How Many Christians Believe that Heaven is REALLY Real?

Do you believe that Heave is REALLY Real?

  • Yes, it is as real as Pluto

    Votes: 17 51.5%
  • No, Heaven is a metaphore

    Votes: 6 18.2%
  • No, Heaven is a lie

    Votes: 4 12.1%
  • Dunno

    Votes: 6 18.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Hmmm, seems politics isn't the only subject you make low information comments on. Speaking of fear, educating yourself won't hurt nearly as bad as your think. Give it a try. You can do it Puddly.
A non-response.
Formulate an argument and come back when you think you have something.

A more than ample response to an ignorant uninformed post.

Then why do nothing to prove it?
For the topic poster, eye witnesses are not reliable. Everyone describes something else and sees things not the same. For the same as in courts, other evidence is taken more seriously than eye witnesses. Plus the fact that there are a lot of attention whores. They can just read the Bible and then tell exactly what the Bible says about the sight of heaven in order to get attention. I'm really open-minded, but the idea of Heaven and Hell is something I do not take too seriously. I guess it is more a metaphore.
Heaven has not yet been proven to exist.

Has Justice been proven to exist? Do you believe in that?
It is etched on the Supreme Court Bldg:
"Equal Justice Under Law"

Do you know anyone who has seen this or proven it exists anywhere?

It's what is aspired to.
Notice it doesn't say "Equal justice under God". It is stating that the justice has to be done by a man made construct of law.
Heaven has not yet been proven to exist.

If you're gonna use your brain and be all logical and junk, you won't be allowed to play.

It depends how we DEFINE or what we MEAN by Heaven,
or God, if these things exist in our world or not, and if we AGREE what they mean.

If we equate "God" with Love, with Universal Truth or Wisdom, with Life
or Goodness in Life, we might agree to what extent we have experiences or perceptions
of "what God means" and if all people share the same in one aspect or another.

NONE of us has ever seen each other's dreams we have at night.
It is all "faith-based" that we had those dreams, and we are talking about the same thing.

When we AGREE what we mean by Heaven or God, like dreams,
these will not require any proof to know what we are referring to.
Heaven has not yet been proven to exist.

Has Justice been proven to exist? Do you believe in that?
It is etched on the Supreme Court Bldg:
"Equal Justice Under Law"

Do you know anyone who has seen this or proven it exists anywhere?

It's what is aspired to.
Notice it doesn't say "Equal justice under God". It is stating that the justice has to be done by a man made construct of law.

Do you believe that faith in Justice is as faith-based as faith in Jesus.

And faith in Truth or Love conquering ignorance or fear
is as faith-based as faith in God or Goodness conquering evil.

Aren't these equally faith-based whether we personify Justice as Jesus or not,
or we personify the existence of Truth Love or Life as God or not?
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Has Justice been proven to exist? Do you believe in that?
It is etched on the Supreme Court Bldg:
"Equal Justice Under Law"

Do you know anyone who has seen this or proven it exists anywhere?

It's what is aspired to.
Notice it doesn't say "Equal justice under God". It is stating that the justice has to be done by a man made construct of law.

Do you believe that faith in Justice is as faith based as faith in Jesus.

There is no "faith" in justice.
It requires diligence and hard work. It frequently fails.
A non-response.
Formulate an argument and come back when you think you have something.

A more than ample response to an ignorant uninformed post.

Then why do nothing to prove it?

Because it's partisan hack Puddly Pillowbite and he doesn't care about proof, truth or evidence. He has his talking points and that's what he posts. Has since the day he showed up. Hasn't changed. His posts aren't to be taken seriously, so I point and laugh.
Most grade-school children would have understood.

Then it should be simple for even you to explain it.

Which is a lie and another fact among others that you have not the slightest clue, idiot.

He did no such thing, shit-for-brains.

Thanks for trying to swim in the deep end.

Lol, you think you are the deep end, lolol.

No, you are just the south end of a northward bound mule.

No responsive argument, just invective.

Lol, there was no argument to respond to in the first place, moron.
Do you base your love for god on the bible?
The Fruits of the Spirit as presented by Paul in Galatians indicate how a man should behave if truly indwelt by the Holy Spirit.
You possess none of them.

In your ignorant opinion.

He hasn't. Your mockery shows your ignorance even more.

Or do you simply hate god?

Why would I hate the person who has given me everything?
I don't know why one of you hates the other, but the indication is clear if you don't possess the qualities that scripture says you inevitably would if you were of one mind.

I doubt that the same God who commanded the complete slaughter of the Amalekites has the same notion of what 'peaceful' is as you do, idjit.

Are your posts peaceful? Loving? Joyful? Patient? Full of goodness and kindness? Are you gentle with people? Do you display self control?
If not, could anyone describe you as faithful?

Sure; why not?

This is YOUR scripture. Do you have any inclination to rise to the challenge of this description of the true believer, or do you discard Paul as a hack lunatic that didn't know what he was talking about.

lol, no, I take St Paul very seriously. It is poseurs like you I don't take seriously.

In other words, an "ass hat" as you would say in your elegant and gentle parlance.

Dude if the shoe fits wear it, if not blow the fuck off.
Has Justice been proven to exist? Do you believe in that?
It is etched on the Supreme Court Bldg:
"Equal Justice Under Law"

Do you know anyone who has seen this or proven it exists anywhere?

It's what is aspired to.
Notice it doesn't say "Equal justice under God". It is stating that the justice has to be done by a man made construct of law.

Do you believe that faith in Justice is as faith-based as faith in Jesus.

And faith in Truth or Love conquering ignorance or fear
is as faith-based as faith in God or Goodness conquering evil.

Aren't these equally faith-based whether we personify Justice as Jesus or not,
or we personify the existence of Truth Love or Life as God or not?

Words are being overloaded here to the point of verging on meaninglessness.
Heaven has not yet been proven to exist.

If you're gonna use your brain and be all logical and junk, you won't be allowed to play.

It depends how we DEFINE or what we MEAN by Heaven,
or God, if these things exist in our world or not, and if we AGREE what they mean.

If we equate "God" with Love, with Universal Truth or Wisdom, with Life
or Goodness in Life, we might agree to what extent we have experiences or perceptions
of "what God means" and if all people share the same in one aspect or another.

NONE of us has ever seen each other's dreams we have at night.
It is all "faith-based" that we had those dreams, and we are talking about the same thing.

When we AGREE what we mean by Heaven or God, like dreams,
these will not require any proof to know what we are referring to.

One item of 'faith' we all share is the thought that we all share each others basic reactions and notions of how to think, what is good and so forth.

That is less certain than the existence of God or Heaven, IMO.
For the topic poster, eye witnesses are not reliable.

Amazing, and yet we send thousands of people to prison each year based on exactly that kind of evidence.

Everyone describes something else and sees things not the same. For the same as in courts, other evidence is taken more seriously than eye witnesses. Plus the fact that there are a lot of attention whores. They can just read the Bible and then tell exactly what the Bible says about the sight of heaven in order to get attention. I'm really open-minded, but the idea of Heaven and Hell is something I do not take too seriously. I guess it is more a metaphore.

The Bible never predicted or described Near Death Experiences. Most of the experiences are consistent with main stream interpretation of Scripture and multiple other faiths as well. Obviously some valid information is being conveyed, but how and exactly what is hard to determine.

But one thing is for certain in my view; it isn't bullshit, dude.
There is no "faith" in justice.
It requires diligence and hard work. It frequently fails.

How can you work toward something
you don't even believe exists or could be attained in the first place?

Don't you need faith that there IS a concept or standard of justice
before working so diligently toward that goal?

No one said it doesn't exist or couldn't be attained.
Total strawman argument.
The concept of justice doesn't require faith any more than any other concept does.
No one said it doesn't exist or couldn't be attained.
Total strawman argument.
The concept of justice doesn't require faith any more than any other concept does.

Yes, that's the point.

If you understand the CONCEPTS that God and Jesus "represent" or "embody"
then those CONCEPTS are "just as faith based" as any other that we have not seen
but still AGREE on and refer to as an existing CONCEPT.

What we believe or don't believe about "Justice"
is parallel to biases other people have for or against "Jesus."

Both can be twisted around into negative things we argue are corrupted and wrongful.
Both can be used to represent a Concept we naturally understand as Positive.
No one said it doesn't exist or couldn't be attained.
Total strawman argument.
The concept of justice doesn't require faith any more than any other concept does.

Yes, that's the point.

If you understand the CONCEPTS that God and Jesus "represent" or "embody"
then those CONCEPTS are "just as faith based" as any other that we have not seen
but still AGREE on and refer to as an existing CONCEPT.

What we believe or don't believe about "Justice"
is parallel to biases other people have for or against "Jesus."

Both can be twisted around into negative things we argue are corrupted and wrongful.
Both can be used to represent a Concept we naturally understand as Positive.

The only similarity between justice and Jesus is "j".
Your argument is completely ridiculous.
Most believers are highly invested in the idea of heaven as their faith is rooted in their fear of death and the unknown.
So many will cite their joy of having eternal life at the center of their belief. You often see it repeated on these threads, even in the midst of a post riddled with profanity and unchecked hatred of their challengers. The disconnect with the Message with the exception of believing they get to live forever is shocking, but it illuminates the base reason for their faith.

Your logic is flawed. Fearing death doesn't prevent it. Man is going to die regardless of what he believes. Heaven doesn't effect that.
This is the lack of fear attitude of Christians and why:

Psalm 23:4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me......

Therefore, I didn't create Heaven because I am afraid to die. I just look forward to it when I do.

What it boils down to is, if a Christian is wrong, and dies, then no harm comes from their belief. They would simply cease to exist with the non believers. On the other hand, if the non believers are wrong, and they die, they will realize the consequences of their error the second they exhale their last breath here on earth. Their eternity is bleak.

You see Bruce, if a believer is highly invested in Heaven, then there is no unknown.

If the unknown produces fear, then knowing Christ produces calm.
No Jesus - No Peace
Know Jesus - Know Peace.

Because your logic is so poor you don't even understand you just made my point.
No dear heart, I didn't. This is your logic:

Most believers are highly invested in the idea of heaven as their faith is rooted in their fear of death and the unknown.

You are wrong.
The man that started all this death and Heaven business not only didn't fear death on this day in 33 AD, He came back to prove that what He told us about death and Heaven is true. There is nothing to fear who puts his faith in the Lord.
The Disciples and Paul spread the good news about Christ. If they feared death and the unknown they would have kept their mouths shut. Instead they hastened it. They had Holy Spirit guts.

There was a hundred year round up of Christians that refused to deny Christ in the FACE OF DEATH. In one church alone the Christians were nailed to crosses as far as the eye could see.
That is the opposite of fear.

A little girl in Columbine school had a gun aimed at her chest and was given a question that determined her future. She was asked if she believed in Christ. A no would have kept her here. She said, yes. That child is residing in Heaven at the moment, wearing the crown of a saint, and preparing to return with Christ.

If my last breath on earth was the eternal end, I'd still love Christ with all the breaths I have left. His love for me draws me to Him, not fear.

Perfect love casts out fear. Death has no sting, and Heaven is where we sit at our Father's table, until that table relocates to Jerusalem, and we take possession of our inheritance along with our brother, Jesus Christ, King of Kings. We are the Kings He resides over.
So you can fear for us both, cause I'm dancing. :eusa_angel:
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