How long can they hold Kim Davis?

I remember when the left thought that unlimited detention without a trial was a violation of someone's human rights...wait...that was only for terrorist and people who want to destroy america. How come the UN isn't complaining...wait...same reason.

She was given plenty of due process. A hearing was held and the facts were ascertained. The judge then issued a preliminary injunction, which enjoins enforcement of her unconstitutional policy of "no marriage licenses". She is appealing, but there is no likelihood that her appeal will be successful. Thus, both the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court declined to stay the injunction pending appeal. Therefore, the preliminary injunction must be obeyed ... but she has engaged in willful disobedience. This is a civil contempt proceeding and Kim Davis had her day in court. A hearing was held and Kim Davis essentially told the Court that she will never obey. Kim Davis has the keys to her jail cell in her own pocket. When she informs the court that she will obey the preliminary injunction, then she will be released.

As of today, she still remains defiant of the Court's order. Her attorneys are telling the public that the marriage licenses issued today by her deputy clerk are invalid because they were issued without her authority. She's continuing her obstruction even from her jail cell. She can get out of her jail cell anytime she wants ... she just doesn't want out because she thinks she's God's voice and vessel. She's a moron.

Same-sex couples issued marriage licenses in Rowan County; jailed clerk claims licenses are void

Only the left are allowed to protest.

Last I checked she's protesting right now.

Not from the way the left is talking.
They think she should full fill her duties and just lie down and be quite.

She should do the job she was elected to do, or resign. If not...honestly, I say put her in solitary confinement in a 5x5x5 cell until her elected term is up, and fine her at least $10,000 per day. She should come out of this absolutely penniless.
Uh....That would be a violation of her 5th( due process) and 6th( right to jury trial) and 8th Amendment( cruel and unusual punishment) rights.
As much as you despise anyone who does not kowtow to the militant gay agenda, you cannot make new law or use the law based on your feelings. It doesn't work that way.
they have got to let her out sometime. When is that? When is her sentence up?
They MIGHT be able to hold her until her elected term is up. Had she been a democrat she would be home by now.
Um...she IS a Democrat. :rofl: And to make it even better, the judge who put her in jail is a Bush appointee Republican.

214 IQ indeed.
genius....Bush 43 appointed his share of moderate and even liberal judges in federal posts. So did Reagan..In fact both POTUS looked beyond partisan politics and appointed those they viewed as competent and impartial judges.
they have got to let her out sometime. When is that? When is her sentence up?

Social warriors are not very compromising. She might die in prison.

As long as she's not reelected, she's out when her term is up, but she'll never make it that long, not a chance. Jesus will change her heart, of course.

So the Judge will cry 'uncle' first, and release her on a technicality?


Well, if Contempt of Court can not be used by a judge to enforce a court order, I guess that we just lost the only tool that society has to motivate deadbeat dads to pay child support, and to keep divorced mom off of welfare, because that is what the judges have been using all these years against deadbeat dads.
they have got to let her out sometime. When is that? When is her sentence up?

Social warriors are not very compromising. She might die in prison.

As long as she's not reelected, she's out when her term is up, but she'll never make it that long, not a chance. Jesus will change her heart, of course.

So the Judge will cry 'uncle' first, and release her on a technicality?


they have got to let her out sometime. When is that? When is her sentence up?

Social warriors are not very compromising. She might die in prison.

As long as she's not reelected, she's out when her term is up, but she'll never make it that long, not a chance. Jesus will change her heart, of course.

So the Judge will cry 'uncle' first, and release her on a technicality?



You can't have it both ways Paint.
they have got to let her out sometime. When is that? When is her sentence up?
There is no sentence per se...These contempt incarcerations usually run out of gas in a few days.
Probably after the weekend, her attorney will file a motion to have her released and if the judge wants to keep his job, he will.
The judge is within his rights. The record for time served for contempt charges in this country is 14 years, and the guy in jail was a high priced millionaire Philadelphia lawyer. The Davis lady will be in jail until she resigns, agrees to the courts order or her term as clerk runs out. The cause for her to be in jail is not as punishment or a legislatively applied term of sentence. It is to force compliance of a court order. Until the court order is satisfied she will continue her incarceration.
they have got to let her out sometime. When is that? When is her sentence up?

Social warriors are not very compromising. She might die in prison.

As long as she's not reelected, she's out when her term is up, but she'll never make it that long, not a chance. Jesus will change her heart, of course.

So the Judge will cry 'uncle' first, and release her on a technicality?



You can't have it both ways Paint.
When her term is up she will be released, if not reelected, since she will no longer be in contempt since she will no longer have that job. She will fold long before that, but not the judge unless her office is doing their job and she is not interfering. Had she agreed to not interfere she would have already been released.
So now we have a violation of the employment discrimination laws where religious beliefs of one man and one woman can't be hired as a marriage license clerk in the government.
This is not going to end very well.
So now we have a violation of the employment discrimination laws where religious beliefs of one man and one woman can't be hired as a marriage license clerk in the government.
This is not going to end very well.

Why would you assume that. Of Ms. Davis's 6 Deputy Clerks 5 indicated they would have no problem with issuing licenses and only one said they would have a problem. (That one being her own son, so I guess it's best not to piss of Momma.)

Under such conditions it is very easy to make a reasonable accommodation for a religious request.

However when you are Ms. Davis and your are the boss and you order your deputy clerks not to issue licenses at all, that is not a reasonable accommodation to a religoius objection.

So now we have a violation of the employment discrimination laws where religious beliefs of one man and one woman can't be hired as a marriage license clerk in the government.
This is not going to end very well.

Why would you assume that. Of Ms. Davis's 6 Deputy Clerks 5 indicated they would have no problem with issuing licenses and only one said they would have a problem. (That one being her own son, so I guess it's best not to piss of Momma.)

Under such conditions it is very easy to make a reasonable accommodation for a religious request.

However when you are Ms. Davis and your are the boss and you order your deputy clerks not to issue licenses at all, that is not a reasonable accommodation to a religoius objection.


She can no long work there or her son, or anyone else who hold those beliefs. That violates the employment discrimination law.
But this is going to happen all across the country.
Kim Davis isn't the only official refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses
In Oregon, an ethics investigation of Marion County Circuit Judge Vance Day has been launched following his decision not to perform same-sex marriages, Patrick Korten, a spokesman for the judge, confirmed Thursday.

Patrick Korten, a spokesman for Day, said the judge has never performed a same-sex marriage since joining the bench in 2011. He stopped performing marriages of any kind this spring and informed his staff that when same-sex marriage became legal in Oregon to refer couples seeking all marriages to other county judges.

According to Korten, Day has never performed a same-sex marriage because of "deeply held religious beliefs." "He has a right to those beliefs under the United States Constitution," Korten said.
It had been worked out so that no ones rights were violated.
Now because of the Supreme Court ruling he can no longer do that.
We will see what he is going to do about this.
This is going to happen in many States.
Nobody is telling her that she can not work there because of her religious beliefs. All they are requiring is that she not interfere with legal county business. If a Muslim were to apply for a job as an air traffic controler, but demands that he be allowed to put his position on hold so that he can lay out his prayer rug and pray to Mecca 5 times per day, he would not be hired, either..and rightfully so.
Nobody is telling her that she can not work there because of her religious beliefs. All they are requiring is that she not interfere with legal county business. If a Muslim were to apply for a job as an air traffic controler, but demands that he be allowed to put his position on hold so that he can lay out his prayer rug and pray to Mecca 5 times per day, he would not be hired, either..and rightfully so.

Many Muslims have been able to do so at their jobs.
They have been accommodated by many employers for noon and afternoon prayer.
Nobody is telling her that she can not work there because of her religious beliefs. All they are requiring is that she not interfere with legal county business. If a Muslim were to apply for a job as an air traffic controler, but demands that he be allowed to put his position on hold so that he can lay out his prayer rug and pray to Mecca 5 times per day, he would not be hired, either..and rightfully so.

Many Muslims have been able to do so at their jobs.
They have been accommodated by many employers for noon and afternoon prayer.

I believe the question was a little more specific.
Social warriors are not very compromising. She might die in prison.

As long as she's not reelected, she's out when her term is up, but she'll never make it that long, not a chance. Jesus will change her heart, of course.

So the Judge will cry 'uncle' first, and release her on a technicality?



You can't have it both ways Paint.
When her term is up she will be released, if not reelected, since she will no longer be in contempt since she will no longer have that job. She will fold long before that, but not the judge unless her office is doing their job and she is not interfering. Had she agreed to not interfere she would have already been released.

I beg to differ, Solicitor Paint. Contempt of court is at the discretion of the court, and is in no way related to the circumstances of the executive. She can be in 'Time Out' as long as the judge is on the bench.

Your turn, young Jedi.

they have got to let her out sometime. When is that? When is her sentence up?

If she didn't have a trial and wasn't convicted of a crime, she wasn't sentenced.

I was hoping someone would notice that. She wasn't convicted of a crime so why is she in jail?

Because she thinks that her so-called religious convictions supersede her duties as a public official. If she feels so strongly about it, she could always resign. Either way, it's up to her how long she'll be in jail. She could comply with the court order to follow the law and do her job which is what she's getting paid to do...or she can resign.

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