How is Trump Going to Get out of This ??

Trump is facing 2 very serious Federal indictments, with overwhelming credible and corroborated evidence of his guilt.

How is Trump going to avoid being held accountable for his crimes and corruption this time??

I think his only play is a pardon, either by somehow winning this election and pardoning himself, or delaying everything for about 5 years using all appeals and delay tactics, and then hoping a republican wins in 2028 to pardon him.

Otherwise it is jail time for the King of the Swamp.

My take is that Trump is in serious legal trouble. However, he does a few aces in the hole.

First, Judge Cannon. She was so egregiously in Trump's favor after his warrant was served on Mar-a-lago that she was brutally slapped down by the Appeals court and thrown off the case. She drew Trump's trial, and it doesn't look like she learned shit from her previous legal paddling.

She'll likely overplay her hand and be recused. But until that happens, its a huge win for Trump.

Second, Trump might win (unlikely, but not impossible), and pardon himself. Which would be the best case scenario if Trump the alternative would be that Trump can't pardon himself. And thus has no reason to leave office, as he would face prison time. Trump's already said repeatedly that he believes that the constitution should be terminated and that he deserves a third term.

Faced with prison the day he left office, he'd almost certainly hold onto power. Or do some 'resign and be pardoned' by a VP in the last few minutes of his presidency.

Third, Kemp. A (at least former) Trump ally could pardon Trump's Georgia convictions.

Fourth, Georgia and Florida are Trump country. It may be hard to find juries that would convict Trump of anything, regardless of the evidence.
Trump would make an excellent witness for the prosecution.

Oh, absolutely. No competent lawyer would let that guy near a witness box.

He lies habitually. So he'd perjure himself within minutes. He's easy baited, easy to anger, easy to fluster, profoundly condescending and insulting to whomever is asking him questions (epecially if its a middle aged woman), and deeply unlikeable.

Trump would be the best tool that prosecution had to destroy Trump's credibility and his perception with the jury.

Trump's lawyers know this. The only way Trump goes on the stand is if Trump literally ignores them.

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