How Many Christians Believe that Heaven is REALLY Real?

Do you believe that Heave is REALLY Real?

  • Yes, it is as real as Pluto

    Votes: 17 51.5%
  • No, Heaven is a metaphore

    Votes: 6 18.2%
  • No, Heaven is a lie

    Votes: 4 12.1%
  • Dunno

    Votes: 6 18.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Why do you have to believe in Jesus to have eternal life? Is that some sort of scam?

Nope. No scam.

The wages of sin is death. We're all sinners. To atone for our sin there must be a sacrifice. Christ became that sacrifice and atoned for our sin. In order to reap the benefits of His shed blood and death on the cross we need to accept that we're sinners and believe that He paid the price. If we reject Him then we reject His sacrifice which leads us back to the wages of sin -- death. So we can have everlasting life in Christ or death without Him.

John 3:18, "He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God."
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Why do you have to believe in Jesus to have eternal life? Is that some sort of scam?

Nope. No scam.

The wages of sin is death. We're all sinners. To atone for our sin there must be a sacrifice. Christ became that sacrifice and atoned for our sin. In order to reap the benefits of His shed blood and death on the cross we need to accept that we're sinners and believe that He paid the price. If we reject Him then we reject His sacrifice which leads us back to the wages of sin -- death. So we can have everlasting life in Christ or death without Him.

John 3:18, "He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God."

Therefore, it isn't grace, the undeserved favor of God.
It is a quid pro quo relationship. I'll do this if you do that.
Got it.
Why do you have to believe in Jesus to have eternal life? Is that some sort of scam?

Nope. No scam.

The wages of sin is death. We're all sinners. To atone for our sin there must be a sacrifice. Christ became that sacrifice and atoned for our sin. In order to reap the benefits of His shed blood and death on the cross we need to accept that we're sinners and believe that He paid the price. If we reject Him then we reject His sacrifice which leads us back to the wages of sin -- death. So we can have everlasting life in Christ or death without Him.

John 3:18, "He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God."

Therefore, it isn't grace, the undeserved favor of God.
It is a quid pro quo relationship. I'll do this if you do that.
Got it.

It is grace but one must accept it. The Old, Mosaic Covenant was ALSO quid pro quo. God would do for the Israelites IF they followed His Commandments to the letter. They failed so God divorced the 10 northern tribes and sent them into dispersion.

The New Covenant is also a contract. Christ offers everlasting life based on His blood sacrifice. If His sacrifice is rejected then so is the promise of everlasting life. A contract/Covenant is only valid if all parties agree to it.
Happy Resurrection Day Everyone:


Why do you have to believe in Jesus to have eternal life? Is that some sort of scam?

You don't have to believe that Jesus is the Christ to go to heaven, but everyone that does go into heaven will be allowed to by the sacrifice that Jesus made of Himself.

I could explain that to you but I don't really care to.
Nope. No scam.

The wages of sin is death. We're all sinners. To atone for our sin there must be a sacrifice. Christ became that sacrifice and atoned for our sin. In order to reap the benefits of His shed blood and death on the cross we need to accept that we're sinners and believe that He paid the price. If we reject Him then we reject His sacrifice which leads us back to the wages of sin -- death. So we can have everlasting life in Christ or death without Him.

John 3:18, "He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God."

Therefore, it isn't grace, the undeserved favor of God.
It is a quid pro quo relationship. I'll do this if you do that.
Got it.

It is grace but one must accept it. The Old, Mosaic Covenant was ALSO quid pro quo. God would do for the Israelites IF they followed His Commandments to the letter. They failed so God divorced the 10 northern tribes and sent them into dispersion.

The New Covenant is also a contract. Christ offers everlasting life based on His blood sacrifice. If His sacrifice is rejected then so is the promise of everlasting life. A contract/Covenant is only valid if all parties agree to it.

The exact description of quid pro quo.
We agree.
It can't be grace if there is an "if".
I believe in heaven. Just as atheists think we hit the dirt and that's it, I can't believe that all this magnificent energy just abruptly ends. I can't.

And that is why most believe and that is all that is required.

If Western civilization were run by these fringe atheists we would never have discovered radio waves since they cant be seen! lolol
Happy Resurrection Day Everyone:


Why do you have to believe in Jesus to have eternal life? Is that some sort of scam?

You don't have to believe that Jesus is the Christ to go to heaven, but everyone that does go into heaven will be allowed to by the sacrifice that Jesus made of Himself.

I could explain that to you but I don't really care to.

So Christ ISN'T the only path to the Father.
Why do you have to believe in Jesus to have eternal life? Is that some sort of scam?

You don't have to believe that Jesus is the Christ to go to heaven, but everyone that does go into heaven will be allowed to by the sacrifice that Jesus made of Himself.

I could explain that to you but I don't really care to.

So Christ ISN'T the only path to the Father.

Okay? Every man, woman or child has to find their own spiritual path. What path are you on that involves mocking, belittling and denigrating people for not seeing things as you do.
The exact description of quid pro quo.
We agree.
It can't be grace if there is an "if".

Christ didn't have to die on the cross. He could have escaped and moved to the Bahamas but He willingly chose to sacrifice Himself on behalf of ALL sinners on earth. That's grace! To claim that graceful act one must accept it by accepting Him (Jesus Christ). If you reject Him then you reject His graceful act and grace, itself.
You don't have to believe that Jesus is the Christ to go to heaven, but everyone that does go into heaven will be allowed to by the sacrifice that Jesus made of Himself.

I could explain that to you but I don't really care to.

So Christ ISN'T the only path to the Father.

Okay? Every man, woman or child has to find their own spiritual path. What path are you on that involves mocking, belittling and denigrating people for not seeing things as you do.

Yeah, Bruceypooh mocks people that think differently... I castigate people for being idiots and stating obviously stupid things because their ideology makes them think asinine things are true. But that is honestly an attempt to help them and me at the same time. Help them to wake up from their ideological hallucinations and me by not holding back my justifiable outrage (IMO).

Still I don't care that Bruceypooh is an ass hole, speaking as a fellow ass hole, but I do object to him presenting his stupid crap as axiomatic truth.
The exact description of quid pro quo.
We agree.
It can't be grace if there is an "if".

Christ didn't have to die on the cross. He could have escaped and moved to the Bahamas but He willingly chose to sacrifice Himself on behalf of ALL sinners on earth. That's grace! To claim that graceful act one must accept it by accepting Him (Jesus Christ). If you reject Him then you reject His graceful act and grace, itself.

He didn't?

I guess that depends on your definition of 'have to'.

It was the Will of the Father and so He HAD TO DO IT and still be WHO He was.
For the record, I'm not here to belittle anyone who disagrees with me or attempt to bludgeon anyone into my way of thinking. I simply believe what I do based on where the Holy Spirit has led me. We all have a right to choose our own path. There are many paths but they all boil down to two paths (based on what I believe).

Matthew 7:13-14, "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."

John 14:6, "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

John 10:9, "I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture."

This is what I believe. Others are free to find another way into the Kingdom. I don't believe there is another way but I guess we'll all find out when we're standing before the ultimate Judge.
The exact description of quid pro quo.
We agree.
It can't be grace if there is an "if".

Christ didn't have to die on the cross. He could have escaped and moved to the Bahamas but He willingly chose to sacrifice Himself on behalf of ALL sinners on earth. That's grace! To claim that graceful act one must accept it by accepting Him (Jesus Christ). If you reject Him then you reject His graceful act and grace, itself.

He didn't?

I guess that depends on your definition of 'have to'.

It was the Will of the Father and so He HAD TO DO IT and still be WHO He was.
So they are separate entities?
Good information!
The exact description of quid pro quo.
We agree.
It can't be grace if there is an "if".

Christ didn't have to die on the cross. He could have escaped and moved to the Bahamas but He willingly chose to sacrifice Himself on behalf of ALL sinners on earth. That's grace! To claim that graceful act one must accept it by accepting Him (Jesus Christ). If you reject Him then you reject His graceful act and grace, itself.

Jesus didn't willingly die on the cross, he was ratted out, and if not for that, he would have never been crucified.
The exact description of quid pro quo.
We agree.
It can't be grace if there is an "if".

Christ didn't have to die on the cross. He could have escaped and moved to the Bahamas but He willingly chose to sacrifice Himself on behalf of ALL sinners on earth. That's grace! To claim that graceful act one must accept it by accepting Him (Jesus Christ). If you reject Him then you reject His graceful act and grace, itself.

He didn't?

I guess that depends on your definition of 'have to'.

It was the Will of the Father and so He HAD TO DO IT and still be WHO He was.

I happen to agree that it was God's will and Christ was destined to fulfill His will but He was also subject to the same temptations that all of mankind is subject to. That's why He donned a flesh body. Just prior to the crucifixion He experienced the power of the flesh as opposed to the power of His Spirit:

Matthew 26:37-39, "And he took with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, and began to be sorrowful and very heavy. Then saith he unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with me. And he went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt."

Had He succumbed to the power of the flesh He likely would have fled. But for the grace of God He chose, rather, to sacrifice Himself. That's grace.

And so it is with the rest of us: Choose God's will or choose our own.
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So Christ ISN'T the only path to the Father.

Okay? Every man, woman or child has to find their own spiritual path. What path are you on that involves mocking, belittling and denigrating people for not seeing things as you do.

Yeah, Bruceypooh mocks people that think differently... I castigate people for being idiots and stating obviously stupid things because their ideology makes them think asinine things are true. But that is honestly an attempt to help them and me at the same time. Help them to wake up from their ideological hallucinations and me by not holding back my justifiable outrage (IMO).

Still I don't care that Bruceypooh is an ass hole, speaking as a fellow ass hole, but I do object to him presenting his stupid crap as axiomatic truth.
All I have ever done is asked you why you have no respect for scripture. Why you don't reflect the traits of the true believer that Paul says you would if indwelt by the Holy Spirit.
Do you think the Fruits are an "asinine thing" that is not true? Are they an "obviously stupid thing"?
"Holding back my justifiable outrage" would be the self control that is mentioned in the Fruits. You prefer to purge your rage instead. That is your choice, but don't pretend then that it is the Christian choice. It clearly isn't.
I mock people that pretend to be one thing and prove themselves repeatedly to be something else altogether.
The exact description of quid pro quo.
We agree.
It can't be grace if there is an "if".

Christ didn't have to die on the cross. He could have escaped and moved to the Bahamas but He willingly chose to sacrifice Himself on behalf of ALL sinners on earth. That's grace! To claim that graceful act one must accept it by accepting Him (Jesus Christ). If you reject Him then you reject His graceful act and grace, itself.

Jesus didn't willingly die on the cross, he was ratted out, and if not for that, he would have never been crucified.

No. Because he was born to die. He was sent to die. That's the only reason he was here, as foretold in the OT.
The exact description of quid pro quo.
We agree.
It can't be grace if there is an "if".

Christ didn't have to die on the cross. He could have escaped and moved to the Bahamas but He willingly chose to sacrifice Himself on behalf of ALL sinners on earth. That's grace! To claim that graceful act one must accept it by accepting Him (Jesus Christ). If you reject Him then you reject His graceful act and grace, itself.

If it is undeserved favor, those that reject it would receive it anyway.
The "if" is the giveaway.
For the record, I'm not here to belittle anyone who disagrees with me or attempt to bludgeon anyone into my way of thinking. I simply believe what I do based on where the Holy Spirit has led me. We all have a right to choose our own path. There are many paths but they all boil down to two paths (based on what I believe).

Matthew 7:13-14, "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."

John 14:6, "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

John 10:9, "I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture."

This is what I believe. Others are free to find another way into the Kingdom. I don't believe there is another way but I guess we'll all find out when we're standing before the ultimate Judge.

I am not trying to belittle you or mock your faith. I do have a serious question; if you have to believe in Jesus to enter through the Pearly Gates, then how is Moses in Heaven, or do you believe Moses is in Heaven?

The blood of Christ allows Moses to be in Heaven, but obviously Moses never believed that Jesus was the Christ as he died centuries before Jesus lived.

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