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How long before this administration acknowledges this as the terror attack that it is?

How long will it take for liberals to call this a terrorist attack?

  • They will call it for what it is, a terror attack

    Votes: 3 8.8%
  • They will only call it a work place incident in order to not offend muslims.

    Votes: 26 76.5%
  • They will call it both a terror attack and work place violence in order to placate both sides.

    Votes: 5 14.7%

  • Total voters
I knew it was terrorism from the get go.

You mean, you decided it was terrorism, right? You've made the decision to call it terrorism, and you decided based on the fact that it was a brown skinned guy with a funny sounding name.

Was it terrorism?

It was homegrown rightwing terrorism.

You're a loon.

Can we make that "lying loon"?
How about we wait to find out that it actually WAS a terror attack.

How about answering it before we find out? We already know.

Holy shit.
You pretend to but you don't.

It is by and large the most likely scenario. It is very likely that it is an Islamic Extremism terrorist act. We, however, do not KNOW for a fact that it is. Until then I certainly am not going to crone on about how long it is going to take the democrats to say it is one. You look like just as big an idiot declaring it so before we have good information than those that refuse to call it what it is after the information is in.
here what distinguishes us Dems/liberals we wait for the facts ... not like our republican counter parts that shout out the first thing that comes to their mind .... then defends it to the max ...
There are facts you stupid fucking bag of shit.

Remember when you fucking types said James Holmes was a tea party member? You fucking loser.

Remember when the negro university of Missouri president of the student body who did an internship for Rahm Emmanuel and from Chicago said the kkk was on campus? Everything you say, everything you stand for, everything you represent is a blatant lie.

I see you are one of the dumb ones to not know it. Like every dick bag left wing smelly goon that posts here.

Kiss my dick you fucking bag of piss.

How about we wait to find out that it actually WAS a terror attack.

How about answering it before we find out? We already know.

Holy shit.
You pretend to but you don't.

It is by and large the most likely scenario. It is very likely that it is an Islamic Extremism terrorist act. We, however, do not KNOW for a fact that it is. Until then I certainly am not going to crone on about how long it is going to take the democrats to say it is one. You look like just as big an idiot declaring it so before we have good information than those that refuse to call it what it is after the information is in.
here what distinguishes us Dems/liberals we wait for the facts ... not like our republican counter parts that shout out the first thing that comes to their mind .... then defends it to the max ...
There are facts you stupid fucking bag of shit.

Remember when you fucking types said James Holmes was a tea party member? You fucking loser.

Remember when the negro university of Missouri president of the student body who did an internship for Rahm Emmanuel and from Chicago said the kkk was on campus? Everything you say, everything you stand for, everything you represent is a blatant lie.

I see you are one of the dumb ones to not know it. Like every dick bag left wing smelly goon that posts here.

Kiss my dick you fucking bag of piss.
so once again i've sent a repub-lie-tard over the deep end ... they are so easy ... Hey if you need something kissed try my ass
Was it terrorism?

That remains to be determined. So far, the only thing to support the notion that it was a terrorist attack is some people's preconceived biases about brown skinned people with funny sounding names. There's been nothing yet to indicate the motivations of this attack. My gut is telling me that the most likely explanation at the moment is that this may have been an adult Columbine. A couple people who were sad and dejected, who caved under the pressure of their own misery and decided they wanted to exact misery on others.

LOL Keep trying, moron. Another Islamapoligist


Just because you hate brown people with funny names is no basis for reasoning. Though I realize it may be the highest level of reasoning your IQ can handle. Tell you what, let's keep this easy for you. How about you go adopt a homeless dog from the local shelter, and let him do all your thinking for you, mkay?
The democrat voting base is waiting to see what they are suppose to call it, cause they have no ability to think for themselves.
Only the truly desperate lefties will fall for this workplace violence narrative.
but hey, you wait to find out his motivations... me, who fucking cares.

The FBI defines terrorism as: “the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.”

Motive is the key determining factor.
The democrat voting base is waiting to see what they are suppose to call it, cause they have no ability to think for themselves.
Only the truly desperate lefties will fall for this workplace violence narrative.

Well, that means all of them would. Trust me, if the administration (their god and messiah obama) told them that the evidence shows workplace violence, then they would all buy it.

Of course, they deliberately told us the Fort Hood smelly scumbag who targeted our soldiers cause he knew they were unarmed and fish in a barrel for him was work place violence cause now the government does not have to pay for the 32 others that were severely injured. Many for life. So, since it is work place violence and not AN ACT OF WAR, they are no longer responsible. Get that?

Here is a pathetic president who has no problem whatsoever paying illegals (includes violent criminals) whatever they want and need. Millions upon millions of criminals getting three hots and a cot for the rest of their lives, but they abandon the 32 soldiers who have given themselves for the service of this country.

Well, to obama and the rest of his losers that vote for him and think like him, that is a crime. They will not say it openly, but they have far more respect for someone that they think is a "victim" of this country than they do for those who serve it.
no he didn't .. he didn't make any such statement like that ... he sad we need more information ... pay attention stop making shit up

Don't lie retard.

{"At this stage we do not yet know why this terrible event occurred," Obama said, speaking from the Oval Office, while raising the possibility that the shooting could also have been the result of workplace violence.}

The fucking little terrorist in the White House is up to his usual shit.

As are you, you lying scumbag.
How about we wait to find out that it actually WAS a terror attack.

How about answering it before we find out? We already know.

Holy shit.
You pretend to but you don't.

It is by and large the most likely scenario. It is very likely that it is an Islamic Extremism terrorist act. We, however, do not KNOW for a fact that it is. Until then I certainly am not going to crone on about how long it is going to take the democrats to say it is one. You look like just as big an idiot declaring it so before we have good information than those that refuse to call it what it is after the information is in.
here what distinguishes us Dems/liberals we wait for the facts ... not like our republican counter parts that shout out the first thing that comes to their mind .... then defends it to the max ...
I didn't see liberals waiting for the facts when the last abortion nutcase went on a shooting spree.
not one liberals made any statement until the facts came out 3 days later ... if you can show where any liberals were making statements about the shooting at the plan parenthood, in colorado spring, then you need to shut your yap up about what we liberals have said ... put up or shut up
The law enforcement authorities investigating this have not yet called it terrorism. Don't you think it's best to wait for the facts to come out?

SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. — The married couple whom police say killed 14 people at a social services center had built more than a dozen pipe bombs and stockpiled thousands of rounds of ammunition, officials said Thursday, and they fired as many as 150 bullets at victims and police officers in a rampage that shattered a quiet day and ended in their own deaths.

The F.B.I. is treating the shooting as a potential terrorist act,}

Obama: 'It's possible' San Bernardino shooting was terrorism - CNNPolitics.com

Once in awhile you Communists tell the truth. This just isn't one of those occasions.

Is the DNC controlled press still attacking Christians while you defend Islamic terrorists? Sort of a two pronged attack?
These aren't the only bombs this couple was building. There was enough material for hundreds of bombs.

Where are the bombs?
The thing is my original comment is as ambiguous as I could make it. Read it and put Republican or Democrat in front of Partisans and it mean the very same thing. It came from the coverage I saw last night on both MSNBC and Fox. With little or no information one side was yammering for more gun control while the other was yapping on about the threat from Syrian refugee terrorist. Highly partisan, disgustingly opportunist exploitation of a tragedy, just like this thread.

Actually the other side was praying for the victims, which you filthy fucks savagely attacked.

There are three terrorists in this attack; Farook, Malik, and the democratic party.


Tell me democrats are not fucking scum and terrorist promoters...
no he didn't .. he didn't make any such statement like that ... he sad we need more information ... pay attention stop making shit up

Don't lie retard.

{"At this stage we do not yet know why this terrible event occurred," Obama said, speaking from the Oval Office, while raising the possibility that the shooting could also have been the result of workplace violence.}

The fucking little terrorist in the White House is up to his usual shit.

As are you, you lying scumbag.

Speaking of lying (and the father of all lies.)

"It is possible that this was terrorist-related, but we don’t know. It’s also possible that this was workplace-related. And until the FBI has been able to conduct what are going to be a large number of interviews, until we understand the nature of the workplace relationship between the individual and his superiors -- because he worked with the organization where this terrible shooting took place -- until all the social media and electronic information has been exploited, we’re just not going to be able to answer those questions."

Statement by the President on the Shooting in San Bernardino, California
Ya don't say. Did these assholes wait for the facts?
  1. Senator Tim Kaine saying the atrocity proves America is addicted to guns.
  2. Former FBI assistant director, Tom Fuentes – later joined by CNN's Harry Houck – speculating an anti-government "right-wing group" is behind the attack.
  3. MSNBC reporting (almost as soon as the shooting began) that the city of San Bernardino houses a Planned Parenthood.
  4. A gun-control activist insisting Congress could stop these tragedies, it simply chooses not to.
  5. George Stephanopoulos portraying President Obama as another victim in the tragedy.
  6. President Obama arguing the feds are powerless to stop suspected terrorists from buying guns. (Which is untrue.)
  7. An MSNBC guest arguing armed self defense, including armed guards, provides no security benefit.
  8. Chris Matthews wondering if the attack can be traced back to the American revolution.
  9. NBC's Kerry Saunders suggesting the Christmas party that was attacked could have served as a "trigger" for the gunmen.
  10. Senator Tim Kaine arguing that, much like terrorists themselves, critics of increased gun control are the "voice of evil."

Not only do they not wait, the filthy scum of the left fully intend to lie in hopes of covering for their terrorist allies and furthering their war on civil rights.

Like Ft. Hood, the democrats will once again shamelessly lie and call it "workplace violence."
no he didn't .. he didn't make any such statement like that ... he sad we need more information ... pay attention stop making shit up

Don't lie retard.

{"At this stage we do not yet know why this terrible event occurred," Obama said, speaking from the Oval Office, while raising the possibility that the shooting could also have been the result of workplace violence.}

The fucking little terrorist in the White House is up to his usual shit.

As are you, you lying scumbag.
are you this stupid ??? really are you here you wrote

"while raising the possibility that the shooting could also have been the result of workplace violence.}"

do you see the word "possibility" after all the guy worked there, that's a possible assumption... then he said "the shooting could also have been the result of workplace violence.}" do you see the words "could also have been" those are not words where he saying that was the cause ... it's words of what might be ... are all you republicans this stupid??? please show us where obama or any liberal said this was the result of workplace violence " not this might be, or could have crap... those are words of what it might be you moron

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