How long can the US last without rule of law?

It was the basis of how the country was founded and how we achieved such great success but now that it's gone how long before we descend into being just like the rest of the world? I'm thinking it could be done before we can get this pile of shit out of the whitehouse.

With this second ruling on obiecare where once again the law was not upheld as written but rather because of some twisted encantation of what maybe they kinda sorta meant what other laws are actually laws? Executive orders and interpretations outside of the actual text of law is now not only the normal is is supported by the SCOTUS.

So in this new America where laws aren't really laws how can any of the Constitution stand? And outside of that how can any law stand? Once no laws mean exactly what thee fuck they say...there is no law.
Conservative rejection is Soooooooo hard to watch
Rejection? Of law? How do you expect a citizenry to respect the rule of law when those in charge don't? Obiecare is a law that not only don't the actual words of the law apply but that the government itself has exempted itself from having to participate in. Why do you continue to cheer for a law that doesn't mean what it says and the people that are enforcing it don't have to participate in? You're the very definition of a leming.
Obamacare is the law of the land
It passed the House and the Senate and was signed by the President into law
It has been affirmed by the Supreme Court....Twice

No amount of whimpering will change that
No dumb ass. It's a law that is enforced not by the written words contained within but some interpretation of what isn't written. And it doesn't apply to everyone equally. That's not a law. It's the dictate of tyrants.
We'll see it before Dear Leader is scheduled to leave office

Look at the all the hate articles being served up by every leftwing hate site with their hateful members, even coming from the DNC lapdog media NOW.

We need to GET prepared. These nasty people Like Obama, Sharpton , Holder etc has done their jobs WELL

we can even see all the HATE on this board.

Well, first, once more into the breach that is supposed to be an OP. Oh, well, in RWNJ, the bar is set so low, even ants are very pumped about being able to jump over it.

Our Union is one with rule of law. Only, the butthurteds don't think there is rule of law when a law doesn't taste good to them. I am totally surprised.

And now, to our word salad girl:

"These nasty people Like Obama, Sharpton , Holder etc has done their jobs WELL we can even see all the HATE on this board"

Subject: plural
verb conjugation: singular

OMG OMG FRIKKEN FRIKKEN Dear Leader ficken-schrimpfen these people has hell well OMG GAWD thayv gawt two gow GAWD, agian lpadog.
The Republic cannot last long at all absent the rule of law.

The Republic might already be dead, in fact.

The utterly lawless Supreme court has abandoned the rule of law.

Libs applaud this because they HAPPEN to like the policies that are being put into effect by the autocratic and lawless judicial branch. They therefore do not care that it is not the place of the judicial branch to legislate policies. They would care mightily if the decisions had gone the other way but had been reached in such a lawless fashion.

I strongly disagree with the irrational dishonest hack faux "legal" reasoning of the SCOTUS to uphold ObumblerCare. I also hate the outcome.

By some contrast, I am not disturbed by the policy outcome of the gay marriage decision. But again, the manner in which a bunch of old men and women in black robes presume to legislate that outcome remains troubling.
"How long can the US last without rule of law?"

This fails as a loaded question fallacy.

The United States is currently 'with' the rule of law, today's Supreme Court decision is proof of that.

There's no such fallacy, numskull. A question can't be a fallacy.

Why don't you quit trying to use logic? You haven't got the faintest clue about it.
You're still a total fuckin' moron my little infant: Loaded question - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Only retards think WIki is some kind of authoritative source.
This is what Faux News has created. Conservatives now live perpetually in this right wing bubble where they are good and wholesome and love puppies and kittens and murhca. And everyone else are the evildoers following satan. And anything and anyone that pops that bubble and lets reality seep in has no authority and is 100% wrong and needs to be ignored and/or threatened with 'we'll exercise our 2nd amendment circle jerk if'n you's don't do wut we says'.

- they want to secede
- they want to impeach the Supreme Court
- they want to disband the Supreme Court
- they want to change the Constitution
- they will burn themselves if they don't get their way
- they're 'gittin thar' guns ready'

These are 6 year old children throwing a tantrum EVERY time they don't get their way.

Just let them cry it out. They'll fall asleep with their teddy and wake up tomorrow and turn on Faux and find 3 new things to hate and whine about.
What a pair of Drama Queens.

Every civilized country in the world has universal health care and those countries are better off for it.

Put on your big boy pants and stop snivelling.
How come we still don't have it? *Universal Health Care*

Obamacare only covers 1.7% of the total there's nothing universal about it.

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