How Many Americans Have to Die in Terrorist Attacks Before Libtards Wake Up?

So how many Americans have to die in terrorist attacks before YOU feel we need to pause immigration?

  • 3,000 on 9-11 was enough for me

    Votes: 9 75.0%
  • 30,00 might do it, but I am a really brave person and can risk more of my fellow Americans lives and

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60,0000 might do the trick

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 100,000 will do it and I would be 'CLOSE THE BORDERS!'

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • There is no limit to the number of Americans that could die and I still Wont want a pause.

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • I dunno, I'm a libtard

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I dont know of anyone that wants to totally stop immigration. I want more immigration because we need these good hard working future Americans to support Social Security with their taxes.

But illegal labor doesnt pay into the tax system, typically as it is usually cash only and unreported.

And I dont think we need to let in people from Muslim countries until we can adequately vet them and until our job market can absorb them without displacing Americans. Right now we have 300,000 homeless veterans and millions of workers who have given up finding a job.

What is the harm in pausing immigration til we can absorb the new citizens more efficiently without undercutting American wages?

So how many Americans have to die in terrorist attacks before YOU feel we need to pause immigration for a little bit, till ISIS is controlled?
How many threads are conservatives going to start that fail as straw man fallacies before they realize no one buys into the right's ridiculous lies.
How many threads are conservatives going to start that fail as straw man fallacies before they realize no one buys into the right's ridiculous lies.

About the same as you scum do about Trump, who you scum do appear to be afraid of!
How many threads are conservatives going to start that fail as straw man fallacies before they realize no one buys into the right's ridiculous lies.

About the same as you scum do about Trump, who you scum do appear to be afraid of!
Trump really has them shitting their pants and it is hilarious. So is the GOP Elites, lololol. This is the most fun politics has been in quite some time.
The quandary of a LIBERAL with an IQ of 85.....

"How Many Americans Have to Die in Terrorist Attacks Before Libtards Wake Up?"

How many loaded question fallacies are conservatives going to commit before rightists realize their 'arguments' fail because they're devoid of logic and reason.
"How Many Americans Have to Die in Terrorist Attacks Before Libtards Wake Up?"

How many loaded question fallacies are conservatives going to commit before rightists realize their 'arguments' fail because they're devoid of logic and reason.
IT isnt a Loaded question, dumb ass, as it implies no guilt or error.

Sheesh, take a critical thinking course sometime, moron.
I wonder how many school children have to die before......oh, never mind.
How many threads are conservatives going to start that fail as straw man fallacies before they realize no one buys into the right's ridiculous lies.

About the same as you scum do about Trump, who you scum do appear to be afraid of!

I'm so scared of him till I almost lose my breath laughing every time he says another dumb thing or a RWNJ says they think he would be a good president.

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