How long do you think someone should be allowed to be on Government assistance

How long do you think someone should be allowed to be on Government assistance

they can stay on as long as they want
In return, they can't vote until they get off the dole
I say, provide government daycare and send the mom and the dad, if she knows who he is and he is not in prison, and put them on the chain gang picking up trash etc.

Let my buddy Joe A put them to work in the AZ sun

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How long do you think someone should be allowed to be on Government assistance

they can stay on as long as they want
In return, they can't vote until they get off the dole

Non starter. My tax dollars are not there to buy silence from other Americans.
How long do you think someone should be allowed to be on Government assistance

Given the ignorance you and others on the right exhibit with regard to public assistance, you’re in no position to make such a determination.

TANF, for example, already has time limits.

As an important supplemental food program for low income working families, SNAP should have no time limits.

And unemployment compensation isn’t ‘government assistance.’

You and other ignorant rightists need to first research the subject of public assistance, learn what it is and isn’t, then express your opinions accordingly.

Of course you’re at liberty to continue to exhibit your ignorance on the subject, but no one will take you seriously.

Such as now.

you have some nerve calling other's ignorant
look at your ignorant condescending can't just speak about what you think it should be. the op asked a simple and legitimate question and you give out this shit
you're such an ass..I wouldn't take some ignorant advice from you if my life depended on it

coming from the boards most ignorant poster, Stephanie; you'd think she could learn.... but as we all know, "you can'tr fix stupid"
To answer the question, no time. There should be no welfare. Welfare alone eats up our entire budget, even military today has becomes nothing but a welfare system for people who can't produce anything meaningful... They do however work to rebuild after blowing up third world countries.

oh how the uninformed speak ... welfare is .11% of the national budget... like all you repub-lie-tards, you just don't take time to do a little research....
If someone is that concerned about whether another has food or housing, or whatever other comforts and amenities they deem necessary, why don't they just start their own charity organization to see to those in need? Why do such "concerned" citizens charge government with this obligation? Why do they demand that everyone else be forced to contribute?

here's and Idea ... force all woman on welfare to have abortions that will stop them from going on welfare ... abort them moocher to be ... that way we won't have any future takers ... RIGHT

ABORT those moochers and takers​
Long enough to hook the exhaust pipes on the van to the hermetically sealed cargo containers in the back like they did in Germany when the state decided it could no longer afford to support the mentally infirm and the crippled, including, but not limited to, German WWI veterans who had been crippled in combat during that war, both Aryan and Jew. All those vans zipping merrily around places like Dresden, Hamburg, Cologne, Muenchen, going about their daily devoirs.
The architect of Obamacare, Rahm Emmanuel's brother, Zeke Emmanuel, is intellectually cut from the same cloth. Allegedly one of his writings included the phrase "A sixty five year old senior has had their chance. The resources used to maintain them would be better used to support the thirteen year old pregnant female" Spoken like a true graduate of the Joseph Mengele School Of Medicine.
My first thought was how nice of Emanuel to resurrect that 80 year old argument first used by the Nazis as they made their first step down that slippery slope, Germany having universal healthcare at the time. They also had the treaty obligation to repay massive reparations to the Brits and the French for WWI. Hitler &Co were just pragmatic politicians at first trying to figger out how they could keep the German Governments expenditures equal to its cash receipts. No biggy, just like most families try to do today.
I say, provide government daycare and send the mom and the dad, if she knows who he is and he is not in prison, and put them on the chain gang picking up trash etc.

Let my buddy Joe A put them to work in the AZ sun


It's good to see the true colors of the tea baggers shining brightly in the light of day.

"put them on the chain gang picking up trash".

Thank you for being honest.

Call it what you want... That's what fascism and unregulated capitalism leads to. That was Hitler's Germany.

What "good" Americans the tea baggers are...
Difficult question to answer.

What are you calling assistance? Student aid? Homestead exemptions? WIC?

Mortgage interest deduction. Child tax credit. Accelerated depreciation of machinery and equipment. Tax free employer insurance benefit.

These are all government assistance.

I know families that have been using these for GENERATIONS!
Difficult question to answer.

What are you calling assistance? Student aid? Homestead exemptions? WIC?

Mortgage interest deduction. Child tax credit. Accelerated depreciation of machinery and equipment. Tax free employer insurance benefit.

These are all government assistance.

I know families that have been using these for GENERATIONS!

You libs use this same tired argument constantly.
You conveniently forget where the money comes from.
Difficult question to answer.

What are you calling assistance? Student aid? Homestead exemptions? WIC?

Mortgage interest deduction. Child tax credit. Accelerated depreciation of machinery and equipment. Tax free employer insurance benefit.

These are all government assistance.

I know families that have been using these for GENERATIONS!

You libs use this same tired argument constantly.
You conveniently forget where the money comes from.

What is the difference?
Dangit...missed this that it is 4 pages long.
Good question, and no clear answer.
Take a person who has cancer, and has no family support. What...kick them to the streets and let them die in misery? On the other hand of course - there is the destruction of the black race caused by progressive/liberal social programs of the 60's and 70's...that we seem intent on repeating today.
My answer, simplified is this:
Reward good behavior. Do not reward bad behavior.
Also - no double/triple dipping. You have welfare mothers getting EBT, WIC, rent assistance, and then they also turn in childcare cost (even though they don't have a job) claiming a neighbor takes their they get money to "pay back" the childcare. This same woman will claim she is the caregiver to a live-in parent and will receive anywhere from $240 to $300 per week as the caregiver from the government. There are people out there with double/triple scams getting $1000's a month for doing absolutely nothing - ALL THE WHILE - government funded non-profits like Acorn SHOWING THEM HOW TO DO IT!!!!!!
As long as they vote Democrat....
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Dangit...missed this that it is 4 pages long.
Good question, and no clear answer.
Take a person who has cancer, and has no family support. What...kick them to the streets and let them die in misery? On the other hand of course - there is the destruction of the black race caused by progressive/liberal social programs of the 60's and 70's...that we seem intent on repeating today.
My answer, simplified is this:
Reward good behavior. Do not reward bad behavior.
Also - no double/triple dipping. You have welfare mothers getting EBT, WIC, rent assistance, and then they also turn in childcare cost (even though they don't have a job) claiming a neighbor takes their they get money to "pay back" the childcare. This same woman will claim she is the caregiver to a live-in parent and will receive anywhere from $240 to $300 per week as the caregiver from the government. There are people out there with double/triple scams getting $1000's a month for doing absolutely nothing - ALL THE WHILE - government funded non-profits like Acorn SHOWING THEM HOW TO DO IT!!!!!!
As long as they vote Democrat....

I've known several people that never worked a day in thier lives and voted republican. One in particular..actually two had a feeling of entitlement and thought they were priviledged and the republicans would protect thier inherited lifestyle. My parents now both dead once having recieved enough to retire on my mom ...her whole adult father when he was around 40. They both decided to be teachers and went back to the U of W to get qualified at a late stage in thier lives but decided it was too much work and that they would have to work under administrative authority discovered that the strain of being told what you can and cannot do was too demeaning. My dad actually did work for most of his adult life but quit the Boeing Co because he had a hard time working with other people so they assigned him uncomfortable places to work like New Orleans in the Summer as punishment. He was very good at what he did..made movie commercials in house for aiding in the sales of Boeing aircraft and other projects. He was just really bad at co-operation as he had never had to do much of it growing up. Mom never had to work a lick and right off the bat settled into a life of extravagance and priviledge up on Orcas Island. She didn't get along with people either and when she discovered that being a teacher wasn't going to be anything like teaching Helen Keller or independant like Mother Teresa ...she got angry..sued everyone she believed had wronged her in the public education system ...and retired back to Orcas to just fuck with ordinary folks that had the bad fortune to anger her.

Mom and dad were staunch republicans. They backed Nixon all through his term and exit but got queezy about Reagan(actor) and the infiltration of the Christians that eventually took over the party. They would have abandoned the party altogether if they were here to see the Tea Baggers. The are far too "comon" to be in charge of anything.
How long do you think someone should be allowed to be on Government assistance

Long enough to vote for a Democrat
As long as they receive government assistance they will vote Democrat....
They go hand in hand...
I see your point

Considering since 1965, we have spent over 15 trillion on the programs of the Great Society
and still have about the same levels of poverty

the correct answer to the question :
"How long do you think someone should be allowed to be on Government assistance?"

as long as they are needed by the Democrats.
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