various reasons.

The first reason is that your cult mandates you say such a stupid thing.

Such sick MFers,

The second reason is that you clearly get a sick thrill from hating. Your life is a quest for reasons to justify the hate that sends such a pleasant tingle up your leg.
How does she reconcile her hypocrisy?

She uses her Catholic Faith to benefit her politically all the time.

How does she condone murdering babies?
If Pelosi is supporting the killing of any babies- please report this crime to the police immediately.

I look forward to hearing about how that call to the police goes.
Republicans tried running on Pelosi Derangement Syndrome in 2018.

They got slaughtered.

Bless their hearts, they're trying again.

The funny part here is how the same people who despise current Catholic teachings on things like immigration have suddenly become Catholic purists. If you're going to embrace cafeteria Catholicism, then spinning about and condemning cafeteria Catholicism isn't a wise idea. It makes you look even more hypocritical than usual.

Being consistent, as we always are, we liberals don't harp on anti-immigration Catholics as awful. We point out that Catholicism has room for a wide range of beliefs, and a significant fraction of Catholics are pro-choice. In 2019, a poll put that number at 56%. The polls listed above shows 48% plurality. Pelosi would seem to represent around half of the Catholics in the USA. Hating Pelosi here is hating half of all Catholics.

You really are nuts. Catholic doctrine condemns abortion.

Now stop pretending you know jack shit about it and stfu you crazy old bitch
How does she reconcile her hypocrisy?

She uses her Catholic Faith to benefit her politically all the time.

How does she condone murdering babies?

Obvious fallacy of loaded question aside, the fact is we STILL do not live in a theocracy. A legislator is charged with laws of the government, not laws of some religion. What religion she personally exercises is ENTIRELY IRRELEVANT to that.

If you're a legislator and your personal (<< note the word PERSONAL) religion says you must drink bleach every day, and your constituents don't want any such legislation, then you have no standing to pass a law to drink bleach every day.

Of course, the phrase "personal religion" is redundant, isn't it.

I guess y'all wannabe theocratists just can't distinguish between a personal interest and the public interest, or between the personal and the political.
Shut Up! Under the Catholic faith she is a murderer. If she went to 12 years of Catholic School, she knows.
The catholic church is not an agency of good in this world, its an agency of evil, and it likely always has been.... Catholic girls linked hand in hand to their catholic mothers, are likely the very best client's of planned parenthood, certainly that communist pope scumbag, who nakedly kisses communist Chinese ass, isn't all that concerned about the 60-80 million butchered infants democrats have presided over.... Hell, under Pelosi's benevolent guidance planned parenthood has industrialized the murder of babies, and so openly accepted is this murder of babies, that NY & VA's governors have literally signed legislation into law allowing doctors and evil mothers to murder the infant at delivery if they so desire it!

Has Pelosi ever called out priests for fucking little boys?

She is ok with priests fucking kids and also supports baby murder. What a sick woman.

Pro child fucking and pro baby murder. Just ridiculous.

I thought I'd seen the stupidest logic of the day when some asshat "reasoned" that the world's population is still increasing therefore there is no pandemic.

But you just wrested that crown away.

Are y'all in some kind of contest to see who can pack the greatest number of logical fallacies into the fewest words? Because I'd like to put money on you.

Or to put it another way, watch this.

You are at this moment swimming in a sewer in Bangladesh, eating live rats. Prove you're not.
Man requires no belief in God to perform evil upon the world, you fascists always default to this silly shit, impugning Christian religious beliefs as primary defense of naked evil you have intentionally constructed, and then implemented as replacement for religious beliefs & convictions you hate and despise! It amuses me to no end, you referencing "Moi" as stupid! You are naked before my eyes, you have absolutely nothing you can intelligently employ with which to refute me, absolutely nothing, thus you conduct personal attack!

You fascists are evil, utterly so, as bad as ancient Sumerians were tossing live infants into burning pits as offering to baal, you and your fellow fascists are infinitely worse, you have totally embraced the evil, fully industrializing it, butchering the murdered infants and then hawking butchered remains to highest bidder..... While I have no religious beliefs whatsoever, you probably should, certainly you had best hope and pray to whatever it is you hold above you that there isn't some divine judgement outstanding, because if there is, you are gonna have some explaining to do...

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