How many Americans were saved by the shutdowns & social distancing?


Gold Member
May 3, 2009
Please don't bother replying if you're going to say stuff like "many more could've been saved". This is strictly a question about how many were saved by the measures actually implemented.

But while I'm at it, how many American died BECAUSE OF the Covid-19 prevention measures such as people who couldn't get medical care for other problems in a timely manner?
Who knows? I doubt any of us know as much as we think we know. I don't think the full truth has been offered up or available to any of us.

I look at it this way," Birx, a renowned HIV researcher and diplomat, told CNN, "The first time we have an excuse. There were about 100,000 deaths that came from that original (coronavirus) surge. All of the rest of them, in my mind, could have been mitigated or decreased substantially."
Please don't bother replying if you're going to say stuff like "many more could've been saved". This is strictly a question about how many were saved by the measures actually implemented.

But while I'm at it, how many American died BECAUSE OF the Covid-19 prevention measures such as people who couldn't get medical care for other problems in a timely manner?
Novel corona virus 19. Not 17 or 20. Has survivability rate of 98 to 99.99 % OOOOH! 10 years ago, locking down the economy would never have happened because we all knew it's political bullshit. Destroying the economy over what is basicaly the flu? Cough cough yer done move on FLU? THAT FLU! We had influenza outbreaks before. 1918. No lockdowns then.. BIG FAT HINT: this isn't comparable to the Spanish influenza of 1918 or the black plague 1347. Its manufactured paranoia by the liberal media.
I don't know if I would use the term "saved", necessarily, but I did find many mismatched socks while I was cowering under my bed since march of last year.

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