How long do you think someone should be allowed to be on Government assistance

Difficult question to answer.

What are you calling assistance? Student aid? Homestead exemptions? WIC?

Welfare payments , Section 8 , food stamps, child care..

I would equate it to the other forms of government aid for sure. Certainly a dollar spent on student aid or medicare costs the taxpayers just as much as child formula; right?
I know this family who has been on welfare for generations. I mean their grandparents, parents and now them. All of them are able bodies or were at one time. How long do you think you should be allowed to collect a welfare check. I am sure in that many years they could have done jobs.. Work 2 or 3 jobs to make end meet . Why should the tax payers and the rich pay for the lazy.. Because if you are 3 generations of people on assistance their a problem with you and your family and that is called laziness . It is sad when you can make more on welfare then if you worked in some places. And this is not about wages either.. This is about people being too lazy to get off their asses because the government hands them money so why should they. Maybe if they made it uncomfortable to live on welfare they would get a job... AND THOSE with children. Sorry if you cant afford them then don't breed them. I saw on facebook as well this lady with 4 kids by 4 different baby daddys collecting receives 1200 a month in assistance plus gets free housing or very cheap, free medical and says why get a job if the government is going to pay her to stay home. She is planning on having more children to get more money..

My mum is currently a full time carer for my nana. She gets around $120 a fortnight from the government, because what she gets goes on my dads income - which is around $800 a week, after tax.
She can barely afford groceries for her and nana, let alone pay the bills.

The couple up the road have three kids, and they collect money from the government for each child, around $800 a fortnight, plus they get a 'schoolkids bonus' which is meant for low income parents to help buy uniforms and books etc - they don't need it. They get everything they need, and my mum gets nothing even though she cares full time for her own mother.

The government is fucked up sometimes.

Over here, you can go on the 'dole' but after six months, if you don't have a full time job (virtually impossible to find these days) the government will force you into a job seeker course, which is basically a bunch of know alls showing you how to write a resume. After its completed, you have another six months before they force you into another job seeker course.

The government does its best to kick you off welfare, but they are unrealistic about it. It doesn't work because people can't find full time work. It simply doesn't exist anymore.
The government does its best to kick you off welfare, but they are unrealistic about it. It doesn't work because people can't find full time work. It simply doesn't exist anymore.

Might have something to do with your $15 an hour minimum wage. :eusa_whistle:
How long do you think someone should be allowed to be on Government assistance

Given the ignorance you and others on the right exhibit with regard to public assistance, you’re in no position to make such a determination.

Your ignorance and insufferable douchebaggery doesn't stop you from running your mouth. Why can't she?
I know this family who has been on welfare for generations. I mean their grandparents, parents and now them. All of them are able bodies or were at one time. How long do you think you should be allowed to collect a welfare check. I am sure in that many years they could have done jobs.. Work 2 or 3 jobs to make end meet . Why should the tax payers and the rich pay for the lazy.. Because if you are 3 generations of people on assistance their a problem with you and your family and that is called laziness . It is sad when you can make more on welfare then if you worked in some places. And this is not about wages either.. This is about people being too lazy to get off their asses because the government hands them money so why should they. Maybe if they made it uncomfortable to live on welfare they would get a job... AND THOSE with children. Sorry if you cant afford them then don't breed them. I saw on facebook as well this lady with 4 kids by 4 different baby daddys collecting receives 1200 a month in assistance plus gets free housing or very cheap, free medical and says why get a job if the government is going to pay her to stay home. She is planning on having more children to get more money..

I think you need to submit proof. Then I think you need to be able to itemize the subsidies and bailouts given to large corporations, many of whom have spent decades shipping American jobs to cheaper labor markets in freedom hating nations. Then I think you need to analyze the corrupt no-bid culture that companies like Halliburton, Eli Lilly and Lockheed Martin enjoy. Our private sector has turned the government into an ATM. We protect Exxon's oil fields in the Middle East, and we stabilize the globe so our corporations can have easy access to ultra cheap labor and raw materials. It's pure corporate welfare and your party never talks about it - so you have zero credibility on the admittedly frustrating amounts of welfare that gets doled out to retarded people in Kentucky and Mississippi. Your inability to provide a full picture of who gets what from government means that you are merely spamming for the Republican Party.
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Let's keep in mind that the OP is unemployed and survives off of tax payer dollars.
The government does its best to kick you off welfare, but they are unrealistic about it. It doesn't work because people can't find full time work. It simply doesn't exist anymore.

Might have something to do with your $15 an hour minimum wage. :eusa_whistle:

That's not it. Its enough, you just need enough hours. No, its people wasting their money on smokes and grog.
People should really study how well the workers had it in NS Germany,why the people WANTED to work. It was a sense of pride. I have no pride in being an Amurican.

It could have been a sense of pride could have been fear of being classified as work-shy and then receiving an all expenses paid trip to camp, courtesy of the government.

:lol: That was just for criminals,faggots and jews.

Gave you some rep for that asswipe.
I know this family who has been on welfare for generations. I mean their grandparents, parents and now them. All of them are able bodies or were at one time. How long do you think you should be allowed to collect a welfare check. I am sure in that many years they could have done jobs.. Work 2 or 3 jobs to make end meet . Why should the tax payers and the rich pay for the lazy.. Because if you are 3 generations of people on assistance their a problem with you and your family and that is called laziness . It is sad when you can make more on welfare then if you worked in some places. And this is not about wages either.. This is about people being too lazy to get off their asses because the government hands them money so why should they. Maybe if they made it uncomfortable to live on welfare they would get a job... AND THOSE with children. Sorry if you cant afford them then don't breed them. I saw on facebook as well this lady with 4 kids by 4 different baby daddys collecting receives 1200 a month in assistance plus gets free housing or very cheap, free medical and says why get a job if the government is going to pay her to stay home. She is planning on having more children to get more money..

My mum is currently a full time carer for my nana. She gets around $120 a fortnight from the government, because what she gets goes on my dads income - which is around $800 a week, after tax.
She can barely afford groceries for her and nana, let alone pay the bills.

The couple up the road have three kids, and they collect money from the government for each child, around $800 a fortnight, plus they get a 'schoolkids bonus' which is meant for low income parents to help buy uniforms and books etc - they don't need it. They get everything they need, and my mum gets nothing even though she cares full time for her own mother.

The government is fucked up sometimes.

Over here, you can go on the 'dole' but after six months, if you don't have a full time job (virtually impossible to find these days) the government will force you into a job seeker course, which is basically a bunch of know alls showing you how to write a resume. After its completed, you have another six months before they force you into another job seeker course.

The government does its best to kick you off welfare, but they are unrealistic about it. It doesn't work because people can't find full time work. It simply doesn't exist anymore.

And why is that?
Depends on the situation. Case by case basis sorta thing. Kids should never go hungry...nor the elderly. But if folks are really hurting, can't work, need food and medical help...then forever if need be. But it needs to be monitored better than it has been since it started.

Nothing pisses me off more than to see someone driving a brand new car, dripping in jewelry, buying candy, soda, snacks, etc with foodstamps. Foodstamps should be for basic staples..rice, beans, bread, meat, canned goods, etc. Starving people don't need DingDongs, Ho Ho's, Candy bars, Pepsi, Coke, tater chips, yadda yadda.
Depends on the situation. Case by case basis sorta thing. Kids should never go hungry...nor the elderly. But if folks are really hurting, can't work, need food and medical help...then forever if need be. But it needs to be monitored better than it has been since it started.

Nothing pisses me off more than to see someone driving a brand new car, dripping in jewelry, buying candy, soda, snacks, etc with foodstamps. Foodstamps should be for basic staples..rice, beans, bread, meat, canned goods, etc. Starving people don't need DingDongs, Ho Ho's, Candy bars, Pepsi, Coke, tater chips, yadda yadda.

How often have you seen some woman driving a Cadillac who just purchased a lot of groceries with food stamps? It happens a lot more than people think. Here is what most people never seem to consider. In at least some of those cases and most likely a high percentage of cases, that person is a foster parent to a number of kids, and she and her husband may foster up to three or four kids. The government pays them a monthly fee and they are also allowed food stamps to help pay for food for the kids they are fostering.
Depends on the situation. Case by case basis sorta thing. Kids should never go hungry...nor the elderly. But if folks are really hurting, can't work, need food and medical help...then forever if need be. But it needs to be monitored better than it has been since it started.

Nothing pisses me off more than to see someone driving a brand new car, dripping in jewelry, buying candy, soda, snacks, etc with foodstamps. Foodstamps should be for basic staples..rice, beans, bread, meat, canned goods, etc. Starving people don't need DingDongs, Ho Ho's, Candy bars, Pepsi, Coke, tater chips, yadda yadda.

How often have you seen some woman driving a Cadillac who just purchased a lot of groceries with food stamps? It happens a lot more than people think. Here is what most people never seem to consider. In at least some of those cases and most likely a high percentage of cases, that person is a foster parent to a number of kids, and she and her husband may foster up to three or four kids. The government pays them a monthly fee and they are also allowed food stamps to help pay for food for the kids they are fostering.

And the only reason they foster is because of the MONEY. Too many people I know of do that. Too many. The system is screwed up. It needs to be fixed.
Depends on the situation. Case by case basis sorta thing. Kids should never go hungry...nor the elderly. But if folks are really hurting, can't work, need food and medical help...then forever if need be. But it needs to be monitored better than it has been since it started.

Nothing pisses me off more than to see someone driving a brand new car, dripping in jewelry, buying candy, soda, snacks, etc with foodstamps. Foodstamps should be for basic staples..rice, beans, bread, meat, canned goods, etc. Starving people don't need DingDongs, Ho Ho's, Candy bars, Pepsi, Coke, tater chips, yadda yadda.

How often have you seen some woman driving a Cadillac who just purchased a lot of groceries with food stamps? It happens a lot more than people think. Here is what most people never seem to consider. In at least some of those cases and most likely a high percentage of cases, that person is a foster parent to a number of kids, and she and her husband may foster up to three or four kids. The government pays them a monthly fee and they are also allowed food stamps to help pay for food for the kids they are fostering.

And the only reason they foster is because of the MONEY. Too many people I know of do that. Too many. The system is screwed up. It needs to be fixed.

There may be those who do it for the money, but guess what? Somebody needs to do it. Good foster parents are hard to come by. I tip my hat to them. If you think it's an easy job, I would beg to differ. These kids are better off in foster care versus being in an orphanage. Of course, we really don't have those anymore. I prefer the idea of fostering over orphanages.
Given that about a third of the money our federal government spends is being borrowed, because we're not being taxed sufficiently to pay for the government we're getting,

we're all on government assistance.
And why is that?

Because if you are full time, you get 4 weeks paid holiday, 8 days paid sick leave, 3 months long service leave after ten years of employment, and paid maternity leave for three months, soon to change (possibly) to 24 weeks (which I think is wrong).

Employers prefer to hire casuals, put them on a three month trial, and get rid of them as soon as the probationary period is over. This means that you have dozens of people trying to find jobs who have to explain why they have only stuck at their last few jobs for a couple of months - the employer assumes they were a bad employee, but its because the employer gets money from the government to hire you - they lose that money after the three months.

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