How many millions did Dems spend on impeachment?


Gold Member
May 25, 2017
How many millions of dollars did the Dems waste on this circus? Anyone have a figure? All because of Hate. Their hate of anything Trump has cost millions. Wouldn't Dems have rather spent the money benefitting something they believe in... Like social programs, abortion rights, the LGBTQ+ community, citizenship for illegal immigrants, and all that they consider scared? Hey, its YOUR money, too bad your HATE wasted all this money on nothing. Trump is still going to be Pres, and probably be reelected.

What a shame that Dems wasted so much money out of sheer hatred.
How many millions of dollars did the Dems waste on this circus? Anyone have a figure? All because of Hate. Their hate of anything Trump has cost millions. Wouldn't Dems have rather spent the money benefitting something they believe in... Like social programs, abortion rights, the LGBTQ+ community, citizenship for illegal immigrants, and all that they consider scared? Hey, its YOUR money, too bad your HATE wasted all this money on nothing. Trump is still going to be Pres, and probably be reelected.

What a shame that Dems wasted so much money out of sheer hatred.
Exactly right... A blind man can see it.
How many millions of dollars did the Dems waste on this circus? Anyone have a figure? All because of Hate. Their hate of anything Trump has cost millions. Wouldn't Dems have rather spent the money benefitting something they believe in... Like social programs, abortion rights, the LGBTQ+ community, citizenship for illegal immigrants, and all that they consider scared? Hey, its YOUR money, too bad your HATE wasted all this money on nothing. Trump is still going to be Pres, and probably be reelected.

What a shame that Dems wasted so much money out of sheer hatred.
Heads ought to roll.
Schiff: "He doesn't care about Ukraine." They may have Trump there! Who knew you had to love Ukraine to stay in office?
Hey, it's only money- what's a few million in a 1.4 TRILLION dollar "budget"? LOL
How many millions of dollars did the Dems waste on this circus? Anyone have a figure? All because of Hate. Their hate of anything Trump has cost millions. Wouldn't Dems have rather spent the money benefitting something they believe in... Like social programs, abortion rights, the LGBTQ+ community, citizenship for illegal immigrants, and all that they consider scared? Hey, its YOUR money, too bad your HATE wasted all this money on nothing. Trump is still going to be Pres, and probably be reelected.

What a shame that Dems wasted so much money out of sheer hatred.

Mexico will pay for the impeachment
Meanwhile senior citizens are given the middle finger.
Actually, everyone has been given the middle finger--

Not Yours To Give

Davy Crockett on The Role Of Government

"Mr. Speaker -- I have as much respect for the memory of the deceased, and as much sympathy for the sufferings of the living, if suffering there be, as any man in this House; but we must not permit our respect for the dead or our sympathy for a part of the living to lead us into an act of injustice to the balance of the living. I will not go into argument to prove that Congress has no power under the Constitution to appropriate this money as an act of charity. Every member upon this floor knows it. We have the right, as individuals, to give away as much of our own money as we please in charity; but as members of Congress we have no right so to appropriate a dollar of the public money. "Mr. Speaker, I am the poorest man on this floor. I cannot vote for this bill, but I will give one week's pay to the object, and if every member of Congress will do the same, it will amount to more than the bill asks." He took his seat. Nobody replied. The bill was put upon its passage, and instead of passing unanimously, as was generally supposed, and as no doubt it would, but for that speech, it received but a few votes and was lost. Like many others, I desired the passage of the bill, and felt outraged at its defeat. I determined that I would persuade my friend Crockett to move for a reconsideration the next day.
How many millions of dollars did the Dems waste on this circus? Anyone have a figure? All because of Hate. Their hate of anything Trump has cost millions. Wouldn't Dems have rather spent the money benefitting something they believe in... Like social programs, abortion rights, the LGBTQ+ community, citizenship for illegal immigrants, and all that they consider scared? Hey, its YOUR money, too bad your HATE wasted all this money on nothing. Trump is still going to be Pres, and probably be reelected.

What a shame that Dems wasted so much money out of sheer hatred.

Mexico will pay for the impeachment
Of course they will. They already forked over a hundred pesos for the wall.
The House impeachment cost taxpayers upwards of $3 million. And will or won't cost more in the Senate, we'll see.

Here’s How Much the Trump Impeachment Investigation Is Costing You
So, in other words, nowhere near close to the money the pubes wasted on the endless Benghazi hearings.

The Beghazi hearing cost $7 Million, but only a fool would overlook the real cost of the impeachment debacle: The economic loss to this country due to President Trump's policies being thwarted, are incalculable. That is the real cost to the American citizens. One can only imagine just how much more we would have been better off, had the Democratically-controlled House not attempted to block the President's strategy?

I'm guessing billions, possibly trillions of dollars worth of potential wealth that the Democrat's blithely pissed away, while they were engaged in their little circle-jerk. They all deserve to have their heads displayed on pikes, outside the halls of Congress for that, the bastards.

How many millions of dollars did the Dems waste on this circus? Anyone have a figure? All because of Hate. Their hate of anything Trump has cost millions. Wouldn't Dems have rather spent the money benefitting something they believe in... Like social programs, abortion rights, the LGBTQ+ community, citizenship for illegal immigrants, and all that they consider scared? Hey, its YOUR money, too bad your HATE wasted all this money on nothing. Trump is still going to be Pres, and probably be reelected.

What a shame that Dems wasted so much money out of sheer hatred.
Indeed. This is a example of how decrepit and dysfunctional the American political system has become. (I hate to say this BUT): Both parties are just as corrupt. Like 2 contending used car lot salesmen fighting over chumps, er, voters to buy their "better version" of a lemon of political bullshit they are shilling for.
How many millions of dollars did the Dems waste on this circus? Anyone have a figure? All because of Hate. Their hate of anything Trump has cost millions. Wouldn't Dems have rather spent the money benefitting something they believe in... Like social programs, abortion rights, the LGBTQ+ community, citizenship for illegal immigrants, and all that they consider scared? Hey, its YOUR money, too bad your HATE wasted all this money on nothing. Trump is still going to be Pres, and probably be reelected.

What a shame that Dems wasted so much money out of sheer hatred.
Indeed. This is a example of how decrepit and dysfunctional the American political system has become. (I hate to say this BUT): Both parties are just as corrupt. Like 2 contending used car lot salesmen fighting over chumps, er, voters to buy their "better version" of a lemon of political bullshit they are shilling for.

You sound like Tulsi.

We'll count you as 'present'.
I tried to keep track of it. The Obama Administration launched 4 Investigations against President Trump. There were also 28 other investigations launched by Blue States and Blue Districts.

The Mueller Hoax Investigation cost $40 Million, and last time I kept track of everything were were up over around $100 Million. I am not even sure how much The Impeachment will cost taxpayers.

How many millions of dollars did the Dems waste on this circus? Anyone have a figure? All because of Hate. Their hate of anything Trump has cost millions. Wouldn't Dems have rather spent the money benefitting something they believe in... Like social programs, abortion rights, the LGBTQ+ community, citizenship for illegal immigrants, and all that they consider scared? Hey, its YOUR money, too bad your HATE wasted all this money on nothing. Trump is still going to be Pres, and probably be reelected.

What a shame that Dems wasted so much money out of sheer hatred.
The House impeachment cost taxpayers upwards of $3 million. And will or won't cost more in the Senate, we'll see.

Here’s How Much the Trump Impeachment Investigation Is Costing You
So, in other words, nowhere near close to the money the pubes wasted on the endless Benghazi hearings.
What a STUPID comment. FOUR PEOPLE DIED a HORRENDOUS DEATH while Hitlery and the Kenyan FINGER FUCKED THEMSELVES, and then they LIED about it.

There is no comparison. For Christ sake, get a fucking clue.

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