How long do you think someone should be allowed to be on Government assistance

I know this family who has been on welfare for generations. I mean their grandparents, parents and now them. All of them are able bodies or were at one time. How long do you think you should be allowed to collect a welfare check. I am sure in that many years they could have done jobs.. Work 2 or 3 jobs to make end meet . Why should the tax payers and the rich pay for the lazy.. Because if you are 3 generations of people on assistance their a problem with you and your family and that is called laziness . It is sad when you can make more on welfare then if you worked in some places. And this is not about wages either.. This is about people being too lazy to get off their asses because the government hands them money so why should they. Maybe if they made it uncomfortable to live on welfare they would get a job... AND THOSE with children. Sorry if you cant afford them then don't breed them. I saw on facebook as well this lady with 4 kids by 4 different baby daddys collecting receives 1200 a month in assistance plus gets free housing or very cheap, free medical and says why get a job if the government is going to pay her to stay home. She is planning on having more children to get more money..

Many people tend to feel embarrassed when they apply for welfare; however the system was set up with intent of providing benefits to impoverished Americans. This is done by using several different governmental programs such as Food Stamps, Medicaid, HUD homes programs and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). When you hear politicians and the public speaking of welfare it is normally referring to Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, or TANF, this was formerly called AFDC (Aid to Families with Dependent Children) and it is a cash assistance setup that is usually directed towards single parents. This type of program is actually a fairly small portion of the entire welfare program. In order to take advantage of these programs you must meet the resource and income limitations. The Food Stamp and HUD programs receive federal funds, while the rest use both state and federal funds.

In the 1990's the welfare program underwent several changes, perhaps the one most well known was replacing the Aid to Families with Dependent Children with TANF. Under the TANF program federal government gives money to states by way of block grants which allows states to have more authority and flexibility when trying to administer welfare programs. This program represents a changed version of the purpose of welfare. Instead of long-term program assistance, welfare is considered a short-term program that will help individuals become better able to support themselves. Meaning the head of the household is required to be working within 2 years of starting to receive benefits, and the families have an imposed limit of no more than 5 years of cash assistance.

It appears that no matter which way welfare assistance is set up, there has always been a tendency for the general public to view those that apply for welfare in a negative light. While work requirements have changed as part of reforming welfare, most Americans continue to see welfare recipients (most often unwed or divorced single moms) with equal parts of impatience and scorn. This, of course, is seen as a highly unfair label to those that desperately need the help that welfare offers.

Fortunately the public support for reforming welfare is evident that even as cynical as we have become, most still feel some type of obligation to help poorer families. Which indicates that while still trying to uphold America's values regarding individualism, community and hard work the desire to help the less fortunate is still going strong.

To fully understand the process of applying for welfare you need to know the general information provided through the government and each state has their own set of requirements that must be met as well. So, familiarize yourself with the basics and then contact the state where you reside to see what specifics may be required before applying for welfare.

For example, to be eligible for Medicaid you do not have to be eligible for welfare as well. Nor can the state limit eligibility for Medicaid to families that are already receiving or entitled to receive TANF benefits. Individual states are required to provide Medicaid to any family that has the following:

a. Dependent child that lives with them;
b. Have the same resources and income that allowed
them to be qualified for AFDC;
c. certain types of deprivation requirements (such as an
absent parent);
d. you must be a U.S. citizen
All states are required to provide comparable standards, meaning that all regulations have to be the same for all recipients and applicants that apply for welfare. States must also apply the same policies throughout all of the sates subdivisions, in short that means that all of a states regulations and rules are required to be the same for the entire state.

If you have access to the Internet then it is suggested that you visit your states department of health and human services website. There you will be able to find all the forms you will need to complete the application process for your state and information on how to fill out the forms. As well as any other information you will need to bring with you for an interview. If you do not have access to the Internet you can call your local human resources office and they will tell you where to get the forms, help you fill them out if necessary, make sure you understand the whole process and set up an interview. Many states also have a service that can pick you up and take you to the office if you do not have access to transportation.

Perhaps the most important thing to remember is, if you do not know then don’t be afraid to ask. The people are there to help you and will not set out to embarrass you in any way so give them a chance to help.

Welfare Information Articles

US Welfare System - Help for US Citizens
Applying for Welfare
The History of Welfare
Child Welfare Services
Programs & Benefits
Welfare Assistance Works for Everyone
How US Welfare Services Can Be Used
Corporate Welfare
Welfare Reform - Social Welfare Change
Welfare Department - The Dept of Health and Human Services
What is Welfare State
Social Welfare Services
Payments and Allowance Benefits

straight from the welfare site ... deal with it​
Without government assitance, Wal*Mart and McDonalds would not be around. Their employees do not make enough money to live without it. Nor should they...there is only so much value in flipping a burger or stocking a shelf. However, do not kid yourself into thinking that these employers are not subsidized by your tax monies; every thing from health care to the roads built when they decide to locate their stores/issue a franchise in the far suburbs of a city, to the relentless drive to keep their supplier prices low and drive down wages at those businesses as well.
How long do you think someone should be allowed to be on Government assistance

We have 3 generations on welfare now
Because if you are full time, you get 4 weeks paid holiday, 8 days paid sick leave, 3 months long service leave after ten years of employment, and paid maternity leave for three months, soon to change (possibly) to 24 weeks (which I think is wrong).

Employers prefer to hire casuals, put them on a three month trial, and get rid of them as soon as the probationary period is over. This means that you have dozens of people trying to find jobs who have to explain why they have only stuck at their last few jobs for a couple of months - the employer assumes they were a bad employee, but its because the employer gets money from the government to hire you - they lose that money after the three months.

A probationary period before full employ is common and completely understandable.
Dont know about you,but I've never been told to hit the bricks at the end of one.
Maybe that should tell you something......
Like maybe your job is so simplistic that anyone can do it? Learn something of value and employers wont do that to you.

Its not about jobs being simple to do, many businesses have a probationary period because they get government money for it. That is why they do it.

Then learn something that provides more value then the gov subsidies.
Maybe you'll do that when you get sick of being a pawn.
Study: Census data show high immigrant participation on US welfare rolls

"A study from the Center for Immigration Studies shows that high percentages of legal and illegal immigrants in America are drawing benefits from at least one major form of welfare.

Using U.S. Census Bureau data from 2010 and 2011, the group analyzed the more than 50 million legal and illegal immigrants and their American-born children under 18 years of age. Large numbers, the limited immigration advocacy group found, are struggling in poverty, reliant on welfare and uninsured.

The study found that in 2010, 36 percent of immigrant-headed households receive benefits from at least one welfare program, compared to just 23 percent of households headed by U.S. natives. Among households with children, immigrant welfare households outnumbered non-immigrants by a similarly wide margin: 57 percent to 40 percent.

Welfare enrollment was highest for households headed by immigrants originating in Mexico, with 57 percent participation. Guatemalan immigrants were second, with 55 percent; those from the Dominican Republic were third, with 54 percent participation.

Immigrants with the lowest rate of welfare participation came to the United States from the United Kingdom, with just 6 percent accessing one or more welfare programs, Germany at 10 percent and Canada with 13 percent, according to the report.

The authors noted that compared with households headed by U.S. natives, twice as many headed by immigrants who have lived in the United States for more than 20 years access welfare programs.

Poverty among immigrants and their children, the report added, dwarfs the rate among American natives, by a 23 percent to 13.5 percent margin.

According to the study, immigrants and their children represent one-quarter of American residents in poverty. Their children are one-third of poverty-stricken children in the U.S. overall."

Read more: Census data: High immigrant participation on welfare rolls | The Daily Caller

I saw an interview done on al jazeera talking about the immigration of muslims to the UK. It was stated by their own imams (those interviewed) that 85% of them were on welfare which spoke poorly of the entire muslim community and what could be done about it. I had wondered how high the participation of immigrant muslims is here in our wlefare system, as well as other immigrant populations. Thanks for what you posted. I noticed they didn't mention the muslim immigrant usage.
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The good thing is that I am not on any form of government assistance, and haven't been in years. In a month or so I might qualify for a special low income card which means I can visit the doctor and pay a little less, and not pay full price for prescriptions, which will be helpful.
Its a lot of paperwork though, and many people just don't have the time to fill it all out.

Who pays extra so you can pay less?

No one pays extra. We all pay taxes, rich people pay more (obviously) but these cards are used by pensioners, as well as those people who have kids and are struggling to make ends meet.

I'm not entirely familiar with your system over there. What they are doing here is out and out thievery. free when it comes to government hand-outs. Oh, yeah, some people don't have to earn or pay for goods and services the government passes out, but there are others who have to foot the bills.
In the case of our so-called health care reform, ask yourself why would you consider it "fair", increasing premiums paid by middle-aged men for services they never need and will most certainly never use, i.e. OB-GYN services, maternity and natal care coverage. Anyone with a modicum of sense can see what's really happening here. Increased premiums for coverage that will never be used, for which the insurance companies will never have to expend one dime on. Who profits? Across-the-board, increased deductible payments, high enough that unless catastrophic care is needed, most normal people will not even meet their annual deductible, if they can afford it in the first place. Again, insurance carriers will not have to pay out as much as previously. Who profits? Oh, there will no doubt be the usual suspects, lined up with their dick-skinning paws grubbing for their government "freebies", paid for with funds extorted from those who work hard to earn every penny and who most likely won't qualify for "subsidies".
No, sweetheart, this is definitely NOT about ensuring everyone has health care. We are being forced to buy health insurance which does not mean we will be ensured health care. This is all about controlling people by taking control of a huge share of the economy and parceling out what many people view as an essential need. It's all about stuffing as much money as possible into the insurance companies' coffers...the same companies that wrote this unconstitutional atrocity, passing it to Congressional sponsors whose patronage those companies have bought.
But it's all OK. You keep living in your fairytale story land where everybody gets everything they want, and nobody ever has to pay for anything. Let me know when you find that tree where money grows, too. I'd like some seeds.
There can be limits imposed but there needs to be a plan of action to get a person off of welfare and into a job. I don't agree with the Republican plan of throwing people off the welfare roles and into the streets.

If they want all of these systems improved, Republicans will have to work on it. They can't just sit around musing like some of you do here.

Here's a really cool suggestion:
Should, for some unfortunate reason, a person find themselves forced to accept temporary government assistance, why should it fall to the taxpayers' proxy, government, to come up with some "plan of action"? Shouldn't the individual affected by unfortunate circumstances be figuring out their own plan of action? If they don't want to find themselves out on the streets, they should take responsibility for their own plight and figure our their "plan of action" and execute it in the most generous grace period granted by having someone else pay their way, temporarily.
How long do you think someone should be allowed to be on Government assistance

Given the ignorance you and others on the right exhibit with regard to public assistance, you’re in no position to make such a determination.

TANF, for example, already has time limits.

As an important supplemental food program for low income working families, SNAP should have no time limits.

And unemployment compensation isn’t ‘government assistance.’

You and other ignorant rightists need to first research the subject of public assistance, learn what it is and isn’t, then express your opinions accordingly.

Of course you’re at liberty to continue to exhibit your ignorance on the subject, but no one will take you seriously.

Such as now.

you have some nerve calling other's ignorant
look at your ignorant condescending can't just speak about what you think it should be. the op asked a simple and legitimate question and you give out this shit
you're such an ass..I wouldn't take some ignorant advice from you if my life depended on it
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Given that about a third of the money our federal government spends is being borrowed, because we're not being taxed sufficiently to pay for the government we're getting,

we're all on government assistance.

We're being taxed inefficiently high and govt is inefficient in its financial management of our money.
Why do corporate welfare recipients always get govt. benefits for the life of the company, farmer or non-profit organization?

Because Democrats and Republicans, Bush and now Obama make it happen... None of whom I voted for btw... ever... never even once.
To answer the question, no time. There should be no welfare. Welfare alone eats up our entire budget, even military today has becomes nothing but a welfare system for people who can't produce anything meaningful... They do however work to rebuild after blowing up third world countries.
Given that about a third of the money our federal government spends is being borrowed, because we're not being taxed sufficiently to pay for the government we're getting,

we're all on government assistance.

Let me do this s-l-o-w-l-y, using small words and short sentences: The problem is not insufficient taxation. The problem is a bloated, over-priced, poorly managed government bureaucracy. Instead of establishing and following a budget, the pols would rather bankrupt the nation and put us in debt to any other nation willing to loan us money.
The government we're getting is unwanted and definitely unnecessary.
There can be limits imposed but there needs to be a plan of action to get a person off of welfare and into a job. I don't agree with the Republican plan of throwing people off the welfare roles and into the streets.

If they want all of these systems improved, Republicans will have to work on it. They can't just sit around musing like some of you do here.

Here's a really cool suggestion:
Should, for some unfortunate reason, a person find themselves forced to accept temporary government assistance, why should it fall to the taxpayers' proxy, government, to come up with some "plan of action"? Shouldn't the individual affected by unfortunate circumstances be figuring out their own plan of action? If they don't want to find themselves out on the streets, they should take responsibility for their own plight and figure our their "plan of action" and execute it in the most generous grace period granted by having someone else pay their way, temporarily.

That what Jesus would do.
There can be limits imposed but there needs to be a plan of action to get a person off of welfare and into a job. I don't agree with the Republican plan of throwing people off the welfare roles and into the streets.

If they want all of these systems improved, Republicans will have to work on it. They can't just sit around musing like some of you do here.

Here's a really cool suggestion:
Should, for some unfortunate reason, a person find themselves forced to accept temporary government assistance, why should it fall to the taxpayers' proxy, government, to come up with some "plan of action"? Shouldn't the individual affected by unfortunate circumstances be figuring out their own plan of action? If they don't want to find themselves out on the streets, they should take responsibility for their own plight and figure our their "plan of action" and execute it in the most generous grace period granted by having someone else pay their way, temporarily.

That what Jesus would do.

"The Lord helps those who help themselves."
For the able bodied- 6 months maximum LIFETIME benefit

It's a helping hand. Not a lifestyle.
If someone is that concerned about whether another has food or housing, or whatever other comforts and amenities they deem necessary, why don't they just start their own charity organization to see to those in need? Why do such "concerned" citizens charge government with this obligation? Why do they demand that everyone else be forced to contribute?

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