How It's Done. Stealing Elections


Kemp and Raffensparger are Republicans, MORON.

They support Traitor Joe and they are Republicans who spent $100 million GA taxdollars on Dominion Machines and in a completely shocking development each has won every election since...
And you're silly enough to think some of us don't know what a f**king RINO is?
note: those bad address ballots are sent out early OCT. they come back undeliverable. Eithe USPS or bad actors at State Elections gets them to safehouses for Mule delivery (with bad Signatures). Libstain try to use “unlikely to vote names“ or recently moved. But AZ had tens of thousand voted from bad addresses or voted twice etc.

the other shutdown Vote spike States were not even allowed to look into this sort of Fraud (Or unfolded Ballots in GA).
I remember all of the identity-theft that was going on during the Obama Adm. Somebody (probably the CIA or NSA) stole the information of over 25 million federal employees. That's probably where they got many of the addresses so they could pull this off.
Libstain posters on this site are too stupid, too lazy or too corrupt to understand what happened or even read all the information that was available before blocked by Leftist search engines.

those who have access to the Voter roll, history, Ballots, envelopes etc. Can easily change a tight race thru mail-in ballots. Look at ORE WASH since forever. And Courts disallow any look……blindly trusting corrupt GOVT or OK wit fraud.//
Fuck you.
The fact is, this is bigger than just the DNC.
This is the Deep State.

So by just calling it "Democrats" is wrong, which is what you tried to do.

Deep State, the establishment, RINOs are all chickenshit cop outs by cowards too afraid to call a spade a spade..


That's the correct ID
So you think they have the machines so then can will elections?

That is a part of it, but the larger issue is that the Dominion machines choose the Zionist Fascist, whether that be

Raffensparger and Kemp = Republicans
Spanberger = Democrat
Lula de la Silva = Zionist Fascist dictator of Brazil

Failure to diagnose the problem leads to non solutions. The Co2 fraud is a great example.

The Faux "News" crowd here is 100% obsessed with never ever using the words Jew and Zionist because most are moron pro Israel "Christians" who don't care if Zionist Fascism hate hoaxed 911 and got away with it, because they are "commanded to serve Israel" and have IQ under 5 and cannot define the word "conservative" at all, and ARE NOT CONSERVATIVE...
My sister hasn’t lived, voted or paid taxes here for 15 years. She votes in CA. Yet somehow she’s registered to vote and keeps getting ballots at my parents address! I wonder if anyone votes in her name on Election Day? Mail in voting either needs to get cleaned up or go away.


Stephen Richer—Maricopa Cnty Recorder (prsnl acct)
Write “undeliverable, moved” and send it back. Did she contact the elections department when she moved? And we can check to see if there is a vote on her record, but somebody would have needed to forge her signature.
the audits that they did themselves when they looked at the random duplicate ballots and they did 100 and they had a 3% error rate which represented 90,000 ballots. Then they did 2,500 and we dont know where they stopped but they had double digits and most people believe that it was a 17% error rate. That’s over 450,000. So there was fraud here. How do they detect like we did the congressional hearings, like Andy said, the deletion of 123,000 images? Why was that done the day before?

did not matter to delete SIG scans, as any verification is not allowed.
Ballots are sent out early to least likely Voters (bad addresses, returned). Those are the stash used to keep dumping in after Election day (counting kept open) until they overcome the R.

Ballots are also re-sent with correct addresses to those same unlikely voters.
They already have.
The problem is mass mailing unsolicited ballots is what makes it all possible.
Republicans are trying to make the practice illegal, but CA, CO, WA, OR, NY, NJ, MN, and other's have made it legal, and the only way that changes is if the GOP takes over all of those states.
Figure the odds on that ever happening now that they have control.
So while Democrats have been whining for months about the GOP trying to destroy Democracy, they've already done it.
Yes, we've all heard you think all that is possible, but no proof that it happened. The biggest problem you MAGAs have is illustrated by Rudy's quote
So by just calling it "Democrats" is wrong, which is what you tried to do.

Deep State, the establishment, RINOs are all chickenshit cop outs by cowards too afraid to call a spade a spade..


That's the correct ID
Well, if it weren't for Democrats, none of this would be happening.

Democrats run Washington. Have been running the place since before FDR. Most of the problem is Democrat policies and RINOs voting with them every chance they get. It's all about the money.
We can say that the primary problem in Washington is socialism/communism, the warmongering military establishment, and the CIA. They float false stereotypes that the rich are all Republicans when in fact most of them are NorthEastern Liberals.
At one time Democrats were what many Republicans are today. Now the Democrat party is batshit crazy. The one thing they have in common with each other is they're both greedy and used to spending trillions of our money for their own nefarious purposes.
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Yes, we've all heard you think all that is possible, but no proof that it happened. The biggest problem you MAGAs have is illustrated by Rudy's quote

They spend years trying to deny it and cover it up, but eventually we discover that just about everything we believe is happening, is the truth. And many times the people who act as whistleblowers end up dying in very strange ways. Sometimes even while in federal custody, like Jeffery Epstein.
Many of the Jan 6th protesters still in custody are there only because they are a witness to what actually happened. Why else would they be locked up for nearly 3 years for essentially trespassing. Yeah sure, they got some of them to plead guilty, but still, since the insurrection claims are pure bunk, none of them should have been guilty of anything other than fighting with cops and/or illegally entering the Capital. Many of them were tracked down using the GPS signal on their phones. There was no evidence of wrongdoing by most of them, yet some bad actors are being protected because they worked for the DNC. One of them actually filmed the shooting of Ashlee Babbitt but has seen little or no jail time. Another was on film (Ray Epps) encouraging people to enter the Capital.

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Well, if it weren't for Democrats none of this would be happening.

Democrats run Washington. Have been running the place since before FDR. Most of the problem is Democrat policies and RINOs voting with them every chance they get. It's all about the money.
We can say that the primary problem in Washington is socialism/communism, the warmongering military establishment, and the CIA. They float false stereotypes that the rich are all Republicans when in fact most of them are NorthEastern Liberals.
At one time Democrats were what many Republicans are today. Now the Democrat party is batshit crazy. The one thing they have in common with each other is they're both greedy and used to spending trillions of our money for their own nefarious purposes.
I think you are saying even when the Repubs have official power, the Dems are still running things. Is that correct?
How do harvesters know where “bad addresses” are?

What happens when people report they did not receive their ballot and turn up to vote?

What happens when there is signature verification?
Not bad addresses. Bad ZIP CODES.
They know the addresses, but they change the zip code so it cannot be delivered.
The USPS returns the ballots unopened and they pay ballot fixers to fill them out by the thousands.
Then they deliver them where they're needed either with mules stuffing ballot boxes, or if 200K ballots are needed, they have the USPS deliver them in bulk (and the city they deliver them to refuses to verify signatures).
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Not bad addresses. Bad ZIP CODES.
They know the addresses, but they change the zip code so it cannot be delivered.
The USPS returns the ballots unopened and they pay ballot fixers to fill them out by the thousands.
Then they either deliver them where they're needed with either mules stuffing ballot boxes, or if 200K ballots are needed, they have the USPS deliver them in bulk (and the city they deliver them to refuses to verify signatures).

What about those voters waiting for their ballots?
What about signature mismatches?
How do harvesters know where “bad addresses” are?

What happens when people report they did not receive their ballot and turn up to vote?

What happens when there is signature verification?

What difference does any of that make? Bryan Blehm said so on Twitter, so it must be true.

What about those voters waiting for their ballots?
What about signature mismatches?
Signature mismatches isn't a problem.
In AZ they said that the people checking signatures were able to, in some cases, screen 20,000 signatures in one minute.
They're not checking signatures in highly populated districts. They're just pencil-whipping it.
Also, many people in CA & NY are getting more than one ballot, or no ballot, and showing up to the polls only to discover that they already voted.

I think that unsolicited mailing of ballots should be banned, and if you don't have a handicap or aren't living outside the US you shouldn't be allowed to vote absentee.
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Not bad addresses. Bad ZIP CODES.
They know the addresses, but they change the zip code so it cannot be delivered.
The USPS returns the ballots unopened and they pay ballot fixers to fill them out by the thousands.
Then they either deliver them where they're needed with either mules stuffing ballot boxes, or if 200K ballots are needed, they have the USPS deliver them in bulk (and the city they deliver them to refuses to verify signatures).
And how exactly did the GOP take the House in 2022?

What about those voters waiting for their ballots?
What about signature mismatches?

The bad address go out in early OCT. They correct the recorded address back and send them again when the big ballot send goes out. Easy for dirty GOVT workers. No one allowed to double check it.

This is where some double voting came from in 2020. Also if someone has moved to another county....>9000 voted from rwo counties.

They use unlikely voters. Trying to dump them oin late if they not yet voted. It aint rocket science. Its fraud. 57,000 seriously questionable Balllots identified in 2020. With Signature review ignored. Its a free for all if you run the printer, voter roll, recirds etc. Iraq is 1000X less corrupted.
And how exactly did the GOP take the House in 2022?
Because there were more Dems running for re-election than Republicans.
They only have the resources to focus on key seats.
They never win most of the state. Most of their votes come from, at times, one or two counties. And it's usually the counties with the largest population. Usually where the black vote is concentrated.
A PA county in Philadelphia once had 100% Democrat votes in 2016. That's next to impossible. But they had to get 100% of the vote to offset the other counties that voted for Trump. It's also how Hillary won the popular vote.


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