How Many Christians Believe that Heaven is REALLY Real?

Do you believe that Heave is REALLY Real?

  • Yes, it is as real as Pluto

    Votes: 17 51.5%
  • No, Heaven is a metaphore

    Votes: 6 18.2%
  • No, Heaven is a lie

    Votes: 4 12.1%
  • Dunno

    Votes: 6 18.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
So if heaven is "real", where is it?

My house.

OK so when we're done partying here,
we can move the party over there?

RKMB what are the rules for getting into your house?

Do you welcome thieves in the night if Jesus sneaks in that way?
Do we bring our own beer, or take off our shoes before we enter?

Huggy wants specific directions and
a location he can find on his GPS, not obtuse analogies with cats and dogs.

And I think Mr. Max is just as eager to get inside and poke around.
Is he allowed to come?
So if heaven is "real", where is it?

My house.

OK so when we're done partying here,
we can move the party over there?

RKMB what are the rules for getting into your house?

Do you welcome thieves in the night if Jesus sneaks in that way?
Do we bring our own beer, or take off our shoes before we enter?

Huggy wants specific directions and
a location he can find on his GPS, not obtuse analogies with cats and dogs.

And I think Mr. Max is just as eager to get inside and poke around.
Is he allowed to come?

I'll only come if Jesus turns water into beer. :D
I'll only come if Jesus turns water into beer. :D

Any good brewery can make beer out of water
(and other natural ingredients).

I think Jesus is too busy
casting out evil and
converting wrong into right.

Let each one do what we are specialized to do.

We are like an orchestra, with different sections and different pages of sheet music.
Each person and group plays a unique part no other can play.

So it is important to the whole symphony
that we play our part correctly and in tune and balance with others playing theirs,
so nothing is missing and neither too much or too little where it competes or conflicts.
And we don't try to play each other's parts
which would be disastrous!
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So if heaven is "real", where is it?

My house.

OK so when we're done partying here,
we can move the party over there?
Sure you are all welcome.

RKMB what are the rules for getting into your house?
No rules.

Do you welcome thieves in the night if Jesus sneaks in that way?
We are all sinners.

Do we bring our own beer, or take off our shoes before we enter?
You can keep your shoes on or feel free to take em off. I don't drink much, but you'll find I'm good to my guests.

Huggy wants specific directions and
a location he can find on his GPS, not obtuse analogies with cats and dogs.
410 East University Avenue, Georgetown, Texas 78626

And I think Mr. Max is just as eager to get inside and poke around.
Is he allowed to come?

Sure, why not.

just a libtard ignotheist

No, these friends who have come to the party
are quite insightful, and ask honest questions, Jim.
the trolling or humorous format is no issue.

The content to their responses still points to
deeper meanings that hold significance.

Jim this is more like a Zen koan riddle and conversation
we are having. No bother, we can still talk in these
abstract terms and share meaningful thoughts and ideas.

It IS like "parallel" worlds going on!

Enjoy the Zen conversations.
Dante calls me a "special troll" myself
in my willingness to outtroll the trolling
by having real conversations that
spring from the points being made.

Some ppl may find this annoying,
but it's fine with me.
If it's okay with the people poking at us
to reply back this way? Is that fair game?

Like I said, you have the patience of Job.

These fools are mocking God and our faith. I have yet to see a question from them that hasn't been answered a gazillion times already.

But you seem to thrive on this kind of thing, so I wont try to get in your way.

But when they inevitably revert to their true shapes as unrepentant ass holes, I will be willing to discuss the topic if you like.
My house.

OK so when we're done partying here,
we can move the party over there?
Sure you are all welcome.

No rules.

We are all sinners.

You can keep your shoes on or feel free to take em off. I don't drink much, but you'll find I'm good to my guests.

Huggy wants specific directions and
a location he can find on his GPS, not obtuse analogies with cats and dogs.
410 East University Avenue, Georgetown, Texas 78626

And I think Mr. Max is just as eager to get inside and poke around.
Is he allowed to come?

Sure, why not.

Great responses, dude.

You have the courage of conviction. a rare thing these days.
just a libtard ignotheist

No, these friends who have come to the party
are quite insightful, and ask honest questions, Jim.
the trolling or humorous format is no issue.

The content to their responses still points to
deeper meanings that hold significance.

Jim this is more like a Zen koan riddle and conversation
we are having. No bother, we can still talk in these
abstract terms and share meaningful thoughts and ideas.

It IS like "parallel" worlds going on!

Enjoy the Zen conversations.
Dante calls me a "special troll" myself
in my willingness to outtroll the trolling
by having real conversations that
spring from the points being made.

Some ppl may find this annoying,
but it's fine with me.
If it's okay with the people poking at us
to reply back this way? Is that fair game?

Like I said, you have the patience of Job.

These fools are mocking God and our faith. I have yet to see a question from them that hasn't been answered a gazillion times already.

But you seem to thrive on this kind of thing, so I wont try to get in your way.

But when they inevitably revert to their true shapes as unrepentant ass holes, I will be willing to discuss the topic if you like.

You make a mockery of your own faith.

You hate your god and you hate your fellow human beings. That comes through all your posts. And, you thrive on that hate.

Your choice and you're welcome to it but you are VERY representative of why I'll never go near another church.
This post you made is a perfect example of why I have you on ignore and rarely read any of your shit any more.

No, these friends who have come to the party
are quite insightful, and ask honest questions, Jim.
the trolling or humorous format is no issue.

The content to their responses still points to
deeper meanings that hold significance.

Jim this is more like a Zen koan riddle and conversation
we are having. No bother, we can still talk in these
abstract terms and share meaningful thoughts and ideas.

It IS like "parallel" worlds going on!

Enjoy the Zen conversations.
Dante calls me a "special troll" myself
in my willingness to outtroll the trolling
by having real conversations that
spring from the points being made.

Some ppl may find this annoying,
but it's fine with me.
If it's okay with the people poking at us
to reply back this way? Is that fair game?

Like I said, you have the patience of Job.

These fools are mocking God and our faith. I have yet to see a question from them that hasn't been answered a gazillion times already.

But you seem to thrive on this kind of thing, so I wont try to get in your way.

But when they inevitably revert to their true shapes as unrepentant ass holes, I will be willing to discuss the topic if you like.

You make a mockery of your own faith.

An unwarranted assertion that amounts to 'You suck.' with nothing at all to support such an assertion. But then again, you libtards think that whatever you believe is just obviously true, so you don't need to bother. Idiots.

You hate your god and you hate your fellow human beings.

Another unwarranted assertion.

That comes through all your posts. And, you thrive on that hate.

Another unwarranted assertion. See the emerging pattern yet?

Your choice and you're welcome to it but you are VERY representative of why I'll never go near another church.

So what? I really don't give a flying fart if you ever go to church again. I doubt you have any real inclination to do that anyway or ever did. It's funny how so many on-line evangelical (in the broader sense of the word) just fall all over themselves when you idiot atheists play the 'I might consider Christianity' bullshit.

I don't give a shit what you do with your soul

You see the Bible says that if you knock on the door of the Kingdom of Heaven, it will be opened to you. God will work someway for youto get the help you need.

So what you do with your soul is your own damned business, and I could not care less because you are a fraud. I think that when people like you convert it is to exploit the church in some way, because there is not an ounce of integrity or love of anything outside of your own appetites.

Go fuck yourself. You are an idiot, a liar and a waste of good TV time.
Define the terms 'heaven' and 'real.'

I think he means as in there is an afterlife--when people die, their soul goes someplace else where they can re unite with other souls.

Of course you have to believe in ghosts, which, most of the time, I tend to doubt very much.

Ok and what would real be, in the context a place in which souls go to congregate after the real body dies?

That is actually a very good question

If you mean someplace in this physical Universe--like in the skies of Earth, then we can say that is a laughable falsehood. But people once did believe this, and some christian leaders from ancient times even suggest this idea. Yet, man has yet to find this city floating in the clouds(not on some mountain top, mind you) that houses the throne of god.

So Real, as in existing in the physical Universe. Heaven apparently is not.

On the other hand, If "Real" includes existing in some alternate dimension(which science has yet to prove/disprove--a warning to you so called String Theorists out there!!), then heaven may actually exist.

Unfortunately, this is the last testable reprieve for Classic Religious beliefs because if it turns out the Physical Universe is all there is, then the pertinence of the claims by Classical meta-physicists fall into the philosophical trash bin.

Note--this would not just be a blow to the validity of Christianity, but all of theism that speaks of an afterlife. Remember, Theism includes both Monotheism and Polytheism.
So Real, as in existing in the physical Universe. Heaven apparently is not.

Note--this would not just be a blow to the validity of Christianity, but all of theism that speaks of an afterlife. Remember, Theism includes both Monotheism and Polytheism.

when you look at yourself in the mirror, are you seeing your thoughts, Spirit ?

why would a nonphysiological existence be anywhere else than where we are presently residing - the question is not whether the OuterWorld of the Everlasting exist but the means to further our own existence in it.

sinlessness is the key which excludes Christianity from the "real" possibility.

You make a mockery of your own faith.

You hate your god and you hate your fellow human beings. That comes through all your posts. And, you thrive on that hate.

Your choice and you're welcome to it but you are VERY representative of why I'll never go near another church.

Dear Luddly: as icky as my msgs are to read,
and you know what a joy this is -- NOT.

Surely you see that Jim's tolerance of me on this thread,
his willingness to forgive the obvious flaws I have
and to look at the good side he can get from it,

he does show a kind side.

You do, too, Luddly.
We all have that side to us
where we can be bigger than we want to be.

I can see it in Huggy, Mr. Max, Bruce
who are able to focus on relevant points
in between the other asswipe namecalling
or whatever the "pecking order" culture is on these boards.

Luddly I can forgive the horseplay and banter back and forth.

What matters internally is whether we can forgive
the bigger hurts and rejections from the past
that caused us to develop such huge protective "scabs"
to keep people from poking into our wounds.

Those wounds and scabs deserve to naturally heal.
They don't respond well to picking and reinjuring them.

So that part I can do without.
But I totally understand, people protect these scabs
until it is safe to let them heal naturally.

So jabbing and warding off future attacks in the same spots
is a natural defense, and part of the human process.

Of course, if we are going to forgive and heal the
wounds underneath, the same forgiveness applies
to all the walls and barriers we build around
ourselves for protection until we feel safe with people.

If people don't feel safe, of course, we use
words as weapons for defense and walls of rejection.

This will come down with time, but cannot be forced on people,
Any more than we can force a scab off and expect the wound to heal.

Thanks, Luddly
and I hope you and Jim and others
do come around to feeling more safe,
to open up and not fear being judged or slammed,
so we won't need to play these games
to establish territorial bounds.

I'm sorry for the hurts, division, and rejection from the past these conflicts
have caused us all, and I trust those will heal over time instead of repeating.

Thanks for sharing honestly on here
where speaking the truth without apology
is the key to healing and accepting our differences as natural.

Yours truly,
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So Real, as in existing in the physical Universe. Heaven apparently is not.

Note--this would not just be a blow to the validity of Christianity, but all of theism that speaks of an afterlife. Remember, Theism includes both Monotheism and Polytheism.

when you look at yourself in the mirror, are you seeing your thoughts, Spirit ?

why would a nonphysiological existence be anywhere else than where we are presently residing - the question is not whether the OuterWorld of the Everlasting exist but the means to further our own existence in it.

sinlessness is the key which excludes Christianity from the "real" possibility.


Why "sinlessness"? You just make that up? Or did you read it in a book?
So Real, as in existing in the physical Universe. Heaven apparently is not.

Note--this would not just be a blow to the validity of Christianity, but all of theism that speaks of an afterlife. Remember, Theism includes both Monotheism and Polytheism.

when you look at yourself in the mirror, are you seeing your thoughts, Spirit ?

why would a nonphysiological existence be anywhere else than where we are presently residing - the question is not whether the OuterWorld of the Everlasting exist but the means to further our own existence in it.

sinlessness is the key which excludes Christianity from the "real" possibility.


You did not take in my entire post did you?
So let me clarify it for you.

In order for Heaven to exist, it is either a realm or contained in a realm not considered part of the physical Universe--as in Heaven has no physical existence in our normal concept of existing in our normal 4-D physical universe.

So I address the idea that Heaven could exist in an alternate dimension. If you go back to my post(in the area you cut out) you would see that I said this.

Maybe it is what I said afterwards is what you dislike? That the validity of a lot of theology is riding on the back of a topical scientific concept?

I'm sorry. But I did not put theology in that boat. The constant movement on the subject on "where heaven is located" has placed much of theology there.

If there are no extra dimensions, then where could heaven possibly? All the rational choices for its existence are eliminated. That only leaves the human imagination and therefore consider non-existant.


You made an implication to the idea that thoughts are to be considered real. Note that our imaginations and things that are apart of our imaginations are not considered "Real". Now what are our imaginations made up of? It seems they are products of the same thing that our thoughts are made up of. If this is the case, then our thoughts are not to be considered literally real but are abstractions of our own creation.

This leaves the question--Is Heaven, Gods and much of the miracles a product of some individuals imaginations? Would you find such an answer satisfying? If so, then you may be an atheist.....
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Like I said, you have the patience of Job.

These fools are mocking God and our faith. I have yet to see a question from them that hasn't been answered a gazillion times already.

But you seem to thrive on this kind of thing, so I wont try to get in your way.

But when they inevitably revert to their true shapes as unrepentant ass holes, I will be willing to discuss the topic if you like.

Thanks, Jim

Only Satan cannot handle mockery

God, having infinite wisdom, finds ways to turn the worst bad back into good,
as Creator of all things and all laws that influence how we react and what we say
or do in response to conflict or adversity.

When we call on God's help to understand what to make of these things,
God surely answers when we knock. We have merely to ask for divine insight.

Remember Romans 8:28
That all things work together for good for those who love God
and are called to serve his purpose

Let's keep asking for answers. Let's not give up and write each other off.
If we don't understand each other, isn't that an opportunity to learn and grow
if we could get past those barriers and see deeper into ourselves and each other.

God is merciful and great, and provides whatever we ask
for sake of Justice or Jesus.

Why not ask for better ways to approach and understand those who think least like us?
Isn't that a good thing to figure out, to help us in the future?
Why "sinlessness"? You just make that up? Or did you read it in a book?

To be without bias,
or rise above without attachment to conditions.

Is that better?

Whether this exists or is possible,
it is a common concept in both Buddhism and Christianity
to not be enslaved by material conditions or attachments
that bias us in ways that cause division and suffering.

To pass these patterns of conditioned behavior down
from one generation to the next is called the cycle of
karma in Buddhism and generational sins in Christianity.

So the point is to liberate ourselves from these conditions, otherwise
inherited from the past, projected on the present, and repeated in the future.

How do we break the cycle of karma or selfish conditions, which divide
and oppress humanity in conflict and retribution,
and develop to mature states of society or spirituality
where humanity is made whole and harmonious?
So what? I really don't give a flying fart if you ever go to church again. I doubt you have any real inclination to do that anyway or ever did. It's funny how so many on-line evangelical (in the broader sense of the word) just fall all over themselves when you idiot atheists play the 'I might consider Christianity' bullshit.

I don't give a shit what you do with your soul

You see the Bible says that if you knock on the door of the Kingdom of Heaven, it will be opened to you. God will work someway for youto get the help you need.

ha ha Jim you and Luddly are both rather funny how you mess with each other

1. I can do without the flying farts. If you come join the after-party
at RKMB's house, please step outside first, or bring your own Febreeze. Please!

2. the spirit of Christianity is true Charity, for lovesake, not for reward or expection in return. So Luddly and others practice this all the time, constantly put aside misgivings
and worse things they think or would rather say, and reply politely in comparison with that!
Thanks for your tolerance also.

3. In this spirit of Charity, we can be neighbors in Christ without converting from or to one religion or the next. In the end, people of all tribes and all nations should be joined as neighbors in Christ, for sake of universal justice including all humanity and all groups we are organized into. God made all these denominations for a reason, to organize our diverse cultures as one tree with many branches in order to cover all knowledge we can hold.

The two main branches, the gentiles under natural laws
and the believers under sacred laws, are still joined as one tree.

Jesus still governs as head of the one flock, with these separate folds under
their respective laws of church and state. [Church in this sense refers to the people under scriptural laws and authority;
but Church in the larger sense refers to ALL people who make up the whole body of humanity -- which includes nontheists and secular laws. Same with Government,
which refers to a specific limited body of offices and laws; but taken collectively authority of govt is all the people, where the government represents all people united as one.
So if the same body of people are the church, and are the government, we are ideally supposed to have harmony and agreement between people under both realms
and laws; not division and conflict as separate groups competing with each other. We are supposed to reach agreement so the laws of both realms are fulfilled equally without imposing.]

When we work out differences and grievances, we do so for sake of preserving
the flow of life and harmony between the various laws.

We do not need to compete to cut down other branches as if these are not part of God's plan for organizing all of humanity in its diversity. All these differences are here for a reason, and serve a purpose. We may not know the purpose, but if we trust in God's greater plans, we can ask and find out what we need to know to work things out.

Thank you, Jim! Take care!
See you at the after-party. Rock on!
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You did not take in my entire post did you?
So let me clarify it for you.

In order for Heaven to exist, it is either a realm or contained in a realm not considered part of the physical Universe--as in Heaven has no physical existence in our normal concept of existing in our normal 4-D physical universe.

as in Heaven has no physical existence in our normal concept of existing in our normal 4-D physical universe.

I believe the example of viewing oneself in a mirror is similar in explanation for the existence of Heaven - it is the persons thoughts (Spirit) that is viewing the mirror but the reflection is the physiological encasement - removing the physiology would not reveal the Spirit but nevertheless the Spirit is present ...

the OuterWorld of the Everlasting is the vision we see (in the mirror), Heaven is the transparency that makes it work.


You made an implication to the idea that thoughts are to be considered real. Note that our imaginations and things that are apart of our imaginations are not considered "Real". Now what are our imaginations made up of? It seems they are products of the same thing that our thoughts are made up of. If this is the case, then our thoughts are not to be considered literally real but are abstractions of our own creation.

This leaves the question--Is Heaven, Gods and much of the miracles a product of some individuals imaginations? Would you find such an answer satisfying? If so, then you may be an atheist.....

You made an implication to the idea that thoughts are to be considered real.

thought is real, it is not the physiology that views the mirror.

similarly, Good and Evil are forces the same as gravity and determine the possibility of our existence (thought) beyond the lifespan of our physiology.

I am not an Atheist and seek Admission to the OuterWorld of the Everlasting by accomplishing the Triumph of Good over Evil.

I think he means as in there is an afterlife--when people die, their soul goes someplace else where they can re unite with other souls.

Of course you have to believe in ghosts, which, most of the time, I tend to doubt very much.

Ok and what would real be, in the context a place in which souls go to congregate after the real body dies?

That is actually a very good question

If you mean someplace in this physical Universe--like in the skies of Earth, then we can say that is a laughable falsehood. But people once did believe this, and some christian leaders from ancient times even suggest this idea. Yet, man has yet to find this city floating in the clouds(not on some mountain top, mind you) that houses the throne of god.

So Real, as in existing in the physical Universe. Heaven apparently is not.

On the other hand, If "Real" includes existing in some alternate dimension(which science has yet to prove/disprove--a warning to you so called String Theorists out there!!), then heaven may actually exist.

Unfortunately, this is the last testable reprieve for Classic Religious beliefs because if it turns out the Physical Universe is all there is, then the pertinence of the claims by Classical meta-physicists fall into the philosophical trash bin.

Note--this would not just be a blow to the validity of Christianity, but all of theism that speaks of an afterlife. Remember, Theism includes both Monotheism and Polytheism.

nod... don't see a reason to particularly limit where heaven might be. I like the idea of it's right here, if only cause that gives us good reason to take care of what we've got. I also like the idea that it's in a parallel dimension, as that makes scientific sense. I'm not adverse to it being at some city in the clouds, but that to me is more like a dream world than a heaven. Heck I like the physical world.. why would heaven not include the physical?

Thus the whole question of whether heaven is real or not to me, really just comes down to how you define heaven. If you are a realist, then heaven is right here right now, you can touch it. If you are a scientist you can argue it's in a parallel dimension and all but prove it due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. If you are a magician, you're probably just playing parlor tricks on unsuspecting audience.

Either way IMO the bible has a bunch of allegorical stories in it that should not all be taken in the literal, to do so is really just to besmirch the intentions of the authors no?

The bible is a great collection of stories. It is not the only book with great stories. Man has flaws. We should embrace them, not pretend they did not exist in our predecessors and use that assumption to hurt others or claim moral or theological superiority over others.
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Ok and what would real be, in the context a place in which souls go to congregate after the real body dies?

That is actually a very good question

If you mean someplace in this physical Universe--like in the skies of Earth, then we can say that is a laughable falsehood. But people once did believe this, and some christian leaders from ancient times even suggest this idea. Yet, man has yet to find this city floating in the clouds(not on some mountain top, mind you) that houses the throne of god.

So Real, as in existing in the physical Universe. Heaven apparently is not.

On the other hand, If "Real" includes existing in some alternate dimension(which science has yet to prove/disprove--a warning to you so called String Theorists out there!!), then heaven may actually exist.

Unfortunately, this is the last testable reprieve for Classic Religious beliefs because if it turns out the Physical Universe is all there is, then the pertinence of the claims by Classical meta-physicists fall into the philosophical trash bin.

Note--this would not just be a blow to the validity of Christianity, but all of theism that speaks of an afterlife. Remember, Theism includes both Monotheism and Polytheism.

nod... don't see a reason to particularly limit where heaven might be. I like the idea of it's right here, if only cause that gives us good reason to take care of what we've got. I also like the idea that it's in a parallel dimension, as that makes scientific sense. I'm not adverse to it being at some city in the clouds, but that to me is more like a dream world than a heaven. Heck I like the physical world.. why would heaven not include the physical?

Thus the whole question of whether heaven is real or not to me, really just comes down to how you define heaven. If you are a realist, then heaven is right here right now, you can touch it. If you are a scientist you can argue it's in a parallel dimension and all but prove it due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. If you are a magician, you're probably just playing parlor tricks on unsuspecting audience.

Either way IMO the bible has a bunch of allegorical stories in it that should not all be taken in the literal, to do so is really just to besmirch the intentions of the authors no?

The bible is a great collection of stories. It is not the only book with great stories. Man has flaws. We should embrace them, not pretend they did not exist in our predecessors and use that assumption to hurt others or claim moral or theological superiority over others.

I enjoyed this post.
I don't see it as being in keeping with some of your others, but as a stand-alone understanding, I dug it.
That is actually a very good question

If you mean someplace in this physical Universe--like in the skies of Earth, then we can say that is a laughable falsehood. But people once did believe this, and some christian leaders from ancient times even suggest this idea. Yet, man has yet to find this city floating in the clouds(not on some mountain top, mind you) that houses the throne of god.

So Real, as in existing in the physical Universe. Heaven apparently is not.

On the other hand, If "Real" includes existing in some alternate dimension(which science has yet to prove/disprove--a warning to you so called String Theorists out there!!), then heaven may actually exist.

Unfortunately, this is the last testable reprieve for Classic Religious beliefs because if it turns out the Physical Universe is all there is, then the pertinence of the claims by Classical meta-physicists fall into the philosophical trash bin.

Note--this would not just be a blow to the validity of Christianity, but all of theism that speaks of an afterlife. Remember, Theism includes both Monotheism and Polytheism.

nod... don't see a reason to particularly limit where heaven might be. I like the idea of it's right here, if only cause that gives us good reason to take care of what we've got. I also like the idea that it's in a parallel dimension, as that makes scientific sense. I'm not adverse to it being at some city in the clouds, but that to me is more like a dream world than a heaven. Heck I like the physical world.. why would heaven not include the physical?

Thus the whole question of whether heaven is real or not to me, really just comes down to how you define heaven. If you are a realist, then heaven is right here right now, you can touch it. If you are a scientist you can argue it's in a parallel dimension and all but prove it due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. If you are a magician, you're probably just playing parlor tricks on unsuspecting audience.

Either way IMO the bible has a bunch of allegorical stories in it that should not all be taken in the literal, to do so is really just to besmirch the intentions of the authors no?

The bible is a great collection of stories. It is not the only book with great stories. Man has flaws. We should embrace them, not pretend they did not exist in our predecessors and use that assumption to hurt others or claim moral or theological superiority over others.

I enjoyed this post.
I don't see it as being in keeping with some of your others, but as a stand-alone understanding, I dug it.

Been thinking about my mom today... she was one fine lady.

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