How long can the US last without rule of law?

For years, Republicans have confused the law with "getting their way". It's part of that "racist" thing they are so fond of.
For years Lib's have been telling us the Constitution doesn't actually say what it does because they don't like it. And today you got a law upheld that says the complete opposite of the written and passed word of the law. Law's don't mean shit any longer. It's up to interpretation of how you feel about it now.

you can thank bush for that btw
Germany’s healthcare services and social security scheme have a good reputation. However, paying your contributions may be quite pricey, based on your line of work and annual income. Healthcare in Germany is divided into two sectors, the gesetzliche Krankenversicherung (public health insurance) and the private Krankenversicherung (private medical care).

All Germans and legal residents of Germany are entitled to healthcare. In fact it has become illegal not to be insured, and having some sort of medical insurance is thus a requirement when applying for a job.

Public Health Insurance
All salaried workers in Germany whose gross monthly income is less than 4,575 € are publicly insured. The percentage they owe to the state-run healthcare system is taken out of their monthly pay. In 2011, this percentage was raised to 15.5% of the employee’s monthly salary. However, 7.3% is paid by the employer.

Applying for public health insurance is relatively stress free, as you simply need to call up a regional office, set up an appointment, bring you passport and your residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis). Usually, your German employer’s HR office will take care of this for you.

Private Health Insurance
Private health insurance is quite a bit more expensive than public healthcare. Those earning more than 4,575 € per month (or 54,900 € per year) can opt for private health insurance. The application process for this is a bit more complicated. You may be subjected to medical tests, required to answer a questionnaire concerning your medical history, and submit proof of your income.

Unlike public healthcare, you have to go through the selection and application process without your employer’s help. The benefits of private health insurance mostly do not lie in the quality of medical standards, but in the speed of care. In other words, you will not be left waiting for hours but will be attended to quickly, and some doctors only take patients with private insurance.

Health Care in Germany

It was the basis of how the country was founded and how we achieved such great success but now that it's gone how long before we descend into being just like the rest of the world? I'm thinking it could be done before we can get this pile of shit out of the whitehouse..

Go out there and run a red light and see if the rule of law still applies or not.

I think you will find out that it does.
Not little laws. Those obviously apply to the serfs and work pretty well for them in daily life. Look at the bigger picture. A law was passed with specific language that anytime before now would have been quickly ruled as unconstitutional and yet today it's twisted and convoluted to the point congress could pass green eggs and ham as a law and the scotus would interpret that to mean an egg and pig confiscation is well within those boundaries.

The Constitution is not a weapon...

The only enemies of the Constitution are those who try to wield it as a weapon against the living, by using the words of the dead.
The German health care system has undergone a series of recent and controversial changes, 1 implemented in an attempt to improve competition within the health sector and reduce its spiralling cost to the government. It remains to be seen whether the reforms will achieve those goals, but even if finance continues to be a problem for German health care
The German health care system has undergone a series of recent and controversial changes, 1 implemented in an attempt to improve competition within the health sector and reduce its spiralling cost to the government. It remains to be seen whether the reforms will achieve those goals, but even if finance continues to be a problem for German health care

even the unemployed are expected to pay for insurance

The unemployed may also access sickness funds and they contribute in proportion to their unemployment entitlements
I called it in 2008, its now officially every man for himself. The politicians are getting theirs. The unions and corporations are getting theirs. The corrupt are getting theirs. Meanwhile the debt is spiraling out of control with no end in sight. QE to infinity is devaluing the currency and peoples savings with it. Its going to really really suck to be poor or middle class in the future.
What a pair of Drama Queens.

Every civilized country in the world has universal health care and those countries are better off for it.

Put on your big boy pants and stop snivelling.



France Fights Universal Care's High Cost

The problem is that Assurance Maladie has been in the red since 1989. This year the annual shortfall is expected to reach €9.4 billion ($13.5 billion), and €15 billion in 2010, or roughly 10% of its budget.

The German health care system, the oldest in the world, is in the black. Premiums in Germany are less than in the USA. Everyone is covered. It's law. Cry your crocodile tears elsewhere.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Germany's national debt is $2.2 trillion dollars, so how can its healthcare system be "in the black?"
What a pair of Drama Queens.

Every civilized country in the world has universal health care and those countries are better off for it.

Put on your big boy pants and stop snivelling.

They are not better off.
Oh yes, they are.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk


Uhm, no.

hmmmm, yes. You may think being a obedient minion of the welfare state is being a free man, but rational human beings don't.
It was the basis of how the country was founded and how we achieved such great success but now that it's gone how long before we descend into being just like the rest of the world? I'm thinking it could be done before we can get this pile of shit out of the whitehouse..

Go out there and run a red light and see if the rule of law still applies or not.

I think you will find out that it does.
Not little laws. Those obviously apply to the serfs and work pretty well for them in daily life. Look at the bigger picture. A law was passed with specific language that anytime before now would have been quickly ruled as unconstitutional and yet today it's twisted and convoluted to the point congress could pass green eggs and ham as a law and the scotus would interpret that to mean an egg and pig confiscation is well within those boundaries.

The Constitution is not a weapon...

The only enemies of the Constitution are those who try to wield it as a weapon against the living, by using the words of the dead.

You mean those who actually expect the government to follow it. I can't imagine a more damning admission than that.
It was the basis of how the country was founded and how we achieved such great success but now that it's gone how long before we descend into being just like the rest of the world? I'm thinking it could be done before we can get this pile of shit out of the whitehouse.

With this second ruling on obiecare where once again the law was not upheld as written but rather because of some twisted encantation of what maybe they kinda sorta meant what other laws are actually laws? Executive orders and interpretations outside of the actual text of law is now not only the normal is is supported by the SCOTUS.

So in this new America where laws aren't really laws how can any of the Constitution stand? And outside of that how can any law stand? Once no laws mean exactly what thee fuck they say...there is no law.
Conservative rejection is Soooooooo hard to watch
What a pair of Drama Queens.

Every civilized country in the world has universal health care and those countries are better off for it.

Put on your big boy pants and stop snivelling.

the latest has nothing to do with people having health care, which people did have before ACA, BTW. It has to do with an activist court writing law then in on the next day claiming they are not the legislative branch. Pure BS that is what pisses people off. And it isn't even people having health care INSURANCE that is the problem for most people it is the way it was done and what has been done since. Just like your post, in your face BS that shows you don't give a shit what anyone else thinks.
It was the basis of how the country was founded and how we achieved such great success but now that it's gone how long before we descend into being just like the rest of the world? I'm thinking it could be done before we can get this pile of shit out of the whitehouse.

With this second ruling on obiecare where once again the law was not upheld as written but rather because of some twisted encantation of what maybe they kinda sorta meant what other laws are actually laws? Executive orders and interpretations outside of the actual text of law is now not only the normal is is supported by the SCOTUS.

So in this new America where laws aren't really laws how can any of the Constitution stand? And outside of that how can any law stand? Once no laws mean exactly what thee fuck they say...there is no law.
Conservative rejection is Soooooooo hard to watch
Rejection? Of law? How do you expect a citizenry to respect the rule of law when those in charge don't? Obiecare is a law that not only don't the actual words of the law apply but that the government itself has exempted itself from having to participate in. Why do you continue to cheer for a law that doesn't mean what it says and the people that are enforcing it don't have to participate in? You're the very definition of a leming.
"How long can the US last without rule of law?"

This fails as a loaded question fallacy.

The United States is currently 'with' the rule of law, today's Supreme Court decision is proof of that.
What a pair of Drama Queens.

Every civilized country in the world has universal health care and those countries are better off for it.

Put on your big boy pants and stop snivelling.

They are not better off.
Oh yes, they are.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk


Uhm, no.

hmmmm, yes. You may think being a obedient minion of the welfare state is being a free man, but rational human beings don't.
Oh, brother...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
"How long can the US last without rule of law?"

This fails as a loaded question fallacy.

The United States is currently 'with' the rule of law, today's Supreme Court decision is proof of that.

There's no such fallacy, numskull. A question can't be a fallacy.

Why don't you quit trying to use logic? You haven't got the faintest clue about it.
"How long can the US last without rule of law?"

This fails as a loaded question fallacy.

The United States is currently 'with' the rule of law, today's Supreme Court decision is proof of that.

There's no such fallacy, numskull. A question can't be a fallacy.

Why don't you quit trying to use logic? You haven't got the faintest clue about it.
You're still a total fuckin' moron my little infant: Loaded question - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
It was the basis of how the country was founded and how we achieved such great success but now that it's gone how long before we descend into being just like the rest of the world? I'm thinking it could be done before we can get this pile of shit out of the whitehouse.

With this second ruling on obiecare where once again the law was not upheld as written but rather because of some twisted encantation of what maybe they kinda sorta meant what other laws are actually laws? Executive orders and interpretations outside of the actual text of law is now not only the normal is is supported by the SCOTUS.

So in this new America where laws aren't really laws how can any of the Constitution stand? And outside of that how can any law stand? Once no laws mean exactly what thee fuck they say...there is no law.
Conservative rejection is Soooooooo hard to watch
Rejection? Of law? How do you expect a citizenry to respect the rule of law when those in charge don't? Obiecare is a law that not only don't the actual words of the law apply but that the government itself has exempted itself from having to participate in. Why do you continue to cheer for a law that doesn't mean what it says and the people that are enforcing it don't have to participate in? You're the very definition of a leming.
Obamacare is the law of the land
It passed the House and the Senate and was signed by the President into law
It has been affirmed by the Supreme Court....Twice

No amount of whimpering will change that
We'll see it before Dear Leader is scheduled to leave office

Look at the all the hate articles being served up by every leftwing hate site with their hateful members, even coming from the DNC lapdog media NOW.

We need to GET prepared. These nasty people Like Obama, Sharpton , Holder etc has done their jobs WELL

we can even see all the HATE on this board.

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