How It's Done. Stealing Elections

That is a part of it, but the larger issue is that the Dominion machines choose the Zionist Fascist, whether that be

Raffensparger and Kemp = Republicans
Spanberger = Democrat
Lula de la Silva = Zionist Fascist dictator of Brazil

Failure to diagnose the problem leads to non solutions. The Co2 fraud is a great example.

The Faux "News" crowd here is 100% obsessed with never ever using the words Jew and Zionist because most are moron pro Israel "Christians" who don't care if Zionist Fascism hate hoaxed 911 and got away with it, because they are "commanded to serve Israel" and have IQ under 5 and cannot define the word "conservative" at all, and ARE NOT CONSERVATIVE...
The 9/11 pilots were largely Saudi.
Statistical Analysis of 4 big Chocolate cities in 2020 clearly point to fraud. Most apperant using down ballot results. It was easy to dump in 100,000 late Biden only votes when they ran the counting room alone for two hours runnjng stashed ballots in ATL. Again, no double checks allowed by corrupted courts.

Ignore the 1000 whistleblowers Nationwide in 2020. 2022 was a bit more targeted to ensure fraud states would never look into 2020.

Curious that the biggest margin for victory for Trump was in Arizona, the same place that Kari Lake lost! And now her opponent Katie Hobbs who "won" the governorship there has set a new record for the most GOP bills vetoed in state history (double the old record)!

It just doesn't make sense how a democrat can do SO WELL in such a deep red area! I mean, without cheating.
Curious that the biggest margin for victory for Trump was in Arizona, the same place that Kari Lake lost! And now her opponent Katie Hobbs who "won" the governorship there has set a new record for the most GOP bills vetoed in state history (double the old record)!

It just doesn't make sense how a democrat can do SO WELL in such a deep red area! I mean, without cheating.
Well, when you are in charge of the election, like Katie Hobbs was, it's pretty easy to cheat.
The 9/11 pilots were largely Saudi.

The Truther version of 911

North Tower = blew up from inside - nothing hit it
South Tower = 767 cargo (not passenger) CIA drone controlled in WTC 7
Pentagon = cruise missile
Shanksville = nothing, a ditch dug, metal junk inserted, set on fire for TV cameras


The "projectile" came in at 600 mph with its nose 8 feet off the ground... which for a 757 puts the engines IN THE GROUND...
Because there were more Dems running for re-election than Republicans.
Uhh...the entire House is up for election every 2 years. That makes no sense.
They only have the resources to focus on key seats.
Key seats? Please name some.
They never win most of the state. Most of their votes come from, at times, one or two counties. And it's usually the counties with the largest population. Usually where the black vote is concentrated.
Yet amazingly sometimes they win the House...and this time--when you claim the Dems can dial up as many votes as necessary by some bizarre "zip code" scheme you've dreamed up...they lost the house. Fascination.
A PA county in Philadelphia once had 100% Democrat votes in 2016. That's next to impossible.
Yeah, what was the name of the county?
Curious that the biggest margin for victory for Trump was in Arizona, the same place that Kari Lake lost! And now her opponent Katie Hobbs who "won" the governorship there has set a new record for the most GOP bills vetoed in state history (double the old record)!

It just doesn't make sense how a democrat can do SO WELL in such a deep red area! I mean, without cheating.
Trump lost Arizona in 2020.
Uhh...the entire House is up for election every 2 years. That makes no sense.

Key seats? Please name some.

Yet amazingly sometimes they win the House...and this time--when you claim the Dems can dial up as many votes as necessary by some bizarre "zip code" scheme you've dreamed up...they lost the house. Fascination.

Yeah, what was the name of the county?
It does make sense. The Dems held more seats, so more of them were up for election than Republicans.

Key seats like Governor of AZ, Katie Hobbs vs Kari Lake.
GA Senate Seats. A PA Senate Seat.
Governor of NY.
Most of the key seats are in Swing States. Good luck trying to steal a seat in TN though. That dog don't hunt.
How do harvesters know where “bad addresses” are?

What happens when people report they did not receive their ballot and turn up to vote?

What happens when there is signature verification?
Well if we are speaking theoretically, somebody intending to cheat would quietly notify the mules where to go to get the ballots.
Well if we are speaking theoretically, somebody intending to cheat would quietly notify the mules where to go to get the ballots.

How does ANYBODY know which ballots were sent to wrong houses?

Why the obsession with “mules”?

You can just as easy mail in a ballot
And how exactly did the GOP take the House in 2022?
Actually I thought they would take it by 60 as poorly as I thought Biden was doing. However they only kept it by 5 and Santos I think it was, so it was nearly a loss. Santos is just a laughing point. Whacky Republicans.
Signature mismatches isn't a problem.
In AZ they said that the people checking signatures were able to, in some cases, screen 20,000 signatures in one minute.
They're not checking signatures in highly populated districts. They're just pencil-whipping it.
Also, many people in CA & NY are getting more than one ballot, or no ballot, and showing up to the polls only to discover that they already voted.

I think that unsolicited mailing of ballots should be banned, and if you don't have a handicap or aren't living outside the US you shouldn't be allowed to vote absentee.

New York mails unsolicited ballots?

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