How long do you think someone should be allowed to be on Government assistance

Given that about a third of the money our federal government spends is being borrowed, because we're not being taxed sufficiently to pay for the government we're getting,

we're all on government assistance.

To the contrary, we are being taxed sufficiently, we are just over spending our means.

Reduce spending and the revenue is there. Just like I can't force my employer to give me a raise to compensate my poor budget execution, the government should not be allowed to do the same

Bullshit on you knowing this family.

Try answering my sig line.

LMAO-- Every time someone post how the Obama 'system' is in peril, you call them a liar or the BS flag... Denial is not a river in Detroit


Nope. Only when they bullshit. Try again.

And...I have never used the "BS flag".

Does that make you a liar or mistaken? In either case, will you own up to it?
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Let's keep in mind that the OP is unemployed and survives off of tax payer dollars.

So much you know. I am not unemployed and my husband worked for those benefits for 25 years plus works another full time job about 60 hours a week. We make a great income and can live on his full time job alone that is why, his military retirement so far has gone too the kids education . I have and are sending my sons without any student loans.. I wont have to worry that they will be in massive debt for the rest of their lives
Let's keep in mind that the OP is unemployed and survives off of tax payer dollars.

So much you know. I am not unemployed and my husband worked for those benefits for 25 years plus works another full time job about 60 hours a week. We make a great income and can live on his full time job alone that is why, his military retirement so far has gone too the kids education . I have and are sending my sons without any student loans.. I wont have to worry that they will be in massive debt for the rest of their lives

Government employee? Union benefits? Cool! Congratulations and you are welcome.
Bullshit on you knowing this family.

Try answering my sig line.

LMAO-- Every time someone post how the Obama 'system' is in peril, you call them a liar or the BS flag... Denial is not a river in Detroit


Nope. Only when they bullshit. Try again.

And...I have never used the "BS flag".

Does that make you a liar or mistaken? In either case, will you own up to it?

I highlighted it for you. You're really not very smart are you? Rhetorical question...

Where do you think the phrase BS flag comes from genius? :cuckoo:

And why is that?

Because if you are full time, you get 4 weeks paid holiday, 8 days paid sick leave, 3 months long service leave after ten years of employment, and paid maternity leave for three months, soon to change (possibly) to 24 weeks (which I think is wrong).

Employers prefer to hire casuals, put them on a three month trial, and get rid of them as soon as the probationary period is over. This means that you have dozens of people trying to find jobs who have to explain why they have only stuck at their last few jobs for a couple of months - the employer assumes they were a bad employee, but its because the employer gets money from the government to hire you - they lose that money after the three months.

A probationary period before full employ is common and completely understandable.
Dont know about you,but I've never been told to hit the bricks at the end of one.
Maybe that should tell you something......
Like maybe your job is so simplistic that anyone can do it? Learn something of value and employers wont do that to you.
And why is that?

Because if you are full time, you get 4 weeks paid holiday, 8 days paid sick leave, 3 months long service leave after ten years of employment, and paid maternity leave for three months, soon to change (possibly) to 24 weeks (which I think is wrong).

Employers prefer to hire casuals, put them on a three month trial, and get rid of them as soon as the probationary period is over. This means that you have dozens of people trying to find jobs who have to explain why they have only stuck at their last few jobs for a couple of months - the employer assumes they were a bad employee, but its because the employer gets money from the government to hire you - they lose that money after the three months.

What? Employers aren't looking out for what's in the best interest of employees? I'm shocked I tell you, just shocked. Is that why we need unions and regulations so that employers won't take advantage of employees by paying them slave wages in poor working conditions? Who knew?
And why is that?

Because if you are full time, you get 4 weeks paid holiday, 8 days paid sick leave, 3 months long service leave after ten years of employment, and paid maternity leave for three months, soon to change (possibly) to 24 weeks (which I think is wrong).

Employers prefer to hire casuals, put them on a three month trial, and get rid of them as soon as the probationary period is over. This means that you have dozens of people trying to find jobs who have to explain why they have only stuck at their last few jobs for a couple of months - the employer assumes they were a bad employee, but its because the employer gets money from the government to hire you - they lose that money after the three months.

A probationary period before full employ is common and completely understandable.
Dont know about you,but I've never been told to hit the bricks at the end of one.
Maybe that should tell you something......
Like maybe your job is so simplistic that anyone can do it? Learn something of value and employers wont do that to you.

Its not about jobs being simple to do, many businesses have a probationary period because they get government money for it. That is why they do it.
And why is that?

Because if you are full time, you get 4 weeks paid holiday, 8 days paid sick leave, 3 months long service leave after ten years of employment, and paid maternity leave for three months, soon to change (possibly) to 24 weeks (which I think is wrong).

Employers prefer to hire casuals, put them on a three month trial, and get rid of them as soon as the probationary period is over. This means that you have dozens of people trying to find jobs who have to explain why they have only stuck at their last few jobs for a couple of months - the employer assumes they were a bad employee, but its because the employer gets money from the government to hire you - they lose that money after the three months.

Seems like the government mandates have priced labor out of the market. OK, full-time, reliable employment is elusive because the cost of maintaining such a work force is prohibitive. Businesses are not started, do not continue to run, unless they make a profit. No profit-no jobs...go figure that the concept is impossible to understand when one's ideology insists that the only reason a business exists is for the good of everyone else.
The good thing is that I am not on any form of government assistance, and haven't been in years. In a month or so I might qualify for a special low income card which means I can visit the doctor and pay a little less, and not pay full price for prescriptions, which will be helpful.
Its a lot of paperwork though, and many people just don't have the time to fill it all out.
Because if you are full time, you get 4 weeks paid holiday, 8 days paid sick leave, 3 months long service leave after ten years of employment, and paid maternity leave for three months, soon to change (possibly) to 24 weeks (which I think is wrong).

Employers prefer to hire casuals, put them on a three month trial, and get rid of them as soon as the probationary period is over. This means that you have dozens of people trying to find jobs who have to explain why they have only stuck at their last few jobs for a couple of months - the employer assumes they were a bad employee, but its because the employer gets money from the government to hire you - they lose that money after the three months.

A probationary period before full employ is common and completely understandable.
Dont know about you,but I've never been told to hit the bricks at the end of one.
Maybe that should tell you something......
Like maybe your job is so simplistic that anyone can do it? Learn something of value and employers wont do that to you.

Its not about jobs being simple to do, many businesses have a probationary period because they get government money for it. That is why they do it.

Maybe where you work, for the work you do. Same thing here, in the US, entry level jobs are often subsidized in order to provide an incentive for employers to hire unskilled workers and train them. Where I work, you have to be licensed and skilled. There's still a probationary period, too. Not everyone makes it through, either.
The good thing is that I am not on any form of government assistance, and haven't been in years. In a month or so I might qualify for a special low income card which means I can visit the doctor and pay a little less, and not pay full price for prescriptions, which will be helpful.
Its a lot of paperwork though, and many people just don't have the time to fill it all out.

Who pays extra so you can pay less?
The good thing is that I am not on any form of government assistance, and haven't been in years. In a month or so I might qualify for a special low income card which means I can visit the doctor and pay a little less, and not pay full price for prescriptions, which will be helpful.
Its a lot of paperwork though, and many people just don't have the time to fill it all out.

Who pays extra so you can pay less?

No one pays extra. We all pay taxes, rich people pay more (obviously) but these cards are used by pensioners, as well as those people who have kids and are struggling to make ends meet.
The good thing is that I am not on any form of government assistance, and haven't been in years. In a month or so I might qualify for a special low income card which means I can visit the doctor and pay a little less, and not pay full price for prescriptions, which will be helpful.
Its a lot of paperwork though, and many people just don't have the time to fill it all out.

Who pays extra so you can pay less?

Nutters ALL think they are the ones paying more. This delusion drives their being. If they didn't think some slacker was getting over on their dime, they would have less reason to live.
What? Employers aren't looking out for what's in the best interest of employees? I'm shocked I tell you, just shocked. Is that why we need unions and regulations so that employers won't take advantage of employees by paying them slave wages in poor working conditions? Who knew?

Here we go with the "slave" reference again. What an insult to so many who suffered so much.

It's impossible to have a reasonable conversation on this topic when one side goes completely off the rails like this.

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There can be limits imposed but there needs to be a plan of action to get a person off of welfare and into a job. I don't agree with the Republican plan of throwing people off the welfare roles and into the streets.

If they want all of these systems improved, Republicans will have to work on it. They can't just sit around musing like some of you do here.
I know this family who has been on welfare for generations. I mean their grandparents, parents and now them. All of them are able bodies or were at one time. How long do you think you should be allowed to collect a welfare check. I am sure in that many years they could have done jobs.. Work 2 or 3 jobs to make end meet . Why should the tax payers and the rich pay for the lazy.. Because if you are 3 generations of people on assistance their a problem with you and your family and that is called laziness . It is sad when you can make more on welfare then if you worked in some places. And this is not about wages either.. This is about people being too lazy to get off their asses because the government hands them money so why should they. Maybe if they made it uncomfortable to live on welfare they would get a job... AND THOSE with children. Sorry if you cant afford them then don't breed them. I saw on facebook as well this lady with 4 kids by 4 different baby daddys collecting receives 1200 a month in assistance plus gets free housing or very cheap, free medical and says why get a job if the government is going to pay her to stay home. She is planning on having more children to get more money..

first of all you're a liar ... in the late 1990's under us liberals we passed a law that law says you can't only be on welfare for 2 years ... in that 2 years you are offered different trades to learn ... the bull shit that you're tryin g to push here won't float ... you see after 2 years you have to be employed if not then you are dropped from the welfare rolls
Study: Census data show high immigrant participation on US welfare rolls

"A study from the Center for Immigration Studies shows that high percentages of legal and illegal immigrants in America are drawing benefits from at least one major form of welfare.

Using U.S. Census Bureau data from 2010 and 2011, the group analyzed the more than 50 million legal and illegal immigrants and their American-born children under 18 years of age. Large numbers, the limited immigration advocacy group found, are struggling in poverty, reliant on welfare and uninsured.

The study found that in 2010, 36 percent of immigrant-headed households receive benefits from at least one welfare program, compared to just 23 percent of households headed by U.S. natives. Among households with children, immigrant welfare households outnumbered non-immigrants by a similarly wide margin: 57 percent to 40 percent.

Welfare enrollment was highest for households headed by immigrants originating in Mexico, with 57 percent participation. Guatemalan immigrants were second, with 55 percent; those from the Dominican Republic were third, with 54 percent participation.

Immigrants with the lowest rate of welfare participation came to the United States from the United Kingdom, with just 6 percent accessing one or more welfare programs, Germany at 10 percent and Canada with 13 percent, according to the report.

The authors noted that compared with households headed by U.S. natives, twice as many headed by immigrants who have lived in the United States for more than 20 years access welfare programs.

Poverty among immigrants and their children, the report added, dwarfs the rate among American natives, by a 23 percent to 13.5 percent margin.

According to the study, immigrants and their children represent one-quarter of American residents in poverty. Their children are one-third of poverty-stricken children in the U.S. overall."

Read more: Census data: High immigrant participation on welfare rolls | The Daily Caller

I think you need to go ad read the bylaws of the welfare system ... and stop going to right wing nut job bloggers... first question ... are you a american citizen ... if you aren't you need not apply ...
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Long as they need it. If we had a government that gave a shit about the people instead of keeping them on the dole so they would keep voting them back into office this would end quickly with job training,free education etc. You will never get ******* to work the vast majority anyways but most others you can IF you give them the tools or help them get them. Personally I say long as they need it but help them get free education,work training,skills,etc etc...Its what a National Socialist government would do. People should really study how well the workers had it in NS Germany,why the people WANTED to work. It was a sense of pride. I have no pride in being an Amurican.

typical right wing nut that's been brainwashed
I know this family who has been on welfare for generations. I mean their grandparents, parents and now them. All of them are able bodies or were at one time. How long do you think you should be allowed to collect a welfare check. I am sure in that many years they could have done jobs.. Work 2 or 3 jobs to make end meet . Why should the tax payers and the rich pay for the lazy.. Because if you are 3 generations of people on assistance their a problem with you and your family and that is called laziness . It is sad when you can make more on welfare then if you worked in some places. And this is not about wages either.. This is about people being too lazy to get off their asses because the government hands them money so why should they. Maybe if they made it uncomfortable to live on welfare they would get a job... AND THOSE with children. Sorry if you cant afford them then don't breed them. I saw on facebook as well this lady with 4 kids by 4 different baby daddys collecting receives 1200 a month in assistance plus gets free housing or very cheap, free medical and says why get a job if the government is going to pay her to stay home. She is planning on having more children to get more money..

We should gauge public assistance by the difficulty for real American's ability to navigate sidewalks and roads. As long as there is any room on the streets to drive and sidewalks to walk there is room for the low life poor to exist without being a burdon on the good people that have good jobs and pay more than thier fair share in taxes. Isn't it enough that we allow these useless people to wander around without rounding them up for work camps? Think how much better it would be if Walmart had its wares made here in the USA by folks that owe thier very existance to society?

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